Adam alemi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 78 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-90
Nurbolat Nyshanbayev ◽  
Zhengisbek Tolen ◽  

Historical figures, cultural values and historical memory play a huge role in the formation of the identity of every nation.In determining any national identity, every individual tries to find a decent response to the question : "Who are we?". By answering this question, each nation determines its own national identity. For example, French, English, Kazakh national identity, etc. This article focuses on the peculiarities of the formation of modern statehood’s national identity and the role of historical figures on it. At the time of the declaration of independence of any state, to form state institutions and national identity are the most important and honourable tasks which have to be done at first. On the basis of the decree of President Q.Zh Tokayev K. 2020 has been announced for the anniversary of the two most prominient thinkers the 150th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev, and 1150th years anniversary since the birth of Al-Faraby. The article analyse the role of Al-Farabi and Abay Kunanbayev in the formation of the national identity of the Kazakh people in the XXI century. The purpose of the article is to identify the peculiarities of the formation of national identity through the image of historical intellectual personalities on the example of Kazakhstan. In order to achieve this goal, the article used the method of retrospective analysis. Analyzing the historical role of Al-Farabi and Abay Kunanbayev, defined to what extend influenced the Abay’s, Faraby’s historical role to the formation of the national identity of the people of Kazakhstan in the XXI century.

Z.Kh. Guchetl ◽  
O.I. Kuskarova ◽  

In this article, the authors comprehend the moral and ethical phenomenon of "Adyge habz the problems of its preservation and development in modern society in the context of globalization. The study of traditions is undoubtedly relevant in modern conditions, when many ethnic groups persistently retain interest in past values, their origins and prospects. The authors note that this problem is relevant not only for the Adygs, but also for other peoples of the North Caucasus, which have their own analogues of national moral and ethical codes. Based on the results of the conducted sociological research, it is concluded that the role of Adyghism (adygag) in the system of traditional ethno-cultural values of the Adyghes has decreased, and therefore there is a need to revive and develop the national identity of the Adyghes.

Halima Kadirova ◽  

This scientific article highlights the place and role of the Karakalpak ethnic culture in the development and preservation of the identity of the people. The authors analyze the culture and life of the modern Karakalpak family, which inherits to the next generation the traditional way of life associated with national holidays and traditions, dastans performed by Karakalpak bakhshi (singers), legends and legends of the past, told by the older generation. The article argues that social changes in the global space contribute to the emergence of certain changes in the content of cultural identity, language, art, spiritual categories, which are elements of the basis of the national identity of each nation and various ethno-regional units, which further strengthens the study of this issue under the influence of the process of globalization.

Светлана Александровна Калинина

Введение. Раскрывается понятие топонима как маркера географического пространства и роль топонимики в системе наук. Определяется роль топонима, входящего в структуру фразеологической единицы (ФЕ), и культурологическая ценность самого устойчивого оборота с компонентом-топонимом. Обосновывается актуальность исследования, его цель и новизна. Материал и методы. Материалом послужили топонимические фразеологизмы современного английского языка (213 единиц), исследованные посредством методов статистического и лингвокультурологического анализа. Результаты и обсуждение. В топонимических фразеологизмах вербализации подвергаются различные сегменты объективной реальности, репрезентирующие материальный и духовный мир человека. Топонимические фразеологизмы раскрывают отношение человека к окружающей его действительности, отношение к окружающим его людям и к самому себе. Они также анализируют внешние и внутренние стороны человеческой личности, акцентируя внимание на внешнем виде человека, особенностях его голоса, походки, умственного склада ума, на морально-нравственных качествах и характере человека, создавая при этом определенный позитивный или негативный образ. Заключение. Топоним является маркером национальной культуры, поскольку отражает природно-географические особенности страны, историко-культурную специфику этноса, ее населяющего; связан с менталитетом и особенностями характера нации, ее психологией и социально-бытовыми факторами. В английских ФЕ с компонентом-топонимом также находит отражение национально-культурное своеобразие жизни народа. Топонимические фразеологизмы современного английского языка распределяются по двум большим группам: ФЕ, отражающие материальный мир человека, и ФЕ, отражающие духовный мир человека. Фразеологизмы, характеризующие материальный мир человека, можно распределить по десяти подгруппам, большинство из которых соотносятся с бытом человека. Топонимические фразеологизмы, характеризующие духовный мир человека, включают шесть подгрупп, представляющие отношение человека к действительности и людям. Introduction. The concept of a toponym as a marker of the geographical space and the role of toponymy in the scientific system are revealed. The role of the toponym included as a component of the phraseological unit and the cultural value of these idioms are determined. The relevance of the research, its purpose and novelty are substantiated. Material and methods. The research material is the phraseological units of the modern English language with a toponym as a component (213 units). The methods of the study are the statistical method and the method of the linguacultural analysis. Results and discussion. Toponymic phraseological units reflect and verbalize the various segments of the objective reality including the material and spiritual world of a personality. Toponymic phraseological units reveal a person’s attitude to the reality surrounding him/her, a person’s attitude to the people near him/her and the attitude to self. They also analyze the external and internal aspects of the personality, focusing the view on the appearance of a man or woman, on his/her voice, on gait, on mental state of mind, on the moral qualities and the character of a personality. The image of a personality creating by phraseological units can be positive or negative one. Conclusion. Any toponym (especially if it belongs to the “native” culture) has a national identity. It reflects (except the historical, territorial and geographical peculiarities of the nation), the national mentality, character, and specific features of the people’s life. The English phraseological units with a toponym as a component reflect the national identity as well. These idioms are divided into two large groups: 1) those which show the material comforts of the everyday life and 2) those which tell us about the inward habits of the people. Toponymic phraseological units of the second group include six subgroups. Subgroups including the idioms reflecting the people’s attitude to the social reality and to the other people prevail.

