Светлана Александровна Калинина

Введение. Раскрывается понятие топонима как маркера географического пространства и роль топонимики в системе наук. Определяется роль топонима, входящего в структуру фразеологической единицы (ФЕ), и культурологическая ценность самого устойчивого оборота с компонентом-топонимом. Обосновывается актуальность исследования, его цель и новизна. Материал и методы. Материалом послужили топонимические фразеологизмы современного английского языка (213 единиц), исследованные посредством методов статистического и лингвокультурологического анализа. Результаты и обсуждение. В топонимических фразеологизмах вербализации подвергаются различные сегменты объективной реальности, репрезентирующие материальный и духовный мир человека. Топонимические фразеологизмы раскрывают отношение человека к окружающей его действительности, отношение к окружающим его людям и к самому себе. Они также анализируют внешние и внутренние стороны человеческой личности, акцентируя внимание на внешнем виде человека, особенностях его голоса, походки, умственного склада ума, на морально-нравственных качествах и характере человека, создавая при этом определенный позитивный или негативный образ. Заключение. Топоним является маркером национальной культуры, поскольку отражает природно-географические особенности страны, историко-культурную специфику этноса, ее населяющего; связан с менталитетом и особенностями характера нации, ее психологией и социально-бытовыми факторами. В английских ФЕ с компонентом-топонимом также находит отражение национально-культурное своеобразие жизни народа. Топонимические фразеологизмы современного английского языка распределяются по двум большим группам: ФЕ, отражающие материальный мир человека, и ФЕ, отражающие духовный мир человека. Фразеологизмы, характеризующие материальный мир человека, можно распределить по десяти подгруппам, большинство из которых соотносятся с бытом человека. Топонимические фразеологизмы, характеризующие духовный мир человека, включают шесть подгрупп, представляющие отношение человека к действительности и людям. Introduction. The concept of a toponym as a marker of the geographical space and the role of toponymy in the scientific system are revealed. The role of the toponym included as a component of the phraseological unit and the cultural value of these idioms are determined. The relevance of the research, its purpose and novelty are substantiated. Material and methods. The research material is the phraseological units of the modern English language with a toponym as a component (213 units). The methods of the study are the statistical method and the method of the linguacultural analysis. Results and discussion. Toponymic phraseological units reflect and verbalize the various segments of the objective reality including the material and spiritual world of a personality. Toponymic phraseological units reveal a person’s attitude to the reality surrounding him/her, a person’s attitude to the people near him/her and the attitude to self. They also analyze the external and internal aspects of the personality, focusing the view on the appearance of a man or woman, on his/her voice, on gait, on mental state of mind, on the moral qualities and the character of a personality. The image of a personality creating by phraseological units can be positive or negative one. Conclusion. Any toponym (especially if it belongs to the “native” culture) has a national identity. It reflects (except the historical, territorial and geographical peculiarities of the nation), the national mentality, character, and specific features of the people’s life. The English phraseological units with a toponym as a component reflect the national identity as well. These idioms are divided into two large groups: 1) those which show the material comforts of the everyday life and 2) those which tell us about the inward habits of the people. Toponymic phraseological units of the second group include six subgroups. Subgroups including the idioms reflecting the people’s attitude to the social reality and to the other people prevail.

Halima Kadirova ◽  

This scientific article highlights the place and role of the Karakalpak ethnic culture in the development and preservation of the identity of the people. The authors analyze the culture and life of the modern Karakalpak family, which inherits to the next generation the traditional way of life associated with national holidays and traditions, dastans performed by Karakalpak bakhshi (singers), legends and legends of the past, told by the older generation. The article argues that social changes in the global space contribute to the emergence of certain changes in the content of cultural identity, language, art, spiritual categories, which are elements of the basis of the national identity of each nation and various ethno-regional units, which further strengthens the study of this issue under the influence of the process of globalization.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 2-15
Alice Borchi

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to understand the concept of cultural value promoted by the Italian government between 2008 and 2018. Furthermore, it aims at setting the scope for further research and debate on the issue of cultural value in Italian cultural policy by questioning market-driven understanding of value. Design/methodology/approach In order to do so, it examines the rhetoric of Italian policymakers, with a particular focus on the people who have covered the role of Ministry for Cultural Assets and Activities over this 10-year span, and the policies they have implemented. The various nuances of the concept of valorizzazione are studied by analysing different pathways employed by the Italian government and the values underpinning them, with a particular focus on the abandonment of heritage sites. Findings What emerges from this research is the centrality of the economic value of culture; however, the economic impact of Italian cultural assets is always presented as a potential that has to be unlocked by implementing policies of valorizzazione, a term that has a double meaning of promotion and exploitation (Belfiore, 2006). Originality/value This paper presents an original approach to understanding the formation and promotion of cultural value at the level of governmental policy in the context of contemporary cultural policy in Italy. In particular, it evidences how the centrality of the economic value of culture has remained unscathed despite the rapid change of governments that has characterised Italian politics in the last 10 years.

