Jurnal Teknika
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Published By Universitas Islam Lamongan

2620-4770, 2085-0859

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 73
Arvian Angga Baktiar ◽  
Zulkifli Lubis

Beton adalah bahan yang didapat dari campuran semen, pasir, kerikil, dan air, serbuk kaca dipilih karena memiliki sifat pozzolan sifat yang dimiliki juga oleh semen selaku bahan penyusun beton yang sangat penting. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh serbuk kaca terhadap kuat tekan beton. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yang mengacu pada ASTM dan SNI yang masih berlaku.Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian ini adalah beton dengan penambahan serbuk kaca, sampel yang dibuat adalah beton non-struktural dengan perbandingan komposisi campuran hasil mix design beton normal dengan mutu Fc 14,5 Mpa. Variasi campuran serbuk kaca sebagai bahan campuran dengan perbandingan 5%, 7%, 9% dan 11% dari berat semen. Hasil rata-rata campuran serbuk kaca pada campuran beton dengan varian penambahan 5% 28 hari yaitu 15,82 Mpa, 7% 28 hari yaitu 12,22 Mpa, 9% 28 hari 10,49 Mpa, 11% 28 hari 9,71 Mpa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 91
Dewi Septia Anzani ◽  
Heroe Wijanto ◽  
Dharu Arseno

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) merupakan teknologi yang memanfaatkan gelombang radio untuk mendeteksi lokasi, kedalaman, dan bentuk objek yang terkubur di bawah permukaan bumi. Salah satu komponen penting pada sistem GPR yaitu antena, yang terdiri atas antena transmitter dan receiver. GPR bekerja pada berbagai band frekuensi, salah satunya pada frekuensi 1,6 GHz. Untuk dapat mendeteksi objek, antena yang dibutuhkan harus memiliki spesifikasi bandwidth yang lebar, pola pancar unidirectional, dan ringing level yang rendah. Perancangan menggunakan antena jenis bowtie antipodal dengan penambahan metode edge cutting dan matching impedance sebagai antena pemancar yang bekerja pada frekuensi 1,6 GHz. Perancangan disimulasikan menggunakan software dan difabrikasi dengan menggunakan bahan substrat FR-4 Eproxy. Hasil rancangan menunjukkan bahwa antena yang telah difabrikasi dan diuji dapat memenuhi spesifikasi yang diinginkan yaitu bandwidth sebesar 540 MHz pada rentang 1,32 GHz – 1,86 GHz, returnloss -16,38 dB,  VSWR 1,35, gain 2,025 dBi dan pola radiasi bidirectional.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 57
Lafinal Yak Mahdiantoro ◽  
Rahmat Hidayat ◽  
Lela Nurpulela

Covid-19 is currently spreading throughout the world without exception in Indonesia. With this fact, the government recommends the public to maintain health protocols, especially in public places as a form of resistance to COVID-19 so that the transmission rate can be suppressed. one of them is to keep a distance and avoid physical contact with other people and object surfaces. The Smart Security COVID-19 designed to be able to detect temperature and spray disinfectant liquid automatically without need for physical contact. Infrared sensor that functions as a data sender when a user approaches the device, which is then sent to Arduino UNO for processing the processed data and will be sent to the AMG8833 temperature sensor and relay where the AMG8833 temperature sensor functions as a temperature reader and the relay functions to activate the pump to spraying disinfectant liquid.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 67
Syafrianto Syafrianto ◽  
Durotun Ayniyah

In the business world, every store must of course be able to compete and think about how the store can continue to grow and be able to expand its business scale. In order to increase sales of products sold, business actors must have various strategies. One way is by utilizing all sales transaction data that has occurred in the store itself. Dhurroh Elektronik store is a store that sells various kinds of goods such as cellphone accessories. Management of sales data in this store is still done manually, namely by recording sales data in the sales book or sometimes when serving purchases just remembering it. The obstacle faced is that it is difficult to find out where the goods are not in accordance with the behavior of consumers' habits in buying goods at the same time. Based on the above problems, it is necessary to have a calculation to group data items based on their tendencies that appear together in a transaction with Data Mining calculations using the Apriori Algorithm method. The results of the calculation of the items that are most in-demand are if you buy a headset, you will buy a lamp with a 100% confidence value and 19% support, if you buy a radio you will buy a lamp with a 71% confidence value and 16% support, if you buy a data cable, you will buy a flashlight. with a 71% Confidence value and 16% Support, If you buy a battery, you will buy a Flashlight with a 71% Confidence value and 16% Support. Keywords: Data Mining, Apriori Algorithm..

