Quietism in the Face of Injustice: A Cultural Mennonite’s Reflection on Pride and Shame in Science and Environmental Education

Hannah K. Miller
2021 ◽  
Vol 291 ◽  
pp. 05001
Sergey Yekimov ◽  
Viktoriia Nianko ◽  
Irina G. Ershova ◽  
Natalya Banko ◽  
Dmitriy Kucherenko

Environmental education is one of the main tools for solving the problems of environmental management and environmental protection. In all highly developed countries, there is a tendency to develop technologies that contribute to reducing the harmful effects of human activities on the environment. The sustainable development of society and the economy in the face of growing demands for natural resources involves the careful treatment and transmission to future generations of clean air, genetic biodiversity and soil fertility. This can be achieved through the development of high-tech technologies based on environmental principles ,which largely depends on the quality of environmental education not only for specialists in the field of environmental management, but also for all people. We hold the view that environmental education has a great impact on the ability and skills of people to make decisions in accordance with environmental norms and standards. In order for environmental education to become an effective part of universal education, it is necessary first of all that every teacher has a competence in the field of ecology.

2017 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
Vanúzia Sari ◽  
Silviamar Camponogara

ABSTRACT Objective: to discuss the reasons why the results of environmental education in hospitals do not correspond to the expected based on the concepts of Risk Society and Reflective Modernity, and pointing out alternatives for more effective educational actions in these institutions. Method: this was a qualitative research using a case study method by interviewing nine workers from the Environmental Education Nucleus of a hospital group. The data were collected by documentary research and semi-structured interview and analyzed by content analysis. Results: the two categories showed that some elements related to Reflective Modernity contributed to the low effectiveness of environmental education actions in hospitals. These included: the influence of abstract systems (specialists) regarding the thinking of individuals; The existence of protective cocoons, reflexivity without reflection, complicity and generalized irresponsibility in the face of ecological risks, and also the segmentation of the environments, which leads to the pluralization of the self in various selves. Conclusion: it is recommended to use educational experiences based on sensitivity, life and art, accompanied by reflection. This would make it possible to break with this logic of self-confrontation with environmental risks, without weaving a reflection on them, which is typical of Reflective Modernity. In addition, it is suggested that health institutions locally adopt and, locally, a sound pro-environmental policy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-32
Alejandra Edith Salazar ◽  
Mayanín Asunción Sosa Alcaraz ◽  
Guadalupe Valladares Gamboa

Because natural limits and economic growth are being exceeded today, the world cares for the environment. The current economic rationale focuses on maximizing production and seeking the accumulation of wealth, which has devastating consequences for society and the natural environment. Therefore, it is very important to know the current state of the environment, the regulations for production and consumption, and the management of urban and rural waste. Education is the ideal way to address the various environmental and social problems that modern society experiences. Different strategies and actions in education can be carried out so that children, youth and adults act towards the environment with responsibility and awareness. In fact, various governments have already implemented public programs on environmental education in communities and schools. For this reason, this article aims to present information and reflections about the problem and excessive generation of solid waste, the role that education and environmental culture play in its management, and how it can be used to try to alleviate this problematic. This was achieved using a documentary and literature analysis. This analysis shows the need to reinforce learning oriented to the development of skills and perceptions in the face of real-world environmental problems, applying a multidisciplinary approach and trusting on the participation of rural communities.  

