scholarly journals The Effect of Mind Map Integration in the Problem Based Learning Model on Creative Thinking of VIII Class Students

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 417
Utharia Darmayanti ◽  
Sri Wulandari ◽  
Fitra Suzanti

The 2013 curriculum requires teachers to integrate higher-order thinking skills. One of them is creative thinking. Mind map integration in Problem Based Learning (PBL) is thought to be able to assist students in improving creative thinking. This study aims to determine the effect of increasing creative thinking through the integration of mind maps in PBL on eighth grade students of SMPN 25 Pekanbaru. This type of research is quasi-experimental. The research population was class VIII SMPN 25 Pekanbaru. The research sample consisted of class VIII.1 as the experimental class and class VIII.2 as the control class. Data in the form of pretest and posttest. N-gain analysis was conducted to see the increase in student scores and MANOVA was used to examine the effect of mind maps in PBL on students creative thinking abilities. The average value of creative thinking is better in the experimental class which is 78.08 in the digestive system material with N-gain relatively close to high, namely 0.68 while in the control class only 54.88 is sufficient category. The MANOVA test also shows that there is an effect of mind maps in PBL on the creative thinking ability of class VIII SMPN 25 Pekanbaru with a significance value of 0.000 <0.05. This shows that the application of mind map integration to PBL is able to improve the creative thinking skills of SMP Negeri 25 Pekanbaru students.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 213
Astri Elpiani ◽  
Asep Bagas

This study aims to determine the ability of mathematical creative thinking students who learn using the Problem Based Learning approach. The population in this study were students of SMP 1 Jatisari class VIII A in Sukamaju Village which consisted of 18 students and 12 female students. This study was a quasi-experimental study using the results of a trial test pretest-posttest experimental control group. The instrument used in this study is a test to measure mathematical creative thinking skills in the form of 5 questions. Then the score data of students' mathematical creative thinking ability were analyzed statistically by using a difference test of two average values from the results of the pretest-posttest. The results showed that students' creative mathematical thinking ability using the Problem Based Learning approach was different from the results of the pretest-posttest. Besides that students also showed positive perceptions of problem-based learning and there were good results on mathematical creative thinking skills.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 119 ◽  
Sri Winarno ◽  
Kalaiarasi Sonai Muthu ◽  
Lew Sook Ling

Direct instruction approach has been widely used in higher education. Many studies revealed that direct instruction improved students’ knowledge. The characteristics of direct instruction include the subject delivered through face-to-face interaction with the lecturers and materials that sequenced deliberately and taught explicitly. However, direct instruction resulted in low creative thinking and teamwork skills among students. Therefore, problem-based learning activities were adapted to reform and create an innovation of a direct instruction approach in developing the new situation.Objective: This study aimed at exploring lecturers’ and students’ perspectives towards Direct Problem-Based Learning (DPBL) activities as a new approach for activities in the classroom.Design: A quasi-experimental design was used.Participants: Third-year students (N = 276) who signed up for Computer Networks subject from Dian Nuswantoro University, Indonesia and five lecturers were involved.Findings and Results: Learning outcomes were significantly positively (Sig. p=.00). Creative thinking skills score increased 8.4%, Teamwork skills score increased 11.5%, and knowledge score increased 25.9% of DPBL approach. The majority of students have difficulties in the direct instruction approach 4.71(.472). Whereas, 1.99(.655) students have low difficulty in DPBL approach. Expert participants agreed that DPBL approach can enhance creative thinking and teamwork skills  4.70(.50).

Ari Nofida ◽  
Syaiful Arif

This research aims to study the feasibility of learning models, student activities, and the presence or absence of problem-based learning models on the creative thinking skills of grade VII students at SMP Negeri 1 Mlarak. This research is a quasi-experimental study with a nonequivalent control group design. This study uses PBL learning models assisted by audio visual media for the experimental class and conventional models for the control class. The instrument used was a written test consisting of descriptions, while the statistical analysis used the t test (independent sample test) and one tail test.