E.M. Amelina

The author analyzes the views of the famous philosopher, sociologist and politician Petr Struve, whose ideas have enduring relevance in view of the problems of maintaining state unity and developing both culture and national identity. The main object of this research is Struve’s views on the essence of the state and national culture and on their role in the life of Russia. It is indicated that the position of the thinker presupposed a certain historiosophy – an interpretation of history as a process of development of spiritual culture. The features of Peter Struve’s liberal-conservatism and his understanding of the state as a “collective personality”, possessing a “superintelligent” nature are considered. The philosopher’s approach, which aimed at analyzing the seamless connection between state, culture and nationality is analyzed. The author considers how the thinker interpreted the essence of nationality and nationalism, as well as criticized the radical intelligentsia’s “official nationalism” and “absence of a feeling of national belonging”. She examines the philosopher’s views on the outstanding role of the state in Russian history and his understanding of such “fatal” reasons of its destruction as the insufficient involvement of the cultivated elements of the nobility in the ruling of the state as well as the belated abolition of serfdom law. The author also explains Struve’s views on the slogan of class struggle as decisively contributing to the cultural decomposition of the nation and to undermining the unity of the state. She also addresses the views of P.B. Struve, G.P. Fedotov and S.L. Frank concerning the reasons why the sense of national identity was weak in Russia. She concludes that, according to Struve, one of the reasons for the revolutionary radical upheavals in the country was the fact that the radical intelligentsia sowed in the broad masses of the people the ideological poison of “anti-state rebellion” and the “spirit of Bolshevism”. This contributed to a weak demand for national-state ideals and liberal-conservative ideas.

Danijela Vasilijević ◽  
Marina Semiz ◽  
Branka Adžić

Starting from the argument that foreign language teaching represents a suitable context for introducing national symbols of different countries, but also the learners' own country, the role of textbooks of English as a foreign language in development and empowering the national identity of students in lower primary school was examined. With regards to different conceptualisations the national identity was operationalised in 11 categories: religion, customs and tradition, national feelings, language, symbols and features, solidarity and togetherness, cultural heritage, important people, geography terms, family and general information. The research was performed through the method of theoretic analysis and the method of content analysis. The units of analysis are: a) sentences of basic text in textbooks, b) sentences of additional information content, and c) image content. The research included English language textbooks for lower primary school licensed in the Republic of Serbia (N=12). Research results indicated that textbooks generally do not contribute to forming and empowering of national identity of students in lower primary school, especially with regards to categories: national feelings, historic subjects, language, family, solidarity, and togetherness.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Arif Ahmed Mohammed H. Al-Ahdal ◽  
Salmeen Abdulrahman Abdullah Al-Awaid

Technological dependence, interconnectivity of nations, interlinked economies, and interdependent politics across countries in the global village have given a new definition to communication. With one sure though slow thrust, peoples across borders are moving towards what can be seen as one unifying characteristic for the human race: One language to communicate, and the natural choice is English. True, it is Mandarin and not English that is spoken by the largest number of people, but true also is the fact that this is more a matter of natural circumstance than choice. The second most popular language is Spanish but then, it is the English and not Spanish speaking people who are in a position to influence economies, develop trade and move the commerce. In other words, proficiency in English can be directly linked to socio-economic prosperity. In the KSA too, as in the other members of the so-called Developing Bloc of nations, there is a growing consciousness to the fact that to realise the dream of Vision 2030 and to establish a petro-money free economy, the country has to abandon its insular character and adopt a more open-door attitude. One significant factor in the success of this approach will, of course, be the ability of the people to communicate with the world. Hence the need of the hour: Proficiency in English. Globally, researchers have postulated on the effects of English learning on the ‘development’ of limited groups and even individuals. As a corollary to this observation, the role of effective communication and negotiation cannot be overstated in any circumstance that involves people. In fact, ability to ‘communicate in English’ appears to be the catch phrase in academic, political, economic, and even social situations.  However, such endeavours are notably missing in the Saudi Arabian context, given the older policies of keeping ‘outside’ influence at a minimal to preserve the purity of the local culture. The current study presents a catalogue and review of the previous studies linking socio-economic development to English with the aim to establish why and how the country stands to benefit in the long run by empowering the general public with English language.   

2019 ◽  
Vol 63 ◽  
pp. 12001
Asya Ece Uzmay

When the concept of a national park idea was first established in the USA, it was promoted as the ownership of the landscape for the use of the people while emphasizing national identity through nature. As a latecomer to this movement, this paper describes part of the journey of the establishment of national parks in Turkey, with a focus on the period between 1950 and 1975. In this paper I argue that the national parks were a means of constructing a national identity through the transformative power of modernism on the countryside. Focusing on different national parks from Turkey, I interrogated the role of these so-called pristine and primitive lands in the construction of national identity through different forms. Under the threat of neoliberal economic policies and new approaches to understanding of nature these protected and reserved pieces of “nature” deserve more attention.

