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Larysa Trofimova ◽  

The diverse geopolitical and economic life of society during the pandemic requires awareness of the analysis of the states’ effectiveness in implementing careful public financial policies and requires proper changes in the legal regulation of relations based on understanding of social, spiritual and legal values in the context of moral and physical health of humankind. The content and nature of legal regulation of public policy, financial crises, the development of democratic institutions, awareness of the impact of risks in balancing different interests in the formation and distribution of public finances and the nature of financial activities of the state affect the dynamics of reforms and socio-economic transformations in society that change the possibilities of mankind development and create the basis for the protection of state sovereignty.

Olexandr Tkachenko ◽  
Olexandr Golubev

According to such universal essential attributes of personality as freedom, love, creativity, value, uniqueness, integrity, togetherness1 we must feel the real, living nerve of the child – the problem of his existence as a defenseless and vulnerable person; receptive and gullible. In particular, we emphasize their irresistible openness to both positive and negative opportunities.

Klára Kovács ◽  
Dániel Szabó

A mai oktatási rendszer egyik legjelentősebb kérdése a testnevelés oktatásának problémája. Rendkívül sok vita zajlik arról jelenleg is, hogy mennyi mozgás szükséges a diákoknak az iskolai falain belül és kívül egyaránt, de az egyértelmű, hogy az inaktív életmód az egyik legnagyobb egészség-rizikófaktor társadalmunkban. A mindennapos testnevelés bevezetése ezeknek a vitáknak az eldöntését volt hivatott szolgálni. A mindennapos iskolai testnevelés bevezetésének az ifjúság fizikai állapotának javítása mellett fontos szempontja volt az, hogy a sport szociális és morális értékképviselete hozzájáruljon az ifjúság fejlesztéséhez

Zsófia Kocsis ◽  

Az oktatáskutatás nemzetközi szakirodalma évtizedek óta foglalkozik az egyetem mellett végzett fizetett munka kérdéskörével. A hallgatói munkavállalás az ezredfordulón első csúcspontját elérő felsőoktatási expanzió következményeként jelent meg az egyetemek világába, egyrészt mert az expanzió révén az alacsonyabb státusú, jövedelmük kiegészítésére szoruló rétegekből is bejutottak a fiatalok a felsőoktatási intézményekben, valamint a hagyományos, elméleti típusú képzés mellett a gyakorlatorientált képzésekre is egyre nagyobb hangsúlyt fektettek

Wiktoria Ruhlе ◽  
Kristina Novosad

Transgraniczna migracja zarobkowa jest powszechnym zjawiskiem międzynarodowym, odzwierciedla spontaniczny proces dystrybucji siły roboczej między krajowymi częściami gospodarki światowej, a korzystanie z zagranicznej siły roboczej jest w nowoczesnych warunkach uważane za integralną część normalnego procesu reprodukcji. W niektórych krajach aktywnie korzystających z pracy cudzoziemców istnieje uzależnienie całych sektorów gospodarki od importu siły roboczej. Głównymi cechami i trendami transgranicznej migracji zarobkowej na obecnym etapie jest wzrost czynników demograficznych migracji, poszerzenie geografii i skali, liczba i struktura przepływów migracyjnych, wzrost nielegalnej migracji, zróżnicowanie społeczno-kulturowych cech migrantów, feminizacja migracji i wykorzystania ruchów pracowników, problemy z zatrudnieniem

Oleksandr Bryhinets ◽  
Anastasiia Kovalova ◽  

International investment disputes between states arise in connection with different interpretation and application of the provisions of international investment treaties and agreements. As the matter of fact, such disputes also appear from violations of the provisions of international investment agreements that may prejudice the rights of foreign private investors. Since a dispute arises from a violation of investor rights, most modern investment treaties provide for the right of investors to submit a dispute to an independent arbitration or judicial authority. Investment disputes between the host state and the investor, mostly, come from the violation of international investment treaties that may become the subject of an interstate dispute only by mutual consent of the host state and the investor state.

Ayta Sakun ◽  
Tetyana Kadlubovich ◽  
Daryna Chernyak ◽  

The globalization processes have embraced modern civilization and affect the space and time transformation, personal aspects of social experience, identity change, form a society of risks. The problems of freedom are outlined in a new way, its antinomies become more clear, the duality of its rational and irrational dimensions is manifested. In today's world, which is full of intensity and dynamics of economic processes, political decisions and social development, freedom cannot act as an abstract ideal. A risk society demands to «find and intensify equality, freedom and self-formation» [1] through criticism of «the human rights realization, the modern democratic societies ideals, and, of course, freedoms»

Irina Lobacheva ◽  
Nataliya Koceruba ◽  

With the development of information systems and technologies, their spread and improvement, mankind has invented a large number of ways to make life easier with the help of the Internet and electronics. The economy is also not standing still: for example, a few years ago, online stores became very popular, offering customers a wide range of products. Thanks to them, many different economic transactions are conducted every day via the Internet. As a result, the concept of e-commerce has developed rapidly. This term means doing business on global networks. In a simpler sense - trade via the Internet. In addition to stationary stores, various companies also open online ones. As a result, such companies have the opportunity to increase competitiveness, reduce costs associated with the sale of products and provide more useful and high-quality information about goods to their customers.

Hanna Lavrynenko ◽  

Most modern challenges facing society are shaped by the political elite and the transience of political processes that drive its actions. Political realities daily challenge full-fledged development of modern society. Political pragmatism which is reflected in the nature of political decisions made by the elite, increasingly goes beyond what is permissible and turns into political cynicism. Of course transience of political cynicism’s spread cannot be called the 21st century’s phenomenon.

Halyna Baluta ◽  
Andrii Abdula ◽  
Olena Olifer ◽  

The current scientific and technological development demonstrates a prominent paradox: on the one hand, society seeks to accelerate the pace of development to achieve pragmatic results of scientific research; on the other hand, such rapid scientific and technological development causes dangerous transformations of biosocial reality characterized by a high degree of uncertainty of possible trends and scenarios. Global, fixed in time human-made and natural disasters lead to an understanding of the utopianism of the assurance that the consequences of probable changes can be considered in advance or predicted.

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