2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 461
Yuzar Purnama

AbstrakIndonesia memiliki khasanah budaya yang relatif  banyak, salah satunya adalah kesenian tradisional. Kondisi real kesenian tradisional sekarang ini sebagian punah dan sebagian lagi  diujung kepunahan (hidup enggan mati tak mau). Upaya pelestarian yaitu perlindungan, pengembangan, dan pemanfaatan sudah dilakukan baik oleh pemerintah maupun  masyarakat. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah kurangnya perhatian terhadap wadah/tempat bernaung kesenian, sanggar. Tulisan ini mengupas peran sanggar dalam menjaga kelestarian kesenian tradisional, yang dibatasi pada sanggar yang terdapat di wilayah Betawi, dengan pertimbangan bagaimana kehidupan sanggar kesenian tradisional yang berada di wilayah paling modern di Indonesia. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang korelasi sanggar dengan kesenian tradisional. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode penelitian deskriptif. Penelitian didahului dengan studi pustaka, pengambilan data dengan observasi dan wawancara, dilanjutkan dengan klasifikasi data, analisis data, dan hasil. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah pentingnya eksistensi sanggar sebagai salah satu upaya untuk mengantisipasi kepunahan kesenian  khususnya kesenian topeng Betawi, topeng blantek, dan tanjidor. Peranan sanggar dalam kesenian tradisional adalah sebagai wadah/ tempat bernaung sejumlah seni budaya, sebagai media edukasi baik pendidikan maupun latihan, sebagai media hiburan bagi masyarakat sekitar dan peminat seni, sebagai tempat mengatur strategi seputar seni yang ditekuni sebagai tempat bersilaturahmi (berkumpul dan berdiskusi) dalam rangka mempererat persaudaraan. AbstractRelatively, Indonesia has many cultural treasures, one of them is a traditional art. Real conditionsof traditional art today partly extinct and partly at the threshold of extinction (reluctant live, but do not want todead). The preservation effort that is the protection, development and utilization has been done either by the government or the public. One reason is the lack of attention to the shelter of art, a studio. This writing examines the role of studios in preserving traditional art, which is restricted to the studio located in the region of Batavia, with consideration of how the life of a traditional art studio located in the most modern in Indonesia. The research aims is to gain the informationrelated to the traditional art studio. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive research method. Proceeded by doing literature research and collecting data through observation and interviews, followed by data classification, data analysis, and data findings. The results showed that the importance of the existence of the studio as an effort to anticipate the extinction of Betawi art, especially art masks, masks Blantek, and tanjidor. The role of studios in the traditional arts isas a shelter of a number of arts and culture, as a medium of education both education and training, as a medium of entertainment for the local community and art enthusiasts, as a set strategy in the art that occupied as a place to stay in touch (get together and discuss) in order to strengthen the brotherhood. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 8-19
Antonia Patrizia Iannuzzi ◽  
Elisabetta D’Apolito ◽  
Simona Galletta

This paper analyzes the relationships between mutual guarantee institutions (MGIs) and the development of firms’ internationalization. As a result, a theoretical framework consists of 20 items grouped into four areas of the investigation was formulated. This model, in the form of a questionnaire, was submitted in December 2017 to the universe of Italian supervised MGIs asking them to provide answers for the period 2014-2016. The empirical pieces of evidence reveal a still wholly embryonic role of Italian supervised MGIs to support the firms’ internationalization processes. Indeed, the paper reveals an informative and training gap to which one could cope with more intense involvement of the national federations, banks, and the government structures, providing simplified mechanisms of access to the public guarantee by those who are most involved in these entrepreneurial strategies. The present research identified some important behavioral requirements, that were not emphasized in existing literature, able to disclose the most virtuous approach adoptable by MGIs in order to strengthen the firms’ internationalization processes.

