Liminal hypotext–hypertext relations in selected Shakespearean prequels, sequels and gap-fillers

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-107 ◽  
Ewa Kębłowska-Ławniczak

Liminality is inherent in the adaptation process situated ‘in-between’. Proposing the ‘biological’ concept of symbiosis, David Cowart distinguishes between the ‘host’ and the ‘guest’ text. Symbiosis as a shape-shifting concept involves a two-directional adaptation process, an ‘epistemic dialogue’, where interest is in how the later text’s meaning is produced in relation to the earlier and how the overall production of meaning is affected by the hypertext. To obliterate the lines of influence, temporal distance, privilege and importance, it is possible to conceive of the relation between hypotext and the hypertextual ‘attachment’ as rhizomatic and thus to locate the ‘hypertext product’ in a region where historical genealogies either no longer matter or need to be seriously reconceptualized The article discusses the hypotext–hypertext relations in a selection of modern and postmodern adaptations by Maurice Baring, Gordon Bottomley, WTG and Elaine Feinstein and Linda Bamber, as ‘symbiotic attachments’ or rhizomatic developments whose relationship with the Shakespearean text, or rather ‘aggregate’ can be variously defined in narrative terms. I argue that texts located in the position of prologues, epilogues or separately published ‘letters’ – defined as prequels, sequels or gap-fillers and often pointing to an ontological or temporal elsewhere – can be variously defined as elements of the main text, metatexts masquerading as paratexts or framing borders and that they function as generators of meaning.

2021 ◽  

Abstract R is an open-source statistical environment modelled after the previously widely used commercial programs S and S-Plus, but in addition to powerful statistical analysis tools, it also provides powerful graphics outputs. In addition to its statistical and graphical capabilities, R is a programming language suitable for medium-sized projects. This book presents a set of studies that collectively represent almost all the R operations that beginners, analysing their own data up to perhaps the early years of doing a PhD, need. Although the chapters are organized around topics such as graphing, classical statistical tests, statistical modelling, mapping and text parsing, examples have been chosen based largely on real scientific studies at the appropriate level and within each the use of more R functions is nearly always covered than are simply necessary just to get a p-value or a graph. R comes with around a thousand base functions which are automatically installed when R is downloaded. This book covers the use of those of most relevance to biological data analysis, modelling and graphics. Throughout each chapter, the functions introduced and used in that chapter are summarized in Tool Boxes. The book also shows the user how to adapt and write their own code and functions. A selection of base functions relevant to graphics that are not necessarily covered in the main text are described in Appendix 1, and additional housekeeping functions in Appendix 2.

Jude Iyinbor

The optimisation of engine performance by predictive means can help save cost and reduce environmental pollution. This can be achieved by developing a performance model which depicts the operating conditions of a given engine. Such models can also be used for diagnostic and prognostic purposes. Creating such models requires a method that can cope with the lack of component parameters and some important measurement data. This kind of method is said to be adaptive since it predicts unknown component parameters that match available target measurement data. In this paper an industrial aeroderivative gas turbine has been modelled at design and off-design points using an adaptation approach. At design point, a sensitivity analysis has been used to evaluate the relationships between the available target performance parameters and the unknown component parameters. This ensured the proper selection of parameters for the adaptation process which led to a minimisation of the adaptation error and a comprehensive prediction of the unknown component and available target parameters. At off-design point, the adaptation process predicted component map scaling factors necessary to match available off-design point performance data.

2008 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 261-266
Jorge Lorenzo Otero

Abstract Dementia with Parkinson's disease represents a controversial issue in the complex group of alpha-synucleinopathies. The author acknowledges the concept of a "continuum" between Parkinson disease's (PD), Lewy body dementia (LBD), and dementia in Parkinson's disease (PDD). However, the practicing neurologist needs to identify the phenotypic signs of each dementia. The treatment and prognosis are different in spite of the overlaps between them. The main aim of this review was to characterize the clinical diagnoses of dementia associated with Parkinson's disease (PDD). Secondarily, the review discussed some epidemiological and neuropsychological issues. Selection of articles was not systematic and reflects the author's opinion, where the main text selected was the recommendations from the Movement Disorder Society Task Force for PDD diagnosis. The Pub Med, OVID, and Proquest data bases were used for the search.

Psico-USF ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 445-457 ◽  
Natália Becker ◽  
Jerusa Fumagalli de Salles

Abstract The objective of this study was to describe an adaptation to Brazilian Portuguese of the methodological criteria for analysis of clustering and switching in semantic verbal fluency (SVF) and phonemic verbal fluency (PVF) tasks. The adaptation process consisted of six steps, including the selection of the clustering and switching variables based on data from a sample of 419 children and the analysis of inter-rater reliability (six raters). The following variables were scored: the total number of words generated the raw number of clusters, the mean cluster size, and the raw number of switches. There was a significant association between raters (intra-class correlation coefficients between 0.95 and 0.99), showing that the analytical method was reliable. Our study provides an evaluation of SVF and PVF tasks that goes beyond the overall score, making it possible to investigate the cognitive processes underlying this neuropsychological function.

2017 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-108
Jan Poleszczuk

Abstract In this paper, I discuss the concept of adaptive rationality. I present a simple model of ecology and the set of decision rules. The basic structure of the process of cognitive adaptation to ecology is described as a structure comprising (1) perceptual space, (2) a function valuating perceived items, (3) a set of available decision rules and (4) the adaptation process - identification and selection of the best strategies in given ecological conditions. The presented model of ecosystem allows a conclusion that completely opposite strategies may be compatible with the assumption of adaptive rationality.

