platinum group minerals
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2022 ◽  
Stephen J. Barnes ◽  
Clifford R. Stanley ◽  
Valentina Taranovic

Abstract The Nova-Bollinger Ni-Cu-platinum group element (PGE) deposit in the Fraser zone of the Albany-Fraser orogen consists of two main orebodies, Nova and Bollinger, hosted by the same tube-shaped intrusion but having distinctly different Ni tenors of around 6.5 and 4.8 wt %, respectively. Nova is also higher in Pd, but Cu and Pt tenors are similar. Both deposits have very low PGE tenors, with average Pd concentrations of 110 ppb in massive sulfide at Bollinger and 136 ppb at Nova. The Nova and Bollinger orebodies show relatively little internal differentiation overall on deposit scale but show strong differentiation into chalcopyrite-rich and chalcopyrite-poor regions at a meter scale. This differentiation is more prevalent at Nova, where massive sulfide-filled vein arrays are more extensively developed, and in massive ores, particularly veins, than in net-textured ores. Net-textured and disseminated ores have on average Ni and Cu grades and tenors similar to those of massive, semimassive, and breccia ores in the same orebody but a smaller range of variation, largely due to a more limited extent of sulfide liquid fractionation and higher average concentrations of Pt and Pd than adjacent massive ores. Unusually for differentiated magmatic sulfides, there is no systematic positive correlation between Pt, Pd, and Cu. A partial explanation for the lack of a Pd-Cu correlation is that Pd was partitioned into peritectic pentlandite in the middle stages of sulfide liquid solidification. This explanation is not applicable to Pt, as Pt characteristically forms its own phases rather than residing in base metal sulfides. PGE tenors are very low in both orebodies, very similar to those observed in other Ni-Cu-Co sulfide ores in orogenic settings, notably the Savannah and Savannah North orebodies. This depletion is attributed to sulfide retention in the mantle source of the parent magmas rather than to previous fractional extraction of sulfide liquid in staging chambers or feeder networks. The higher Ni and Pd tenors at Nova are attributed to reworking and upgrading of precursor sulfide liquid originally deposited upstream at the Bollinger site. Replicate analyses of multiple jaw-crusher splits returned highly variable Pt and Au assays but much smaller relative errors in the other PGEs. The poor Pt and Au reproducibilities are attributed to nugget effects, explicable by much of the Pt and Au in the samples being present in sparse Pt- and Au-rich grains. This is principally true for Pt in massive rather than disseminated ores, accounting for a strong contrast in the distribution of Pt/Pd ratios between the two ore types. Numerical simulation suggests that Pt is predominantly resident in Pt-rich platinum group minerals with grain diameters of 100 μm or more and that at the low (<100 ppb) concentrations in these ores, this results in most assays significantly underreporting Pt. This is likely to be true in other low-PGE ores, such that apparent negative Pt anomalies in massive ores may in such cases be attributable to sampling artifacts.

2022 ◽  
Jinbo Pang ◽  
Yanhao Wang ◽  
Xiaoxin Yang ◽  
Lei Zhang ◽  
Yufen Li ◽  

2D nonlayered materials have attracted enormous research interests due to their novel physical and chemical properties with the confined dimensions. Platinum sulfide as one of the most common platinum-group minerals...

Minerals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Evgenia V. Airiyants ◽  
Olga N. Kiseleva ◽  
Sergey M. Zhmodik ◽  
Dmitriy K. Belyanin ◽  
Yuriy C. Ochirov

The platinum-group minerals (PGM) in placer deposits provide important information on the types of their primary source rocks and ores and formation and alteration conditions. The article shows for the first time the results of a study of placer platinum mineralization found in the upper reaches of the Kitoy River (the southeastern part of the Eastern Sayan (SEPES)). Using modern methods of analysis (scanning electron microscopy), the authors studied the microtextural features of platinum-group minerals (PGM), their composition, texture, morphology and composition of microinclusions, rims, and other types of changes. The PGM are Os‑Ir‑Ru alloys with a pronounced ruthenium trend. Many of the Os‑Ir‑Ru grains have porous, fractured, or altered rims that contain secondary PGE sulfides, arsenides, sulfarsenides, Ir-Ni-Fe alloys, and rarer selenides, arsenoselenides, and tellurides of the PGE. The data obtained made it possible to identify the root sources of PGM in the placer and to make assumptions about the stages of transformation of primary igneous Os-Ir-Ru alloys from bedrock to placer. We assume that there are several stages of alteration of high-temperature Os-Ir-Ru alloys. The late magmatic stage is associated with the effect of fluid-saturated residual melt enriched with S, As. The post-magmatic hydrothermal stage (under conditions of changing reducing conditions to oxidative ones) is associated with the formation of telluro-selenides and oxide phases of PGE. The preservation of poorly rounded and unrounded PGM grains in the placer suggests a short transport from their primary source. The source of the platinum-group minerals from the Kitoy River placer is the rocks of the Southern ophiolite branch of SEPES and, in particular, the southern plate of the Ospa-Kitoy ophiolite complex, and primarily chromitites.