Nanda Septiyati

<pre>The purpose of this study was to determine differences in students 'creative thinking abilities and mathematical communication with the application of the Gallery Walk method and conventional learning, as well as improve students' creative thinking and mathematical communication skills in groups using the Gallery Walk method. The population in this study were eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Dawe. The sample taken was class VIII G as the experimental class and class VIII D as the control class. The results showed that: (1) the average ability of creative thinking and mathematical communication of students in groups using the Gallery Walk method was higher than the average value using conventional learning models; (2) there is an increase in the ability to think creatively and mathematical communication skills in groups using the Gallery Walk method.</pre><p class="JRPMAbstractBody" align="left"><strong><em>                                                                                                                                </em></strong></p><p class="JRPMAbstractBody"><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: </em><em>first keyword, second keyword, third keyword, etc.</em></p><p class="JRPMHeading1"> </p>

Lena Susianti ◽  
Muhammad Anwar

This research was conducted to determine the effect of brainstorming strategies on students' creative thinking skills in workshop work subjects and technical drawing of class X students of Electronic Engineering at SMKN 1 Bukittinggi. The research design in this study is quasi-experimental. The instrument used was in the form of a matter of creative thinking skills tests that had been validated by an Expert, namely a lecturer majoring in Electronics Engineering. Validity test obtained the average value of validity of 0.85 which is in the valid category. Reliability test obtained Alpha Cronbach's value of 0.856 which is in the interpretation of the value of the pair very well. Because the questions are valid and reliable, the matter of creative thinking skills can be used. The results found the mean value in the experimental class (X TE1) 87.5 and the average value of the control class (X TE2) 74.0. After t-test, it was obtained that tcount> ttable so that Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. It can be concluded that there is a significant influence on the application of brainstorming strategies to creative thinking skills.          Keywords: Creative Thinking Skills, Brainstorming Strategies, Validity, Reliability

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Detah Detah

This research aims to look at differences in the ability of creative thinking among student who obtained Problem Based Learning (PBL) model, inquiry and conventional. The research was conducted on April – Mei, 2013 in SMP Negeri 1 Tanjung Kemuning, on the subjects of biology class VIII semester academic year 2012/2013. The method used in this study was quasi experimental. The design study is Pretest-Postest Control Group Design. Samples in this study were students in grade 5 class amount, taken 3 homogen classes using pretest skor. Research data collection using an test instrument, as for the data analysis techniques are us to test the hypothesis in this study is to use the One Way Anova and Post-Hoc Test using LSD. Abilities of student who obtain a Problem Based Learning (PBL) model moss is a 12,96 and inquiry model is a 12,12. There were no significant differences in the result of creative thinking abilities of student who obtain PBL model and inquiry model. There are significant differences in the result of creative thinking abilities of student receiving learning PBL model and inquiry model with conventional model. Keywords: PBL model, Inquiry model, Creative Thinking

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-58
Ucca Swasti Praptiwi ◽  
Agus Yulianto ◽  
Ellianawati Ellianawati

This research is a preliminary study regarding the teacher's description of learning, student learning motivation, students' creative thinking skills, and the need for developing electronic comic learning media based on integrated problem based learning Islamic values at SMPN 3 Watumalang. This research uses a descriptive method. This study's subjects were 44 students of class VIII and teachers of science subjects at SMPN 3 Watumalang. The research was conducted from October to November 2020. The data collection instruments were questionnaires, interview guidelines, and creative thinking skills test questions. The results of interviews with students indicated that the students' intrinsic motivation was still low. The ability to think creatively is still lacking, with a percentage of 42.8%. In the elaboration indicator, most students answered correctly, while in the originality indicator, students were less careful in answering, and only 14.3% of students could answer correctly. Based on the questionnaire analysis results, electronic comic learning media based on problem based learning integrated Islamic values as an alternative media for learning media on vibrations, waves, and sounds in everyday life are needed for development with a percentage of 64%. The use of electronic comics is expected to increase student motivation and creative thinking skills.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Syakirotun Ni’mah ◽  
Zaim Elmubarok ◽  
Zukhaira Zukhaira

