pedagogical interventions
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2021 ◽  
pp. 16-24
Alexander Nikolaevich Makhinin ◽  

The article presents the author’s theoretical justification for the need to develop targeted programs for the formation of Russian identity in educational organizations. At the same time, taking as a given the multicultural nature of Russian society, the author seeks to determine the invariant part of such programs. The purpose of the article is to determine the invariant component of the development of targeted programs for the formation of Russian identity in educational organizations. The methodology was compiled by sociocultural and systemic approaches to the analysis of pedagogical phenomena and based on the main non-pedagogical concepts of the identity of foreign and domestic researchers. The leading methods were analyze, generalization, interpretation of the results of philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical research, mass and author pedagogical practice, modeling individual positions of the concept of the pedagogical process of forming the Russian personality identity. Attention is drawn to the fact that modern pedagogy (if it wants to be modern) is fundamentally important to determine the set of pedagogically significant ha-racterists of Russian identity, which will allow you to design the pedagogical process of its formation and indicate pedagogical permissible means and possible risks of its scientific and methodological support. The interdependence and mutual influence of the processes of development (main) and formation (accompanying) leads to objective limitations of pedagogical interventions. In order to improve the professional detail of pedagogical teams within the framework of the formation of the Russian identity of students, the structure of the modular program for the formation of Russian identity in educational organizations is proposed for discussion.

2021 ◽  
pp. 81-90
David Kergel ◽  
Michael Paulsen ◽  
Jesper Garsdal ◽  
Birte Heidkamp-Kergel ◽  
Michi S. Fujii ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Håkan Larsson ◽  
Gunn Nyberg ◽  
Dean Barker

The purpose of the article is to outline how Deleuzian concepts, notably the notions of apprenticeship in signs based on a pedagogy of the concept, can stimulate thinking and understanding of movement learning, and provide insights about pedagogical implications in various movement educational settings. Methodologically, the article falls somewhere in between theoretical exposition and presentation of original empirical research, i.e., a “theoreticoempirical” exposition. We borrowed some ideas formulated by Deleuze (and Guattari), which have been further developed by educational researchers, about “an apprenticeship in signs” based on “a pedagogy of the concept,” to analyse situations where students explore new movements. We use material generated from pedagogical interventions comprising of exploration of kinescapes. In these interventions, school and university students are encouraged to explore, and learn, juggling, unicycling and dancing. Findings indicate how students pass through interpretative illusions until some of them grasp difference in itself in what could be called its immanent differentiation of the actual, i.e., they learn how to juggle, unicycle or dance. This is what we designate genuine learning. The triadic relation between concepts, percepts and affects offer us clues to what juggling, unicycling or dancing mean to learners (concepts), what learners pay attention to while practising (percepts), and what gets them moving (affects). Importantly, through viewing learning as an apprenticeship in signs, the Deleuzian approach reminds us that the triadic relation is open-ended, meaning that concepts, percepts and affects are never final but always a potential actualisation. Concepts, percepts and affects are constantly in the process of becoming. Since genuine learning is not about narrowing down how a movement should be executed and experienced, the task of a movement educator could, then, be to accompany learners in explorative pursuits. In this way, teachers can help learners escape preconceptions about movements (who can do what and when) and instead explore new movement opportunities.

Societies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 137
Gene Klein

Design challenges and limitations of gamification were examined using the COVID-19 pandemic as a lens. Online or remote environments were also examined. These environments highlight the literature gap in evidence-based design recommendations and studies that isolate gamification from other pedagogical interventions or methodologies. The literature recognizes the differences between actual games and gamification. Gamification focuses and relies on entertainment to boost academic achievement. This focus on entertainment and its implications to motivation, both intrinsic and extrinsic, are examined. This reliance on entertainment creates unrealistic expectations. In fact, gamification expectations may be conflated with game expectations—especially in an educational setting.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Luis Eugênio Martiny ◽  
Larissa Zanetti Theil ◽  
Eloy Maciel Neto

