scholarly journals Sensitivity of boreal-summer circulation and precipitation to atmospheric aerosols in selected regions &ndash Part 2: The Americas

2009 ◽  
Vol 27 (10) ◽  
pp. 4009-4021 ◽  
E. M. Wilcox ◽  
Y. C. Sud ◽  
G. Walker

Abstract. Aerosol perturbations over selected land regions are imposed in Version-4 of the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS-4) general circulation model (GCM) to assess the influence of increasing aerosol concentrations on regional circulation patterns and precipitation in four selected regions: India, Africa, and North and South America. Part 1 of this paper addresses the responses to aerosol perturbations in India and Africa. This paper presents the same for aerosol perturbations over the Americas. GEOS-4 is forced with prescribed aerosols based on climatological data, which interact with clouds using a prognostic scheme for cloud microphysics including aerosol nucleation of water and ice cloud hydrometeors. In clear-sky conditions the aerosols interact with radiation. Thus the model includes comprehensive physics describing the aerosol direct and indirect effects on climate (hereafter ADE and AIE respectively). Each simulation is started from analyzed initial conditions for 1 May and was integrated through June-July-August of each of the six years: 1982–1987 to provide a 6-ensemble set. Results are presented for the difference between simulations with double the climatological aerosol concentration and one-half the climatological aerosol concentration for three experiments: two where the ADE and AIE are applied separately and one in which both the ADE and AIE are applied. The ADE and AIE both yield reductions in net radiation at the top of the atmosphere and surface while the direct absorption of shortwave radiation contributes a net radiative heating in the atmosphere. A large net heating of the atmosphere is also apparent over the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean that is attributable to the large aerosol perturbation imposed over Africa. This atmospheric warming and the depression of the surface pressure over North America contribute to a northward shift of the inter-Tropical Convergence Zone over northern South America, an increase in precipitation over Central America and the Caribbean, and an enhancement of convergence in the North American monsoon region.

2008 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 170-189 ◽  
Luciano Ponzi Pezzi ◽  
Iracema F. A. Cavalcanti ◽  
Antônio M. Mendonça

The sensitivity of cumulus convection parameterizations is investigated using the CPTEC/COLA Atmospheric General Circulation Model (AGCM) with T62L28 resolution. This model has been used at CPTEC/INPE since 1995 with the Kuo convective scheme for weather and seasonal climate forecasts. In this study, two sets of integrations are performed using climatological Sea Surface Temperature (SST) of the Southern Hemisphere summer season (December, January and February) as bottom boundary conditions. Five integrations with different initial conditions are applied for each ensemble. The study was divided in two groups, one using the adjusted Relaxed Arakawa-Schubert convection scheme considering modifications in the convection physics (ARAS) and the other one using the Kuo convection scheme (KUO). The atmospheric circulation and precipitation model results are compared with NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and CMAP precipitation data. The results are analyzed mainly over South America and also for the Southern Hemisphere to verify the model response compared to observed data when different convection scheme is applied. The adjusted scheme for RAS suggested in this study, reduced errors in several areas of South America, when comparing with the previous version. Over most of South America areas KUO gives smaller errors than ARAS. Over tropical Pacific Ocean, Southeastern Brazil and south of northeast Brazil, ARAS scheme shows better results.

2009 ◽  
Vol 27 (10) ◽  
pp. 3989-4007 ◽  
Y. C. Sud ◽  
E. Wilcox ◽  
W. K.-M. Lau ◽  
G. K. Walker ◽  
X.-H. Liu ◽  