1970 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-209
Katarzyna Kabacińska-Łuczak

The aim of the article is to attempt and show the “enlightenment” of the peasants of Greater Poland in the middle of the nineteenth century in the magazines addressed to them, especially in relation to matters of education and upbringing. The subject of the research is the information on educational issues raised in one of the magazines for the people – “Wielkopolanin,” which was published in the years 1848-1850. Among the educational issues raised, the most important was the promotion of national identity both at school and at home. Further, it covered such topics as the influence of teachers on patriotic activity (their attitudes, values, importance in the local community), the role of village nursery schools, and support for orphans.

Vitalina Kyzylova

The article comprehends the ideological-political, historiosophical beliefs of Ulas Samchuk, the author’s vision and understanding of Ukraine, projections of national identity and the specifics of their translation into the writer’s artistic texts. It is noted that his literary works as spiritual and aesthetic organisms necessarily combine knowledge of geopolitics, internal attitudes and beliefs, the author’s will, translated within the chosen style of presentation. The priority for the writer is the initial foundations of artistic thinking, which depend on the success of the search for Ukraine and ukrainism. The material for their creation became details, pictures, facts that belonged to thewriter’s memory, the ideological meaning was determined by the thinking of the utopian politician, and the content — by the imagination of the patriot — exile. It is noted that in consideration of the European (in geographical terms) origin of Ukraine, its future, according to Ulas Samchuk, is certainly connected with Europe. It is important to awaken the national consciousness and human dignity of Ukrainians in order to obtain the freedom. The writer considers the Khutor as a form of preserving the national identity of Ukrainian people, the centre of the state world of Ukraine and the type of a person whose traits in the gradation of social values are decisive. Ulas Samchuk comprehends the role of a person of art in history, society, and notes that a humanistic personality with a certain lifestyle is the spiritual guide of the people. The vast majority of Ulas Samchuk’s political and ideological beliefs is represented in his prose works by appropriately organized means of artistic speech.

2021 ◽  
pp. 26-34

Today, in the era of globalization, one of the urgent tasks that intellectuals are facing is educating young people in the spirit of patriotism by using the rich spiritual heritage of our ancestors. To achieve this goal, it is important to study the spiritual world of a person taking into account his psychological state along with the use of wisdom and precious life instructions reflected in written sources. The article pays special attention to the fact that the knowledge taught to young people should be focused on the development of high morality in them, the formation of skills and competence to independently obtain, sort reliable information, and distinguish it from false information. The article also mentions the operation «Mehr” (mercy), as a result of which people were returned to their homeland, who left their country and went to the “hot spots” of the world under the influence of various alien ideas and seeing the bitter consequences, repented of their actions. The article is devoted to what needs to be done to return the people who went the wrong way due to alien ideas and rehabilitate them and make them active members of society. It shows that government agencies, mahalla, and everyone, in general, are responsible for this person. We also studied foreign experience in this regard. The article provides illustrative examples of what methods are used by extremist groups to attract people to their destructive ideas. The article gives recommendations on how to resist such tricks. The main goals and ideas of destructive groups, which distort religious sources and verses of the Koran to fulfill their interests, are indicated.

Adam alemi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 78 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-90
Nurbolat Nyshanbayev ◽  
Zhengisbek Tolen ◽  

Historical figures, cultural values and historical memory play a huge role in the formation of the identity of every nation.In determining any national identity, every individual tries to find a decent response to the question : "Who are we?". By answering this question, each nation determines its own national identity. For example, French, English, Kazakh national identity, etc. This article focuses on the peculiarities of the formation of modern statehood’s national identity and the role of historical figures on it. At the time of the declaration of independence of any state, to form state institutions and national identity are the most important and honourable tasks which have to be done at first. On the basis of the decree of President Q.Zh Tokayev K. 2020 has been announced for the anniversary of the two most prominient thinkers the 150th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev, and 1150th years anniversary since the birth of Al-Faraby. The article analyse the role of Al-Farabi and Abay Kunanbayev in the formation of the national identity of the Kazakh people in the XXI century. The purpose of the article is to identify the peculiarities of the formation of national identity through the image of historical intellectual personalities on the example of Kazakhstan. In order to achieve this goal, the article used the method of retrospective analysis. Analyzing the historical role of Al-Farabi and Abay Kunanbayev, defined to what extend influenced the Abay’s, Faraby’s historical role to the formation of the national identity of the people of Kazakhstan in the XXI century.

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