Minerals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Nadezhda Tolstykh ◽  
Valeriya Brovchenko ◽  
Viktor Rad’ko ◽  
Maria Shapovalova ◽  
Vera Abramova ◽  

Pyrrhotite (or Cu-poor) massive ores of the Skalisty mine located in Siberia, Russia, are unique in terms of their geochemical features. These ores are Ni-rich with Ni/Cu ratios in the range 1.3–1.9 and contain up to 12.25 ppm Ir + Rh + Ru in bulk composition, one of the highest IPGE contents for the Norilsk-Talnakh ore camp. The reasons behind such significant IPGE Contents cannot simply be explained by the influence of discrete platinum-group minerals on the final bulk composition of IPGE because only inclusions of Pd minerals such as menshikovite, majakite, and mertieite II in Pd-maucherite were observed. According to LA-ICP-MS data obtained, base metal sulfides such as pyrrhotite, pentlandite, and pyrite contain IPGE as the trace elements. The most significant IPGE concentrator being Py, which occurs only in the least fractionated ores, and contains Os up to 4.8 ppm, Ir about 6.9 ppm, Ru about 38.3 ppm, Rh about 36 ppm, and Pt about 62.6 ppm. High IPGE contents in the sulfide melt may be due to high degrees of partial melting of the mantle, interaction with several low-grade IPGE impulses of magma, and (or) fractionation of the sulfide melt in the magma chamber.

Minerals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 1420
Andrei Y. Barkov ◽  
Nadezhda D. Tolstykh ◽  
Nobumichi Tamura ◽  
Robert F. Martin ◽  
Andrew M. McDonald ◽  

Ferrotorryweiserite, Rh5Fe10S16, occurs as small grains (≤20 µm) among droplet-like inclusions (up to 50 μm in diameter) of platinum-group minerals (PGM), in association with oberthürite or Rh-bearing pentlandite, laurite, and a Pt-Pd-Fe alloy (likely isoferroplatinum and Fe-Pd-enriched platinum), hosted by placer grains of Os-Ir alloy (≤0.5 mm) in the River Ko deposit. The latter is a part of the Sisim placer zone, which is likely derived from ultramafic units of the Lysanskiy layered complex, southern Krasnoyarskiy kray, Russia. The mineral is opaque, gray to brownish gray in reflected light, very weakly bireflectant, not pleochroic to weakly pleochroic (grayish to light brown tints), and weakly anisotropic. The calculated density is 5.93 g·cm–3. Mean results (and ranges) of four WDS analyses are: Ir 18.68 (15.55–21.96), Rh 18.34 (16.32–20.32), Pt 0.64 (0.19–1.14), Ru 0.03 (0.00–0.13), Os 0.07 (0.02–0.17), Fe 14.14 (13.63–14.64), Ni 13.63 (12.58–14.66), Cu 4.97 (3.42–6.41), Co 0.09 (0.07–0.11), S 29.06 (28.48–29.44), and total 99.66 wt. %. They correspond to the following formula calculated for a total of 31 atoms per formula unit: (Rh3.16Ir1.72Pt0.06Ru0.01Os0.01)Σ4.95(Fe4.48Ni4.11Cu1.38Co0.03)Σ10.00S16.05. The results of synchrotron micro-Laue diffraction studies indicate that ferrotorryweiserite is trigonal; its probable space group is Rm (#166) based on its Ni-analog, torryweiserite. The unit-cell parameters refined from 177 reflections are a = 7.069 (2) Å, c = 34.286 (11) Å, V = 1484 (1) Å3, and Z = 3. The c:a ratio is 4.8502. The strongest eight peaks in the X-ray diffraction pattern derived from results of micro-Laue diffraction study [d in Å(hkil)(I)] are 2.7950 (205) (100); 5.7143 (0006) (60); 1.7671 (220) (44.4); 3.0486 (201) (39.4); 5.7650 (102) (38.6); 2.5956 (207) (37.8); 3.0058 (116) (36.5); and 1.5029 (412) (35.3). Ferrotorryweiserite and the associated PGM crystallized from microvolumes of residual melt at late stages of crystallization of grains of Os- and Ir-dominant alloys occurred in lode zones of chromitites of the Lysanskiy layered complex. In a particular case, the residual melt is disposed peripherally around a core containing a disequilibrium association of magnesian olivine (Fo72.9–75.6) and albite (Ab81.6–86.4), with the development of skeletal crystals of titaniferous augite: Wo40.8–43.2En26.5–29.3Fs20.3–22.6Aeg6.9–9.5 (2.82–3.12 wt. % TiO2). Ferrotorryweiserite represents the Fe-dominant analog of torryweiserite. We also report occurrences of ferrotorryweiserite in the Marathon deposit, Coldwell Complex, Ontario, Canada, and infer the existence of the torryweiserite–ferrotorryweiserite solid solution in other deposits and complexes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 59 (6) ◽  
pp. 1339-1362
Malose M. Langa ◽  
Pedro J. Jugo ◽  
Matthew I. Leybourne ◽  
Danie F. Grobler

