The Indonesian Journal of Planning and Development
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Published By Institute Of Research And Community Services Diponegoro University (Lppm Undip)

2442-983x, 2087-9733

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 78-86
Daniel Nosakhare Onaiwu

The spatial structure of modern settlements is organized based on development control. The compliance of urban residents with development control regulations makes it possible for cities to be well structured for physical, aesthetic, and economic developments. The study aims to assess public compliance with development control in Auchi. A sample of 378 residents of Auchi was used in the study. The study area was divided into six strata, and samples were selected from the strata based on their population sizes. The instrument was a 5-point Likert-type option, which was administered to the respondents. The findings revealed that there was low compliance with development control standards in Auchi. There was awareness of developers on compliance but did not translate into compliance. The building coverage specified by development control regulations was grossly violated. There was a medium correlation (0.55) between education and level of non-compliance; the variability of development control non-compliance in the six quarters of Auchi was statistically significant, and the eta squared effect was also large. It was recommended that the town planning regulations be reassessed for a better practical effect; monitoring of developments to encourage compliance should be strengthened; and town planning manuals should be used to monitor and control developments.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-94
Bintang Septiarani ◽  
Reny Yesiana

Climate change is no longer seen as a natural process when it has been correlated with human behavior, especially from increasingly rapid development activities. In Semarang, climate change has been affecting people's activity, especially in the coastal area. Coastal communities that depend on coastal resources feel the effects of climate change. Fishers, mangrove farmers, and fishpond farmers are vulnerable groups to the impacts of climate change because the coastal resources in quality and quantity decrease and affect their lives. Stakeholders make efforts through mangroves rehabilitation programs all over the coastal line, including the community approach to increase the mangrove growth rate. However, mangrove seeds planted in Semarang coastal area have different levels of life and growth rate in each planting location. Based on Environmental Agency of Central Java Province data in 2013, 8,594.89 ha of 11,732 ha mangrove vegetation in the North Coast of Central Java Province are in damaged condition. Hence, this paper aims to elaborate on the key factors of community-based mangrove replantation affecting the mangrove growth in the Semarang coastal area. Five mangroves rehabilitation areas in Semarang namely in Kelurahan Mangkang Kulon, Mangkang Wetan, Mangunharjo, Tugurejo and Kelurahan Trimulyo are observed throughout 2015-2016. The results show that suitability between mangrove species and the location is very influential on mangrove growth rates in Semarang Coastal. The community effort in each location also becomes the external factor affecting the growth of mangroves in Semarang Coastal Area. By understanding the factors of mangrove growth rate on the community-based mangrove replantation, better results of mangrove replantation programs can be acquired in the future.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-37
Mohamad Heri Hidayattuloh ◽  
Azis Nur Bambang ◽  
Amirudin Amirudin

Green economy is an economic concept that aims to improve human welfare, reduce inequality, and preserve the environment and carry out development that is in line with the carrying capacity of the environment. Tegal Regency has a complete tourist attraction consisting of natural attractions and special interest attractions. One of the special interest attractions being developed is Cempaka Tourism Village, Bumijawa District. This Cempaka Tourism Village relies on the concept of populist economy based on local wisdom and the beauty of the natural environment. The purpose of this study is to inventory the potential and attractiveness of Cempaka Tourism Village and to prioritize the most suitable tourism potential in the development of Cempaka Tourism Village as a means of improving the community's economy based on the concept of a green economy. This paper employs both the qualitative and quantitative methods. The analytical tool used is the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method with the help of the Expert Choice application. Based on the results, it can be seen that Cempaka Tourism Village has the potential and attractiveness to be developed into a tourist village with the concept of a green economy. The best priority in the development of Cempaka Tourism Village is to utilize the Slumpring Market as an alternative to improve the environment-based community economy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-29
Tiara Ariyanda ◽  
Khoirunurrofik Khoirunurrofik

Toll roads play a significant role in regional development. Moreover, toll roads affect the behavioral patterns of the people who reside in the surrounding areas and the region's development. Toll roads improve accessibility to resources that lead to higher productivity and ultimately foster economic growth. This paper aims to examine the difference in household income levels between suburban areas before the construction of Bakauheni–Terbanggi Besar toll road in 2014 and after the toll road construction in 2017. Toll road construction is associated with society's income; the areas closer to the toll road are inclined to have higher income levels. Furthermore, the construction of a toll road creates socio-economic opportunities and improves accessibility for society. This research used an income effect model to develop transformational household changes using the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) Regression. It is discovered that there is a behavioral correlation both in and between the households that leads to shifts in the work sector, income level, health, and education. This research showed that households' income is significantly increased after toll construction. Residential distance from toll also has a strong correlation with income, which households residing closer to the toll road have earned more income than those residing farther.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Intan Hapsari Surya Putri ◽  
Rukuh Setiadi

Climate change has pushed communities to make continued adjustments in various aspects of their life in order to adapt and survive. Adaptive capacity is a key concept in understanding this context. Although a number of researches in the discipline of social sciences have examined the meanings and categories of adaptation capacity, the extent to which this knowledge is used in the field of physical geography has not been adequately studied. Most studies on adaptive capacities within this discipline are focused largely on measuring the level or status of adaptation capacity (i.e. high, medium, or low) in a given region. Moreover, these studies have typically interpreted adaptation capacity as rigid and static. Thus, it sets the same index for all adaptive capacity categories. Sometimes it provides a varied index, but it does not give adequate consideration to the actual condition influencing adaptation capacity (i.e. the characteristic of adaptation goals, actors, resources, and etc.). With a case study approach focused in Tanjungmas Sub-district, this study aims to build a conceptual model which connects overall adaptive capacity categories using qualitative methods. We interviewed 18 key persons including sub-district officers, community leaders, women associations, and other local organisation members. This model may help researchers in the area of physical geography to conceptualize adaptation capacities and to establish an index that more accurately reflects local conditions following additional brief field assessments.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-44
Clarrio Dimassetya Jaya

