Variational Integrators in Holonomic Mechanics
Variational integrators for dynamic systems with holonomic constraints are proposed based on Hamilton’s principle. The variational principle is discretized by approximating the generalized coordinates and Lagrange multipliers by Lagrange polynomials, by approximating the integrals by quadrature rules. Meanwhile, constraint points are defined in order to discrete the holonomic constraints. The functional of the variational principle is divided into two parts, i.e., the action of the unconstrained term and the constrained term and the actions of the unconstrained term and the constrained term are integrated separately using different numerical quadrature rules. The influence of interpolation points, quadrature rule and constraint points on the accuracy of the algorithms is analyzed exhaustively. Properties of the proposed algorithms are investigated using examples. Numerical results show that the proposed algorithms have arbitrary high order, satisfy the holonomic constraints with high precision and provide good performance for long-time integration.