preliminary conclusion
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2021 ◽  
A.A. Tskhai ◽  
V.Yu. Ageikov ◽  
A.N. Semchukov

The object of the study is the ecosystem of the largest in Western Siberia — the Novosibirsk reservoir. The aim of the study is forecast the response of hydrobiocenosis on the implementation of different methods for the aquatic ecosystem restoration. Novelty: structural-dynamics modeling of ecological processes based on the reproduction of biogeochemical cycles of limiting elements in the conditions of spatial heterogeneity for the reservoir is performed. A preliminary conclusion is formulating about the main role of autochthonous processes in the eutrophication of the Novosibirsk reservoir. A comparative assessment of the influence for three variants of washing the reservoir with a flood wave on the annual variability of the phytoplankton content and nitrate concentration in three characteristic parts of the Novosibirsk reservoir was carried out.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (8) ◽  
Agneta Gulz ◽  
Magnus Haake

AbstractThe article addresses the challenge of combining adaptive and inclusive instruction in early math software, that is, to provide different kinds of support and challenges to different individuals in response to their different needs—yet avoid exposing children (whether far behind or far ahead) as being different. Arguments for adaption as well as inclusion are discussed, and an evaluative user study is conducted in which 42 3- to 6-year-old preschool children made use of a digital play-&-learn game for early math designed to combine adaptive instruction with inclusion during a period of 6 weeks. Data logging, performance measures, observations of children playing, and interviews with teachers are used to evaluate whether the adaptive and inclusive strategies worked out as intended. Results indicate that the goals of inclusion as well as the goals of adaptivity were met. A preliminary conclusion is that it is possible to combine adaptation and inclusion in early math software.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-192
Zuhratus Saleh ◽  
Rike Puspitasari Tamin ◽  
Maria Ulfa

Tahura Orang Kayo Hitam is one of the locations that was severely damaged due to forest fires that occurred in the peat area of Jambi Province. Natural regeneration is a possible option in restoration activities and requires the presence of a mother tree and seed dispersing agents . This study aims to identify seed dispersing agents in the Orang Kayo HitamTahura and has been carried out for 3 months from June to August 2020. These tree species were obtained by a sampling method with a plot size of 20x20 m determined by a 500 m long transect from outside the forest to inside the forest.  All trees with a diameter above 10 cm were measured and their species identified. Seed dispersing agents were identified by literature study, photo analysis and discussion with locals. The results of field data indicated that the species found in the study area were spread by wind and wildlife. From the 32 tree species were found, 10 species (32%) were spread by the wind and 22 species (68%) were spread by wild animals. The preliminary conclusion of this study is that wind and wildlife are very important in the distribution of tree seeds in burned areas.    

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 01-07
F. Mairanowski ◽  
D. Below

A detailed description of the model for calculating epidemic spread under conditions of lockdown and mass vaccination of the population is given (ASILV model). The proposed analytical model adequately describes the development of the epidemic in New York City. The estimates of the total number of infected persons and the seven-day incident rate made using the proposed model correlate well with the observed data in all the stages of epidemic growth. Model calculations of the spread of the epidemic under different vaccination rates allowed an assessment of the effect of vaccination on the growth of the epidemic. Analysis of seven-day incidence curves at different vaccination intensities led to the preliminary conclusion that at vaccination rates above a minimum value, the emergence of new strains did not lead to a growing epidemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (13) ◽  
pp. 5893
Nikos Economou ◽  
Maksim Bano ◽  
José Ortega-Ramirez

The use of GPR data multipath summation on data acquired over parallel study lines is presented here within the framework of a study on the effects of natural hazards on cultural heritage areas in order to image weak zones within carbonates, such as fractures and caverns. This study was realized at the archeological site of Xochicalco in Mexico, where fractures and caverns are potential sources of the degradation of the archeological remains. Dense parallel GPR study lines spaced every 0.25 m were surveyed using a 400 MHz monostatic antenna with the aim to image possible weak zones in three dimensions. We used a 2D imaging approach, namely, the method of multipath summation, which efficiently focused the scattered energy within the GPR sections. The study revealed, at depths of 1.6m and 1.8m, several linear events attributed to fractures, leading to the preliminary conclusion of this on-going project that cracks on the walls of the Quetzalcoatl Temple after a large earthquake in 2017 are prone to instability of carbonates rocks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 244 ◽  
pp. 12009
Ivan Karavaev ◽  
Vladimir Kotlyar ◽  
Andrey Antipov ◽  
Ekaterina Ilyinova

Imprisonment is the most commonly used criminal punishment in the world. In all countries, there are specialized institutions for the maintenance of those sentenced to this punishment. In Russia they are called correctional institutions. By isolating persons who have committed crimes from the outside world, these institutions perform several tasks at once, ensuring: 1) constant monitoring of convicts; 2) access control; 3) control over the movement of convicts; 4) checking their presence; 5) carrying out activities aimed at detecting prohibited items. All these tasks are aimed at achieving a global goal - maintaining the established regime for execution of sentences in form of imprisonment. The article deals with regulation of design, construction and equipment of correctional institutions by Russian legislation. The authors analyze the norms in force in Russia in this area, highlight strengths and weaknesses, and determine the degree of influence of possible violations in design, construction and equipment on the regime of punishment execution. The actual double subordination is established in solving the current problem. On the one hand, the department executing preliminary conclusion, on the other, the department organizing and controlling process of designing and building institutions executing a preventive measure. Such inconsistency creates problems in practical application of provisions of existing norms, leads to errors and, as a result, to inadequate isolation of convicts from the outside world.