ABSTRACT The UG-2 chromitite layer, with its elevated platinum-group element content, is a key marker horizon in the eastern and western limbs of the Bushveld Igneous Complex and the largest platinum-group element chromite-hosted resource of its kind in the world. In contrast, much less is known about its stratigraphic equivalent in the northern limb, the “UG-2 equivalent” (UG-2E) chromitite. Recent studies on chromite mineral chemistry show similarities between the UG-2 and sections of the UG-2E, but also that the UG-2E was partially contaminated by assimilation of local metasedimentary rocks. Here, we provide a detailed characterization of sulfide minerals and platinum-group minerals in a suite of samples from the UG-2E and compare the results with data obtained from a reference suite of samples from the UG-2. Results from petrographic observations, electron probe microanalysis, laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, quantitative evaluation of materials by scanning electron microscopy, and δ34S isotopes show that: (1) sulfide minerals in the UG-2E and UG-2 consist mainly of pentlandite-chalcopyrite-pyrrhotite, but pyrrhotite is significantly more abundant in the UG-2E and almost absent in the UG-2; (2) iron contents in pentlandite from the UG-2E are significantly higher than in the UG-2; (3) platinum-group element contents within sulfide minerals are different between the two chromitites; (4) UG-2E platinum-group minerals are dominated by arsenides and bismuthotellurides, and by alloys and platinum-group element-sulfide minerals in the UG-2; (5) sulfide mineral chemistry and δ34S values indicate some crustal contamination of the UG-2E; and (6) sulfide mineral and secondary silicate mineral textures in both the UG-2E and UG-2 are indicative of minor, millimeter- to centimeter-scale, hydrothermal alteration. From our observations and results, we consider the UG-2E chromitite in the northern limb to be the equivalent to the UG-2 in the eastern and western limbs that has been contaminated by assimilation of Transvaal Supergroup footwall rocks during emplacement. The contamination resulted in UG-2E sulfide mineral elemental contents and platinum-group mineral types and abundances that are distinct from those of the UG-2 in the rest of the Bushveld.

2021 ◽  
Vol 59 (6) ◽  
pp. 1833-1863
Andrew M. McDonald ◽  
Ingrid M. Kjarsgaard ◽  
Louis J. Cabri ◽  
Kirk C. Ross ◽  
Doreen E. Ames ◽  

