
Problem statement. A quarry is classified as an architectural object that has its own structure. As each industrial facility has an expiration date, the question of its restoration and inclusion in the planning structure of the city increasingly arises. Quarries that are not used for their intended purpose pose a real threat to the dispersal of housing and public buildings in the city, complicating public relations. Although mining is necessary for the development of the country's economy, the development of deposits has a negative impact on the environment. Firstly − the change of natural relief, different in depth and other parameters, and secondly − not the same type of design solution during the revitalization of the worked quarry. The presence of analysis and principles of reorganization of space and functional purpose in the quarries can improve the affected areas of the city. Purpose − development of scientifically substantiated proposals and recommendations of the principles of revitalization of quarries as spent industrial facilities in the urban environment in accordance with the existing functional content of the city in order to create an ecologically balanced and comfortable human environment with a positive impact on the urban ecosystem. Conclusions. The study of the worked quarry not as a mining object for mining, but as an engineering complex industrial object, which in turn is able to meet the main groups of human processes, expands the criteria for analysis and improvement of the revitalization of the territory. Restoration of these facilities is aimed at improving the architectural, environmental and emotional state of the city. Using the necessary principles for a single point of integration (career), the urban area becomes more balanced in terms of functional content.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 34-39
I Nyoman Artayasa

A Corona abstract Virus is a new type of coronavirus that is contagious to humans. The Virus can attack anyone, whether it is infants, children, adults, seniors, pregnant women, and nursing mothers.This viral infection is called COVID-19 and was first discovered in the city of Wuhan, China, at the end of December 2019The Virus is contagious rapidly and has spread to other regions in China and to several coun- tries, including Indonesia.The positive impact is more concerned with the health of all worlds in collaboration with each other.Air quality improved. Negative impact. Hoard food; Price of goods rose mainly masks, sanitizer, temperature gauge to the drug, purchasing power down, debt skyrocketed; Revenue decreased due to redeployed, can not pay installments to the bank on time; School and college fees increase to support learning with technology.Denpasar city government policy in accelerating the impact handling Covid 19 in Denpasar City:Program, the help of basic cash assistance to employees of the formal sector, the direct assistance of cash to the informal workers

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 169
Wilko Rahmad Zulkarnaini ◽  
Elfindri Elfindri ◽  
Delfia Tanjung Sari

ABSTRACTCities are spatial plans on the surface (land) with administrative boundaries that have been determined where there is concentration of the population in it along with various economic, social and political activities. The city is a residential spatial structure with a large number of people on limited urban land, which is generally non-agrarian. The development of the city does not always have a positive impact, but it has a negative impact including the emergence of slum areas around the city center. Around the city center there are various centers of activity including tourism, health, education and trade as well as services in the city, provincial and national levels. The five activities are developing quite rapidly which has resulted in the development of residential areas around the city center and the poor development of slums in these locationsThe purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence the development of slums. The research location is in the city of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra Province. This study uses primary data by distributing questionnaires to households throughout the City of Bukittinggi. The analysis used is logistic regression analysis. The results showed the factors that influence the development of slums including the Quality of Dwelling, Building Density, Education and Road Accessibility. These influencing factors can be used as a reference for alleviating slums in Bukittinggi City.Keywords: cities, households, slum areas. ABSTRAKKota merupakan suatu tempat pemusatan berbagai kegiatan manusia baik dari kegiatan sosial, kegiatan ekonomi, maupun kegiatan politik dimana berkonsentrasi pada satu tata ruang di atas permuakaan (darat) yang memiliki batas-batas wilayah administrasi yang sudah ditetapkan. Kota merupakan suatu tata ruang permukiman berpenduduk dengan jumlah yang banyak di atas lahan perkotaan yang terbatas, yang pada umumnya bersifat non agraris. Perkembangan kota tidak selalu menimbulkan dampak positif, namun memiliki dampak negatif diantaranya munculnya kawasan permukiman kumuh di sekitar pusat kota. Di sekitar pusat kota memiliki berbagai pusat  kegiatan diantaranya pariwisata, kesehatan, pendidikan dan perdagangan serta jasa baik di lingkup kota, provinsi maupun nasional. Kelima kegiatan tersebut berkembang dengan cukup pesat yang mengakibatkan berkembang kawasan permukiman di sekitar pusat kota dan buruknya berkembang permukiman kumuh di lokasi tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan permukiman kumuh. Lokasi penelitian berada di Kota Bukittinggi Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dengan menyebarkan kuesioner ke rumah tangga se-Kota Bukittinggi. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan permukiman kumuh diantaranya Kualitas Hunian, Kepadatan Bangunan, Pendidikan dan Aksesibilitas Jalan. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi ini dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan guna pengentasan permukiman kumuh di Kota Bukittinggi.Kata kunci: kota, rumah tangga, permukiman kumuh.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Ahmad Dakhoir