Tourism escalates the economics in many undeveloped regions. It is more effective than others because the industry creates substantial multiplier effects and stimulates the growth of the local economy. Tourism provides many potential livelihoods to build up the local community's incomes. Global trends influence the growth of tourism. Nowadays, the worlds prefer to experience high-value production of unique commodities than massive tourism product. In Panggang Lake Area, swamp buffalo personify the locality phenomenon. The buffalos successfully adapt to live in a wet swamp, and even they are a good swimmer. Since Banjar Sultanate civilization, the community farms swamp buffalos in Panggang Lake Area. The unique ability of swamp buffalo builds a potency of tourism attraction. For those reasons, The North Upstream Regency plans Panggang Lake Area to be a tourist destination. However, as the germ-plasma sources, the tourism development in Panggang Lake Area should cooperate on some local wisdom. The local community works as a buffalo farmer so that the tourism development would make several changes in the daily life structures. This study aims to find out the most fitted concept of infrastructure development towards agritourism. The importance of socio-economic and environmental factors analyzed study participants' preferences for evaluating the appropriateness of tourism development in Panggang Lake Area. The study concludes the concept of watching tourism to be the more appropriate concept of agritourism infrastructure development in Panggang Lake Area.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-20
Adewale O Yoade ◽  
Sesan A Adeyemi

Environmental decay in a city is essentially caused by rapid urbanization and the mismatch in the provision and maintenance of housing and infrastructure. This study examined challenges of slum upgrading in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The study aims to examine slum areas and their living conditions, and finding out the most critical and problematic zone of the slums Two sources (primary and secondary) of data were utilized in the study: The study population for this study was the residents of Diobu and Waterside in Port Harcourt, River State. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data appropriately. Findings established that 11.3% acquired primary education, 29.0% have secondary education, and 14.0% had NCE, 21.0% had both HND and degree and 3.8% had no formal education. Findings showed that 31.7% of the residents were owners of the building while 68.2% were living in rented apartments. Findings revealed that 40.9% of the respondents have bad drainage system which would lead to dirty environment and 6.5% having very good drainage system. The study concluded that majority of building structures in the study area are old that existed for decades without maintenance and the surrounding environment very poor due to neglect.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-56
Hendrawan Toni Taruno

Poverty is a complex and multidimensional issue. Over the past four decades, the number of poor in Indonesia has experienced a significant decline, from 40.10 percent in 1976 to 9.82 percent in March 2018. Nevertheless, the disparity of poverty rates between provinces is still quite high. The poverty rate in several provinces in Java Island, for example, is already at the single-digit level, while in Eastern Indonesia, is still more than double-digit level. As it is known, public spending and economic growth are two crucial instruments on poverty reduction programs. This study aims to investigate the role of economic growth and public spending, particularly education, health, and social protection on poverty reduction in Indonesia. By using panel data from 31 provinces during 2009-2018 period, this study used two regression models to analyze the effects of these two variables on poverty reduction, both in urban and rural areas. This study shows that public spending on health and education sectors has a slightly different effect on poverty reduction between urban and rural areas. Convincingly, spending allocation on health and education has had a significant effect to reduce poverty rate in rural areas, while the decline of poverty rates in urban is likely more influenced by spending on health. This study also shows that over the past ten years, economic growth and social protection spending did not have a significant effect on reducing poverty rates. Therefore, in order to reduce poverty more effectively, it would be better for the government to focus its poverty reduction programs on investment in health and education sectors.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 57-68
Didi Nuryadin ◽  
Samsubar Saleh ◽  
Amirullah Setya Hardi ◽  
Evita Hanie Pangaribowo

Developments in Yogyakarta City have driven residents of the city and its outskirts to access available social facilities, such as education, healthcare, and employment. If this continues, various social and urban problems may emerge, including increased population density and traffic congestion. Another implication of this process is decreased environmental carrying capacity as a result of continued use of non-sustainable approaches to development. This study aims to model the complexity of the relationships between aspects i.e., social, economic, and environmental of the area studied. The system dynamics method is used, as it is a disciplinary approach that is able to fully explore problems that occur in interconnected systems rather than examining incidents partially. As the basis for this model, the causal loop diagram (CLD) model has been applied based on literature studies and field observations. The result shows that developments in the tourism and education sectors are the main factors affecting the intersections of social, economic, and environmental considerations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-79
Andjar Prasetyo

Indonesia's target for using the energy mix through Renewable Energy (RE) is 22.5 percent in 2025. The steps taken are to optimize local energy use for electricity generation and select more efficient technologies that can reduce the cost of electricity supply. One of the pioneers carried out in the city of Magelang is the Smart on Grid Actuator (SOGA) system that converts sunlight into electrical energy. This study aims to calculate and analyze estimated costs by using the sun using SOGA System innovations. The research location in the Research and Development Agency of the City of Magelang focused on cost efficiency testing based on solar energy harvesting with SOGA. The survey on the use of SOGA innovation was conducted during October 2018 to obtain primary data. The approach to the results of previous research and theoretical approaches is intended as a reference, and secondary data complete the analysis of this study. Study analysis uses the Financial and Economic Benefits Photovoltaic Grid-Tied System projection (Utility-Based Rebate Formula). As a result, the SOGA system can reduce installed electricity costs by ± 330 USD per year and can be used for alternative rural energy development.

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