Abstract. Version-4 of the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS-4) General Circulation Model (GCM) was employed to assess the influence of potential changes in aerosols on the regional circulation, ambient temperatures, and precipitation in four selected regions: India and Africa (current paper), as well as North and South America (companion paper). Ensemble-simulations were carried out with the GCM to assess the aerosol direct and indirect effects, hereafter ADE and AIE. Each simulation was started from the NCEP-analyzed initial conditions for 1 May and was integrated through May-June-July-August of each year: 1982–1987 to provide an ensemble set of six simulations. In the first set, called experiment (#1), climatological aerosols were prescribed. The next two experiments (#2 and #3) had two sets of simulations each: one with 2X and other with 1/2X the climatological aerosols over each of the four selected regions. In experiment #2, the anomaly regions were advectively restricted (AR), i.e., the large-scale prognostic fields outside the aerosol anomaly regions were prescribed while in experiment #3, the anomaly regions were advectively Interactive (AI) as is the case in a normal GCM integrations, but with the same aerosols anomalies as in experiment #2. Intercomparisons of circulation, diabatic heating, and precipitation difference fields showed large disparities among the AR and AI simulations, which raised serious questions about the proverbial AR assumption, commonly invoked in regional climate simulation studies. Consequently AI simulation mode was chosen for the subsequent studies. Two more experiments (#4 and #5) were performed in the AI mode in which ADE and AIE were activated one at a time. The results showed that ADE and AIE work in concert to make the joint influences larger than sum of each acting alone. Moreover, the ADE and AIE influences were vastly different for the Indian and Africa regions, which suggest an imperative need to include them rationally in climate models. We also found that the aerosol induced increase of tropical cirrus clouds would potentially offset any cirrus thinning that may occur due to warming in response to CO2 increase.

2006 ◽  
Vol 19 (16) ◽  
pp. 3792-3809 ◽  
Martin Wild ◽  
Erich Roeckner

Abstract Radiative fluxes in the ECHAM5 general circulation model (GCM) are evaluated using both surface and satellite-based observations. The fluxes at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) are generally in good agreement with the satellite data. Larger deviations in simulated cloud forcing are found especially at lower latitudes where the shortwave component within the intertropical convergence zone is overestimated during boreal summer and underestimated in the marine stratocumulus regimes, especially during boreal winter. At the surface the biases in the radiative fluxes are significantly smaller than in earlier versions of the same model and in other GCMs. The shortwave clear-sky fluxes are shown to be in good agreement with newly derived observational estimates. Compared to the preceding model version, ECHAM4, the spurious absorption of solar radiation in the cloudy atmosphere disappears due to the higher resolution in the near-infrared bands of the shortwave radiation code. This reduces the biases with respect to collocated surface and TOA observations. It is illustrated that remaining biases in atmospheric absorption may be related to the crude aerosol climatology, which does not account for high loadings of absorbing aerosol such as from biomass burning, whereas the biases disappear in areas and seasons where aerosol effects are less important. In the longwave, the introduction of the Rapid Radiative Transfer Model (RRTM) radiation code leads to an increase in the longwave downward flux at the surface at high latitudes, thereby reducing biases typically found in GCMs. The considerable skill in the simulation of the fluxes at the earth’s surface underlines the suitability of ECHAM5 as an atmospheric component of an integrated earth system model.

2016 ◽  
Simone Dietmüller ◽  
Patrick Jöckel ◽  
Holger Tost ◽  
Markus Kunze ◽  
Cathrin Gellhorn ◽  

Abstract. The Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy) provides an interface to couple submodels to a basemodel via a highly flexible data management facility (Jöckel et al., 2010). In the present paper we present the four new radiation related submodels RAD, AEROPT, CLOUDOPT and ORBIT. The submodel RAD (with shortwave radiation scheme RAD_FUBRAD) simulates the radiative transfer, the submodel AEROPT calculates the aerosol optical properties, the submodel CLOUDOPT calculates the cloud optical properties, and the submodel ORBIT is responsible for Earth orbit calculations. These submodels are coupled via the standard MESSy infrastructure and are largely based on the original radiation scheme of the general circulation model ECHAM5, however, expanded with additional features. These features comprise, among others, user-friendly and flexibly controllable (by namelists) on-line radiative forcing calculations by multiple diagnostic calls of the radiation routines. With this, it is now possible to calculate radiative forcing (instantaneous as well as stratosphere adjusted) of various greenhouse gases simultaneously in only one simulation, as well as the radiative forcing of cloud perturbations. Examples of on-line radiative forcing calculations in the ECHAM/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry (EMAC) model are presented.

