2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  

The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of play therapy in preschool children who experienced hospitalization. This research was conducted in hospitals Zainab Pekanbaru in October – December 2015 Number of respondents 20 children. The study design used was a pre experimental one group pretest posttest design. Samples were taken with a sampling technique used saturated or total population. Variables measured in this study is the impact of using questionnaires hospitalization. Based on the analysis of data it can be seen that there is the effectiveness of play therapy with hospitalization with p value = 0.01 (p <0.05). The conclusion of this study the presence of the effectiveness of play therapy on hospitalization in the nursing room Zainab hospital Riau Province. Suggestions to further research may add a larger sample again with more specific inclusion criteria in order to get maximum results.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (3S) ◽  
pp. 72-78
Nurwulansari Nurwulansari ◽  
Maria Ulfah Ashar ◽  
Huriati Huriati ◽  
Sysnawati Syarif

During the hospitalization process, the child will show anxiety due to unfamiliar environmental factors, lack of freedom in activities, and lack of emotional support. Continual anxiety will cause a decrease in the immune system so that it accelerates the occurrence of disease complications during treatment and slows down the recovery process. The  focus of nursing intervention that is done is to minimize anxiety by providing psychological support to children through the provision of constructive play therapy. The aim if this research is to determine the effect of constructive play therapy towards the anxiety level of preschool children due to hospitalization. The research design used in this study was Pre-experiment with a one-group pre-post test design. Data collection using preschool anxiety scale (PAS) questionnaire. The sample in this study were 30 respondents selected by using accidental sampling technique. Based on the results of the Wilcoxon Test analysis, the mean value of pre-test 36.57 and post-test 28.23 and the value of p = 0.0001 <0.05. Meaning that there is an effect of constructive play therapy on the level of anxiety in preschool children with the treatment of constructive play therapy your child who easily communicate the right feeling of anxiety during in the hospitalization, so that the anxiety experienced can be decreased. Constructive play therapy can reduce response anxiety in preschool children who experience hospitalization. Therefore, it is recommended to the hospital and nurses to be able to apply constructive play therapy. as one of the interventions to minimize the impact of hospitalization.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-184
Renty Fetriani

Anxiety is the impact of hospitalization experienced by pre-school children who can disrupt the child's development and healing process. This study aims to determine the influence of play therapy tells the story of anxiety levels of preschoolers who undergo hospitalization. Experimental pre experimental method using a pretest-postest one group design. Sampling technique is accidental sampling with sample of 30 respondents. Paired Test with significance level 95% (α <0,05). The results showed that the level of anxiety level before the play therapy tells story 28.00 and after the play therapy tells story 21.77, p value = 0.001 (<0.05) means there is a difference in children before and after doing play storytelling therapy is 6.33. The conclusion that the play storytelling therapy should be an alternative to decreasing the level of anxiety in children who underwent hospitalization In Dr. Rsud. M.Yunus Bengkulu. It is hoped that other researchers will be able to examine other factors that affect children's anxiety, such as anxiety due to separation, loss, injury, and pain. The research can be done by multiplying the sample being studied and using the comparison group, and the way of random sampling to obtain maximum results

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Sambodo Sriadi Pinilih ◽  
M. Khoirul Amin ◽  
Evi Rositasari

Motor development is one aspect of development that can integrate the development of other aspects. If the developmental aspect is not stimulated, the child's development will be delayed, so the child will have difficulty in following the learning process in elementary school. Basic Dance Movement Therapy is the provision of independent therapy. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Basic Dance Movement Therapy on the Completeness of Motoric Skill in Preschool Children. This study used quasi-experimental with one group pre-post design. The sampling technique was Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling with a sample size of 58 children studying at Aisyiyah Playgroup, at Jamblang, Kaliabu Village, Salaman District and Az-Zahra NU Playgroup, Salaman District. Data analysis was performed using univariate and bivariate analysis with the Wilcoxon statistical test. There was a significant effectiveness of Basic Dance Movement Therapy and the completeness of motor skills of preschool children in Aisyiyah Playgroup, Jamblang, Kaliabu Village, Salaman District and Az-Zahra NU Playgroup,  Salaman, with a p-value of 0.000 (p <0.05). Basic Dance Movement Therapy is effective to improve the children's motoric skills. Suggestion: This study can be used as the basic for further research, namely modified therapy under normal conditions or combined with other methods that can be done online or offline.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-49
Ernawati Ernawati ◽  
Yusring Sanusi Baso ◽  
Healthy Hidayanty ◽  
Syafruddin Syarif ◽  
Aminuddin Aminuddin ◽  

