Journal of Construction Research
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2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
VPS Nihar Nanyam ◽  
Tarun Kumar Makkena

Purpose – It is possible for cost professionals to prepare an informed and compendious cost plan by identifying all the factors that cause cost overruns, variations, safety hazards and others without having a significant prior experience. The implementation of Extended Reality can address this phenomenon.  The paper aims to introduce the concept of Extended Reality in the field of quantity surveying by exploring its untapped potential and also looks to identify critical barriers in implementing this technology.Methodology/approach –A detailed review of literature study produced eight critical factors acting as barriers in successful implementation. With the suggestions from the industry professionals, the inter-relationship among these factors were established and prioritised using Interpretative Structural Modelling (ISM) tool. Further, these factors were categorised using MICMAC (Cross-Impact Matrix Multiplication Applied to Classification) analysis.Findings – This study identifies, Lack of expertise and Lack of suitable software as the key driving factors in successful implementation and all the remaining factors are directly or indirectly influenced by them.Research limitations –The sample size considered in building the ISM network is limited to the Indian construction industry. The disadvantages of Extended Reality have not been covered in the study. There may be several negative repercussions to human health due to this technology.Practical implications – This study can be used by industry professionals in understanding how advance technology like this can overcome many challenges pertinent to cost planning and estimation.Originality/value – This study stands out among the few research topics which contribute to reducing the knowledge gap among the cost professionals irrespective of their experience.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Mikhail Ivanovich Nizovtsev ◽  
V. Yu. Borodulin

The study deals with a new regenerative air heat exchanger with an intermediate heat carrier used in the systems of room ventilation. A physical and mathematical model of the heat transfer process is proposed. The influence of design and operating parameters on the temperature efficiency of the heat exchanger is analyzed. The possibility of a significant increase in its efficiency with a decrease in the packing diameter is shown. As a result of calculations, it was found that with a decrease in the filling height, the maximum temperature efficiency shifted towards a decrease in the air flow rate from its value determined from the equality of water equivalents of liquid and air.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Samaila Saleh

Weak soils, such as soft clay and loose sand, have a poor bearing capacity, making them incapable of bearing the load of superstructures that will be imposed on them. As a result, engineers must have a solution to the issue of poor bearing capacity in weak soils before embanking into building on them.   This paper reviewed the use of stone columns, piled rafts, and geogrids for improving the bearing capability of weak soils. Important findings from recent research are also discussed. From the review of the previous researcher’s findings, it was found that modelling approaches such as physical modelling (full scale, centrifuge, laboratory scale) and numerical modelling are used to study bearing capacity improvement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Eluozo S.N. ◽  
Dimkpa K

Wood and fly ash were observed to have significant qualities that could improved the strength of self compacting concrete, the material were applied to increase the compressive strength of concrete strength, this material could be the demanding material for partial  replacement for cement, the study observed the behaviour of the material from experts that applied these material through experimental investigation, but the study monitored the behaviour of this material by applied modeling and simulation to determine other effect that could influence the behaviour of this materials in compressive strength, this was to determine the  significant effect on the addictive applied as partial replacement for cement, lots of experts has done works on fly ash through experiment concept, but the application of predictive concept has not be carried out, the  adoption of this concept has expressed other parameters that contributed to the efficiency of  wood and fly ash as partial replacement for cement on self compacting concrete. The study adopting modeling and simulation observed 10 and 20% by weight of cement as it is reflected on its performance in the simulation, from the simulation wood recorded 10% as it was observed from the growth rate of this self compacting concrete reflected from the trend, the simulation for model validation were compared with the works of the studies carried out [20]. And both values developed best fits correlation

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Eluozo S.N. ◽  
Dimkpa K

This paper monitors the growth rate of tensile strength under partial replacement of locally sourced materials, the study monitor the behaviour of tensile between seven and  twenty eight days of optimum curing age,  modeling and simulation were applied in the study, whereby parameters that generate the attained tensile strength from self compacting concrete were monitored considering various factors such as variation of compaction and water cement ratio, the reaction of these parameters were examined in the study through the simulation, the reflection of these parameters influence where observed in all the trend, the study examined the level of significances of tensile on concrete structure, therefore try to evaluate  various reflection effect from permeability and other parameters that were not considered in  experimental process, these are  developed from  self compacting concrete partially replace cement with fly ash and wood.  Tensile strength is an important property of concrete due its level of vulnerability to tensile cracking base on different kind of applied loading itself. The influence of permeability as a physical property has definitely affect the durability of concrete, these  where observed on the its reflection on tensile strength in all the trend, the rate of permeability effect on tensile were monitored to reflect its reaction through microstructural perspective influence from porosity, pore size, connectivity including its rates of bonding, these correlation includes  air content and capillarity, there rate of permeability coefficient on its reduction are determined by the decrease in porosity and void ratios from concrete compaction rate, it is  reflected on  its variation  of tensile strength in self compacting concrete, the rate of permeability reducing at constant rates determined the tensile strength through it microstructural  setting on the self compacting concrete, these condition were applied on the simulation to generates the predictive values compared with experimental values by an expert [22], while an improvement were made on it study, these include monitoring of concrete permeability and void ratios effect on tensile, the behaviour of porosity under the influence of permeability and variation concrete void were examined from the permeability influence on tensile strength.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Pruthviraj S R ◽  
Ravi Kumar C M ◽  
Yajnodbhavi H M ◽  
Maruthi T ◽  
Raghavendra S

