Jurnal Studi Agama dan Masyarakat
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Published By Iain Palangka Raya

2540-8232, 1829-8257

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-134
Aziibur Rahman ◽  
Wahyu Eko Pujianto ◽  
Indra Pratama Salmon

Since Covid-19 pandemic occurred, the government and authorities in Indonesia have restricted almost all community activities in Indonesia, including various activities in houses of worship having an impact on the socio-economic vulnerability of Muslims. This study was to describe the phenomenon of the condition of Muslims affected by the pandemic, by providing a Muslim perspective as well as explaining how Islam responds to the epidemic phenomenon, restriction policies, and socio-economics. This study applied a literature study with a qualitative approach to obtain descriptive and qualitative analytical data. The data were collected through reviewing literature and data about the current situation of Covid -19 pandemic and the ongoing dynamics of Muslim people. This study was a literature study collaborating between Islamic perspectives with contemporary phenomena and theories so that they contributed to strengthening the argument that Islam and its experiences were still very relevant to today's conditions. The result showed that: first, Islam provided jabariyah and qadariyah perspectives for Muslims in responding to the pandemic phenomenon; second, Islam provided relevant perspectives in policy formulation during the pandemic, and; third, Islam emphasized that Maqasid Asy-Sharia was a strategy and concept in overcoming the economic vulnerability of the community during and after the pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-120
Riza Saputra

Religious moderation is currently one of the most loved courses in the framework of religious harmony. Even now, Ministry of Religion has been launching the Religious Moderation House program in all Islamic religious colleges in Indonesia. This paper discussed the program of activities carried out by Antasari State Islamic University of Banjarmasin to support the government program by instilling the values of religious moderation in all new students. This study applied a qualitative descriptive method with content analysis techniques. The sample in this study were questions posed by Mahasantri during the Islamic and National Insights material every Saturday night at Ma'had Jami'ah UIN Antasari Banjarmasin. The results showed that there were seven themes that most learners’ attraction, namely 1). diversity and tolerance, as many as 91 or 24.53% questions, 2). Synergy and the Importance of Islamic and National Insights, 54 or 14.56% of questions, 3). Radicalism, Terrorism, Fanaticism, 48 or 12.94% questions, 4). Nationalism and Love for the Motherland, 35 or 9.43% of questions, 5). Islamic State and Leaders, 20 or 5.39% of questions, 6). Islamic law in inter-religious relations, 25 or 6.74% questions, and 7). Conflict and Blasphemy, 16 or 4.31% questions. Tolerance and diversity were the most frequently asked questions. Thus, although this lesson carried the theme of Islamic insight and nationalism, this learning tent to be a space for students to ask questions and discuss tolerance which was an important element or part in religious moderation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-148
Nugroho Nugroho ◽  
Zaki Faddad Syarif Zain ◽  
Arpah Nurhayat

This study was to reveal the theological response and application of health protocols in Islamic boarding schools during the COVID19 pandemic. The data were obtained through observations, observations and interviews in three Islamic boarding schools: Ittifaqiyah, Aulia Cendikia and Al Burhan, a Salaf Islamic Boarding School. Aulia Cendikia is affiliated with NU and Al Burhan with Jamaah Tabligh, while Ittifaqiyah is the largest pesantren in the province but is not affiliated with any religious movement. This study revealed that in the application of health protocols in Islamic boarding schools during the pandemic, there were two things. First, Islamic boarding schools applied rules in the form of SOPs for virus prevention strictly. This was performed by Pesantren Aulia Cendikia and Ittifaqiyah. Meanwhile, Al Burhan tent to apply loosely. It was concluded that the level of an Islamic boarding school and the school it adhered could determine the response to health protocols in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 164-171
Perdana Aysha Puteri

The case of expulsion of a pastor at Semanu Gunungkidul GPdI church was resolved through mediation by the regional assistant. The conflict was triggered by the issue of Christianization by the pastor of GPdI Semanu. Today the conflict has ended, but it still leaves prejudice among religious leaders and structural officials in the area. The main data were interviews with those who directly involved in conflict and in efforts to resolve it. They were Muslim and Christian religious leaders, FKUB, sections of local government that were directly dealt with  conflict, local communities, and community organizations accompanying the conflict resolution process. The Indonesian government was one of the important factors in the process of conflict and its resolution. The recent research on interfaith conflict and dialogue emphasized the role and influence of grassroots communities.                                                                

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-106
Saripaini Saripaini

The robo-robo tradition is a traditional ritual carried out by the Sungai Kakap people as an effort to resist danger. This study explored to describe and identify the characteristics of people spirituality in the process of providing assistance through local community traditions. This research was a qualitative research using descriptive method. Data was collected by observing people’s life in the field and interviews. The result revealed that: 1) amongst their existence as human, they had an awareness of the need for the God's help. 2) close to nature and living environment. 3) had close relationships amongst people, social values such as the value of togetherness, the value of sharing and respect, and the value of kinship. 4) The relationship with God in the robo-robo tradition was divided into three groups, namely: first, religious people had faith in Allah SWT, and did not want to involve themselves in the robo-robo tradition. Generally, this group considered this custom to be a deviation in religion. Second, they had faith in Allah SWT, were involved in cultural celebrations but did not believe in the belief traditions developed in these celebrations. Third, they had faith in Allah SWT but also they had faith in other supernatural beings (soul / ancestral soul).