<div><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left"><tbody><tr><td align="left" valign="top"><p class="AbstractText">The growing rapidly of modern market in the mid of traditional markets and Small Medium Enterprises has not become energy and instruments in the development of people's economy in Indonesia. The number of modern retailers should also be utilized by small medium businessmen. This paper is aimed at explaining the existence of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and traditional markets amid the rapidly development of modern market. The dynamic is also felt by SMEs and traditional markets in Palangkaraya Town, Central Kalimantan. The method of this study uses descriptive qualitative approach. The object of study is all markets / modern stores and traditional markets in Palangka Raya Town. Based on the results of the analysis, this study reveals that the establishment of modern stores in Palangka Raya Town has a positive impact in the Palangka Raya Town. It becomes one of the factors encouraging the social and economic growth of the city. While the negative impact is that it threatens the resilience of traditional shops / markets and the similar small businesses and it can trigger social vulnerability (unharmonious).</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div>

Xiaohu Li ◽  
Xigang Zhu ◽  
Jianshu Li ◽  
Chao Gu

It is a key issue for the Chinese government to improve eco-efficiency and realize green development. As a spatial organization mode of industrial labor division, industrial agglomeration has a complex impact on eco-efficiency. However, it is still debatable which industrial agglomeration modes have a positive impact on eco-efficiency. This paper employs a panel threshold model, enterprise micro-level data, and relevant economic environment data from 283 cities in China from 2004 to 2012. It tests the nonlinear effects of specialized, related diversified, and unrelated diversified agglomeration on industrial eco-efficiency. The results show that the impact of specialized and related diversified agglomeration on industrial eco-efficiency is first inhibited and then promoted. The unrelated diversified agglomeration has a significantly negative impact on industrial eco-efficiency, but the negative impact weakens when agglomeration reaches a certain level. Furthermore, the impact of the three agglomeration modes on industrial eco-efficiency depends on city size. The impact of specialized agglomeration on industrial eco-efficiency is insignificant in small- and some medium-sized cities, but it has a significant inhibitory effect on industrial eco-efficiency when the city surpasses medium size. The role of related diversified agglomeration in promoting industrial eco-efficiency is further enhanced with the growth of city size. The impact of unrelated diversified agglomeration on industrial eco-efficiency gradually changes from negative to positive, but it plays a promoting role only when the city reaches the scale of super-large and mega-cities. Finally, this paper suggests that policymakers should formulate differentiated agglomeration policies according to changes in industrial agglomeration level or city size to improve industrial eco-efficiency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (21) ◽  
pp. 12222
Constança Martins Leite de Almeida ◽  
Semida Silveira ◽  
Erik Jeneulis ◽  
Francesco Fuso-Nerini

Cities across the world are becoming more engaged in tackling climate change and contributing to the achievement of international agreements. The city of Curitiba in Brazil is no exception. In December 2020, the city published PlanClima (Plano Municipal de Mitigação e Adaptação às Mudanças Climáticas), a climate plan developed with local and international organizations. PlanClima aims to guide policies and actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change. This study focuses on selecting and qualitatively evaluating transport policies that contribute to the city’s 2030 climate and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With PlanClima’s analysis for the transport sector in mind, nine targets for 2030 are identified and connected to different transport policies. To evaluate the possible interactions between the policies and the different dimensions of the SDGs, four types of linkages were designed: essential, uncertain, limited, and opposite. These categories were developed to evaluate the several dimensions in which a policy can have a positive or negative impact. The results show that the implementation of zero emission zones/low emission zones, green public procurement, subsidy schemes for the uptake of clean vehicle technology, and the digitalization of the transport system through smarter public transport and digital platforms that couple bike sharing, taxis, and public transport are some of the measures that can contribute to the achievement of Curitiba’s targets and ensure a positive impact on the sustainable development of the city. The study highlights how different policy instruments can contribute to achieve the city’s targets, thus providing guidance to policymakers.