Now days, many research works are carried for all grades of concrete to make the concrete most economical and durable there by adding the supplementary cementitious materials and alternative replacement aggregates. In this research work deals with the experimental investigation of mechanical properties of the M30, M50 and M80 grade concrete by replacing the fine and coarse aggregate by foundry sand and crushed concrete waste respectively. Mix design procedures were followed as per IRC44:2017 guidelines and recommendation. Proper dosage of super plasticizer (SP) was maintained in the concrete to make it better performed. In this present investigation, a Poly Propylene fibre (PPF) of 0.3% by weight of the cement is used. Mechanical properties such as Compressive strength and Flexural Strength were determined by preparing the respective mould sizes for specific test and are cured for 7, 14 and 28 days and result obtained for respective days were tabulated and discussed.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Raj Shah ◽  
Wilfred Matipa ◽  
Fiona Fiona Borthwick

The aim of this paper is to present the design and specifications of an integrated Delay Analysis Framework (DAF), which could be used to quantify the delay caused by the Risk Factors (RFs) in Oil and Gas Pipelines (OGPs) projects in a simple and systematic way. The main inputs of the DAF are (i) the potential list of RFs in the projects and their impact levels on the projects and the estimated maximum and minimum duration of each task. Monte Carlo Simulation integrated within @Risk simulator was the key process algorithm that used to quantify the impact of delay caused by the associated RFs. The key output of the DAF is the amount of potential delay caused by RFs in the OGP project. The functionalities of the developed DAF were evaluated using a case study of newly developed OGP project, in the south of Iraq. It is found that the case study project might have delayed by 45 days if neglected the consideration of the RFs associated with the project at the construction stage. The paper concludes that identifying the associated RFs and analysing the potential delay in advance will help in reducing the construction delay and improving the effectiveness of the project delivery by taking suitable risk mitigation measures.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Changfeng (Charlie) Fu

Design briefing plays a crucial role to the success of a building project. Some new methods of design briefing have been developed recently, but rarely integrated with Building Information Modelling (BIM). This paper presents a feasibility study of implementing BIM in the design briefing and develop a conceptual system framework to present possible functionalities and processes of BIM-based design briefing. This study started with a series of the interviews with professionals in the industry as well as academics in various universities in the UK. A thematic analysis has been carried out to analyse the interview transcripts. The development of conceptual system framework following the software engineering method presents the major functional modules and relevant datasets of an BIM-based design briefing system which identified in the interviews. The paper also discusses on both the benefit and the potential difficulties of BIM-based design briefing, although 93 % of the interviewees agree that BIM technology should be adopted in design briefing to improve the quality of design briefing process and to involve other stakeholders and POE data in design briefing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Ghassan K Al-Chaar ◽  
Andrij Kozych

3D printing with concrete is a promising new method for rapid, low cost construction. The flexural strengths for reinforced/unreinforced and 3D printed/cast concrete Warren trusses were tabulated and the failure mechanisms were reported. The types of reinforcement used were rebar(basalt and steel), and mesh (basalt and aramid). The effect of loading geometry and loading speed  was measured for basalt mesh and aramid mesh composite, respectively. Due to the expected variation in flexure between samples, it cannot be said whether small differences for various tests are significant. Variation stems from a microscopically uneven surface and random inhomogeneities in the bulk of the tested material which act as a microcrack catalyst and propagator. Since the tested beams are short specimens the numerical findings of other studies will vary based on the intended design. This paper is intended to assess the performance of various reinforcements in a qualitative sense by comparing basalt reinforcement with other reinforcements.  It was found that cast beams tolerated deflection better but had a similar flexure strength compared as the printed beams. The steel and basalt rebar reinforced beams had the highest flexure strengths where the traditional steel rebar reinforcement outperformed the basalt in flexure by 36% and the basalt outperformed the steel in deflection by 40%.  The basalt mesh outperformed the cast and printed unreinforced bars by a small margin but had only 25% of steel rebars’ deflection at maximum flexure strength. The aramid mesh tolerated the biggest deflection out of any sample at 2.26 cm.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Raj Kapur Shah ◽  
Khalifa Al Shereiqi ◽  
Fiona Borthwick

There are frequent failures in the project delivery in time and increasing the waste in Oman construction industry. Lean Construction (LC) principles which is lean thinking in design and construction process may be a possible solution. Hence, the paper is aimed on exploring the status of the LC practices and its impact on Omani Construction Industry (OCI). The paper presents barriers, potential benefits, and the measures of suitability and acceptability of LC principles. A quantitative research approach was adopted and research data was collected using an online questionnaire survey in Oman. The data was analysed and results are presented in tables and charts followed by critical discussions. The survey found that one-third of the construction professionals have a good awareness and half of then having a higher level awareness about LC practices. More than one third of the construction organisations are adopting LC principles with a high consensus on the suitability and acceptability, and they recognised that time commitment are necessary for the successful implementation and achieve benefits. The study concludes that the reduction in project delivery time and construction at site waste is the key advantage of implementing LC priciples in design and construction stages in the omani construction industry.

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