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-163
Hasse Jubba ◽  
Nispi Amalia Adila ◽  
Herianto Herianto ◽  
Triana Septiani

The existence of the Sunda Wiwitan community in Cireundeu Traditional Village has been faced with the threat of massive technological advances. Massive penetration of technology has caused indigenous people to use and accept technology as a necessity. In line with this, this paper was to explain how the sustainability and survival strategy of Sunda Wiwitan people in post truth era. This paper was based on data collected through direct observation and interviews with five different informants by taking into account the characteristics of each. The result showed that there was a strong influence between technology and the existence of Sunda Wiwitan as indigenous people. Indigenous people were able to adapt to all existing openness. This study confirmed that today's indigenous people still prevented their customs. Therefore, the existence of local communities needed to be guaranteed through various schemes, including supporting regulations that were protective in nature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-95
Khalida Urfiyya

Digitalization is a new phenomenon in the early twenty-first century connecting technology with civilization and benefits mankind in an intelligent and efficient way. The adoption of the blockchain concept in zakat institutions is the time to be a solution in dealing with existing Islamic problems such as the collection and distribution of zakat funds. This study was to provide an overview of the opportunities, potential and capabilities of blockchain system adoption in zakat institutions, especially in Indonesia. The method was a literature study by reviewing various relevant literatures and balanced with related studies on phenomena in various countries. With dynamic technological developments, especially the emergence of blockchain technology, the zakat ecosystem can be further enhanced since blockchain offerred the concept of data decentralization which were permanent, real-time, secure and transparent. Several things to encourage this practice could be done  by increasing the capabilities of zakat institutions' human resources, increasing awareness of compulsory zakat and the concept of digitizing zakat, integrated cooperation between OPZs, and collaborating with various digital platforms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-82
Isra Misra ◽  
Ali Sadikin

The Malan tradition or farming of Bakumpai Dayak society is a hereditary tradition handed down by ancestors. Malan is a social activity in agriculture, especially in farming, starting from clearing fields, cutting down forests, burning fields, planting rice and harvesting rice. This study was a field research with a qualitative approach in the form of phenomenology and contextual Islamic economics. The informants were people who farmed around Murung Raya Regency. Sources of data were primary data and secondary data. Primary data were data from observations and interviews. While secondary data were data in the form of documentation. The results showed that in Malan tradition of Bakumpai Dayak society, Islamic economic values were found in the form of togetherness and balance, help each other, cooperation, sharing and kindship. Malan activities were activities that form the basis of society in fulfilling basic needs (rice). The inhibiting factor for Malan's current activities was the government regulation that strictly prohibits burning forests and land. Malan activity was an activity that really helped rural communities in fulfilling their foods. The economic contribution to the Malan Tradition was enormous for society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-18
Fiqil Wiro

This study explored an advocacy of Muslim majority on Hindu Minority in Sidoarjo. The Muslim majority group maintained and protected the Hindu minority group in Krembung community. The Hindu group has very little adherents but they could grow to have a house of worship with a large land area in the East Java region. Most followers came from outside the area. This phenomenon looked unique since the Hindu people living in the temple area are very few and even dominated by immigrants from Bali. There was only one original family and the local indigenous population. The rest were immigrants and followers who came from outside the area. This study attempted to explain the forms of advocacy occurring in the area and factors encouraged the majority to advocate the minority. The analysis method uses advocacy and pro-social theory approaches. To enrich data collection, this study uses field studies which are also accompanied by interviews, observations and documentation. The study revealed that there were some forms of advocacy carried out by Muslim majority on Hindu minority in the form of mutual protection in various fields, including economic, social and the existence of each group. The birth of awareness to build advocacy through various activities was described.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Hadi Wiyono ◽  
Iwan Ramadhan

The purpose of this study was to analyze the shifting of Belalek tradition as seen from the factors of socio-cultural change, especially in the agricultural sector in the Sambas Malay society of Sentebang Village. The method used descriptive qualitative using observation, interview and documentation. The results revealed that people of Sentebang Village preferred to use the wage system compared to the remuneration system or called Belalek, the ease and efficiency of machine technology as a result of modernization, and the openness to changes and developments that occur. These three things have caused a shift in Belalek tradition.

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