Ellina Panasenko ◽  
Yaroslav Slutskyi

The article presents the theoretical characteristics of the strategic functions of the system of foreign student’s social and pedagogical support, namely, the prognostic and the project functions. The features of forecasting during the adaptation process are considered, which are in the consideration of the entire spectrum of probable actions and potential problem situations. This will allow to find a solution during the preparatory stage, to form the appropriate skills, to overcome them and carry out the practical activity more effectively in future. Thus, the prognostic function plays an important role in the system of foreign students’ socio-pedagogical support, allowing them to make prognostic activities both the potential events that will occur when performing an action and the consequences of choosing a particular approach or cultural pattern when communicating with a representative of another country and culture. Adaptive activity is not only about the formation of the necessary skills to be able to interact with representatives of other culture and to conduct an effective academic process. But this kind of activity can be carried out only as a result of achieving the goals set by the projective function. The features of which are: to formulate the purpose of the whole adaptation process, that will move to the next stages of socio-pedagogical support projecting; to have a goal that allows you to find and approve the tools that must be used in the adaptation process; to build a sequence of actions that will help to achieve the goal, that provides the selection of stages; to take into account the importance of evaluating the results that will be formed during the adaptation activity to determine the level of development of knowledge and skills of a foreign student, to determine the need for additional training or retraining. All these components allow us to talk about the necessity to build a model by the foreign student and consultant, which will demonstrate the sequence of actions aimed at projecting adaptation activities. This kind of model will allow to formulate the stages of the preparatory process, including the development of an adaptation program.

2009 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 235-283 ◽  
Peter Mercer-Taylor

Abstract The nineteenth century witnessed the rapid rise and gentle decline of an unprecedented vogue, particularly in the English-speaking world, for crafting hymn tunes from the work of Europe's most revered composers. Indeed, through the widely circulated publications of Lowell Mason and several like-minded American editors, it was in the form of hymnody that the European classical tradition reached a substantial part of the American population for the first time. After setting forth broadly the historical underpinnings of such adaptations' dissemination, this study seeks to bring an unprecedented critical focus to the examination of a much-maligned repertoire through an exploration of the hymn tunes based on the work of one of its leading beneficiaries, Felix Mendelssohn. Gathered here are fifty-eight hymn tunes drawn from Mendelssohn's work, capturing what appears (based on a survey of 250 tune books and hymnals) to be the entry point of each particular melody into the American hymn repertoire. This body of music permits us not only to explore a multiplicity of approaches to the adaptation process itself, but to articulate a set of fundamental shifts that appear to have occurred in the genre as the nineteenth century wore on. From the late 1850s onward, we see not only a markedly heightened eagerness to adhere, in the adaptation process, to Mendelssohn's compositional will, but a pronounced move in the selection of melodic material away from the adventurous, catch-as-catch-can breadth of the mid-century publications toward tunes drawn from a more tightly circumscribed body of works that were coming to enjoy an established place in the concert repertoire at large.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-26
Grace Andrews

Objectives This study assesses the navigability of a selection of American Theological Library Association and Association of Christian Librarians library websites and measures the extent to which these libraries employ responsive design. Methods This study uses quantitative content analysis.  Results The most frequent navigational path for key content was in the main text of the landing page, either through a direct hyperlink or simply as text displayed on the website. Two-thirds (66%) of the websites were found to be fully functional in their mobile versions, with only 5 (6%) partially functional and 19 (23%) not functional at all. Conclusions Theological libraries should consider their mission and resources when organizing their websites. Additionally, they should strive to include basic customer service and research assistance through their website. Putting key content in the main text of the homepage will make it more available to potential users. Libraries will do well to continue efforts toward responsive design.

2019 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
Gian Domenico Iannetti ◽  
Giorgio Vallortigara

Abstract Some of the foundations of Heyes’ radical reasoning seem to be based on a fractional selection of available evidence. Using an ethological perspective, we argue against Heyes’ rapid dismissal of innate cognitive instincts. Heyes’ use of fMRI studies of literacy to claim that culture assembles pieces of mental technology seems an example of incorrect reverse inferences and overlap theories pervasive in cognitive neuroscience.

1975 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 395-407
S. Henriksen

The first question to be answered, in seeking coordinate systems for geodynamics, is: what is geodynamics? The answer is, of course, that geodynamics is that part of geophysics which is concerned with movements of the Earth, as opposed to geostatics which is the physics of the stationary Earth. But as far as we know, there is no stationary Earth – epur sic monere. So geodynamics is actually coextensive with geophysics, and coordinate systems suitable for the one should be suitable for the other. At the present time, there are not many coordinate systems, if any, that can be identified with a static Earth. Certainly the only coordinate of aeronomic (atmospheric) interest is the height, and this is usually either as geodynamic height or as pressure. In oceanology, the most important coordinate is depth, and this, like heights in the atmosphere, is expressed as metric depth from mean sea level, as geodynamic depth, or as pressure. Only for the earth do we find “static” systems in use, ana even here there is real question as to whether the systems are dynamic or static. So it would seem that our answer to the question, of what kind, of coordinate systems are we seeking, must be that we are looking for the same systems as are used in geophysics, and these systems are dynamic in nature already – that is, their definition involvestime.

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