Elena Vartanova ◽  
Olga Vikhrova

In the context of Russia's digital transformation, the systemic digitalization of the dialogue between the public and the authorities is gaining particular relevance. The dialogue involves dealing with various problems of digital inequality, which include not only access to information and individual user skills but also ensuring simple process of getting the required amount of information about the local authorities’ activity. The role of the authorities here is providing the “digital information openness”, i.e. reporting to the local community about their work, receiving feedback from the residents and involving them in the informational dialogue. Authorities’ digital information openness will help to make them approachable for people and achieve “two-way” communication with the public. This will keep the government bodies well informed about the real socio-political situation in the region and guarantee the public’s involvement in the process of making decisions on development of the region and municipalities. The article analyzes web resources of government agencies and social network accounts of highest officials in eight RF constituent territories with various levels of economic development. The analysis shows that one of the key factors of supporting the dialogue between authorities and the public and developing digital information openness is federal and local legislative regulation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 311-325
Mohammad Rindu Fajar Islamy ◽  
Aam Abdussalam ◽  
Giani Adzkia

This research aims to explore the dynamics of wayang golek art and to highlight its sustainability in the future. Modernity, the acceleration of technological devices and globalization wave in the last two decades, transfers great pressure on traditional arts and culture. Wayang Golek, a performing art originally from West Java, has recently received a fairly strong wave of resistance due to changes in the social culture which is mainly leading to modernity. By using a qualitative approach, data collection techniques were carried out by interviewing two main players as the puppeteers of Wayang Golek. The data analysis uses the theory of Miles and Hubberman, and the theoretical study of Islamic studies. The results of the study show that 1) Wayang Golek has unique characteristics, where the talent needed tends to go through the "inheritance" tradition, 2) Wayang Golek can be a bridge for internalizing religious and humanist values for the community through unique stories based on custom, 3) the restriction of Wayang Golek performance due to the Covid-19 pandemic leads the puppeteers to be more creative to survive, such as creating videos and uploading them in YouTube and other social media, and 4) the preservation of this art depends on the serious attention of all parties, from the government, regional officials, and the community.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeskplorasi dinamika kesenian wayang golek, serta menyoroti keberlangsungan ‘hidup’ seni tradisional wayang golek dimasa yang akan datang. Era modernitas, akselerasi perangkat teknologi dan gelombang arus globalisasi dalam dua dekade terakhir, memberikan tekanan hebat pada wilayah seni dan budaya tradisional. Wayang Golek sebuah seni pertunjukkan yang berasal dari Jawa Barat akhir-akhir ini mengalami gelombang resistensi cukup kuat imbas dari perubahan kultur sosial masyarakat yang bergerak kearah modernitas. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara terhadap dua pemain utama sebagai “Dalang” Wayang Golek, observasi dan dokumentasi. Adapun analisis data menggunakan teori Miles dan Hubberman, dan kajian teoritis Islamic studies. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) Seni Wayang Golek memiliki karakteristik unik, dimana bakat yang dibutuhkan cenderung melalui tradisi “warisan”, 2) Wayang Golek dapat menjadi jembatan internalisasi nilai-nilai religius dan humanis bagi masyarakat melalui cerita-cerita unik berbasis adat, 3) dilarangnya pagelaran Wayang Golek akibat pandemi Covid-19 membuat para dalang lebih kreatif untuk bertahan, seperti membuat video dan menunggahnya ke YouTube dan media sosial yang lain, dan 4) Kelestarian kesenian ini bergantung terhadap perhatian serius semua pihak baik dari pemerintah, pejabat daerah, maupun masyarakat.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 239
Carolina Da Cruz

