ultimate state
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S. A. Chizhik ◽  
M. A. Zhuravkov ◽  
A. B. Petrovskiy ◽  
V. Ya. Prushak ◽  
D. A. Puzanov

Methodological approaches to the selection of ultimate state criteria and strength characteristics of the repeatedly undermined rock massifs were developed. These approaches were designed to provide parametric support to the geomechanical modelling of the massif stress-strain state and the mining systems of the Starobin potash deposit mine fields planned for the additional mining of the mineral reserves left. It was established that a complex criterion must be used to study the massif ultimate state. Determination of such criterion can be carried out using the developed approaches. The first approach is to select several criteria that evaluate the massif ultimate state by certain types of the massif stress-strain state. These criteria are the following: the criterion of the maximum normal stresses, criterion of the maximum linear strains, the criterion of the maximum shear stresses and the Coulomb–Mohr failure criterion. The second approach is to construct an integrated failure state criterion for materials whose ultimate tensile and compressive stresses differ significantly. In this case, parameters characterizing the type of stress state and properties of the material are introduced. These parameters together determine the destruction character – tear or shear. To describe the rocks behavior in the extreme strength stage of deformation, it is proposed to apply deformation theory of strength using the developed strain failure criterion. When calculating the strength characteristics of the repeatedly undermined rock massif, it is recommended to use a structural attenuation coefficient as the product of several factors, taking into account various types of disturbances in the primary undermined massif and the time factor. The Coulomb–Mohr strength condition is recommended to be used taking into account the composite structural attenuation coefficient. Dependencies have been developed to describe the change in the strength characteristics of rocks in the undermined massif, considering the attenuation coefficient.

2021 ◽  
Vol 931 ◽  
Shingo Motoki ◽  
Kentaro Tsugawa ◽  
Masaki Shimizu ◽  
Genta Kawahara

Direct numerical simulations have been performed for heat and momentum transfer in internally heated turbulent shear flow with constant bulk mean velocity and temperature, $u_{b}$ and $\theta _{b}$ , between parallel, isothermal, no-slip and permeable walls. The wall-normal transpiration velocity on the walls $y=\pm h$ is assumed to be proportional to the local pressure fluctuations, i.e. $v=\pm \beta p/\rho$ (Jiménez et al., J. Fluid Mech., vol. 442, 2001, pp. 89–117). The temperature is supposed to be a passive scalar, and the Prandtl number is set to unity. Turbulent heat and momentum transfer in permeable-channel flow for the dimensionless permeability parameter $\beta u_b=0.5$ has been found to exhibit distinct states depending on the Reynolds number $Re_b=2h u_b/\nu$ . At $Re_{b}\lesssim 10^4$ , the classical Blasius law of the friction coefficient and its similarity to the Stanton number, $St\approx c_{f}\sim Re_{b}^{-1/4}$ , are observed, whereas at $Re_{b}\gtrsim 10^4$ , the so-called ultimate scaling, $St\sim Re_b^0$ and $c_{f}\sim Re_b^0$ , is found. The ultimate state is attributed to the appearance of large-scale intense spanwise rolls with the length scale of $O(h)$ arising from the Kelvin–Helmholtz type of shear-layer instability over the permeable walls. The large-scale rolls can induce large-amplitude velocity fluctuations of $O(u_b)$ as in free shear layers, so that the Taylor dissipation law $\epsilon \sim u_{b}^{3}/h$ (or equivalently $c_{f}\sim Re_b^0$ ) holds. In spite of strong turbulence promotion there is no flow separation, and thus large-amplitude temperature fluctuations of $O(\theta _b)$ can also be induced similarly. As a consequence, the ultimate heat transfer is achieved, i.e. a wall heat flux scales with $u_{b}\theta _{b}$ (or equivalently $St\sim Re_b^0$ ) independent of thermal diffusivity, although the heat transfer on the walls is dominated by thermal conduction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 90-97
Pavlo Open’ko ◽  
Vladyslav Kobzev ◽  
Volodymyr Larin ◽  
Pavlo Drannyk ◽  
Volodymyr Tkachev ◽  

The possibilities of application of known methods for estimating the life to the task of forecasting the ultimate state of radio-electronic means of the surface-to-air missile system during the operation status of the requested technical. A procedure for constructing a mathematical model of change of reliability in service with the Group Method of Data Handling, which is more fully into account the specific characteristics of radio-electronic means of the surface-to-air missile system and considers the possibility of use as basic data for the creation of models not uniformly precise results of estimation of an indicator of non-equal exact measuring to operational supervision.