ABSTRACT Oberthürite, Rh3(Ni,Fe)32S32, and torryweiserite, Rh5Ni10S16, are two new platinum-group minerals discovered in a heavy-mineral concentrate from the Marathon deposit, Coldwell Complex, Ontario, Canada. Oberthürite is cubic, space group , with a 10.066(5) Å, V 1019.9(1) Å3, Z = 1. The six strongest lines of the X-ray powder-diffraction pattern [d in Å (I)(hkl)] are: 3.06(100)(311), 2.929(18)(222), 1.9518(39)(115,333), 1.7921(74)(440), 1.3184(15)(137,355) and 1.0312(30)(448). Associated minerals include: vysotskite, Au-Ag alloy, isoferroplatinum, Ge-bearing keithconnite, majakite, coldwellite, ferhodsite-series minerals (cuprorhodsite–ferhodsite), kotulskite, and mertieite-II, and the base-metal sulfides, chalcopyrite, bornite, millerite, and Rh-bearing pentlandite. Grains of oberthürite are up to 100 × 100 μm and the mineral commonly develops in larger composites with coldwellite, isoferroplatinum, zvyagintsevite, Rh-bearing pentlandite, and torryweiserite. The mineral is creamy brown compared to coldwellite and bornite, white when compared to torryweiserite, and gray when compared chalcopyrite and millerite. No streak or microhardness could be measured. The mineral shows no discernible pleochroism, bireflectance, or anisotropy. The reflectance values (%) in air for the standard COM wavelengths are: 36.2 (470 nm), 39.1 (546 nm), 40.5 (589 nm), and 42.3 (650 nm). The calculated density is 5.195 g/cm3, determined using the empirical formula and the unit-cell parameter from the refined crystal structure. The average result (n = 11) using energy-dispersive spectrometry is: Rh 10.22, Ni 38.83, Fe 16.54, Co 4.12, Cu 0.23 S 32.36, total 100.30 wt.%, which corresponds to (Rh2Ni0.67Fe0.33)Σ3.00(Ni19.30Fe9.09Co2.22Rh1.16Cu0.12)∑31.89S32.11, based on 67 apfu and crystallochemical considerations, or ideally, Rh3Ni32S32. The name is for Dr. Thomas Oberthür, a well-known researcher on alluvial platinum-group minerals, notably those found in deposits related to the Great Dyke (Zimbabwe) and the Bushveld complex (Republic of South Africa). Torryweiserite is rhombohedral, space group , with a 7.060(1), c 34.271(7) Å, V 1479.3(1), Z = 3. The six strongest lines of the X-ray powder-diffraction pattern [d in Å (I)(hkl)] are: 3.080(33)(021), 3.029(58)(116,0110), 1.9329(30)(036,1115,1210), 1.7797(100)(220,0216), 1.2512(49)(0416), and 1.0226(35)(060,2416,0232). Associated minerals are the same as for oberthürite. The mineral is slightly bluish compared to oberthürite, gray when compared to chalcopyrite, zvyagintsevite, and keithconnite, and pale creamy brown when compared to bornite and coldwellite. No streak or microhardness could be measured. The mineral shows no discernible pleochroism, bireflectance, or anisotropy. The reflectance values (%) in air for the standard COM wavelengths are: 34.7 (470 nm), 34.4 (546 nm), 33.8 (589 nm), and 33.8 (650 nm). The calculated density is 5.555 g/cm3, determined using the empirical formula and the unit-cell parameters from the refined crystal structure. The average result (n = 10) using wavelength-dispersive spectrometry is: Rh 28.02, Pt 2.56, Ir 1.98, Ru 0.10, Os 0.10, Ni 17.09, Fe 9.76, Cu 7.38, Co 1.77 S 30.97, total 99.73 wt.%, which corresponds to (Rh4.50Pt0.22Ir0.17Ni0.08Ru0.02Os0.01)∑5.00(Ni4.73Fe2.89Cu1.92Co0.50)Σ10.04S15.96, based on 31 apfu and crystallochemical considerations, or ideally Rh5Ni10S16. The name is for Dr. Thorolf (‘Torry') W. Weiser, a well-known researcher on platinum-group minerals, notably those found in deposits related to the Great Dyke (Zimbabwe) and the Bushveld complex (Republic of South Africa). Both minerals have crystal structures similar to those of pentlandite and related minerals: oberthürite has two metal sites that are split relative to that in pentlandite, and torryweiserite has a layered structure, comparable, but distinct, to that developed along [111] in pentlandite. Oberthürite and torryweiserite are thought to develop at ∼ 500 °C under conditions of moderate fS2, through ordering of Rh-Ni-S nanoparticles in precursor Rh-bearing pentlandite during cooling. The paragenetic sequence of the associated Rh-bearing minerals is: Rh-bearing pentlandite → oberthürite → torryweiserite → ferhodsite-series minerals, reflecting a relative increase in Rh concentration with time. The final step, involving the formation of rhodsite-series minerals, was driven via by the oxidation of Fe2+ → Fe3+ and subsequent preferential removal of Fe3+, similar to the process involved in the conversion of pentlandite to violarite. Summary comments are made on the occurrence and distribution of Rh, minerals known to have Rh-dominant chemistries, the potential existence of both Rh3+ and Rh2+, and the crystallochemical factors influencing accommodation of Rh in minerals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 59 (6) ◽  
pp. 1511-1542
Yiguan Lu ◽  
C. Michael Lesher ◽  
Liqiang Yang ◽  
Matthew I. Leybourne ◽  
Wenyan He ◽  