Muhammad Ikhsan ◽  
Muhammad Hasan

This study aims to determine what are the impacts of using E-Commerce in increasing MSME sales turnover. This study uses a qualitative approach that is descriptive analysis. The data collection techniques used are observation, interview and documentation techniques. The research subjects were 5 MSME actors in the city of Makassar. The results showed that there are two impacts of using E-Commerce, namely positive impacts and negative impacts. The positive impact is the use of E-Commerce, namely, the store can be accessed 24 hours, provides security and convenience in the transaction process, eases promotions so that it can help communicate faster with customers and can access the global market and can satisfy customers and of course can increase sales turnover. Meanwhile, the negative impact is that if the goods are damaged, the goods can be checked and result in losses in shipping and packing costs, the number of rivals, admin fees charged to buyers and sellers, the COD system that makes sellers feel disadvantaged because the funds are released after the goods arrive.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 145 ◽  
Nurlaili Nurlaili ◽  
Rizky Muhartono ◽  
Yayan Hikmayani

Kebjakan penghentian perizinan sementara (moratorium) kapal kapal yang pembuatannya di luar negeri (kapal eks asing) berdampak langsung pada nelayan yang bekerja pada kapal-kapal eks asing berupa penurunan pendapatan hingga hilangnya mata pencaharian. Di sisi lain, kebijakan moratorium tersebut dirasakan memberikan dampak positif bagi usaha perikanan tangkap skala kecil khususnya di Kota Bitung. Tulisan ini bertujuan menggambarkan dampak kebijakan moratorium pada pelaku usaha perikanan tangkap skala kecil di Kota Bitung Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Tulisan ini merupakan bagian dari Kegiatan Kajian Khusus yang dilakukan secara cepat pada bulan Maret 2015. Penelitian tentang hal ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara mendalam dan observasi terhadap para pelaku usaha perikanan, baik perikanan tangkap, pengolahan dan pemasaran ikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan moratorium telah memberikan dampak negatif terhadap usaha perikanan tangkap berupa penurunan pendapatan sampai hilangnya mata pencaharian, dalam usaha pengolahan berdampak pada berkurangnya bahan baku sampai berhentinya produksi ikan olahan, dalam usaha pemasaran berdampak pada berkurangnya ikan untuk dipasarkan. Meskipun demikian, kebijakan ini berdampak positif pada usaha perikanan tangkap skala kecil yaitu peningkatan produksi, makin seringnya melaut, makin dekatnya fishing ground, peningkatan harga ikan, mudahnya akses memperoleh BBM dan peningkatan pendapatan.Title: Policy Impact moratorium on Business fisheries sector in BitungTermination of the licensing policy (moratorium) ships whose creation abroad (foreign ex ship) have a direct impact on the fishermen who work on the ships of foreign ex a decrease in revenue to the loss of livelihood. On the other hand, policy moratorium perceived a positive impact on small scale fishery business, especially in the city of Bitung. This paper aims to describe the impact of the moratorium on the perpetrators of small-scale fishery business in the city of Bitung in North Sulawesi province. This paper is part of a Special Assessment activities undertaken quickly on 18-20 March 2015. Findings of study used a qualitative approach, with data collection techniques are in-depth interviews and observations of the perpetrators of fisheries, both capture fisheries, processing and marketing fish. The results showed that the moratorium had a negative impact on fishery business as a decrease in revenue to loss of livelihood, the business processing time reduces the raw materials to the cessation of production of processed fish, the marketing efforts led to a reduction of fish to be marketed. However, these policies have a positive impact on the fishery business, the small scale of production increases, more and more often at sea, the nearby fishing ground, the increase in the price of fish, easy access to obtain fuel and increased revenue. 

