Revista de biología marina y oceanografía
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Published By Universidad De Valparaiso Chile

0718-1957, 0717-3326

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-101
Julio Alejandro Ysla-Guzmán ◽  
Xchel Gabriel Moreno-Sánchez ◽  
Martín Oscar Rosales-Velázquez ◽  
Víctor Carrasco-Chávez ◽  
José Luis Ortíz-Galindo

The barred sand bass Paralabrax nebulifer is a commercially important fish off the west coast of Baja California Sur. To assess the diet of this species and variations as a function of sex and reproductive condition, 60 specimens were captured using traps during seven seasonal sampling trips from August 2016 to August 2018 in an adjacent area to Magdalena Bay, Baja California Sur, Mexico. The stomach contents of 50 specimens were obtained (23 males and 27 females). Sex was diagnosed by direct observation of the gonads. Based on the gonadosomatic index, hepatosomatic index, and histological analyses, the reproductive season of the barred sand bass was corroborated for August 2016, April, August, and September 2017, and August 2018, and the non-reproductive season was corroborated for November 2016 and March 2018. The Index of Relative Importance (IRI) was used to classify the main diet components, which comprised three fish species, seven crustacean species, and one mollusk species. According to the IRI, the South American pilchard Sardinops sagax and the red pelagic crab Pleuroncodes planipes were the prey that contributed the most (55%) to the barred sand bass diet. The ANOSIM showed that there were significant differences in the amount and type of prey consumed by sex; the SIMPER analysis revealed that the species contributing the most to differences between the sexes were S. sagax (16.58%), Euphylax dovii (15.95%), Stenocionops ovata (12%), and P. planipes (11.82%) for females. There were significant differences in the amount and type of prey consumed between types of reproductive season; the species contributing the most to differences between seasons were Anchoa spp. (27.76%), and P. planipes for non-reproductive season (22.67%), and S. sagax (11.08%) for reproductive season. The feeding strategy of the barred sand bass was that of a specialist carnivorous predator that fed mainly on the fish Sardinops sagax during the reproductive season, which supply the dietary nutritional requirements of the lipids HUFA (arachidonic acid, 20:4n-6; eicosapentaenoic acid, 20:5n-3; docosahexaenoic acid, 22:6n-3), nutrients required to achieve reproductive success. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 102-110
Cristóbal Villaseñor-Parada ◽  
Paula E. Neill ◽  
Luis Jara-Rojas

Anemonia alicemartinae es una especie criptogénica en la costa chilena, donde se comporta como invasora (i.e., aumenta su distribución a través del tiempo). Vive adherida a sustratos duros en sistemas intermareales y submareales someros desde el norte de Chile hasta la Bahía de Concepción. Al parecer, su reproducción es principalmente asexual, sin una fase larval, por lo que se ha propuesto que su dispersión ocurre mediante un mecanismo de desprendimiento y re-adhesión al sustrato, el cuál puede ser estimulado por condiciones bióticas y abióticas. En este trabajo se evaluó el efecto de la arena sobre dicho mecanismo de dispersión, para lo cual se instalaron colectores de sedimento en 14 puntos de muestreo, en la localidad de Lirquén, en el extremo sudeste de la Bahía de Concepción (el límite sur de distribución de esta especie en el Pacífico SE). Los resultados indicaron que la densidad de anémonas disminuye exponencialmente con la cantidad de sedimento, el cuál correspondió principalmente a arenas finas y medianas (i.e., entre 0,125 y 0,5 mm de diámetro). Experimentos realizados en laboratorio indican que anémonas adheridas a sustratos con mayor cantidad de arena tardan menos tiempo en desprenderse, mientras que aquellas adheridas a sustratos sin arena demoran el triple de tiempo en hacerlo. Los resultados sugieren que las anémonas podrían percibir la presencia de arena como condiciones poco favorables, estimulando el desprendimiento de los individuos en busca de hábitats más propicios. También se discute el rol de la arena en la dispersión de la especie a larga distancia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-166
José A. García-Navarro ◽  
Miguel A. Vera-Sánchez ◽  
Diego Romero