Daniela Vieira Costa Menezes

Desde a organização das primeiras sociedades de caçadores-coletores até o desenvolvimento da vida sedentária, o ser humano foi transformando as paisagens dos ambientes naturais do nosso planeta. Atualmente, há uma crise planetária decorrente dos meios de produção e de consumo, em um modo de vida urbano pautado na tecnologia. Paralelamente, há um movimento internacional pela Educação Ambiental, visando o combate à crise instaurada. O presente trabalho se propõe a refletir sobre o potencial da Educação Ambiental em uma perspectiva crítica e criativa, a partir em uma abordagem freireana. Uma vez que os mecanismos de solução se pautam nos mesmos princípios que geraram a crise, é necessário que a Educação Ambiental se constitua a partir de seu potencial transformador, ao invés de servir ao Desenvolvimento Sustentável. From the organization of the first societies of hunter-gatherers to the development of sedentary life, the human being has transforming the landscapes of the natural environments of Pour planet. Nowadays, there is a planetary crisis resulting from the means of production and consumption, in an urban way of life based on technology. At the same time, there is an international movement for Environmental Education, aimed at combating the crisis. The present work proposes to reflect on the potential of Environmental Education in a critical and creative perspective, starting from a Freirean approach. Since the solution mechanisms are based on the same principles that generated the crisis, it is necessary that Environmental Education be constituted from its transformative potential, instead of serving the Sustainable Development. Desde la organización de las primeras sociedades de cazadores-colectores hasta el desarrollo de la vida sedentaria, el ser humano fue transformando los paisajes de los ambientes naturales del nuestro planeta. Actualmente, hay una crisis planetaria derivada de los medios de producción y de consumo, en un modo de vida urbano pautado en la tecnología. Paralelamente, hay un movimiento internacional por la Educación Ambiental, buscando el combate a la crisis instaurada. El presente trabajo se propone reflexionar sobre el potencial de la Educación Ambiental desde una perspectiva crítica y creativa, a partir de un enfoque freireano. Una vez que los mecanismos de solución se basan en los mismos principios que generaron la crisis, es necesario que la Educación Ambiental se constituya a partir de su potencial transformador, en lugar de servir al Desarrollo Sostenible.

Márcia Madeira Malta ◽  
Vilmar Alves Pereira

O texto ressalta as contribuições da Racionalidade Ambiental para a Educação Profissional pautada na ética e na horizontalidade de saberes. A Racionalidade Ambiental torna-se necessária diante da crise ambiental baseada na apropriação da natureza, na ciência positivista, no pensamento colonizador, na fragmentação do conhecimento e nos meios de produção capitalista que causaram e ainda causam uma crise civilizatória. Apresentamos uma revisão bibliográfica acompanhada de um horizonte epistemológico de compreensão Hermenêutica, preocupada com as contribuições dos Fundamentos da Educação Ambiental para a Educação Profissional. Concluímos que se faz necessário que a Racionalidade Ambiental seja vivenciada nas Instituições de Ensino e que possam significar tais conceitos no processo educativo. The text highlights the contributions of Environmental Rationality to Professional Education based on ethics and the horizontality of knowledge. Environmental Rationality becomes necessary in the face of the environmental crisis based on the appropriation of nature, positivist science, colonizing thought, the fragmentation of knowledge and the capitalist means of production that have caused and still cause a crisis of civilization. We present a bibliographical review accompanied by an epistemological horizon of understanding Hermeneutics, concerned with the contributions of the Fundamentals of Environmental Education for Vocational Education. We conclude that it is necessary that Environmental Rationality be experienced in the Institutions of Education and that can mean such concepts in the educational process. El texto resalta las contribuciones de la Racionalidad Ambiental para la Educación Profesional pautada en la ética y en la horizontalidad de saberes. La racionalidad ambiental se torna necesaria ante la crisis ambiental basada en la apropiación de la naturaleza, en la ciencia positivista, en el pensamiento colonizador, en la fragmentación del conocimiento y en los medios de producción capitalista que causaron y aún causan una crisis civilizatoria. Presentamos una revisión bibliográfica acompañada de un horizonte epistemológico de comprensión Hermenéutica, preocupada por las contribuciones de los Fundamentos de la Educación Ambiental para la Educación Profesional. Concluimos que se hace necesario que la Racionalidad Ambiental sea vivenciada en las Instituciones de Enseñanza y que puedan significar tales conceptos en el proceso educativo.

2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Walter Júnior Faria ◽  
Luiz Mauricio Silva

Através deste presente artigo, será apresentado o tema Repensar a Educação Ambiental: um olhar crítico. A educação ambiental é uma ação educativa que se desenvolve, através de uma prática, em que valores e atitudes promovem um comportamento rumo a mudanças perante a realidade, tanto em seus aspectos naturais como sociais, desenvolvendo habilidades e atitudes necessárias para dita transformação e emancipação e assim resgatarmos o tratado de Educação para Sociedades Sustentáveis e por novos valores que a educação ambiental se propõe formar. O objetivo deste estudo é fazer com que as pessoas possam compreender a educação ambiental crítica e emancipatória em seus compromissos com as lutas populares, com as instituições públicas e com a transformação radical das relações sociais que definem nosso modo de ser na natureza. A metodologia utilizada foi um estudo bibliográfico, exploratório, de caráter qualitativo. Como método de estudo foi utilizado o dedutivo.Palavras-chave: Educação Ambiental, Sustentabilidade e Compromisso Social.ABSTRACTThrough this present article will show the theme Rethinking Environmental Education: a critical look. Environmental education is an educational activity that develops through practice, in which values and attitudes towards promoting behavior change in the face of reality, both natural and social aspects, developing skills and attitudes required for transformation and empowerment and told thus recovers the treaty of Education for Sustainable Societies and new values that environmental education is proposed to form. The aim of this study is to get people to understand the critical environmental education and emancipatory in its engagement with popular struggles, with public institutions and the transformation of social relations that define our way of being in nature. The methodology used was a literature search, exploratory, of qualitative character. As a study method was used deductive.Words-key: Environmental Education, Sustainability and Social Commitment.