Anemia is a state of hemoglobin levels in the bloodless than normal numbers according to the sex and age group. The impact of anemia in adolescents is a decrease in achievement and learning spirit and can cause symptoms such as paleness, lethargy, decreased appetite, and growth disorders. Anemia has an impact not only on the health of adolescent girls but can have a long impact on the health of the mother and fetus. You can see the influence of anemia education on knowledge, attitudes, and practice. Uses the Pre-experimental method with the design of one group pretest and posttest. Sampling technique using purposive sampling with the number of 47 adolescent girls. The research was conducted at Senior High School 12 Makassar in September-October 2021. Data analysis using the McNemar test. From the results of statistical tests showed that there was an influence on the use of web-based she smart education model on the use of adolescent girls about anemia with p-value = 0.000 (p<0.05), attitude p-value = 0.016 (p<0.05) and action p-value = 0.001 (p<0.05). Anemia education using web-based she smart can improve knowledge, attitudes, and practice before and after an intervention.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 48
Agnesia Vaulina ◽  
Yana Malinda ◽  
Yunistia Gulo ◽  
Victory Oktavianus ◽  
Tiarnida Nababan

See the impact that can occur in patients who use ventilators and the ability of patients to issue very limited secretions, it is very necessary to help the patient in maintaining the hygiene of the road, so that the breathing runs smoothly. One of the efforts that can be done is clapping, vibration and suction in accordance with the operational standards of Prosdur. The purpose of this research is to identify the influence of clapping, vibration and suction against tidal volumes in pneumonia patients who use a ventilator in the ICU room of Royal Prima Medan Hospital. The design of this research uses the experimental quasi method. Samples on this study were as much as 10 people based on the total population during 2 weeks from 1st to 15th July 2019 with total sampling technique. The instrument used is an observation sheet in a ventilator-using pneumonia patient. The test used in this study is the T-Dependen test to see the influence of clapping, vibration and suction against tidal volumes with significant value (P < 0.05). The advice of this research is to be expected to the hospital, especially health workers pay attention to the hygiene of the airway by doing the action of claping, vibration and suction especially in patients who are diagnosed with pneumonia are treated with ventilators. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-20
Dina Martha Fitri ◽  
Srihartati P Pandi

The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of problem based learning (PBL) method on motivation readiness and learning outcomes.The research employs quasi experimental design “On Group Pretest-Postest Design”. The total population is 70 students, and the samples selected is18 respondent. The sampling technique employed is non probability sampling. The results of analysis using Wilxocon Matched Pair indicates that there is significant influence of  PBL on the dependent variables, with the p-value for learning motivation, p = 0,000, study readiness, p = 0,001 and learning outcomes p = 0,001. The findings confirm that problem based learning (PBL) method has significant effects on motivation study, readiness and learning outcomes, which implies that this methods can be employed for effective teaching learning.   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh metode Problem Based Learning (PBL) terhadap motivasi, kesiapan dan hasil belajar. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi eksperimen (quasi eksperimental design) dengan rancangan “One Group Pretest-Posttes Design”. Jumlah populasi 70 mahasiswa dan sampel yang diambil sebanyak 18 responden. Teknik pengambilan sample dengan Non probability Sampling jenis purposive sampling. Hasil pengolahan data uji Wilcoxon Matched Pair menyatakan bahwa terdapat pengaruh dengan nilai p-value dari masing-masing variabel yaitu motivasi belajar p =0,000, kesiapan belajar p = 0,001 dan hasil belajar p = 0,001. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwaterdapat pengaruh signifikan penggunaan metode problem based learning (PBL) terhadap motivasi, kesiapan dan hasil. Dengan demikian metode problem based learning ini dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan dalam upaya menghasilkan pembelajaran yang efektif.

