Radio Industry (Russia)
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Published By Cri Electronics

2541-870x, 2413-9599

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-60
D. A. Palguev

Formulation of the problem. The development of information systems for collecting, processing and exchanging radar information occurs, on the one hand, in the direction of improving the technical characteristics of information processing facilities and data transmission facilities, on the other hand, in the direction of improving information processing algorithms and the structure of the information system. This article summarizes the possibilities for the development of information systems in the second direction.Purpose. Development of a variant of building an information system with a fully connected network structure and intended for the collection, processing and exchange of radar information.Results. The development, as a tool for building an information system of a network structure, is based on an integrated approach that provides for the use of an algorithm without branching solutions for information processing, a network semi-connected structure itself and network algorithms, a higher level than the level of collection and processing, for organizing functioning of information exchange in the network. The short processing time of information when entering it into the system makes it possible to create a dynamic array of homogeneous radar data, updated when radar information arrives from sources.Practical significance. Information systems, wholly or partly built on the basis of such an integrated approach, are applicable in areas such as air traffic control systems; multi-beam and multi-range radars (ornithological, meteo, etc.), radars for security complexes, incoherent spatially-separated radar information sources, combined into a system (for example, for studying the ionosphere).

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 15-21
A. A. Makarenko

Problem statement. Search of plants on the observable image is important function of the UAV onboard optoelectronic systems. One of methods of the observable surface image analysis is the textural analysis which allows to select homogeneous areas on the observable image and to define contours of the plants which are covered with various structures and not having boundaries accurately defined on the image.The purpose. To develop algorithm of the textural analysis of a site terrestrial or a water surface, fulfilled by the digital image processing. In paper the image textural analysis algorithm fulfilled on the basis of an evaluation of local spectral and statistical performances of the image is presented.Results. The algorithm according to which for each element of the analyzed image in a square environ from 1024 elements the local spectra oriented under different angles and local variances are calculated is developed. Calculated by digital image processing amplitudes of a spectrum and variances values characterize texture parameters in a environ of each element of the image. Points of considerable modifications of local properties define position of boundaries between various structures.The practical importance. Results of the considered algorithm trials as a part of simulation model have shown a possibility of its application in the UAV onboard image observed analysis system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-78
A. В. Lachikhina ◽  
A. A. Petrakov

Problem statement. Currently, the issue of controlling the confidentiality of information in documents created, processed, transmitted and stored in the corporate information system (after of the documents open) is one of the most acute in ensuring the information security of an industrial enterprise.The purpose. Detection of rational ways to prevent the leakage of electronic documents, which are printed or opened on the computer screens of the corporate information system.Results. The article provides examples of classical methods for information protection from violation of its confidentiality. In the paper note the inefficiency of such techniques for opened on screens or printed documents. The authors propose labeling as a possible mechanism for maintaining the confidentiality of corporate documentation. There are considering modern technologies intended for marking of electronic documents, offered in the Russian market of information protection means. The principles of their work, advantages and disadvantages are given. The analysis allow drawing a conclusion about the possibility of considered technologies usage for investigation of electronic or printed documents leakage incidents and identifying violators.Practical relevance. The authors suggested that electronic document labeling may affect (indirect) on reducing the number of violations within the corporate information system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 7-14
V. A. Bykov ◽  
S. M. Velikovskiy ◽  
A. E. Parnenkov ◽  
S. M. Shulgin

Problem statement. Now taking-off and landings of human powered helicopters to runway site of the ship, provides the Palubnik-1 complex interacting with other systems of the ship. At the same time creation of system of take off and landing of unmanned aerial vehicles of helicopter type should be made about use of regular aerotechnical means of the ship. In article proposed options of use of the automatic and automated landing system as for piloted, and unmanned aerial vehicles of helicopter type in different operational modes.Objective. To offer approach to forming of technique of assessment of probability of making a landing of the unmanned aerial vehicle of helicopter type depending on its technical appearance that will allow to lower development costs and carrying out natural tests.Results. On the basis of proposed options of ensuring landing the analysis of several appearances of unmanned aerial vehicles of helicopter type is carried out, some of their parameters are provided and also landing probability depending on the angle of rolling motion is evaluated.Practical implications. The offered approach allows to evaluate making a landing probability depending on the made technical solutions and also at set of enough statistical data to make adaptation of these decisions on other flight vehicles.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-48
S. I. Makarenko ◽  
A. S. Mamonchikova