Tomás Tornero Gómez

Asentar la sostenibilidad frente a los graves desastres ecológicos de todo tipo requiere una educación enfocada en el respeto y la concienciación hacia la naturaleza. Esta revolución de valores y conductas que pretende impulsar la Educación Ambiental para el desarrollo sostenible pasa, entre otros muchos ámbitos, por el protagonismo de las universidades dada la enorme influencia que tiene sobre la sociedad.La finalidad del presente trabajo es realizar el diseño y validación de un cuestionario para determinar los conocimientos, actitudes, comportamientos y opiniones de la comunidad universitaria de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) en diversas cuestiones, tales como: el medio ambiente y sus correlaciones, el desarrollo sostenible, la sostenibilidad y la Educación Ambiental promovidas por la Universidad,la formación del profesorado, etc. Establishing sustainability in the face of serious ecological disasters of all kinds requires education focused on respect and awareness fornature. This revolution of values and behaviorsthat aims to promote Environmental Education for sustainable development passes, among many other areas, by the prominence of universities given the enormous influence it has on society.The purpose of this work is to design and validate a questionnaire to determine the knowledge, behaviorsand opinions of the university community in the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) on various issues, such as: environment and its correlations, sustainable development, sustainability and Environmental Education promoted by the University, etc.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. e051003
Ariana Reis Messias Fernandes de Oliveira ◽  
Alana da Silva Souza ◽  
Ana Paula Pereira da Silva ◽  
Kaylane Teles de Souza ◽  
Keclin Eduarda Santos de Jesus ◽  

Este trabalho tem como escopo de discussão e reflexão o projeto de ensino intitulado “Educação ambiental é fundamental!” – idealizado e executado no atual período de pandemia. Dado o contexto, o ensino, a pesquisa e extensão também precisaram de um novo redirecionamento em suas práticas a fim de atender aos protocolos de distanciamento social orientados pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) para conter o avanço do coronavírus. Diante da questão mencionada, surgiram questionamentos acerca de como redirecionar ações educativas em Educação Ambiental em espaço não-formal de educação. Este estudo compreende um relato de experiência de atividades remotas do referido Projeto, com o objetivo de refletir acerca das potencialidades, desafios e limitações do ensino remoto da Educação Ambiental em espaço não-formal. As atividades do Projeto foram esquematizadas em três partes: interdisciplinaridade da educação ambiental; criação e contação de histórias como prática no ensino da educação ambiental e rede social como espaço não formal no ensino remoto da educação ambiental. Para uma avaliação sobre o aprendizado dos estudantes que participaram do Projeto, foi utilizado como instrumento para coleta de dados um questionário online semiestruturado. Assim, diante do estudo empreendido, constata-se que é possível desenvolver ações educativas em Educação Ambiental de maneira remota, a partir do uso da internet e de metodologias/plataformas facilitadoras do contexto remoto. Destaca-se, sobretudo, o uso de histórias em quadrinhos, uma vez que apareceram nos resultados e discussões deste estudo como uma importante estratégia metodológica de ensino e aprendizagem por se tratar de um procedimento didático-pedagógico lúdico e transversal. Igualmente, enfatiza-se a potencialidade das redes sociais, que podem ser utilizadas enquanto estratégia didático-pedagógica para a compreensão, ampliação e execução de propostas e discussões com ênfase em Educação Ambiental. Palavras-chave: Meio Ambiente. História em Quadrinhos. Rede Social. Abstract: This study has as scope of discussion and reflection the teaching project called "Environmental education is essential!"  – It was idealized and executed in the current pandemic period. Given the context, teaching, research and extension also needed a new redirect in their practices in order to take account the protocols of social distancing guided by the World Health Organization (WHO) to contain the coronavirus advance. Before the issue mentioned, it has emerged questions about how to redirect educational actions in Environmental Education in non-formal education space. This study includes an experience report of remote activities of the referred Project with the aim of reflecting about the potentialities, challenges and limitations of remote learning of Environmental Education in non-formal space. The activities of the Project were outlined in three parts: interdisciplinary of environmental education; creation and storytelling as practice in environmental education teaching and social network as non-formal space in remote education of environmental education. For an evaluation about the learning of the students who participated in the Project, it has been used as an instrument for data collection a semi-structured online questionnaire. Thus, in the face of the study undertaken, it has been noted that it is possible to develop educational actions in Environmental Education remotely, from the use of the internet and methodologies/platforms enabling the remote context. Stands out, especially, the use of comic books since they appeared in the results and discussions of this study as an important teaching and learning methodological strategy because it is an educational-pedagogical playful and cross-sectional. Likewise, it is emphasized the potential of social networks, that can be used as a didactic-pedagogical strategy for understanding, extension and implementation of proposals and discussions with emphasis on Environmental Education. Keywords: Environment. Comics. Social Network.

