energy matrix
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Irriga ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 653-660
Alarisse Costa Avelar ◽  
Vanessa de Fátima Grah Ponciano ◽  
Ezequiel Saretta ◽  
Isaac de Matos Ponciano ◽  
Everton Farias Coutrim ◽  

DESEMPENHO DE DOIS SISTEMAS DE BOMBEAMENTO POR ENERGIA FOTOVOLTAICA NO MEIO RURAL     ALARISSE COSTA AVELAR1; VANESSA DE FÁTIMA GRAH PONCIANO2; EZEQUIEL SARETTA3; ISAAC DE MATOS PONCIANO4; EVERTON FARIAS COUTRIM5 E MURILLO RIBEIRO DE GONÇALVES NUNES6   1 Discente do curso de Agronomia, Instituto Federal Goiano, IF Goiano Campus Iporá, Av. Oeste, 350, Parque União, Iporá, Goiás, Brasil. [email protected] 2 Professora Doutora, IF Goiano Campus Iporá, Av. Oeste, 350, Parque União, Iporá, Goiás, Brasil. [email protected] 3 Professor Adjunto, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Rua Ernesto Barros, 1345, Santo Antônio, 96506-322, Cachoeira do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. [email protected] 4 Professor Doutor, Faculdade de Iporá, R. Serra Cana Brava, 512, Boa Vista, Iporá, Goiás, Brasil. [email protected] 5 Discente do curso de Agronomia, Instituto Federal Goiano, IF Goiano Campus Iporá, Av. Oeste, 350, Parque União, Iporá, Goiás, Brasil. [email protected] 6 Discente do curso de Agronomia, Instituto Federal Goiano, IF Goiano Campus Iporá, Av. Oeste, 350, Parque União, Iporá, Goiás, Brasil. [email protected]     1 RESUMO   Apesar da oferta interna de energia do Brasil ser composta em sua maioria por fontes não renováveis, o uso das fontes de energias renováveis no Brasil é três vezes maior que a média mundial. O uso de energia fotovoltaica para o bombeamento de água é uma das utilizações mais promissoras dessa fonte energética. Sendo que a energia solar é variável para os diferentes locais, seja pelo padrão climático, latitude e componentes atmosféricos, a avaliação do desempenho de bombeamento em diferentes localidades é de extrema importância para a obtenção de informações mais precisas. Diante do exposto, o presente trabalho visa avaliar o desempenho de duas motobombas fotovoltaicas, uma submersa e outra de superfície, para o bombeamento de água para uso rural, no município de Iporá-GO. Utilizou-se uma motobomba submersa Anauger R-100 e uma de superfície Shurflo 2088 instaladas a painéis fotovoltaicos. Através das análises dos dados coletados por sensores observou-se que para as mesmas condições a motobomba Anauger R-100 apresentou um melhor desempenho em bombeamento, obtendo maior vazão, maior tempo de funcionando e eficiência global do sistema.   Palavras-chave: eficiência, irradiância, viabilidade.     AVELAR, A.C.; GRAH PONCIANO, V.F.; SARETTA, E.; PONCIANO, I.M.; COUTRIM, E.F.; NUNES, M.R.G. PERFORMANCE OF TWO PHOTOVOLTAIC PUMPING SYSTEMS IN THE RURAL AREA           2 ABSTRACT   Although Brazil's energy matrix is composed mostly of nonrenewable sources, the use of renewable energy sources in Brazil is three times greater than in the world. The use of photovoltaic energy for pumping water is one of the most promising uses of this energy source. Since solar energy is variable for different locations, whether due to weather pattern, latitude and atmospheric components, evaluation of pumping performance in different locations are extremely important to obtain relevant information. Given the above, this study aims to evaluate the performance of two photovoltaic motor pumps, one submerged and one surface, for pumping water for rural use, in the municipality of Iporá-GO. An Anauger R-100 submerged motor pump and a Shurflo 2088 surface motor pump installed in photovoltaic panels were used. An Anauger R-100 submerged motor pump and a Shurflo 2088 surface motor pump installed on photovoltaic panels were used. Through the analysis of the data collected by sensors, it was observed that for the same conditions the Anauger R-100 motor pump presented a better pumping performance, obtaining greater flow, longer running time and overall system efficiency.   Keywords: efficiency, irradiance, viability.

Energies ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 311
Charles Bronzo Barbosa Farias ◽  
Robson Carmelo Santos Barreiros ◽  
Milena Fernandes da da Silva ◽  
Alessandro Alberto Casazza ◽  
Attilio Converti ◽  

The unbridled use of fossil fuels is a serious problem that has become increasingly evident over the years. As such fuels contribute considerably to environmental pollution, there is a need to find new, sustainable sources of energy with low emissions of greenhouse gases. Climate change poses a substantial challenge for the scientific community. Thus, the use of renewable energy through technologies that offer maximum efficiency with minimal pollution and carbon emissions has become a major goal. Technology related to the use of hydrogen as a fuel is one of the most promising solutions for future systems of clean energy. The aim of the present review was to provide an overview of elements related to the potential use of hydrogen as an alternative energy source, considering its specific chemical and physical characteristics as well as prospects for an increase in the participation of hydrogen fuel in the world energy matrix.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. 100
A. M. Velasco ◽  
J. L. Alonso ◽  
P. Redondo ◽  
C. Lavín