This research is motivated by the difficulties of students in learning teaching materials are considered the main factor in these difficulties, because the material in the textbook seems stiff or tied to the main material in the curriculum so that it does not develop students creative thinking skills. Therefore, the researcher developed a book supporting Arabic writing skills based on the RAFT strategy (Role Audience Format Topic) for eighth grade students of MTs as an effort to foster students creative thinking skills in Arabic writing skills. This research uses qualitative and quantitative research with a research and development design (Research and Development). The research stages that were passed in this study only reached the fifth stage of the ten stages, namely potentials and problems, data collection, product design, design validation, and design revision. The results of this study are as follows. First, teachers and students want the development of books to support Arabic writing skills based on the RAFT strategy for grade VIII students of MTs. Second, this supporting book prototype contains vocabulary, grammar guidelines, examples of writing with RAFT strategy, writing exercises using RAFT strategy and pearls of wisdom. Third, the assessment of the content feasibility aspect obtained an average value of 90.56, the feasibility aspect of presentation was 90.95, the language feasibility aspect was 89.66, and the graphic feasibility aspect was 89.77. The average score of all aspects of book eligibility is 90.23 in the range 86-100 and is in category 4 (very suitable).   Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh kesulitan siswa dalam mempelajari bahan ajar dianggap sebagai faktor utama kesulitan. Hal ini dikarenakan materi pada buku teks pelajaran terkesan kaku atau terikat pada materi pokok dalam kurikulum sehingga kurang mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa. Oleh karena itu, peneliti mengembangkan sebuah buku penunjang keterampilan menulis bahasa Arab berbasis strategi RAFT (Role Audience Format Topic) untuk siswa kelas VIII MTs sebagai upaya menumbuhkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa dalam keterampilan menulis bahasa Arab. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development). Tahapan penelitian yang dilalui dalam penelitian ini hanya sampai pada tahap lima dari sepuluh tahap, yaitu potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan data, desain produk, validasi desain, dan revisi desain. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut. Pertama, guru dan siswa menghendaki adanya pengembangan buku penunjang keterampilan menulis bahasa Arab berbasis strategi RAFT untuk siswa kelas VIII MTs. Kedua, purwarupa buku penunjang ini memuat kosakata, pedoman gramatika, contoh menulis dengan strategi RAFT, latihan menulis dengan strategi RAFT dan kata mutiara. Ketiga, Penilaian aspek kelayakan isi memperoleh nilai rata-rata 90,56, aspek kelayakan penyajian 90,95, aspek kelayakan bahasa 89,66, dan aspek kelayakan kegrafikan 89,77. Nilai rata-rata dari keseluruhan aspek kelayakan buku adalah 90,23 pada rentang 86-100 dan termasuk kategori 4 (sangat sesuai).

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Abdul Rabbi Arrasul ◽  
Muhammad Ibnu Umair

The purpose of this research is to determine whether using Numbered Heads Together (NHT) can improve students’ ability to write descriptive texts at SMPN 6 Toili Barat. This research uses quasi-experimental research that requires a post-test for both groups. The research population was eighth grade students of SMP 6 Toili Barat. The sample of this research was class VIII A as an experimental class and consisted of 26 students while class VIII B was a control class and consisted of 27 students. The test consisted of pre-test and post-test. Data were analyzed statistically. After being analyzed, the result of t-counted was 6,744 with a degree of freedom 51, and a significance level of 0,05, t-table was 1,675. Therefore, the t-test result is higher than the t-table. It means that the hypothesis of this research can be accepted. The result showed that there was a significant influence in using Numbered Heads Together to improve students’ writing abilities in descriptive text in eighth grade at SMPN 6 Toili Barat Keywords:Improving; Writing; Descriptive Text; NHT.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-45
Nilawati Tadjuddin ◽  
Mukarramah Mustari ◽  
Mela Puspita

This research aims to determine the influence of students’ learning motivation using the Treffinger learning model and to determine the influence of students’ creative thinking skills using the Treffinger learning model. This research was conducted at SMPN 2 Jati Agung, South Lampung. The research method used was quasi-experimental. In taking the sample in this study using a purposive sampling technique, with class VIII A as an experimental class and class VIII B as a control class. The instruments in this research used learning motivation questionnaires and essay tests on creative thinking skills. Research results obtained using the t-test revealed the average score of the students’ learning motivation questionnaire in the experimental class is 87.6 and in the control class is 80.0, so that a score of tcount > ttable (6.019 > 1.996), and the average posttest score of students’ creative thinking skills in the experimental class is 80.3 and in the control class is 61.0, so that the score of tcount > ttable (7.589 > 1.996). It was concluded that there was an influence of Treffinger's learning model on the sound subject on students’ learning motivation and students’ creative thinking skills.

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