Ilya N. Zuev ◽  
Igor L. Musukhranov ◽  
Ekaterina G. Romanova ◽  

The development of Altai dance is closely related to the history of the Altai people. Modern Altai people, like other Turkic peoples of Southern Siberia, have not preserved traditional dances in the form in which they were performed in everyday life. The reason for this was that the art of dance has a spatially – temporal character and it is difficult to record it. It is necessary in the analysis of folk dance to use the instrumentation of all fields of art science, to apply a systemic and interdisciplinary approach. It is in this that the authors see a further research horizon. In modern conditions, when the self-consciousness of each people increases, choreographic art, as part of the spiritual culture of the people, responds to all the events of life. The relevance of this study is due to the modern trend of the revival of the national and cultural heritage of the Altai Republic. One of the pressing problems of modern choreography, its theoretical understanding, is the study of the origins of folk stage dance. The fact that lacunae exist in this area of historical and cultural knowledge is evidenced by the lack of textbooks, incomplete complexes of educational and methodological literature. Choreographers, both in the educational process and in staging practice, are faced with the need for a clear theoretical design, the development of a scientific apparatus in this matter. In folk dance, closely connected with the life and life of the people, the peculiarities of its character, feelings, temperament, manner of artistic thinking are especially pronounced, that is, a kind of “choreographic portrait of the nation” is created. Folk dance, plastically expresses ethnic historical experience, is a kind of artistic embodiment of the historical memory of the nation, and thus affects the strengthening of national identity. The importance of the theoretical understanding of folklore in the development of choreography (as in musical or decorative art) is difficult to overestimate. He is a source of ideas, expressive means, often becomes an aesthetic standard in the creative activities of the modern choreographer. The national identity of the dance culture of the people is connected with the stable historical community of language, territory, economic life, psychological warehouse, culture of life, customs and traditions. National art bears both the originality of what it reflects and how it reflects. All this is reflected in folk dance, affects the nature of plastic. From here, the dances of one people are not similar to those of another, and even one ethnic group, divided geographically, dances differ. For example, Russian folk dance has common features characteristic of Russian dance in general, but at the same time it also has bright regional features. Dance culture in geographically distant territories varies in character, manner of performance, and originality of drawing, and subject matter. The main difficulty in studying this issue is the difficulty of “translating” the plastic language into speech discourse. Hence the difficulty in fixing and writing the description of choreography. There may be discrepancies and misinterpretations of the records of researchers of the past due to the lack of an agreed methodology and categorical apparatus.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 1002-1017
Alexey Vladimirovich Lubkov

This article discusses the complex dialectics between the conservative and the liberal trends in the development of Russia´s socio-political thinking; it does so by studying the worldviews of Peter Chaadaev and Michael Katkov. What makes this issue relevant is the circumstance that the present generations of Russians are searching for their national identity, an identity that has practically been lost in the current circumstances of cultural degradation, of decreasing cultural values in the society, and of shifting meanings. The author compares the conceptions of Russian thinkers and public figures and focuses on the main facts and factors that determined the search for the national identity of social thought in Russia in the 19th century. Considering the methodology of the issue, the author comes to conclusion that it is necessary to turn away from the dichotomy towards an integration, and towards an understanding of the complex and controversial world of an individual in the non-linear movement of history. The task that the present paper formulates is to understand the new logic of the development of socio-political thought in nineteenth-century Russia not on the basis of the traditional contradistinction of the conservative and liberal ideologies, but through the synthesis of their positive principles in the historical context. The author sees the link and succession of the conceptual provisions of Peter Chaadaev and Michael Katkov. The ideology unites various institutions and systems, the individual and the people into a whole, facing the challenges of the country´s modernization. As a result, the well-known formula - autocracy, Orthodoxy, populism (narodnost´) - makes a deep semantic meaning, in close linkage with the original spiritual tradition of collectivity (sobornost´) and spiritual and moral values.