Marine ecosystems are under great pressure due to heavy metals pollution, and mussels remain an important knowledge source in this regard. In this study, Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) were exposed for 7 days to Cd and three Cd-mixtures (Cd+Pb, Cd+Cu and Cd+Pb+Cu). The accumulation and tissue distribution of inorganic elements (Ca, K, Mg, Na, P and S, macrominerals) that are usually not taken into consideration in field studies on in bioassays were evaluated. Regarding concentration, the element which differed the most with respect to the control group was K, while Mg was the only one which showed no significant statistical difference with the control group. The group exposed to ternary mixture was the one in which there were more alterations in concentration and distribution of these macrominerals with respect to control, whereas in the group exposed to single Cd no significant differences in the concentration of these inorganic elements were found. The concentration and distribution of macrominerals in the compartments studied (digestive gland, gill and remaining soft tissues) is susceptible to the presence of Cd and heavy metal Cd-mixtures, with percentages of changes until 28.7%. Study results suggest that macrominerals composition in mussel tissues could be useful in studies of heavy metal contamination in marine ecosystems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-150
Jhon Dionicio-Acedo ◽  
Alison Cabrera-Simon ◽  
Maryandrea Rosado-Salazar ◽  
Arturo Aguirre-Velarde

Based on methodologies currently used in commercial hatcheries, four thermic treatments were compared to induce the gametes expulsion of Argopecten purpuratus. The treatments evaluated included: 1) gradual increase in temperature, 2) gradual decrease, 3) 5 °C thermal-shock, 4) 10 °C thermal-shock and 5) control at constant temperature 16 °C. After induction, the number of fertilized oocytes in each treatment was estimated. The results show that a gradual increase in temperature between 16 and 26 °C causes a significantly higher proportion of fertilized oocytes compared to other treatments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-121
Yira D. Tapia-Gallardo ◽  
Miguel A. Del Río-Portilla ◽  
Ceres A. Molina-Cárdenas ◽  
M. del Pilar Sánchez-Saavedra

Diatoms, such as Chaetoceros, grow in a mutualistic relationship with bacteria. However, in some cases, it is necessary to grow them in bacteria-free cultures. To reduce bacterial load, antibiotics are used, and on certain occasions it is necessary to use a mixture with more than one antibiotic. This work aimed to obtain a quick and effective protocol to reduce the bacterial load and evaluate the response of three Chaetoceros species with aquacultural importance. Single and mix antibiotics were used. Microalgal and bacterial growth was measured. The growth parameters for diatoms showed that the significantly highest cell concentration was for C. muelleri (3.15 x106 cells mL-1) and the lowest values to C. calcitrans (2.98 x106 cells mL-1). The significantly highest growth rate was for C. calcitrans (0.77 divisions per day), and the lowest values for Chaetoceros sp. (0.60 divisions per day). The growth parameters for heterotrophic bacteria showed that the significantly highest bacterial load was for Chaetoceros sp. (19.16 x106 CFU (Colony-Forming Units) mL-1) and the lowest values were for C. calcitrans (12.23 x106 CFU mL-1). The growth rate of the heterotrophic bacteria present in Chaetoceros cultures was similar among the three studied species. Streptomycin® and sulfate G41® produced a partial reduction of bacterial load. The most effective treatment for all three species was the use of an antibiotic mix composed of ampicillin® (250 μg mL-1), kanamycin® (200 μg mL-1), neomycin® (50 μg mL-1), and streptomycin® (100 μg mL-1) for three days. The mix prepared with the highest antibiotic concentration produced a reduction of bacteria (100%) for three days; however, it also induced a significant reduction of the growth of the three Chaetoceros species.

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-133
Bernardita Campos ◽  
Mauricio F. Landaeta

The objectives of this research were to estimate the abundance of the main groups of planktonic mollusks (meroplanktonic larvae, holoplanktonic gastropods and cephalopod paralarvae), and relate these groups to the physical-chemical water properties along a longitudinal gradient between Caldera, on the coast of mainland Chile, and the Easter Island ecoregion (Rapa Nui Island and Salas y Gómez Island), in the Southeast Pacific Ocean. Plankton samples were collected over the course of the CIMAR 21-Islas Cruise, from October to November 2015, at 33 oceanographic stations via vertical hauls of a WP2 net (180-µm mesh size) from a maximum depth of 300 m to the sea surface. Mollusks were sorted, counted and initially assigned to Class rank, later being identified to lower taxonomic ranks. Planktonic mollusks were obtained at all stations, and were composed of 92.7% of Gastropoda and 7.3% of Bivalvia. The total abundance of mollusks varied between 55 and 4,922 individuals 100 m-3.Euthecosomate gastropods exhibited the highest occurrence within the oceanic area. Meanwhile, no paralarvae were captured. Differences in the composition of planktonic mollusks between the continental and oceanic zones were evident. Bivalve larvae increased their abundance in warmer, salty and vertically mixed waters. These results are the first record of meroplanktonic mollusks in waters near the Chilean oceanic islands, and suggest that planktonic mollusks display spatial variation at the scale of the South Pacific Basin, which could be related to the hydrographic conditions and the water column structure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 134-144
Naily Nashira Figueroa-López ◽  
José Gregorio Rodríguez-Quintal ◽  
Antonio Brante