Problem setting. The development of the information theory conflicts is connected with the need to form new models that take into account new factors and features of real actions of conflicting parties in the information area. Currently, a fairly developed scientific and methodological apparatus for study of information conflict are models in the formalism of the Markov theory processes and game theory. At the same time, models based on dynamic systems are not sufficiently developed, and dynamic models of multilateral conflicts are not available in well-known publications.Target. The purpose of the work is to form a dynamic plurilateral information conflict model with different participant strategies.Results. The research results in a dynamic plurilateral information conflict model with different participant strategies. The elements of the model scientific novelty are: the conflict formalization in the form of differential equations system, which are based on the original modification of the Lotki-Voltera model equations; nine strategies for action by parties to a multilateral conflict with varying degrees of conflict; each strategy formalization in the form of coefficients or complex functions with the modeling possibility of their application and change in duel conflicts between each pair of sides.Practical significance. The model presented using in the article allows: to study the dynamic of changes in the conflict parties resources; identify local wins and losses in transition mode; to make conclusions about global wins and losses of the parties over the conflict duration; to make recommendations about party-specific strategies choice and parameters of their strategies usefulness for achieving global wins. These studies may be useful to those skilled special purpose information systems field, electronic warfare or information warfare.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-71
A. P. Aleshkin ◽  
T. L. Tkachenko ◽  
I. R. Karpova

Problem statement. The predominance of effective innovation industries, where scientific developments are the main driving force of the economy is a distinguisher of the manufacturing process in a postindustrial society. Estimate for management efficiency of a high-tech enterprise in the conditions of active innovation activity becomes relevant.The purpose. The article consider military-industrial complex enterprises of the Russian Federation, which work in constantly changing conditions of resource, legislative or other restrictions. The manufacturing of small-scale products with a given quality and reliability with limited financial resources is one of the features of such enterprises. The article examine the methodology for analyzing the enterprise performance indicators that produces special-purpose products and works in accordance with the requirements [1] of manufacturing and usage of serial products.Results. The article considered the estimate options for complex performance indicator of the product quality and reliability management system, evaluating the effectiveness of the input control, [serial products] usage and manufacturing processes.Practical relevance. The proposed method allows identifying the maximum number of product defects, with a glance of the practical development of the technology for their creation and the manufacturing process organizational and technical features.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 22-34
S. V. Skryl ◽  
A. V. Mazin ◽  
T. V. Meshcheryakova ◽  
A. V. Kalach ◽  
M. V. Ponomarev ◽  

Problem statement. The investigation the currently used methods for determining the sources of information leakage threats from the basic hardware and systems (BHaS) through the spurious electromagnetic radiation and interference (SERaB) channels on the object of informatization (OoI), gives grounds to assert that they have a number of disadvantages. The lack of а formal interpretation for process dynamics of the SERaB information collecting and implementing measures to prevent information leakage requires development of a systematic approach to improving the ways and means of protecting confidential information from leakage through SERaB channels.The purpose. Development of mathematical models and a systematic approach to improving methods and means of protecting confidential information from leaks through the SERaB channels from the BHaS on the OoI.Results. The article substantiates the need for a systematic approach to improving the methods and means of protecting confidential information from leakage through the SERaB channels from the BHaS on the OoI. The authors determined the ways of ensuring the adequacy of the methodological apparatus for the study of these technologies in order to justify measures to prevent leakage. They formulate requirements for techniques used to evaluate the characteristics of measures to prevent information leakage through the SERaB channels. There are describe the procedure of forming the mathematical models set structure for evaluating such characteristics. Also in the article are present the analytical models of the time characteristics of threats to intercept informative SERaB signals on the OoI and measures to prevent information leakage. Finally, the authors are justify the probabilistic format of the indicator of the effectiveness of such measures.Practical relevance. The developed mathematical models can be an effective tool for evaluating the characteristics of measures to prevent information leakage through the SERaB channels.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-73
M. Z. Benenson ◽  
E. A. Alekseeva