1998 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 1883-1905 ◽  
O. P. Sharma ◽  
H. Le Treut ◽  
G. Sèze ◽  
L. Fairhead ◽  
R. Sadourny

Abstract The sensitivity of the interannual variations of the summer monsoons to imposed cloudiness has been studied with a general circulation model using the initial conditions prepared from the European Centre for Medium-Range Forecasts analyses of 1 May 1987 and 1988. The cloud optical properties in this global model are calculated from prognostically computed cloud liquid water. The model successfully simulates the contrasting behavior of these two successive monsoons. However, when the optical properties of the observed clouds are specified in the model runs, the simulations show some degradation over India and its vicinity. The main cause of this degradation is the reduced land–sea temperature contrast resulting from the radiative effects of the observed clouds imposed in such simulations. It is argued that the high concentration of condensed water content of clouds over the Indian land areas will serve to limit heating of the land, thereby reducing the thermal contrast that gives rise to a weak Somali jet. A countermonsoon circulation is, therefore, simulated in the vector difference field of 850-hPa winds from the model runs with externally specified clouds. This countermonsoon circulation is associated with an equatorial heat source that is the response of the model to the radiative effects of the imposed clouds. Indeed, there are at least two clear points that can be made: 1) the cloud–SST patterns, together, affect the interannual variability; and 2) with both clouds and SST imposed, the model simulation is less sensitive to initial conditions. Additionally, the study emphasizes the importance of dynamically consistent clouds developing in response to the dynamical, thermal, and moist state of the atmosphere during model integrations.

2003 ◽  
Vol 21 (10) ◽  
pp. 2107-2118 ◽  
I. Kirchner ◽  
D. Peters

Abstract. During boreal winter months, mean longitude-dependent ozone changes in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere are mainly caused by different ozone transport by planetary waves. The response to radiative perturbation induced by these ozone changes near the tropopause on the circulation is unclear. This response is investigated with the ECHAM4 general circulation model in a sensitivity study. In the simulation two different mean January realizations of the ozone field are implemented in ECHAM4. Both ozone fields are estimated on the basis of the observed mean January planetary wave structure of the 1980s. The first field represents a 14-year average (reference, 1979–1992) and the second one represents the mean ozone field change (anomaly, 1988–92) in boreal extra-tropics during the end of the 1980s. The model runs were carried out pairwise, with identical initial conditions for both ozone fields. Five statistically independent experiments were performed, forced with the observed sea surface temperatures for the period 1988 to 1992. The results support the hypothesis that the zonally asymmetric ozone changes of the 80s triggered a systematic alteration of the circulation over the North Atlantic – European region. It is suggested that this feedback process is important for the understanding of the decadal coupling between troposphere and stratosphere, as well as between subtropics and extra-tropics in winter.Key words. Meteorology and atmospheric dynamics (general circulation; radiative processes; synoptic-scale meteorology)

Atmosphere ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 649
Ibrahima Camara ◽  
Juliette Mignot ◽  
Nicolas Kolodziejczyk ◽  
Teresa Losada ◽  
Alban Lazar

This study investigates the physical processes controlling the mixed layer buoyancy using a regional configuration of an ocean general circulation model. Processes are quantified by using a linearized equation of state, a mixed-layer heat, and a salt budget. Model results correctly reproduce the observed seasonal near-surface density tendencies. The results indicate that the heat flux is located poleward of 10° of latitude, which is at least three times greater than the freshwater flux that mainly controls mixed layer buoyancy. During boreal spring-summer of each hemisphere, the freshwater flux partly compensates the heat flux in terms of buoyancy loss while, during the fall-winter, they act together. Under the seasonal march of the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone and in coastal areas affected by the river, the contribution of ocean processes on the upper density becomes important. Along the north Brazilian coast and the Gulf of Guinea, horizontal and vertical processes involving salinity are the main contributors to an upper water change with a contribution of at least twice as much the temperature. At the equator and along the Senegal-Mauritanian coast, vertical processes are the major oceanic contributors. This is mainly due to the vertical gradient of temperature at the mixed layer base in the equator while the salinity one dominates along the Senegal-Mauritania coast.

2011 ◽  
Vol 26 (6) ◽  
pp. 1045-1055 ◽  
Piero Malguzzi ◽  
Andrea Buzzi ◽  
Oxana Drofa

Abstract Since August 2009, the GLOBO atmospheric general circulation model has been running experimentally at the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC) of the National Council of Research of Italy. GLOBO is derived from the Bologna Limited Area Model (BOLAM), a gridpoint limited-area meteorological model that was developed at the same institute and that has been extended to the entire earth atmosphere. The main dynamical features and physical parameterizations of GLOBO are presented. Starting from initial conditions obtained from the analysis of the NCEP Global Forecast System (GFS) model valid at 0000 UTC, 6-day forecasts with average horizontal resolution of 32 km were performed on a daily basis and in real time. The assessment of the forecast skill during the 1.5-yr period included the calculation of the monthly averaged root-mean-square errors (model prediction versus gridded analyses) of geopotential height at 500 hPa and mean sea level pressure for the northern and southern extratropics, performed accordingly to WMO Commission for Basic Systems (CBS) standards. The verification results are compared with models from other global data processing and forecasting system centers, as are available in the literature. The GLOBO skill for medium-range forecasts turns out to be comparable to that of the above models. The lack of analyses based on model forecasts and data assimilation is likely to penalize the scores for shorter-term forecasts.