Alla В. Komissar ◽  

The formation of mass environmental awareness among the younger generation is one of the most pressing problems of environmental education that also needs support from state and public organizations, designed to ensure the continuity, accessibility and methodological content of its implementation in educational institutions of all levels. The article provides a brief overview of the historical and political preconditions for the established attitude to the environment in our country, and specifies the features of the manifestation of intrasystemic connections “nature-human-society”. In the course of the study the author tried to identify the most significant objectives of continuing environmental education in the face of the problem formation of Russian environmental consciousness. There were also drawn conclusions about the advisability of introducing a nature-oriented behavioral model and a functional philosophical paradigm into the educational and upbringing processes – both in order to achieve popularization of ecocentric and noospheric types of thinking. The enlightenment activation, development of empathy in all age groups of students (the whole population in the nearest future) and preservation of the environmental education continuum, regardless of the socio-political and economic situation are presented as the only possible options for a society wishing to embark on the path of preventing local and global ecological disasters.

Edgar J. González-Gaudiano ◽  
Ana Lucía Maldonado-González

Without having yet overcome the problems that gave rise to climate change, the field of environmental education faces new challenges because of the onslaughts of this phenomenon. Growing contingents of people in many parts of the world are periodically affected by extreme hydro-meteorological phenomena, such as severe droughts in Africa and increasingly intense cyclones that affect tropical coastal areas. These environmental threats can be aggravated by decades of investment in development programs at the global and local levels that end up affecting vulnerable populations the most. Its consequences have generated synergic processes of humanitarian emergencies of unprecedented magnitude, in the form of increasing waves of temporary or permanently displaced populations, because of disasters, water and food shortages, as well as armed conflicts and social violence that demand more resources to alleviate long-standing poverty and environmental degradation. This complex situation entails colossal challenges but also new opportunities to face processes of environmental education, which require a different strategic approach to trigger processes of social resilience when communities face adversities. This, in a stable, organized way and to allow societies to learn from them, encourages changes that the societies consider necessary to reduce their risks and vulnerabilities. Social resilience is not a state to be achieved, but a community process in continuous movement, in which various actors and social agents participate. Some of the community actions to be carried out during a social resilience capacity building process must be oriented toward mitigating physical and social vulnerability, adapting to the new conditions generated by climate change, and managing risks, among other actions that invite collective learning of lived experiences. For instance, a case study carried out with high school students in the municipalities of La Antigua, Cotaxtla, and Tlacotalpan in the state of Veracruz (Mexico) allowed researchers to better understand the social resilience construction processes. Initially, an attempt was made to analyze the social representation of climate change in communities vulnerable to floods resulting from extreme tropical storms. Subsequently, the way in which the students perceived their risks and their vulnerability was investigated, as well as the guidelines that govern the community behavior in the face of climate events with extreme values (magnitude, intensity, duration), which tended to exceed the capacities of communities to face them appropriately. Youngsters were chosen because they are a highly influential population in the promotion of social resilience, as they are often voluntarily and spontaneously involved in situations of community emergency. This has allowed an understanding of possible routes to undertake environmental education processes, aimed at strengthening capacities so that affected people can adapt to the changes and have strategies to reduce disaster risks in the face of specific critical events. Although the studies examined here are based on experiences in communities in the Mexican coastal areas of the Gulf of Mexico, the authors of this article are convinced that their findings can be useful in developing equivalent programs in communities that are similarly vulnerable.

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