The purpose of this study were 1) To explain the role of the notary and responsibilities similarity in Indonesia and Timor Leste, 2) To explain the different roles and responsibilities of notaries in Indonesia and Timor Leste. The approach I use in the preparation of the writing of this legal research is a normative legal research, as in the study of law conceived as normative regulations and as written norms created and promulgated by an agency or by the competent state authorities. This research is descriptive research that aims to paint a picture of the state of things on certain areas and at certain times. Based on the results of this study were 1) Equation notary's role and responsibilities in Indonesia and Timor Leste. In Indonesia since 2004 has passed a law concerning Notary. But in Timor Leste began in 2009 Decree-Act No. 24/2009, dated August 26, set political guidelines for Timor-Leste's notary system and assigning to the Government the responsibility to set political guidelines specified in this legal diploma. 2) The different roles and responsibilities of notaries in Indonesia and Timor Leste. On the side of this difference can describe that, it is a rule that is very effective to help the public in understanding the roles and responsibilities of notaries in force in the country, especially in Indonesia is quite effective in establishing the truth related to his profession.Keywords: Comparison; Roles; Responsibilities; Notary.

1970 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 17-27
Pupung Zulyan ◽  
Sri Dewi Setiawati

This research aims to find out what efforts are made by the Kitchen community of art and culture of Bandung to help form City Branding. Community. Bandung's art and cultural kitchen is a community that does traditional Sundanese art and culture through tourism. The activities carried out by the community Kitchen arts and culture are expected to not only preserve traditional arts and culture but also preserve nature and improve the economy of the surrounding community. The role of The Kitchen Arts and Culture Community in the establishment of city branding Bandung city by becoming one icon of Bandung City. Starting from the preservation of traditional arts and culture that they do as a characteristic formation for the deference of marketing of traditional arts and cultures that originate from their area through tourism activities and become ambassadors representing the city of Bandung to several cities in Indonesia. For the role of the government in the establishment of city branding, it is necessary to align the objectives between the previous officials and the new officials, so that the goals made can be realized to the maximum, because often occurs when the shift in the position of existing programs needs to be re-socialized from the beginning.

Ramnik Kaur

E-governance is a paradigm shift over the traditional approaches in Public Administration which means rendering of government services and information to the public by using electronic means. In the past decades, service quality and responsiveness of the government towards the citizens were least important but with the approach of E-Government the government activities are now well dealt. This paper withdraws experiences from various studies from different countries and projects facing similar challenges which need to be consigned for the successful implementation of e-governance projects. Developing countries like India face poverty and illiteracy as a major obstacle in any form of development which makes it difficult for its government to provide e-services to its people conveniently and fast. It also suggests few suggestions to cope up with the challenges faced while implementing e-projects in India.

Nutrients ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (8) ◽  
pp. 2671
Mateus Santana Sousa ◽  
Camila Silveira Silva Teixeira ◽  
Jamacy Costa Souza ◽  
Priscila Ribas de Farias Costa ◽  
Renata Puppin Zandonadi ◽  

This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of community restaurants (CRs), managed by the Government of the State of Bahia/Brazil, for the dimension of access to food. The study used secondary data obtained from the public opinion survey Profile of users of community restaurants in Salvador. The nutritional information was accessed through the analysis of CRs’ menus. Adequate effectiveness of access to food was considered when the CR served meals to 50% to 70% of the users considered the target audience (individuals served by the two CRs located in the city of Salvador/Bahia/Brazil). The participants (n = 1464; 778 as low-income individuals) were adult CR users from Salvador/Brazil. Most of the respondents were male, 40 to 54 years old, not white, had up to 9 years of formal education, without a partner, and living in the municipality of Salvador. The evaluated CRs are effective in serving 53.1% of the target population in their total service capacity. Meal provision only reached an estimated 0.7% of the socially vulnerable community in the district. The average energy value of the meal served by the CR units was 853.05 kcal/meal, with a mean energy density composition classified as average (1.15 kcal/g). The effectiveness of the evaluated community restaurants showed that these instruments were minimally effective in promoting access to food for the low-income population within their total daily service capacity, and the current quantity of these facilities was insufficient. However, these instruments stand out in the fundamental role of promoting the daily distribution of meals to the Brazilian population with the highest social vulnerability levels.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-54 ◽  
Peter Joyce