INTRODUÇÃO: A Educação Física escolar construiu-se por meio de diferentes influências pedagógicas históricas que produziram interferências marcantes na escola, no fazer pedagógico dos profissionais imersos nesse contexto, e consequentemente, contribuíram para um estado de crise identitária da Educação Física. OBJETIVO: Diante este cenário o objetivo principal deste estudo é a reflexão acerca da legitimidade da Educação Física como componente do currículo escolar. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um ensaio teórico que propõe a problematização da Educação Física escolar, com destaque para as intervenções pedagógicas dos conteúdos da cultura corporal de movimento. Primeiramente fez-se uma reflexão e discussão sobre o objeto de estudo da Educação Física, posteriormente sobre a sua relevância, seu lugar de pertencimento no sistema de ensino como componente curricular, e por último, sobre as suas condições de possibilidade de conhecimento a partir do saber científico e do saber do senso comum. RESULTADOS: A possibilidade de conhecimento da Educação Física e por conseguinte, sua legitimação, dar-se-á pela harmonização entre aquilo que a diferencia e aquilo que a integra, ou seja, do arranjo entre diferentes manifestações da cultura corporal do movimento e a linguagem. CONCLUSÃO: É importante destacar que não se pretendeu produzir respostas prescritivas, porém é necessário produzir e discutir acerca da responsabilidade curricular da Educação Física como disciplina, trazendo à tona maiores esclarecimentos do universo representativo dessa área do saber. Para além, tem-se consciência que este estudo não colocará um ponto final em toda esta temática. Antes pelo contrário, é um ponto de partida para que se possa realizar novas investigações e intervenções pedagógicas que consigam explorar os conteúdos da cultura corporal de movimento nas aulas de Educação Física. ABSTRACT. The legitimization of physical education at school: the body culture of movement as a language and condition for the possibility of knowledgeBACKGROUND: School Physical Education was built through different historical pedagogical influences that produced marked interferences in the school, in the pedagogical practice of professionals immersed in this context, and, consequently, contributed to a state of identity crisis in Physical Education. OBJECTIVE: In view of this scenario, the main objective of this study is to reflect on the legitimacy of Physical Education as a component of the school curriculum. METHODS: This is a theoretical essay that proposes the problematization of school Physical Education, with emphasis on pedagogical interventions on the contents of body culture of movement. Firstly, there was a reflection and discussion about the object of study of Physical Education, later about its relevance, its place of belonging in the education system as a curricular component, and finally, about its conditions of possibility of knowledge from the scientific knowledge and common sense knowledge. RESULTS: The possibility of knowledge of Physical Education and, therefore, its legitimation, will occur through the harmonization between what differentiates it and what integrates it, that is, the arrangement between different manifestations of the movement’s body culture and language. CONCLUSION: It is important to highlight that it was not intended to produce prescriptive responses, but it is necessary to produce and discuss the curricular responsibility of Physical Education as a discipline, bringing to the fore further clarifications from the representative universe of this area of knowledge. In addition, we are aware that this study will not put an end to this whole theme. On the contrary, it is a starting point for new investigations and pedagogical interventions that can explore the contents of body culture of movement in Physical Education classes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 1805
Luis Magdiel Oliva-Córdova ◽  
Antonio Garcia-Cabot ◽  
Héctor R. Amado-Salvatierra

The research area related to the use of Learning Analytics and the prediction of student performance is multidimensional; therefore, it can be explored and analyzed through different perspectives. This research addresses the relationship between pedagogical interventions based on Learning Analytics and student learning performance. The research problem of predicting student performance can be analyzed from various angles. This study presents an analysis based on the technique of Path Analysis (PA) and proposes a model based on the following variables: Mediation, Motivation, Communication, Learning Design, and Learning Performance. The study’s findings demonstrate the importance of the role of virtual tutors in carrying out pedagogical interventions thanks to the information retrieved from the Learning Analytics tools and its appropriate analysis.

Jordan Frith ◽  
Jacob Richter

Places are filled with stories, with histories that shape how people understand the nature of a place. Places are unique sets of trajectories – each with a story – coming into contact. However, just as much as places are defined by their histories, they are also shaped by the histories that are forgotten, or far too often, actively suppressed through dominant narratives. After all, dominant media of spatial, public memory – for example, plaques and public monuments – often reproduce dominant narratives of a place, narratives created by the powerful. This project examines how digital placemaking can be deployed through locative technologies to push back on dominant spatial narratives and make places more polyvocal in consequential ways. In particular, through a project at Clemson University, we examine how locative storytelling applications can help students intervene in traditional narratives of place to engage with social justice and alternative histories.

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