E.M. Amelina

The author analyzes the views of the famous philosopher, sociologist and politician Petr Struve, whose ideas have enduring relevance in view of the problems of maintaining state unity and developing both culture and national identity. The main object of this research is Struve’s views on the essence of the state and national culture and on their role in the life of Russia. It is indicated that the position of the thinker presupposed a certain historiosophy – an interpretation of history as a process of development of spiritual culture. The features of Peter Struve’s liberal-conservatism and his understanding of the state as a “collective personality”, possessing a “superintelligent” nature are considered. The philosopher’s approach, which aimed at analyzing the seamless connection between state, culture and nationality is analyzed. The author considers how the thinker interpreted the essence of nationality and nationalism, as well as criticized the radical intelligentsia’s “official nationalism” and “absence of a feeling of national belonging”. She examines the philosopher’s views on the outstanding role of the state in Russian history and his understanding of such “fatal” reasons of its destruction as the insufficient involvement of the cultivated elements of the nobility in the ruling of the state as well as the belated abolition of serfdom law. The author also explains Struve’s views on the slogan of class struggle as decisively contributing to the cultural decomposition of the nation and to undermining the unity of the state. She also addresses the views of P.B. Struve, G.P. Fedotov and S.L. Frank concerning the reasons why the sense of national identity was weak in Russia. She concludes that, according to Struve, one of the reasons for the revolutionary radical upheavals in the country was the fact that the radical intelligentsia sowed in the broad masses of the people the ideological poison of “anti-state rebellion” and the “spirit of Bolshevism”. This contributed to a weak demand for national-state ideals and liberal-conservative ideas.

Afrika Focus ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 19 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 43-67
Kristof Titeca

Political patronage and political values: The developmental role of political patronage and its impact on shaping political values in rural Uganda. This article points out the importance of neo-patrimonial theories in understanding local socio-political dynamics. Through the analysis of a case study in Western Uganda, it is firstly shown how within 'formal' state institutions, there is an 'informal' logic of competing political camps. These political camps, and their subsidiary networks of political patronage, have adverse effects for development. Secondly, this system has a profound impact on how people perceive the service-delivery functions of the state: people on the ground do not expect the state to be there for everyone, but only for the people of their 'political camp' or network. Also the role of the state is seen as strongly personalised, as the 'big men' are perceived to have taken over the service provision activities of the state.

Alena Mustafaevna Sarbasheva

The article examines the creativity of the Balkar playwright Issa Botashev, special attention is paid to the syn-thesis of documentary and artistic, inherent in the creative manner of the writer. An artistic study of the fate of historical figures, events, documentary facts in the life of the people is conditioned by the cognitive needs of the author and contemporary reader. The factual basis of the plays of I. Botashev contributes to the creation of an artistic model of reality, allows you to convey the essence of characters and depicted events, life reliability. The role of the playwright in the revival of the spiritual culture of the Balkars in the second half of the 20th century is noted.

2021 ◽  

A sense of nationalism is very important for the young generation of Indonesia to become a developed nation, a modern nation, a safe nation, and a peaceful, just and prosperous nation in the midst of globalization that increasingly challenges the Indonesian state. As a nation and a state in the midst of other nations in the world, a high national identity is needed from its citizens, especially among the young generation of Indonesia. The spirit of nationalism is still needed by the existence of the Indonesian people and the state. High nationalism from citizens or the younger generation will create positive and best behavior for the nation and state. In the current era of globalization, there are factors that cause the waning of the spirit of nationalism among the younger generation. This can be seen from several benchmarks, namely the lack of youth understanding of cultural values. Teenagers are now more likely to follow western culture which is very far in comparison with the norms and customs of the Indonesian nation, The main cause of the fading spirit of nationalism and nationality from the next generation of the nation is mainly due to the wrong and uneducational examples shown by the older generation or the elderly who tend to prioritize interests individuals and groups rather than prioritizing the interests of the nation and the people. This research method uses quantitative methods with data collection using literature studies based on the sources read.

2019 ◽  
Vol 63 ◽  
pp. 12001
Asya Ece Uzmay

When the concept of a national park idea was first established in the USA, it was promoted as the ownership of the landscape for the use of the people while emphasizing national identity through nature. As a latecomer to this movement, this paper describes part of the journey of the establishment of national parks in Turkey, with a focus on the period between 1950 and 1975. In this paper I argue that the national parks were a means of constructing a national identity through the transformative power of modernism on the countryside. Focusing on different national parks from Turkey, I interrogated the role of these so-called pristine and primitive lands in the construction of national identity through different forms. Under the threat of neoliberal economic policies and new approaches to understanding of nature these protected and reserved pieces of “nature” deserve more attention.

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