Metals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 1132
Jeonghyeon Lim ◽  
Young-Jong Kang ◽  
Jeonghwa Lee ◽  
Seungjun Kim ◽  
Keesei Lee

If bending and torsional moments are applied to an I-shaped beam member, the coupling of those two forces could reduce the bending moment capacity of that member. Therefore, the interaction between bending and torsional moments is an important issue for horizontally curved members that are always simultaneously subjected to bending and torsion. In this study, the behavior of the horizontally curved steel I-beam was investigated through numerical analysis. The ultimate state of sharply curved members that showed large displacement was defined in accordance with the stiffness reduction ratio to consist of strength curves. Based on the analysis results, interaction curves were established, and a strength equation was derived. The uniform torsional moment capacity, curvature, and slenderness parameters were considered in the equation, which were the main factors that affected the ultimate strength of curved members. The curvature effect was considered individually, so that the strength of the straight or curved girder could be estimated with a unified equation. To verify the accuracy of the suggested equation, experimental studies were also conducted. Consequently, the suggested equation shows very good agreement with the test results, and is expected to provide useful information for the design of curved members.

Geofluids ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Guannan Liu ◽  
Jishan Liu ◽  
Feng Gao

CO2 injection into coal seam triggers a series of processes that are coupled all together through a permeability model. Previous studies have shown that current permeability models cannot explain experimental data as reported in the literature. This knowledge gap defines the goal of this study. We hypothesize that this failure originates from the assumption that the pore strain is the same as the bulk strain in order to satisfy the Betti-Maxwell reciprocal theorem. This assumption is valid only for the initial state without gas sorption and deformation and for the ultimate state with uniform gas sorption and uniform deformation within the REV (representative elementary volume). In this study, we introduce the pore-bulk strain ratio and interference time to characterize the process of gas sorption and its associated nonuniform deformation from the initial state to the ultimate state. This leads to a new nonequilibrium permeability model. We use the model to fully couple the coal deformation and gas flow. This new coupled model captures the impact of coal local transient behaviors on gas flow. Results of this study clearly show that coal permeability is constrained by the magnitudes of initial and ultimate pore-bulk strain ratios and interference time, that current permeability data in the literature are within these bounds, and that the evolutions of coal permeability all experience similar stages from the initial value to the ultimate one.

Boris A. Prokudin

It is generally accepted that Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s novel “Demons” was written to criticize Westerners (nihilists and liberals) and to ensure conservative public ideals. The author of the article attempts to offer a different view of the novel and see in it the discussion of the possibility of establishing in practice various, even “incredible”, political ideas. When writing the “Demons” novel, Dostoevsky did not limit himself to the exposure of radicalism, but also criticized all the main directions of Russian thought. The author of the article believes that when describing revolutionaries, liberals, and nationalists Dostoevsky didn’t aim to show their way of thinking and actions realistically. He made his characters bring the ideas of political nihilism, liberalism and nationalism to their ultimate state in order show what devastating consequences that could bring to the society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Jiang Yi ◽  
De’en Yu

AbstractThis paper investigated the nonlinear seismic performance of an existing cable-stayed bridge longitudinally subjected to a set of simulated near-fault ground motion pulses. An elaborated non-linear finite element model of the bridge was established which particularly considered cable sag effect, material nonlinearity of the tower and the deck. Through non-linear dynamic response analyses, seismic responses of the tower, deck and cables were evaluated at the yield and ultimate state of the structure. In particular, the yield and ultimate state of the structure were defined in the text based on damage levels of the structure and structural integrity requirement. It is revealed that the pulse period (Tp), by determining the relative contribution of multiple modes of the structure, strongly affected the damage process of the structure. As Tp was close to the period of first vertical vibration of the deck, the responses of the deck and cables were largely excited so that the deck might yield prior to yield of the tower, the cables failed prior to the ultimate state of the tower, and the deck suffered most of the damage despite of the yielding of the tower.

2021 ◽  
Vol 350 ◽  
pp. 00016
Viktar Tur ◽  
Aliaksandr Varabei

This paper presents a mechanical model of the shear resistance based on Critical Shear Crack Theory (CSCT) and its application for the checking of the shear ultimate state of self-stressed elements reinforced with FRP bars. The shear force, which is transmitted through the inclined crack by aggregate interlock, residual tensile strength, dowel action and inclined chord of the compression concrete, is calculated depending on the value of the inclined crack opening, determined according to the modified law “bond-slip” for FRP bars. The reliability of the proposed approach is confirmed by comparison both with the results of our own experimental investigations and with numerous research results by various authors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 117 (48) ◽  
pp. 30022-30023 ◽  
Xiaozhou He ◽  
Eberhard Bodenschatz ◽  
Guenter Ahlers

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