JKEP ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 104-113
Ririn Nur Indah sari ◽  
Sari Windyastuti ◽  
Tri Sakti Widyaningsih

Nurse workload is very influential on child play therapy assistance caused by workload excessive workload, lack of facilities and infrastructure, nothing schedule for play therapy and the number of nurses  only 18 nurses, According to theory Gilles with the number of beds 34 needed 29 nurses. The purpose of this research is to know the Relationship of Nurse Workload with The Role of Child’s Nurse in Mentoring Play Therapy in Room Dahlia RSUD Dr. H Sewondo Kendal. This type of research is descriptive correlation with cross sectional. The sampling technique with total sampling, a sample is 18 respondents. Retrieval data using questionnaires and then tested into Spearman Rank test statistic. Based on research found 10 respondents (55,6%) have hard workload and 8 respondents (44,4%) have a light workload. The role of nurses in good categories 5 respondents (27,8%) and categories less is 13 respondents (72,2%). From result of Spearman Rank test analysis, get result of coefficient correlation value -868 in category very strong and obtained p value = 0,000 < 0,05 it’s mean Ha accepted and H0 rejected. There is a relantionship between the nurses workload with the role of child nurses in mentoring play therapy.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1264655 ◽  
Jamshid Jarareh ◽  
Aref Mohammadi ◽  
Maghsoud Nader ◽  
Seyyed Akbar Moosavian ◽  
Stefan Elmer

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (7) ◽  
pp. 3005-3010
Vera Evelyn Juliani ◽  
Abu Bakar ◽  
Ira Suarilah

Fear behavior can happen to preschool children after hospitalization. Fear behavior after hospitalization can be caused by several things such as psychological trauma caused by the invasive procedure, unfamiliar hospital environment, and unfriendly medical staff. This study aims to explain the impact of coloring activity on the decrease of fear behavior in preschool children. This study used a Quasi-Experimental Pre-test Post-test Non-Equivalent Control Group Design method. The population is preschool children hospitalized in IRNA Children room Haji General Hospital Surabaya. The sampling technique of this study is purposive sampling with 33 respondents. The independent variable is the picture coloring activity. The dependent variable is the fear behavior response on preschool children caused by hospitalization. The data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed using Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney Test with α = 0,05 significance. The study found there is a significant decrease in fear behavior of nine preschool children after the intervention (p = 0,001), and there is not significant respond change on fear behavior of the control group (p = 0,059). This study concludes that picture coloring activity can decrease the fear behavior response of preschool children. Suggestions for further research are expected to examine other effects of coloring pictures activities such as biological responses in preschool children undergoing hospitalization and researching other factors that influence fear behavior.

Food Research ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-79
M.I. Datti ◽  
R. Said ◽  
N.W. Ismail ◽  
A. Abd. Rahman

This paper examined major credit requirements of financial institutions in providing credit to paddy farmers of Jigawa state, Nigeria. Data were collected in 2019 from three selected paddy farming local government areas of the state. A total of 120 respondents were randomly selected through a multistage sampling technique, and a questionnaire. The binary logit model and the marginal effect were applied in the analysis. The results indicated that paddy farmers' educational level, family size, and guarantor requirements were statistically significant on access to credit, with their P-value signifies 0.041, 0.060, and 0.000, respectively. While, farm size, administrative process, collateral requirement, interest charge, and principal repayment duration were insignificant on accessing credit. Failure to address these problems may continue to worsen the Nigerian government's effort on food self-sufficient and poverty alleviation. The study suggests similar research to consider more years to see the impact in the long term. The study further recommends credit providers to modify the guarantor requirement and to delegate a staff who can translate and guide the applicants on how to fill the credit application forms

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