L. Nikolenko

The article analyzes and determines the place of judicial precedent in the system of sources of Ukrainian law. The relationship between judicial precedent and case law is analyzed. It was found that the precedent gives the court decision on a particular case of a normative nature, determining the legal position of the judge is mandatory when considering similar cases. It is proved that this feature distinguishes precedent from judicial practice, which is understood as a set of court decisions on specific legal issues. It is determined that the principle of unity of judicial practice is not absolute, as the Supreme Court is endowed with procedural legislation in the prescribed manner to deviate from the previously formed legal position. The establishment of any restrictions will have a negative impact on the development of procedural law and judicial practice, will exclude the possibility of progressive development of law and social relations. The activity of the Supreme Court as the highest body of the judiciary with the functions of ensuring the uniform application of legislation and ensuring the unity of judicial practice, the acts of which are of paramount importance, is analyzed. It has been proved that the introduction of the “exemplary case” and “typical case” institutes is a step towards the recognition of judicial precedent in Ukraine and the unification in the legal system of our state of features and peculiarities of both legal families, Anglo-Saxon and Romano-Germanic. The position of scholars who refer the decisions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine to “quasi-precedents” is supported. It is noted that European Court of Human Rights judgments are used as precedents for Ukrainian courts to apply in their own cases. It is concluded that given the positive impact of precedent on court cases, as well as in general on the regulation of public relations and overcoming gaps in the legislation, it is necessary to implement it at the legislative level as an official source of law.

2019 ◽  
pp. 1-6
Tedy Wiraseptya ◽  
Melisa Suardi

Urban society as modern society does not only consume functional basic needs to survive. But fulfilling needs that are becoming a desire of urban society. The birth of the culture of consumerism is currently making rapid changes to the city community. However, not all urban communities accept this change. therefore, it is not uncommon to fight arguments and violence resulting from changes in consumerism. This culture of consumerism is motivated by the emergence of a period of capitalism which is carried by liberalism. The emergence of a culture of consumerism has a positive and negative impact. Has a positive impact when the employment field increases, the birth of new technology and others. The negative is when hedonism, consumerism, capitalism, and others arise.

2019 ◽  
pp. 37-44
Liubov Andriyivna Hileta

The aim of the study. Research the tourism and recreational activities of residents and visitors of the city of Lviv regarding the ecological state of green zones which perform a number of important functions, including social and environmental, which is to ensure that the residents of the city have the most favorable environmental conditions. Method. It is analized that within the Lviv urban ecosystem a green zone is allocated, that is, a system of territories with green plantations in unoccupied open spaces within a city or suburban area which have ecological, economic, recreational and aesthetic importance. The tourist and recreational use of the green zone has a significant negative impact on its condition. Results. The tourist and recreational activity of the residents of the Lviv urban ecosystem within the green zones is shown in walks, with pets included, mostly on unauthorized trampled trails, in organizing picnics, usually with the burning of fires, sports games and sunbathing and other, however, it is somewhat different depending on the type of green area and its affiliation with the nature reserve. Accordingly, the green areas of the Lviv urban ecosystem are exposed to such environmental effects as trampling of grass, which in turn leads to compaction of soil, compaction of the layer beneath, death of descending plants; collection of individual plants (usually flowers), which reduces the possibility of their self-renewal; mechanical damage to the green planting - a broken branch, kerf or notch on the trunk which cause infection of the trees with diseases and pests; contamination of the territory; burning of the upper layers of soil through unauthorized arrangement of fires, etc. Scientific novelty. Here is described the ecological consequences of the impact of tourist and recreational activities, which are quite large in local terms. Practical importance. It is stated that within the limits of the greenzones of the Lviv urban ecosystem, it is forbidden to damage and destroy trees, grass cover and equipment, consider a camp fire, arrange unauthorized rest places, passage and parking of transport, walk animals. But in order to reduce the negative impact of tourism and recreational activity on the state of the green zones of the urban ecosystem of Lviv, it is also necessary to introduce a system of management of the green zones of the city, which is, to create an interested administration.The wellestablished actions of the administration contribute primarily to the demarcation of the territory of the green areas, as well as to reduce the negative demonstration of recreational use of green areas.

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