Problem statement. When creating monitoring systems for industrial facilities for a range of purposes, it becomes necessary to solve processing and storing objects with a complex data structure. The user must be provided with tools for processing and storing the defined data and object types that they have defined.Objective. Development of a software implementation of the interface for interaction with the database built into industrial facilities’ monitoring system.Results. A software interface for interacting with an object-oriented database has been developed. Three programming classes are used to describe various types of industrial system objects. Class methods have been developed that allow setting a variable number of attributes for different object types. The authors propose a method for extracting an object with specified attribute values, similar to the QBE method, and a method for complex (natural) queries written in the application development language.Practical implications. The proposed software implementation of the interface for interaction with the built-in database can be used to create a wide range of industrial monitoring systems. This approach allows to significantly reduce the computing resources required for the implementation of such systems, reduces the time and cost of their development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-83
S. V. Skryl ◽  
M. P. Sychev ◽  
A. V. Mazin ◽  
T. V. Meshcheryakova ◽  
O. A. Gulyaev ◽  

Problem statement. The rationale for confidentiality requirements in the process of manufacturing and production testing of aviation equipment samples. There is a need to assess the effectiveness of measures to prevent information leakage through the channels of incidental electromagnetic radiation and interference and vibroacoustic channels. This situation is characteristic both for the technological equipment of the aviation industry enterprises and the equipment of the produced aircraft models.Objective. The rationale for developing the existing concept of assessing the relevance of the threats of information leakage through technical channels in the current trends of improving technical reconnaissance.Results. The article presents the analysis results of the existing regulatory and existing base of FSTEC Russia for sufficient assessment of measures to prevent information leakage through the channels of incidental electromagnetic radiation and interference and vibroacoustic channels at the enterprises of the aircraft industry in the implementation of production technologies and testing of manufactured products.Practical implications. The substantiated directions of improving the methodological basis for determining the current threats can be used in the development of methods and models for assessment of measures to prevent information leakage through the channels of electromagnetic emissions and interference and vibroacoustic channels at aircraft industry enterprises in the implementation of production technologies and testing of manufactured products.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-15 ◽  
A. M. Batkovsky ◽  
E. B. Mazakov ◽  
V. Ya. Trofimets ◽  
E. N. Trofimets ◽  
A. V. Fomina

Problem statement. In measuring the spatial coordinates of sources of active interference, one of the main tasks is to identify their bearings. This problem belongs to the class of multi-alternative problems of statistical choice of hypotheses, the solution of which becomes much more complicated with an increase in the number of sources of active interference.Objective. Reduce the prior uncertainty in identifying bearings of active interference sources due to the use of differences in their energy characteristics at the stage of primary processing of interference signals, recalculated to the points of intersection of bearings.Results. The article discusses the processing features of bearing information in a two-position radar system. It is shown that in these systems, due to the absence of redundant information, the identification of bearings is a multi-alternative problem of statistical choice of hypotheses. The analysis of the matrix of coordinates of intersections of azimuthal bearings is carried out, a rule for identifying possible hypotheses of identification is formulated. It is proposed to use the energy differences of interference signals to reduce the prior uncertainty in identifying bearings. It is shown that a measure of this difference can be the value of the correlation integral, calculated at the stage of primary processing of interference signals.Practical implications. The principle of bearing identification considered in the article can be used to implement the identification of bearings from sources of active interference and other various radio emission objects, including space ones, when upgrading the mathematical and software systems for information processing.

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