ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation
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Published By Association For Computing Machinery


2022 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-21
Jan Moritz Joseph ◽  
Lennart Bamberg ◽  
Imad Hajjar ◽  
Behnam Razi Perjikolaei ◽  
Alberto García-Ortiz ◽  

We introduce Ratatoskr , an open-source framework for in-depth power, performance, and area (PPA) analysis in Networks-on-Chips (NoCs) for 3D-integrated and heterogeneous System-on-Chips (SoCs). It covers all layers of abstraction by providing an NoC hardware implementation on Register Transfer Level (RTL), an NoC simulator on cycle-accurate level and an application model on transaction level. By this comprehensive approach, Ratatoskr can provide the following specific PPA analyses: Dynamic power of links can be measured within 2.4% accuracy of bit-level simulations while maintaining cycle-accurate simulation speed. Router power is determined from RTL-to-gate-level synthesis combined with cycle-accurate simulations. The performance of the whole NoC can be measured both via cycle-accurate and RTL simulations. The performance (i.e., timing) of individual routers and the NoC area are obtained from RTL synthesis results. Despite these manifold features, Ratatoskr offers easy two-step user interaction: (1) A single point-of-entry allows setting design parameters. (2) PPA reports are generated automatically. For both the input and the output, different levels of abstraction can be chosen for high-level rapid network analysis or low-level improvement of architectural details. The synthesizable NoC-RTL model shows improved total router power and area in comparison to a conventional standard router. As a forward-thinking and unique feature not found in other NoC PPA-measurement tools, Ratatoskr supports heterogeneous 3D integration that is one of the most promising integration paradigms for upcoming SoCs. Thereby, Ratatoskr lays the groundwork to design their communication architectures. The framework is publicly available at .

2022 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-33
Jinghui Zhong ◽  
Dongrui Li ◽  
Zhixing Huang ◽  
Chengyu Lu ◽  
Wentong Cai

Data-driven crowd modeling has now become a popular and effective approach for generating realistic crowd simulation and has been applied to a range of applications, such as anomaly detection and game design. In the past decades, a number of data-driven crowd modeling techniques have been proposed, providing many options for people to generate virtual crowd simulation. This article provides a comprehensive survey of these state-of-the-art data-driven modeling techniques. We first describe the commonly used datasets for crowd modeling. Then, we categorize and discuss the state-of-the-art data-driven crowd modeling methods. After that, data-driven crowd model validation techniques are discussed. Finally, six promising future research topics of data-driven crowd modeling are discussed.

2022 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-34
Roman Diviš ◽  
Antonín Kavička

This article describes and discusses railway-traffic simulators that use reflective nested simulations. Such simulations support optimizations (decision-making) with a focus on the selection of the most suitable solution where selected types of traffic problems are present. This approach allows suspension of the ongoing main simulation at a given moment and, by using supportive nested simulations (working with an appropriate lookahead), assessment of the different acceptable solution variants for the problem encountered—that is, a what-if analysis is carried out. The variant that provides the best predicted operational results (based on a specific criterion) is then selected for continuing the suspended main simulation. The proposed procedures are associated, in particular, with the use of sequential simulators specifically developed for railway traffic simulations. Special attention is paid to parallel computations of replications both of the main simulation and of supportive nested simulations. The concept proposed, applicable to railway traffic modelling, has the following advantages. First, the solution variants for the existing traffic situation are analyzed with respect to the feasibility of direct monitoring and evaluation of the natural traffic indicators or the appropriate (multi-criterial) function. The indicator values compare the results obtained from the variants being tested. Second, the supporting nested simulations, which potentially use additional hierarchic nesting, can also include future occurrences of random effects (such as train delay), thereby enabling us to realistically assess future traffic in stochastic conditions. The guidelines presented (for exploiting nested simulations within application projects with time constraints) are illustrated on a simulation case study focusing on traffic assessment related to the track infrastructure of a passenger railway station. Nested simulations support decisions linked with dynamic assignments of platform tracks to delayed trains. The use of reflective nested simulations is appropriate particularly in situations in which a reasonable number of admissible variants are to be analyzed within decision-making problem solution. This method is applicable especially to the support of medium-term (tactical) and long-term (strategic) planning. Because of rather high computational and time demands, nested simulations are not recommended for solving short-term (operative) planning/control problems.

2022 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-4
Romolo Marotta

The artifact evaluated in this report is relevant to the article. In fact, it allows us to run the experiments and reproduce figures, and the dependencies are documented. The process to regenerate data presented in the article completes correctly, and the results are reproducible. Additionally, the authors have uploaded their artifact on permanent repositories, which ensures a long-term retention. This article can thus receive the Artifacts Available , Artifacts Evaluated–Reusable , and Results Reproduced badges.

2022 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-27
Damian Vicino ◽  
Gabriel A. Wainer ◽  
Olivier Dalle

Uncertainty Propagation methods are well-established when used in modeling and simulation formalisms like differential equations. Nevertheless, until now there are no methods for Discrete-Dynamic Systems. Uncertainty-Aware Discrete-Event System Specification (UA-DEVS) is a formalism for modeling Discrete-Event Dynamic Systems that include uncertainty quantification in messages, states, and event times. UA-DEVS models provide a theoretical framework to describe the models’ uncertainty and their properties. As UA-DEVS models can include continuous variables and non-computable functions, their simulation could be non-computable. For this reason, we also introduce Interval-Approximated Discrete-Event System Specification (IA-DEVS), a formalism that approximates UA-DEVS models using a set of order and bounding functions to obtain a computable model. The computable model approximation produces a tree of all trajectories that can be traversed from the original model and some erroneous ones introduced by the approximation process. We also introduce abstract simulation algorithms for IA-DEVS, present a case study of UA-DEVS, its IA-DEVS approximation and, its simulation results using the algorithms defined.