ABSTRACT The Jinbaoshan platinum group element-(Cu)-(Ni) deposit in southwest China is a sulfide-poor magmatic platinum-group element deposit that experienced multiple phases of post-magmatic modification. The sulfide assemblages of most magmatic Ni-Cu-platinum-group element deposits in China and elsewhere in the world are dominated by pentlandite-pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite with lesser magnetite and minor platinum-group minerals. However, Jinbaoshan is characterized by (1) hypogene violarite-pyrite 1-millerite-chalcopyrite and (2) supergene violarite-(polydymite)-pyrite 2-chalcopyrite assemblages. The platinum-group minerals are small (0.5–10 μm diameter) and include moncheite Pt(Te,Bi)2, mertieite-I Pd11(Sb,As)4, the atokite Pd3Sn – rustenburgite Pt3Sn solid solution, irarsite IrAsS, and sperrylite PtAs2 hosted mainly by violarite, silicates (primarily serpentine), and millerite. The platinum-group minerals occur in two sulfide assemblages: (1) mertieite-I-dominant (with irarsite, palladium, and Pd-alloy) in the hypogene assemblage and (2) moncheite-dominant (with irarsite, sperrylite, and atokite) in the supergene assemblage. Palladium and intermediate platinum-group elements (Os, Ir, Ru) are concentrated mainly in violarite, polydymite, and pyrite 2. Platinum is seldom hosted by base metal sulfides and occurs mainly as discrete platinum-group minerals, such as moncheite, sperrylite, and merenskyite. Violarite and polydymite in the Jinbaoshan deposit contain more Pb-Ag than pentlandite and pyrrhotite in the Great Dyke and Lac des Iles deposit. The formation of the sulfide assemblages in Jinbaoshan can be interpreted to have occurred in three stages: (1) a magmatic Fe-Ni-Cu sulfide melt crystallized Fe-Ni monosulfide and Cu-rich intermediate solid solutions, which inverted to a primary pyrrhotite-pentlandite-chalcopyrite-magnetite assemblage; (2) an early-secondary hypogene voilarite-millterite-pyrite 1-chalcopyrite assemblage formed by interaction with a lower-temperature magmatic-hydrothermal deuteric fluid; and (3) a late-secondary supergene violarite-polydymite-pyrite 2-chalcopyrite assemblage formed during weathering. Late-magmatic-hydrothermal fluids enriched the mineralization in Pb-Ag-Cd-Zn, which are incompatible in monosulfide solid solution, added Co-Pt into violarite, and expelled Pd to the margins of hypogene violarite and millerite, which caused Pd depletion in the hypogene violarite and the formation of mertieite-I. Supergene violarite inherited Pd and intermediate platinum-group elements from primary pentlandite. Thus, the unusual sulfide assemblages in the Jinbaoshan platinum-group element-(Cu)-(Ni) deposit results from multiple overprinted post-magmatic processes, but they did not significantly change the chalcophile element contents of the mineralization, which is interpreted to have formed at high magma:sulfide ratios (R factors) through interaction of crustally derived sulfide and a hybrid picritic-ferropicritic magma derived from subduction-metasomatized pyroxenitic mantle during impingement of the Emeishan plume on the Paleo-Tethyan oceanic subduction system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 59 (6) ◽  
pp. 1381-1396
Maximilian Korges ◽  
Malte Junge ◽  
Gregor Borg ◽  
Thomas Oberthür