La invasión del pez león, Pterois volitans, en la costa Atlántica de los Estados Unidos y el mar Caribe representa una amenaza al funcionamiento del ecosistema marino. En 2010 fue reportado por primera vez en las costas venezolanas, y en 2013 ya era común en zonas arrecifales. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la abundancia y la ecología trófica del pez león en el Parque Nacional Morrocoy, y comparar su abundancia con la de otras especies nativas. En 2013 se realizaron censos visuales y recolectaron especímenes en diferentes hábitats (arrecifes, praderas de fanerógamas y manglares) y estratos de profundidad (1-3 m, 6-9 m, 12-15 m). Los resultados mostraron una alta variabilidad en la abundancia, con una densidad promedio de 46,30 (± 42,31 DE) peces∙ha-1 en arrecifes, mientras que en praderas de fanerógamas y manglares no se observó la presencia de la especie. Su densidad no difirió entre estratos de profundidad y fue significativamente mayor a la de las especies nativas censadas (familias Muraenidae y Serranidae). Su dieta estuvo compuesta de peces y crustáceos, con una mayor proporción de peces en especímenes de mayor tamaño. Las familias de peces más abundantes dentro del parque, Labridae, Haemulidae y Gobiidae, formaron parte de su dieta. Dadas las características del pez león como depredador generalista, un aumento de su población posiblemente afectaría significativamente la abundancia de peces nativos de las familias más representadas en su dieta, y la estructura y funcionamiento de estos sistemas arrecifales.

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-156
Carlos P. Muñoz-Ramírez ◽  
Maribel Beltrán-Concha ◽  
Karla Pérez-Araneda ◽  
Chester J. Sands ◽  
David K. A. Barnes ◽  

Climate change is strongly influencing regions of Antarctica but the consequences on microevolutionary processes have been little studied. Patterns of population genetic diversity were analysed in the Antarctic bivalve Nuculana inaequisculpta (Protobranchia: Nuculanidae) from a fjord with 70 years of documented climate-forced glacier retreat. Thirty-nine individuals from five sites at different distances from the glacier terminus were collected, and the COI gene was sequenced from each individual. No statistically significant genetic differentiation was found between sites nor a significant correlation between the proximity of glaciers and genetic diversity, suggesting a high dispersal capability and therefore, a planktonic larval stage for this species. Nevertheless, we encourage increasing the sample size and number of loci in future studies to confirm our findings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-171
Jaime R. Rau ◽  
Carlos Oyarzún ◽  
Jonnathan Vilugrón ◽  
Jaime A. Cursach ◽  
Claudio N. Tobar ◽  

The Lafken Mapu Lahual Coastal Marine Protected Area of Multiple Uses (Lafken Mapu Lahual), Osorno coast, southern Chile, is one of the first protected areas created in Chile during 2006, but only in 2019 its Management Plan was presented. This study provides information on its marine mammal species to be used in future biodiversity monitoring plans. The sighted mammals were recorded and counted through 18 navigation tracks and one observation point in the 2014-2015 austral breeding season. Five species were recorded systematically (one whale species, two dolphin species, one marine otter species and a one sea lion species). Two of them (Lontra felina and Balaenoptera musculus) are classified by the IUCN in the conservation category corresponding to Endangered. Laken Mapu Lahual is an important area for the species of whales that use it for their migratory route to the south of Chile.

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 172-175
Germán Pequeño ◽  
Guillermo Figueroa-Muñoz

The capture of a specimen of Myxine pequenoi until 550 km south of the previously described distribution, specifically from Seno Magdalena, Puerto Cisnes, Aysén, is communicated. The extension of the geographic distribution of M. pequenoi was analyzed, in a wider spectrum about the marine cyclostomes, in the Chilean fjord’s region.

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