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyse the 2016 elections for Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) and to compare them with those that took place in 2012. It seeks to evaluate the background of the candidates who stood for office in 2016, the policies that they put forward, the results of the contests and the implications of the 2016 experience for future PCC elections. Design/methodology/approach This paper is based around several key themes – the profile of candidates who stood for election, preparations conducted prior to the contests taking place, the election campaign and issues raised during the contests, the results and the profile of elected candidates. The paper is based upon documentary research, making particular use of primary source material. Findings The research establishes that affiliation to a political party became the main route for successful candidates in 2016 and that local issues related to low-level criminality will dominate the future policing agenda. It establishes that although turnout was higher than in 2012, it remains low and that further consideration needs to be devoted to initiatives to address this for future PCC election contests. Research limitations/implications The research focusses on the 2016 elections and identifies a number of key issues that emerged during the campaign affecting the conduct of the contests which have a bearing on future PCC elections. It treats these elections as a bespoke topic and does not seek to place them within the broader context of the development of the office of PCC. Practical implications The research suggests that in order to boost voter participation in future PCC election contests, PCCs need to consider further means to advertise the importance of the role they perform and that the government should play a larger financial role in funding publicity for these elections and consider changing the method of election. Social implications The rationale for introducing PCCs was to empower the public in each police force area. However, issues that include the enhanced importance of political affiliation as a criteria for election in 2016 and the social unrepresentative nature of those who stood for election and those who secured election to this office in these contests coupled with shortcomings related to public awareness of both the role of PCCs and the timing of election contests threaten to undermine this objective. Originality/value The extensive use of primary source material ensures that the subject matter is original and its interpretation is informed by an academic perspective.

Disha Garg ◽  
Kartik Sharma ◽  
Parul Nayar ◽  
Shubhi Goyal ◽  
Shruti S Nagdeve

Purpose: With the conception of one’s professional life, it is essential to understand all the possibilities and opportunities that lie before them. In the case of architecture, there exists a bias towards the private sector where newly graduate students aspire to work in private practices and possibly even envision a practice of their own at a certain point in life. While there is nothing wrong with envisioning a future in the private sector, it is also essential to be aware about the public sector and understand the opportunities it provides to be able to make an informed decision. There is a preconceived notion about the monotonous nature of government jobs and a lack of awareness about students about the opportunities in this sector. Hence, it becomes crucial to understand the numerous opportunities this sector has to offer and thus, explore the potential of architects in government organizations. Methodology: The research for this paper has been done by referring to existing literature and interviews with concerned people. With an understanding of how and why is the government sector an essential  area of research for budding architects and planners. The research was done through interviews and possible case studies was done based on review of existing literature. Main Findings: The government is one sector with tremendous possibilities in the realm of architecture but is often plagued with stereotypes and preconceptions which have emerged over the years. It is imagined to be “lazy”, “uninnovative” and “non-productive” but this sector has evolved over the recent years and is now shaping to be one of the more lucrative sectors for practice. The number of perks, benefits and a clear comparative advantage of a higher salary, added with the direct contribution towards serving the nation, the government sector clearly has an unrealised potential for architectural professionals. Implications: With younger architetcs having preconceived notions about role of architetcs in a government sector limited to unexciting set of designs without creativity, this article may help bring a fresh thought process to choose professional sector wisely.

2010 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 390
Yohanes Suhardin

AbstrakThe role of the state in combating poverty is very strategic. Combatingpoverty means to free citizens who are poor. The strategic role given thenational ideals (read: state) is the creation of public welfare. Therefore,countries in this regard the government as the organizer of the state musthold fast to the national ideals through legal product that is loaded withsocial justice values in order to realize common prosperity. Therefore, thenature of the law is justice, then in the context of the state, the lawestablished for the creation of social justice. Law believed that social justiceas the path to the public welfare so that the Indonesian people in a relativelyshort time to eradicate poverty.

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