Abstract We have theoretically determined the absorption oscillator strengths and wavenumbers for rotationally resolved transitions of the c4′1Σu + (6)-X1Σg +(0–9) bands of N2, which are relevant to analyze the spectra of planetary atmospheres. The Molecular Quantum Defect Orbital method has been used in our calculations. The interaction between the c4′1Σu + (6) Rydberg state and the b′1Σu + valence states has been considered using an adequate rovibronic energy matrix. In addition, we have calculated the lifetimes of the rotational levels of the c4′1Σu + (6) state. We hope that the reported data, most of them for the first time, can be useful in the interpretation of planetary atmospheres where N2 is present.

2021 ◽  
Garay Aquino ◽  
Dennis Raul ◽  
Carlos Quispe Anccasi

2021 ◽  
Cintia de Faria Ferreira Carraro ◽  
André Celestino Martins ◽  
Ana Carolina da Silva Faria ◽  
Carla Cristina Almeida Loures

The search for energy alternatives from renewable and clean sources has been gaining prominence at the international level, due to the increased demand for energy and the future depletion of fossil fuels, coupled with the concern with environmental issues. The generation of electricity distributed from the use of biomass can contribute to the conservation of the environment, the diversification of the energy matrix, the national economic development, the generation of jobs in the agro-industry and in the distribution of clean energy, as a sustainable alternative. This chapter aims to present information related to the use of different residual biomass as an energy alternative for Brazil, with a focus on electricity generation, based on a bibliographic survey, where it is highlighted as the best sources of biomass for electricity generation in the country, observing the profitability and viability for logistics and national economy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. e485101019199
Mario Mollo Neto ◽  
Lucélia Maria Casagrande ◽  
Camila Pires Cremasco ◽  
Luís Roberto Almeida Gabriel Filho

This research presents a study on the scenario of primary energy production in Brazil over the period from 1970 to 2018, as well as the main sources that contributed to the national energy matrix. To map trends in primary energy production, Social Network Analysis was applied. Also are presented the mathematical models that represent the variation in the centrality and density of primary energy production. Based on the results and the literature on the economy of Brazil in the period between the years 1970 to 2018, it discuss the movements carried out by public policymakers that culminated in a reduction of investments in the sector, even that demand would always be growing. However, it would continue to be linked to the results of small increases in GDP and HDI. Another result was the evolution and of oil as a non-renewable primary source offer for the entire period of the research. Was perceived the alternation of offers from non-renewable sources that, starting with the predominance of firewood, passing on to the generation of hydraulic energy, the most important for two decades, and the substitution by-products derived from sugarcane, which extends until the year 2018. It was also observed that in the period from 2010 to 2018, the share of supply from renewable primary sources, in percentage terms, it is no longer so distant from the share of offers from non-renewable primary sources, almost even dividing availability for the composition of the Brazilian matrix.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (8) ◽  
pp. 80131-80148
Wagner Luis Ferreira ◽  
Cristina Moll Huther ◽  
Ivenio Moreira da Silva ◽  
Daiane Cecchin ◽  
Carlos Domingos da Silva ◽  

2021 ◽  
Bin Zhao ◽  
Shanyu Han ◽  
Christopher L. Malbon ◽  
Uwe Manthe ◽  
David. R. Yarkony ◽  

AbstractThe Born–Oppenheimer approximation, assuming separable nuclear and electronic motion, is widely adopted for characterizing chemical reactions in a single electronic state. However, the breakdown of the Born–Oppenheimer approximation is omnipresent in chemistry, and a detailed understanding of the non-adiabatic dynamics is still incomplete. Here we investigate the non-adiabatic quenching of electronically excited OH(A2Σ+) molecules by H2 molecules using full-dimensional quantum dynamics calculations for zero total nuclear angular momentum using a high-quality diabatic-potential-energy matrix. Good agreement with experimental observations is found for the OH(X2Π) ro-vibrational distribution, and the non-adiabatic dynamics are shown to be controlled by stereodynamics, namely the relative orientation of the two reactants. The uncovering of a major (in)elastic channel, neglected in a previous analysis but confirmed by a recent experiment, resolves a long-standing experiment–theory disagreement concerning the branching ratio of the two electronic quenching channels.

Crystals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 804
Tomasz Bodziony ◽  
Sławomir Maksymilian Kaczmarek

The parameters g-factor (g||  and  g⊥) together with the local structure of the Ce3+ center in BaWO4 single crystal (scheelite structure crystals) were theoretically investigated using a complete diagonalization procedure of energy matrix (CDM method). The intrinsic parameters were calculated. It is shown that the experimental and the calculated values of the g-factors are in good agreement. The angular distortion has also been calculated. It was found that the polar angles of the impurity–ligand bonding are smaller than in BaWO4 single crystal (Δθ≈1.00 ) . The validity of the results and the changing in the local environment of the impurity–cerium ion is also discussed.

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