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Published By Centre For Evaluation In Education And Science


Damir Juras ◽  
Slobodan Marendić ◽  
Antonio Vulas

Act of facilitating third-country national in an illegal entry or irregular transit/stay in the Republic of Croatia is qualified as a misdemeanor punishable by a prison sentence or a fine. Besides, a court order of expropriation of the vehicle with which the misdemeanor was committed has to be issued if the perpetrator is the owner of the vehicle. Expropriation of other items used for committing the misdemeanor can also be issued on facultative bases. Financial or any other material expedience on perpetrator's side is not a constitutive element of the misdemeanor. This article focuses on the overview and analysis of the legal norms, statistic data and the court practice regarding the penal policy connected with achieving of the penal aims through individualization, and decreasing the penal limit besides the policy regarding the issuing of the court expropriation orders.

Miloš Petrović

The Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Croatia, once (with the prefix "Socialistic") members of the Yugoslav federation, and today neighboring, sovereign, internationally recognized states, have a common border of two hundred and fifty-two kilometers, of which one hundred and thirty-eight kilometers along the Danube. The line of the border on the Danube is the subject of different interpretations by the two sides, which in practice leads to numerous problems, primarily in terms of navigation safety, prevention of migration, poaching, flood defense and other security challenges. One of the points of contention is Vukovarska ada, a river island over which both sides emphasize their sovereignty. In 2011, the local governments of Bac and Vukovar, in order to relax the situation and improve good neighborly relations, signed the Agreement on Friendship and Cooperation, and it significantly affected the actual position of Vukovar Ada. In this text, the author analyzes the historical circumstances and the current status of Vukovar Ada in the context of the future overall resolution of the issue of demarcation of Serbia and Croatia on the Danube, as well as in the context of the Bac-Vukovar Agreement, ie the possibility of applying a similar model with appropriate modifications applied to some other disputed part of the common border on the Danube

Slađana Savović ◽  
Dragica Petrović

The purpose of paper is to identify factors that are of particular importance for the preparation and implementation of projects in local self-government units. The survey was conducted on the sample of local self-governments in the Republic of Serbia by using a structured questionnaire. The research results showed that the key factors for successful preparation and implementation of projects, ranked by importance, are the following: existence of a quality development strategy at the local level based on the appropriate national strategy, adequate competencies of the employees for the preparation and implementation of projects, ensuring a sufficient level of financial resources for pre-financing and co-financing projects, and establishing partnerships with organizations from other sectors. The results of study may be important for understanding ways to improve the current situation, with regard to the preparation and implementation of projects. The research showed that special organizational units for project management should be established in those local self-governments where such units do not exist, encouraging them to continuously work on the preparation of proposal for different projects. Also, before launching official calls for proposals, it is important to work on improving the local development strategy, in order to, depending on the gaps identified in terms of employees' knowledge and competencies, continuously try to enhance them.

Dragana Novakov ◽  
Veselin Petrović

This paper gives a brief overview of the basic characteristics of the voice [h] in the speech of an informant from the village of Janča in municipality of Novi Pazar - with special reference to the dorp of Janačko Polje, that is the place of residence of said informant who is a member of the oldest generation of inhabitants of the surveyed area. Therefore, given her age, she can be considered an adequate representative of the speech of this village (and its surroundings), since her speech preserves the traditional features of the local vernacular in more and better way than that of her descendants (members of the younger generations of this area).

Mirjana Knežević

The purpose of this paper is to point out the importance of the cooperative as an economic entity, through representation of modern trends of cooperative association in Europe and beyond. Through their association, cooperative development covers key connecting factors of individuals, while finding models for reducing the differences between cooperatives as economic entities and companies for the benefit of companies. The subject of research in the paper represents an analytics of cooperatives and the need for new legal solutions, which would support the development of cooperatives as independent economic entities in the future. The key hypothesis the paper starts with is that cooperative association is of great importance in dealing with many economic, market and sociological challenges, which is of special significance for the economic development of our country. The previous legal solutions of the cooperative association, in addition to positive changes, have not given expected results so far. In the conclusion, it is pointed out that legally regulated area of cooperatives as specific economic subjects is the foundation of development of their economic activity. Based on the critical illumination of the cooperative legislation, recommendations are given for its improvement, while taking into account the ever-present needs for improving the business of cooperatives and their convergence with the business of other economic entities.

