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Published By Slovenska Vzdelavacia A Obstaravacia S.R.O.

1337-8384, 1337-8384

XLinguae ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 282-298
Rostyslav Koval ◽  
Olha Romanchuk ◽  
Ulyana Protsenko ◽  
Andrii Sova ◽  
Olesia Tatarovska

In this article we analyze the principles of elaboration of the French-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-French dictionary of physical education and sport / PES. In the dictionary, we include the terms to name the sites where a sporting activity takes place; the names of players and sportsmen; medical professions; equipment and accessories; sports; competitions and rules; people and structures that follow these regulations; institutions and organizations; verbs related to sport; techniques and styles; results, procedures and reactions; sports medicine terminology. The practical results will improve the possibilities of teaching French for students of physical education and sport, and for those who want to learn French for specific purposes (PES).

XLinguae ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 94-112
Raigul M. Baktiyarova ◽  
Kalbike U. Yessenova ◽  
Marina R. Zheltukhina ◽  
Irina V. Privalova ◽  
Elena B. Ponomarenko

This article analyses linguistic, cultural, and cognitive aspects of the image “businesswoman” in the French language. The target of this article is to study the features of the concept “business woman” in French media discourse and the representation of this concept in French linguistic culture. The linguistic units that verbalize the concept “businesswoman” in French media discourse are described. The representative and axiological characteristics of the concept of businesswoman in the French language are defined. The article presents a multi-faceted analysis of the concept “businesswoman”. The main modes of verbal exteriorization of the concept “businesswoman” with the help of the French language means are studied. The most important cognitive stereotypes are identified. These cognitive stereotypes serve as the reproduction base for the analyzed concept in the French language. It has been proved that the structures of the verbal exteriorization of the concept reflect the main model of a businesswoman in French cultural linguistics.

XLinguae ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 172-185
Bahia Zemni

The studies on Rousseauist work seem to have said it all, yet an apparently innocuous fact has rekindled our curiosity and prompted us to take another reading of the Confessions by trying to grasp the vector of singularity in its multiple dimensions, which give the Confessions the status of constituent speeches within the meaning of D. Maingueneau. We will analyze our corpus through the procedures of discourse analysis, also using lexicometry. Our intention is not in analytical completeness but to decipher what from 1782 to the present day still arouses much passion and debate.

XLinguae ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 139-154
Elie Alrabadi

This research is interested in the representations that Qatari students, enrolled in the French minor at Qatar University, have toward the French language/culture. The objective of this research is to analyze these representations as well as their influences on the motivations and attitudes of these students towards learning French. To achieve this goal, we conducted a survey among these students. The results this survey show that French generally receives positive representations, which should develop attitudes favorable to its learning.

XLinguae ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 237-253
Larisa G. Vikulova ◽  
Larisa V. Ukhova ◽  
Zhanna K. Gaponova ◽  
Lina V. Razumova ◽  
Polina S. Ukhova

From the beginning, remote work was considered in connection with social and environmental problems. The pandemic and coronavirus have left many teachers and researchers unable to experiment with online work. This new way of organizing work is at the heart of exciting research in various fields: remote collaborative science, imaging, training, and distance learning are an opportunity to demonstrate relevance and find new ways of working and interacting. This article is in the framework of a scientific project carried out over a year at a distance. He deals with the problem of learning the youth language (youth slang, the term is used in Russian linguistics) and aims to present the results of a comparative study of the structural and semantic features of shale of Russian and French youth. Language experiments are based on data from students of Yaroslavl State University and the University of Poitiers. The first part deals with the description of the procedure for collecting, verifying, and processing language data, as well as the methodology for collecting; it is based on psycholinguistic experiments, field studies, and sociological studies conducted in the student environment of the two countries. The second part of the article presents the results of the semantic and structural analysis of lexical units, morphological and semantic families representing argotisms (slanguismes, in Russian) of young people recorded during the survey. The derivational mechanisms used in French and Russian youth slang are studied and interpreted. This allowed the authors to discover language universals common to young Russian and French speakers, as well as to identify culturally relevant linguistic units capable of modelling and presenting the collective identity of Russian and French students, their language image of the world, and their language personality.