Istoriya ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (11 (109)) ◽  
pp. 0
Evgenia Tokareva

In the extremely difficult international situation of the second half of the 1930s, relations between the USSR and the Vatican occupied a very insignificant place. This is partly why the sources that would cover this problem more prominently are very scarce. Under these conditions, the Soviet press becomes an important and still insufficiently appreciated source. With the general strict censorship of the press of this period, it allows us to identify various, but sometimes quite significant nuances of perception of the Vatican policy in the Soviet Union. The first event that influenced some reassessment of the image of the Vatican was the VII Congress of the Comintern, held in 1935, which put forward the tactics of a united front, which assumed, among other things, cooperation with confessional organizations of workers, and even with the petty-bourgeois strata of the population. In the light of this new tactic, a certain line is beginning to be drawn, albeit almost imperceptibly and even, perhaps, unwittingly, between the Vatican as a political force and the national structures of the Catholic Church. A more noticeable reassessment of the image of the Vatican took place in 1938, when the differences between Italian fascism, German Nazism, on the one hand, and the Vatican, on the other, on racial problems and on the issue of the persecution of the Catholic Church became obvious and could not fail to attract the attention of Soviet diplomats and, following them, the Soviet press. The subsequent election of Pope Pius XII to the papal throne in 1939 allows us to strengthen this line and enrich it with attention to the Vatican's peacemaking policy. But the conclusion of the Molotov — Ribbentrop pact once again returns the image of the Vatican to its supposedly political conjuncture, but this time in the interests of the other side, which has now become the main opponent of the USSR, i. e. England and France. And only the German attack on the USSR allows for a brief moment to see the possibility of forming a different image of the Vatican, an opponent of racism and fascism in all its manifestations. A careful reading of the press allows us to draw a preliminary conclusion about the absence of a clearly developed and formulated position of the governing bodies of the Soviet Union in relation to the Vatican, which varied, albeit slightly, depending on changes in the foreign policy interests of the Soviet state.

Hansjörg Krähmer ◽  
Linnea Hesse ◽  
Friederike Krüger ◽  
Thomas Speck ◽  
Regine Claßen-Bockhoff

Abstract Nodes are interfaces between stems and leaves. Vascular bundles originate here and elongate into leaves and internodes. In Marantaceae, internodal bundles are highly diverse, including inverted bundles in the climbing genus Haumania. The objective of this paper is to characterize bundle forms, their position across the stem and their connection to leaves and short shoots in Haumania spp. and other unrelated African branch-angle climbers in the family (Hypselodelphys, Trachyphrynium). We question whether bundle inversion is a genus-specific trait in Haumania or related to the climbing growth form. Vascular bundles in internodes are scattered across the stem diameter in a characteristic pattern. Four (to five) bundle types follow each other in a centripetal order from highly sclerenchymatic ‘a’-bundles close to the epidermis to ‘d’-bundles in the centre with a low sclerenchyma proportion. Inverted bundles only appear in internodes of Haumania, making this trait a synapomorphy for the genus. The nodes show stem, leaf and short shoot bundles in a remarkably diverse pattern with partitioned phloem clusters and apparently augmented xylem elements. Our preliminary conclusion is that the inversion of bundles happens when leaf and short shoot traces join the main axis bundle layers.

E. B. Muradyan ◽  

The article has a theoretical approach in research. Relations between the terms «hardiness»; and «psychological safety», «subject of activity» and «professional’s personality» will be considered. The components of hardiness are analyzed. The issues that contradict the basic theoretical position on hardiness as the underlying psychological safety of the individual are analyzed. At a theoretical level, a connection between the hardiness and psychological safety of a professional’s personality is revealed. In theoretical terms the conceptions of a person as a personality (professional) and as a subject of professional activity are considered. The attitude of professional’s personality towards activities in the «new» conditions is revealed. Based on results of experts’ survey, a preliminary conclusion is made that a person involved in professional activity, is passionate about his/her work, professionally ready for it, quickly overcomes negative emotions connected with an emergency, the person is reorganized to work in the «new» mode, providing high performance (if the specificity of the work allows it). The issues arising in a stressful, emergency situation are being considered for the subject of professional activity. An attempt is made to describe the emergency, as well as the necessity to introduce conceptual «slogan»: «the situation of global emergency uncertainty». This situation is considered as the environment that the one created «for his/her self-preservation», to ensure the safety of mankind.

2020 ◽  
Vol 367 (17) ◽  
Sergi Maicas ◽  
Ruth Sánchez-Fresneda ◽  
Juan-Carlos Argüelles

ABSTRACT Scientific journals have played an essential role in the diffusion of research breakthroughs. For many years there was no competition between journals, but, in recent decades they have become categorized by a careful assessment of their published contents based on several metric parameters. Of greater note, the ‘prestige index’ has become an essential tool used by public and private institutions to develop their scientific policy. Thus, the evaluation of research staffs, the concession of grants or fellowships and even the scholarly reputation and academic positions are mainly founded on a given journal's ‘quality’. As a consequence, the prestige of some journals has gone up, based on the assumption that they publish cutting-edge science, while the reputation of others has gone down. Within the field of Microbiology, we have carried out a direct analysis by monitoring several representative classic journals according to customary metric parameters over 20 years. This analysis also covers another set of journals of recent appearance (novel journals). Although a direct comparison between both groups is not possible, this approach serves to perceive the trends of publication among microbiologists. Our preliminary conclusion is that the continued existence of many so-termed classic journals devoted to Microbiology is seriously threatened.

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