Nailje Malja-Imami ◽  
Marija Popović

This paper gives a brief overview of the literature dedicated to Albanian-Slavic contacts, and then compares two approaches to Albanianisms in Serbian and Macedonian languages. One is by Safet Hodža (2001) and the other by Vanja Stanišić (1995). Their studies differ in several aspects. First, in the inventory of processed lexical items. Thus, Hodža analyzed a total of 447, and Stanisic about 300. Then, Hodža represented almost all types of words (313 nouns, 50 adjectives, 48 verbs, 15 adverbs, 9 words and 8 exclamations, 2 conjunctions and 2 onomatopoeias), while Stanišić analyzed 182 lexemes, mainly nouns and a small number of verbs from different areas of human life: cattle breeding and agriculture (36), farming (41), nature and relief (23), house and garden (8), family terminology (8), material culture and mental life (10), abstract concepts, verbs and expressions of psychophysical conditions (56). Stanišić also deals with the Albanian names that are mentioned in the Dečani Hrisovulja (Chrysovulje), but also with a large number of Slavs. Hodža etymologically deals with the words in a separate dictionary section, while Stanišić does that within five thematic groups. In separate chapters, Hodža gives an exhaustive classification according to thematic groups, according to geographical distribution and time of their taking over. Stanišić grouped the words wider, and within the processing of individual words, they are geographically located. The author of this paper also points to other Albanianisms noted by other researchers, but also cites a new inventory of lexemes used by the Serbs in south-western Serbia and Kosovo and Metohia: čuče, čučajka "kukavica (coward) ", rumbulak and rumbulačka "okrugao (round)", šaradžija "testeraš (sawyer)" (from alb. sharrë "testera (saw), šoša "prorešetati (to sift)", vapa "žega, toplota (heat, warmth)", uknačiti (se) "uživati (to enjoy)".

Ernad Kahrović

The digital economy, as an economy primarily functioning via digital technologies, has made its impact on the development of the digital transformation concept. Such a form of business transformation requires the integration of digital technologies in all industries. The paper underlines the importance of the essential elements of transformation, regarding customer experience, operational processes, business models, employee experience and digital platform, along with the key business spheres, relating to competition, innovation and value, which digitalisation changes on the way. The main goal of the paper therefore is to point to the impact of digital transformation on the process of formulating new corporate strategic directions. With this in mind, the main aim of the paper is to stress prospective corporate strategic directions of digital transformation under conditions of deep digital penetration. The paper is based on the working hypothesis that despite the fact that existing businesses most commonly start with market penetration, through developing a digital technology strategy, as well as digital market expansion strategy, further development of digital transformation leads to the creation of digital platforms that are built by mutual collaboration of numerous stakeholders connected through joint value creation and its delivery.

Šejla Avdić

The article tries to present Socrates' understanding of the task of philosophy step by step with reference to contemporary interpretations. Along the way, an inevitable obstacle is encountered, and that is the problem of the contemporary meanings of Socrates 'philosophy. Socrates did not leave a written trace behind, so we draw knowledge about his philosophy and life from the main testimonies, which are the writings of Aristophanes, Xenophon, Plato and Aristotle. Given our acceptance and affection for certain testimonies, we are moving further and further away from the definition of historical Socrates. The paradox of this distancing, is shown in the fact that Socrates in this way in his mental heritage becomes closer to us as our contemporary. But what cannot be ignored is the fact that Socrates, with his philosophy, left an indelible mark in the development of the whole of philosophical thought and the determinants of modern culture as a whole. The transition from the question of nature to the question of human life, through the introduction of a method aimed at eliminating misconceptions and the possibility of determining the right direction for action, is what makes Socrates one of the most important philosophers and leaves him in today's view of the source of modern thought.

Tatjana Loš

The paper aims to identify the quality of political participation of women in Serbia through the prism of activism at the local level. The research covered the municipality of Ruma in the period from July 2, 2020 to July 2, 2021, which conducted a research of an individual and not a mosaic or a case in a row. Using the case study method, data collection was conducted in a semi-structured interview on a sample of six respondents. The results of the research showed that women, in accordance with the quantitative shift in the political life of Serbia in general, are delegated in the Ruma division of power at all levels, but that gender is still less represented in positions of power and decision-making, as well as in decision-making. Women in Ruma, with their political participation, do not sufficiently realize the gender dimension of political representation, because either they are not sufficiently aware of this segment and do not recognize it as important or they lack the courage to do so and encounter a wall in parliamentary debates. The results of the research could be important for considering ways to improve the quality of women's participation in politics at the local level in the direction of greater substantive representation, as well as gender sensitivity, which would increase greater motivation of women to get involved in politics, affect the quality of work. representative body, but also a change in the political climate in society, which is still masculine. The research showed that the solidarity of women in politics should be strengthened, regardless of belonging to a political party, and they should be encouraged to be louder and braver in expressing their views in parliamentary debates, so that they can essentially fight for their interests.

Sead Međedović

Juvenile delinquency is one of the inexhaustible social and historical curiosities that, conditionally speaking, survives from the earliest times to the present day. In this paper, two typical criminological levels of the phenomenon of juvenile delinquency are going to be presented - etiological and phenomenological context. Given that this is a fairly broad topic and phenomenon, this paper is going to present only the most striking aspects of the etiology and phenomenology of juvenile delinquency. The significance of the research of juvenile delinquency in modern science is all the greater bearing in mind the trends of politicization of this phenomenon with the aim of often tendentious spread of moral panic, as well as sensationalist media reporting. In that context, not only classical, but also contemporary discourse related to the problem of this research is going to be presented in order to explain the issues related to this phenomenon and at the same time demystify the obscure allegations that take place in society.

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