2022 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-26
Oliver Reinhardt ◽  
Tom Warnke ◽  
Adelinde M. Uhrmacher

In agent-based modeling and simulation, discrete-time methods prevail. While there is a need to cover the agents’ dynamics in continuous time, commonly used agent-based modeling frameworks offer little support for discrete-event simulation. Here, we present a formal syntax and semantics of the language ML3 (Modeling Language for Linked Lives) for modeling and simulating multi-agent systems as discrete-event systems. The language focuses on applications in demography, such as migration processes, and considers this discipline’s specific requirements. These include the importance of life courses being linked and the age-dependency of activities and events. The developed abstract syntax of the language combines the metaphor of agents with guarded commands. Its semantics is defined in terms of Generalized Semi-Markov Processes. The concrete language has been realized as an external domain-specific language. We discuss implications for efficient simulation algorithms and elucidate benefits of formally defining domain-specific languages for modeling and simulation.

2022 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-26
Seunghan Lee ◽  
Saurabh Jain ◽  
Young-Jun Son

One of the major challenges faced by the current society is developing disaster management strategies to minimize the effects of catastrophic events. Disaster planning and strategy development phases of this urgency require larger amounts of cooperation among communities or individuals in society. Social networks have also been playing a crucial role in the establishment of efficient disaster management planning. This article proposes a hierarchical decision-making framework that would assist in analyzing two imperative information flow processes (innovation diffusion and opinion formation) in social networks under the consideration of community detection. The proposed framework was proven to capture the heterogeneity of individuals using cognitive behavior models and evaluate its impact on diffusion speed and opinion convergence. Moreover, the framework demonstrated the evolution of communities based on their inter-and intracommunication. The simulation results with real social network data suggest that the model can aid in establishing an efficient disaster management policy using social sensing and delivery.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Christine S. M. Currie ◽  
Thomas Monks

We describe a practical two-stage algorithm, BootComp, for multi-objective optimization via simulation. Our algorithm finds a subset of good designs that a decision-maker can compare to identify the one that works best when considering all aspects of the system, including those that cannot be modeled. BootComp is designed to be straightforward to implement by a practitioner with basic statistical knowledge in a simulation package that does not support sequential ranking and selection. These requirements restrict us to a two-stage procedure that works with any distributions of the outputs and allows for the use of common random numbers. Comparisons with sequential ranking and selection methods suggest that it performs well, and we also demonstrate its use analyzing a real simulation aiming to determine the optimal ward configuration for a UK hospital.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-31
Navonil Mustafee ◽  
Korina Katsaliaki ◽  
Simon J. E. Taylor

The field of Supply Chain Management (SCM ) is experiencing rapid strides in the use of Industry 4.0 technologies and the conceptualization of new supply chain configurations for online retail, sustainable and green supply chains, and the Circular Economy. Thus, there is an increasing impetus to use simulation techniques such as discrete-event simulation, agent-based simulation, and hybrid simulation in the context of SCM. In conventional supply chain simulation, the underlying constituents of the system like manufacturing, distribution, retail, and logistics processes are often modelled and executed as a single model. Unlike this conventional approach, a distributed supply chain simulation (DSCS) enables the coordinated execution of simulation models using specialist software. To understand the current state-of-the-art of DSCS, this paper presents a methodological review and categorization of literature in DSCS using a framework-based approach. Through a study of over 130 articles, we report on the motivation for using DSCS, the modelling techniques, the underlying distributed computing technologies and middleware, its advantages and a future agenda, and also limitations and trade-offs that may be associated with this approach. The increasing adoption of technologies like Internet-of-Things and Cloud Computing will ensure the availability of both data and models for distributed decision-making, which is likely to enable data-driven DSCS of the future. This review aims to inform organizational stakeholders, simulation researchers and practitioners, distributed systems developers and software vendors, as to the current state-of-the art of DSCS, and which will inform the development of future DSCS using new applied computing approaches.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-26
Jungmin Han ◽  
Seong-Hee Kim ◽  
Chuljin Park

Penalty function with memory (PFM) in Park and Kim [2015] is proposed for discrete optimization via simulation problems with multiple stochastic constraints where performance measures of both an objective and constraints can be estimated only by stochastic simulation. The original PFM is shown to perform well, finding a true best feasible solution with a higher probability than other competitors even when constraints are tight or near-tight. However, PFM applies simple budget allocation rules (e.g., assigning an equal number of additional observations) to solutions sampled at each search iteration and uses a rather complicated penalty sequence with several user-specified parameters. In this article, we propose an improved version of PFM, namely IPFM, which can combine the PFM with any simulation budget allocation procedure that satisfies some conditions within a general DOvS framework. We present a version of a simulation budget allocation procedure useful for IPFM and introduce a new penalty sequence, namely PS 2 + , which is simpler than the original penalty sequence yet holds convergence properties within IPFM with better finite-sample performances. Asymptotic convergence properties of IPFM with PS 2 + are proved. Our numerical results show that the proposed method greatly improves both efficiency and accuracy compared to the original PFM.

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