ABSTRACT Near-surface supergene ores of the Merensky Reef in the Bushveld Complex, South Africa, contain economic grades of platinum-group elements, however, these are currently uneconomic due to low recovery rates. This is the first study that investigates the variation in platinum-group elements in pristine and supergene samples of the Merensky Reef from five drill cores from the eastern Bushveld. The samples from the Richmond and Twickenham farms show different degrees of weathering. The whole-rock platinum-group element distribution was studied by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry and the platinum-group minerals were investigated by reflected-light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and electron microprobe analysis. In pristine (“fresh”) Merensky Reef samples, platinum-group elements occur mainly as discrete platinum-group minerals, such as platinum-group element-sulfides (cooperite–braggite) and laurite as well as subordinate platinum-group element-bismuthotellurides and platinum-group element-arsenides, and also in solid solution in sulfides (especially Pd in pentlandite). During weathering, Pd and S were removed, resulting in a platinum-group mineral mineralogy in the supergene Merensky Reef that mainly consists of relict platinum-group minerals, Pt-Fe alloys, and Pt-oxides/hydroxides. Additional proportions of platinum-group elements are hosted by Fe-hydroxides and secondary hydrosilicates (e.g., serpentine group minerals and chlorite). In supergene ores, only low recovery rates (ca. 40%) are achieved due to the polymodal and complex platinum-group element distribution. To achieve higher recovery rates for the platinum-group elements, hydrometallurgical or pyrometallurgical processing of the bulk ore would be required, which is not economically viable with existing technology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 59 (6) ◽  
pp. 1453-1484
Eduardo Mansur ◽  
Sarah-Jane Barnes ◽  
Cesar F. Ferreira Filho

ABSTRACT Most of the World's platinum-group element ore deposits occur as thin stratiform layers within layered intrusions. These layers generally contain disseminated base-metal sulfides or chromite. However, cryptic platinum-group element deposits also occur without chromite or base-metal sulfides in what are known as low-S-high platinum-group element deposits. The origin of these deposits is not clearly understood. The Luanga Complex hosts the largest platinum-group elements resource in South America (i.e., 142 Mt at 1.24 ppm Pt + Pd + Au and 0.11% Ni) and hosts both a platinum-group element deposit containing disseminated base-metal sulfides (style 1) and a low-S-high platinum-group element deposit (style 2). It therefore offers the opportunity to compare the two deposit types in the same overall geological setting and consider how the low-S-high platinum-group element deposit could have formed. The first deposit style is termed the Sulfide zone and consists of a 10–50 meter-thick interval with disseminated base metal sulfides, whereas the second style is named low-S-high-Pt-Pd zone and consists of 2–10 meter-thick discontinuous lenses of 1–5 meter-thick sulfide- and oxide-free harzburgite and orthopyroxenite with discrete platinum-group minerals. Secondary assemblages commonly replace primary igneous minerals to a variable extent throughout the deposit, and thus allow for investigating the effects of post-cumulus alteration on the distribution of a wide range of chalcophile elements in a magmatic sulfide deposit at both whole-rock and mineral scale. This study presents the whole-rock distribution of S, platinum-group elements, and Te, As, Bi, Sb, and Se in both mineralization styles and the concentration of trace elements in base-metal sulfides from the Sulfide zone. The Sulfide zone has Pt/Pd ratios around 0.5 and high concentrations of Te, As, Bi, Sb, and Se, whereas the low-S-high-platinum-group element zone has Pt/Pd ratios greater than 1 and much lower Se, Te, and Bi concentrations, but comparable As and Sb contents. This is reflected in the platinum-group element assemblage, comprising bismuthotellurides in the Sulfide zone and mostly arsenides and antimonides in the low-S, high platinum-group elements zone. Moreover, the base-metal sulfides from the Sulfide zone have anomalously high As contents (50–500 ppm), which suggest that the sulfide liquid segregated from a very As-rich silicate magma, possibly illustrated by an average komatiitic basalt that assimilated a mixture of upper continental crust and black shales. We interpret the low-S-high platinum-group elements zone as a product of S loss from magmatic sulfides during post-cumulus alteration of the Luanga Complex. Selenium, Te, Bi, and Pd were also lost together with S, whereas As and Sb were expelled from base-metal sulfide structures and combined with platinum-group elements to form platinum-group minerals, suggesting they may play a role fixating platinum-group elements during alteration. The remobilization of chalcophile elements from magmatic sulfide deposits located in the Carajás Mineral Province may represent a potential source for hydrothermal deposits found in the region.

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