2008 ◽  
Vol 136 (11) ◽  
pp. 4130-4149 ◽  
Hai Lin ◽  
Gilbert Brunet ◽  
Jacques Derome

Abstract The output of two global atmospheric models participating in the second phase of the Canadian Historical Forecasting Project (HFP2) is utilized to assess the forecast skill of the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO). The two models are the third generation of the general circulation model (GCM3) of the Canadian Centre for Climate Modeling and Analysis (CCCma) and the Global Environmental Multiscale (GEM) model of Recherche en Prévision Numérique (RPN). Space–time spectral analysis of the daily precipitation in near-equilibrium integrations reveals that GEM has a better representation of the convectively coupled equatorial waves including the MJO, Kelvin, equatorial Rossby (ER), and mixed Rossby–gravity (MRG) waves. An objective of this study is to examine how the MJO forecast skill is influenced by the model’s ability in representing the convectively coupled equatorial waves. The observed MJO signal is measured by a bivariate index that is obtained by projecting the combined fields of the 15°S–15°N meridionally averaged precipitation rate and the zonal winds at 850 and 200 hPa onto the two leading empirical orthogonal function (EOF) structures as derived using the same meridionally averaged variables following a similar approach used recently by Wheeler and Hendon. The forecast MJO index, on the other hand, is calculated by projecting the forecast variables onto the same two EOFs. With the HFP2 hindcast output spanning 35 yr, for the first time the MJO forecast skill of dynamical models is assessed over such a long time period with a significant and robust result. The result shows that the GEM model produces a significantly better level of forecast skill for the MJO in the first 2 weeks. The difference is larger in Northern Hemisphere winter than in summer, when the correlation skill score drops below 0.50 at a lead time of 10 days for GEM whereas it is at 6 days for GCM3. At lead times longer than about 15 days, GCM3 performs slightly better. There are some features that are common for the two models. The forecast skill is better in winter than in summer. Forecasts initialized with a large amplitude for the MJO are found to be more skillful than those with a weak MJO signal in the initial conditions. The forecast skill is dependent on the phase of the MJO at the initial conditions. Forecasts initialized with an MJO that has an active convection in tropical Africa and the Indian Ocean sector have a better level of forecast skill than those initialized with a different phase of the MJO.

2007 ◽  
Vol 20 (5) ◽  
pp. 908-925 ◽  
Eric D. Maloney ◽  
Adam H. Sobel

Abstract Idealized experiments are conducted using a GCM coupled to a 20-m slab ocean model to examine the short-term response to an initial localized positive equatorial SST anomaly, or “hot spot.” A hot spot is imposed upon an aquaplanet with globally uniform 28°C SST, insolation, and trace gas concentrations designed to mimic tropical warm pool conditions. No boundary condition or external parameter other than the Coriolis parameter varies with latitude. A 15-member ensemble is initiated using random atmospheric initial conditions. A 2°C equatorial warm anomaly is switched on, along with ocean coupling (day 0). Enhanced deep convection rapidly develops near the hot spot, forcing an anomalous large-scale circulation that resembles the linear response of a dry atmosphere to a localized heating, as in the Gill model. Enhanced convection, the anomalous large-scale circulation, and enhanced wind speed peak in amplitude at about day 15. Enhanced latent heat fluxes driven primarily by an increase in vector mean wind damp the anomalous heat content of the ocean near the hot spot before day 20. Between day 20 and day 50, suppressed latent heat fluxes due to suppressed synoptic eddy variance cause a warming of the remote Tropics in regions of anomalous low-level easterly flow. This wind-driven evaporative atmosphere–ocean exchange results in a 60–70-day oscillation in tropical mean oceanic heat content, accompanied by a compensating out-of-phase oscillation in vertically integrated atmospheric moist static energy. Beyond day 70 of the simulation, positive SST anomalies are found across much of the tropical belt. These slowly decay toward the 28°C background state.

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