XLinguae ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 209-226
Thierry Ponchon ◽  
Tatiana Retinskaya ◽  
Natalia Voynova ◽  
Jerome Baghana ◽  
Karpenko Viktor

This article aims to bring on some enlightenment on the specifics of an experimental base formation for the creation of web maps dedicated to the French common youth slang. The relevance of the article is due to the pervasive nature of the French youth's “argotization” over the past two decades. The proposed study is devoted to the specifics of the formation of an experimental base for the creation of French common youth slang web maps, which will allow an illustration of the territorial localization of the slang (argotic) vocabulary. In this context, the authors elaborate preparatory procedures to form the basis for web mapping, namely the multistage processing of “argotographic data”, the inventory of core and peripheral “argotisms” and the verification of the identified linguistic facts under anti-epidemic restrictions on the mobility of scientists. The stages of the youth speech survey, which can be conducted remotely, are described. A review of lexicographic sources for the collection of argotic units is carried out. At the same time, the latest linguistic phenomenon of the French youth common slang (argot commun des jeunes) is briefly examined, and its relationship to the French common slang (argot commun) is described. The material of the study is youth argot lexemes collected from four traditional dictionaries and vocabulary lists of French and Russian eminent slang specialists (“argotologists”), four collaborative digital dictionaries, and two oral linguistic corpora. Youth argotisms are studied from the aspect of frequency parameters and the number of fixations in the argotographic sources. At the stage of collecting and identifying the elements of the common French youth slang vocabulary, several methods were applied: the method of sampling, the continuous sampling method, and the corpus linguistics method, including automated information extraction and the textual searches in large-scale corpora (concordances). At the stage of verification of the collected lexemes for their attribution to the French common youth slang, multiple crossed procedures were used: questionnaires, interviews, introspection, and “the initiated to the initiated” one. The present study was carried out in an experimental way, which, in turn, is applied in the research field on an actively developing social dialect.

XLinguae ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 51-64
Sophie Aubin

The musical nature of the sounds of a modern language emitted in the spoken mode, as well as their rhythmic and melodic combinations, exert a considerable "power" on teaching-learning: they provoke, in the learner, decisive auditory reactions, the variables of which are difficult to control, lead to more or less pleasant sensations, (in) understanding, interpretation, produce meaning. Musical perception is at the heart of successful teaching-learning. A language teacher is first and foremost a language music teacher. A French language-culture teacher is above all and always a French music teacher. Among the multidisciplinary relations of the discipline in which it is located, namely Didactology-didactics of the music of the French language-culture, are acoustics and cognitive neurosciences. Despite the extreme complexity of perceptual and neurological processes, turning to musical acoustics at first and then to musical neurosciences secondly makes it possible to recall and discover essential elements and data likely to be of interest to teaching practices.

XLinguae ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 3-14
Michèle Lenoble-Pinson

Few people are familiar with the Dictionary of the French Academy. However, it provides the official French spelling. Each edition introduces words and graphic modifications. Since 2020, a digital portal provides access to 9 editions, to the conjugation tables of 6,200 verbs and to 900 "Dire, ne pas dire" notices from the French Academy. The rectified forms in 1990 were incorporated at various stages. Hypertext links lead to external resources such as the France Terme database, which offers officially recommended scientific and technical terms, and the Base de données lexicographiques panfrancophone (B.D.L.P.), which brings together lexical varieties from twenty Francophone countries. The Dictionary of the Academy and its supplements, with direct and free access, can be consulted on any digital medium (tablet, mobile phone, computer). www.dictionnaire-academie.fr

XLinguae ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 41-50
Jean-Claude Beacco

Due to the polysemy of culture and inter-, intercultural education receives various interpretations in the teaching of French as a foreign language. Overall, they tend to subordinate "cultural" activities to language teaching, and they make little use of their educational potential. We propose here an interpretation of "interculturality" as education to otherness, which is central in the learning of a foreign language. It can take place on a regular basis in the classroom, in the form of specific teaching sequences and without any stated linguistic objectives. These "intercultural moments" in the language class have the role of arousing astonishment (if necessary) at societal otherness, as produced by "raw" (non-explanatory/descriptive) documents concerning singular facts. They should lead to group exchanges, which aim to soften egoethnocentric or alienating attitudes and to make these encounters with a difference an opportunity for personal development.

XLinguae ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 254-263
Kulyash Duisekova ◽  
Saule Issabekova ◽  
Aliya Zagidullina ◽  
Gulshat Beysembayeva ◽  
Aitkali Bakitov ◽  

At the present stage of development of linguistic science and in context of global trends towards constant cooperation in various fields and spheres of activity, there is a need for comparative typological studies aimed at a comprehensive and large-scale study of various linguistic categories. First of all, this is explained by the fact that it is in these categories, as in a mirror, that the peculiarities of the mentality, history and secular culture of the speakers of a particular language are reflected. The object of language sciences consists of two series of phenomena: on the one hand, it is made up of everything that is inherent in human language, that is to say language as such in its relation to thought and to reality; on the other hand, we are talking about the specifics and the variety of properties and categories of each language compared to another. Researchers' attention has largely shifted from the question of how the language of speakers of a particular language works. Research plays an important role in the study of the specificities of the nominative means of the language. Contrastive linguistics has the great advantage that the practical areas of its application are clearly visible. These are mainly the methodology and methodology of foreign language teaching, bilingual lexicography, theory and practice of translation.

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