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 77
Yulvani Anggi Rahmawati

PT TMMIN's logistics department is responsible for the smooth supply of component parts to the production line. In the delivery of parts, there is a problem, namely traffic disturbances in the PAD supply with the supply ip module. Both supplies cannot be in the same area due to insufficient area space. This situation causes the operator's workload to be a waste of steps and time. To overcome this problem, it is proposed to replace the part delivery tool that is currently used with a push dolly with a karakuri lifter bridge. Tool changes are carried out with 3M+1E aspects, namely method, material, man and environment. Change of equipment can affect factors such as no traffic disruptions with other supplies, reduction of SPS area, reduction of SPS distance to pp module and increasing company productivity efficiency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 99
Agi Alif Ramadhan

Pada proses pengiriman paket data pada suatu jaringan, tentu dibutuhkan arsitektur yang memiliki keandalan yang tinggi. Hal ini dibutuhkan agar dapat menjamin kecepatan pengiriman dan tidak adanya data yang gagal dikirimkan ke tujuan. Tersedianya banyak jalur tentu akan meningkatkan availability pada jaringan tersebut, namun tidak menjamin akan meningkatkan kecepatan atau kualitas pengiriman data dan keberhasilan data tersebut sampai ke tujuan. Adanya dua atau lebih jalur memungkinkan akan terjadinya penyebaran trafik yang tidak merata dan penumpukan trafik pada suatu gateway. Untuk menghindari hal ini, maka akan dilakukan metode Gateway Balancing. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan penerapan gateway balancing pada jaringan Software Defined Network menggunakan controller OpenDayLight dengan menerapkan dua algoritma scheduling yaitu algoritma Ant Colony Optimizaion dan algoritma Random Early Detection. Dengan menerapkan gateway balancing pada dua algoritma ini, maka akan dilakukan pengujian performansi trafik dengan mengalirkan UDP Flows. Parameter pengujian yang digunakan adalah Throughput, Delay, Jitter, dan Packeloss. Disimpulkan bahwa perfomansi trafik menggunakan gateway balancing dengan algortima Ant Colony Optimization menawarkan kecepatan data lebih baik dibandingkan algoritma Random Early Detection dengan selisih delay sebesar 4,46%. Sedangkan pada algoritma Random Early Detection, menghasilkan performa yang lebih baik pada keutuhan datanya, dengan selisih 3,55% pada throughput dan 5,85% pada packetloss yang dihasilkan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 85
Fadilla Melania Rachmaputri

Telemedicine is one of the technologies used for long-distance health services with wireless communication in the human body. This research is designing an antenna for telemedicine, namely a wearable antenna. The selection of textile materials used is a good choice for telemedicine because it has a relatively small size, can be bent, and comfortable to be used. This final project is designing a rectangular microstrip antenna with a dual-band rectangular slot in the ISM range of 2.45 and 5.85 GHz with a feed-line. The measurement results on the condition on the body for the frequency of 2.45 GHz are the gain value of 5.45 dB, VSWR of 1.4550, and the bandwidth of 180 MHz. For 5.85 GHz the gain value is 5.11 dB, VSWR is 1.5082, and the bandwidth is 260 MHz. The resulting radiation pattern is unidirectional.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 53
Miftahul Harits Abdullah ◽  
Rio Rahma Dhana

Road damage in Bulutigo Village, Laren District, Lamongan Regency affects access to agricultural mobilization in Lamongan Regency. So the researchers studied the value of the carrying capacity of the soil that caused road damage on the Bulutigo Village road, Laren District, Lamongan Regency. This study also examines the factors that affect the decline in the value of the bearing capacity of the soil. Data processing shows that the road subgrade soil in Bulutigo Village, Laren District, Lamongan Regency has a low carrying capacity value in terms of water content testing with an average value of 16.66% which includes high water content, from the Atterberg limit, it is included in the class of clay soil type. has a high plastic value with a PI value of 34.61%. Meanwhile, in the CBR test, the CBR value was 6.80% which was included in the "enough" category. And in the direct shear strength test, the value of the internal shear angle () is 15.03o.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 89
Masbuhin Masbuhin

This study aims to determine the process of utilizing Sidoarjo Mud (LUSI) as a substitute for paving blocks and to determine the results of the compressive strength test of using LUSI as a substitute for paving blocks. The LUSI substitution is expected to be able to provide innovations in the construction of a paving block mixture. The research method used is the experimental method. The manufacture of test objects starts from the preparation stage, mix design, manufacture of test objects, testing and classifying paving blocks according to SNI 03-0691-1996. The sample of specimens used normal mix design and mix design substitute LUSI 40% of the fine aggregate value. Based on the results of research, paving blocks with a normal mix design of 1Pc: 2Ps are classified as quality A, 1Pc: 3Ps and 1Pc: 4Ps are classified as B quality, while for paving blocks substituting LUSI in a mixture of 1Pc: 2Ps is classified as quality B, for a mixture of 1Pc: 3Ps and 1Pc : 4Ps is classified as C quality. It can be concluded that the compressive strength of paving blocks has decreased in compressive strength after being substituted by LUSI, with a successive percentage value of 32%, 59% and 58%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 97
Bambang Piluto

In determining the price of a job, it need the basic tool of unit price analysis, namely the construction costs analysis. In calculating the construction costs analysis there are several methods have been generally used such as analysis of BOW, SNI and also companies that make their own calculation analysis. A comparative study is needed from the three methods so that it can be seen which is more effective and efficient as a basis for all parties in determining the strategy in terms of cost budget estimates. The study was conducted by preparing a project cost budget plan based on the volume of works on the bill of quantity (BoQ). The unit price analysis is calculated based on BOW analysis, SNI analysis and Contractor version analysis. From the estimation results, a price based on BOW analysis is IDR 2,682,315,013,-, based on SNI analysis is IDR 1,958,002,381, - and based on analysis of contractor calculations is IDR 1,781,956,483. Differences in price between BOW and SNI is IDR 724,312,632. Differences in price between BOW and contractors calculation is IDR 900,358,529. Differences price between SNI and contractors calculation  is IDR 176,045,897.

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