perfectly normal
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2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-131
Agostino Sepe

Abstract For most of Qing domination over China, the Manchu rulers strictly controlled or even prohibited migration of Chinese people to the dynasty’s Motherland (long xing zhi di 龍興之地). Only two brief phases are an exception, namely the mid Shunzhi to early Kangxi and Yongzheng periods. During the former, in 1653, a “Regulation for the repopulation and land reclamation of Liaodong” was promulgated, establishing alluring incentives for whoever managed to move a hundred or more people to the region east of the Liao river. Only fifteen years later, when the maneuver had just started to produce some results, the Qing court abolished it. In the long term, such a change of direction appears perfectly normal, considering that later on most of the lands would be assigned to the Eight Banners and the state would have striven to keep the Chinese out. Nevertheless, in the short term, the decision seemed to come out of the blue. An interesting debate on what might have determined the turnabout began in the early twentieth century, and some most recent contributions have been published in the 2000s; yet none of the thesis proposed so far is fully convincing. On the basis of sources that have not yet been taken into account, this paper further investigates into the matter and aims at demonstrating that the concerns which compelled the rulers to officially oppose immigration in the following decades already existed in the very first years of Kangxi reign.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-68
Isabela Fraga

ResumoEste ensaio examina a sobrevida textual de uma cabeça — a de Antônio Vicente Mendes Maciel, o Antônio Conselheiro (1830-1897), a partir de sua morte na Guerra de Canudos (1896-1897). Traçam-se as figurações do crânio de Conselheiro na imprensa brasileira do fim do século XIX e nos trabalhos do médico legista Raimundo Nina Rodrigues e do engenheiro e escritor Euclides da Cunha. Embora ambos esperassem que o crânio de Conselheiro apresentasse evidências físicas de degeneração racial, as observações craniométricas de Nina Rodrigues revelaram um crânio normal. Argumenta-se que esse fracasso da aproximação materialista à psique humana deu proeminência a explicações sociológicas para o fenômeno de Canudos, além de levantar questões sobre visibilidade, raça e racismo científico na virada do século XX e no mundo contemporâneo.Palavras-chave: Raça. Psiquiatria. Guerra de Canudos. Antropologia criminal. AbstractThis essay examines the textual afterlife of a head—that of Antônio Vicente Mendes Maciel (Antônio Conselheiro [1830-1897]), after his death in the Canudos War (1896-1897). It traces figurations of Conselheiro’s skull in the late nineteenth-century Brazilian press and in the works of Raimundo Nina Rodrigues and Euclides da Cunha. Although these two social scientists expected Conselheiro’s skull to display physical evidence of racial degeneration, Nina Rodrigues’s craniometric measurements and observations revealed a perfectly normal skull. It is argued that this failure of a materialist approach to the human psyche allowed a stronger reliance on sociological explanations for the Canudos phenomenon that opens up questions on scientific racism and the visibility of race in the turn of the twentieth century and in contemporary times.Keywords: Race. Psychiatry. Canudos War. Criminal Anthropology. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 71 (2) ◽  
pp. 423-428
Olena Karlova

Abstract We characterize the uniform convergence points set of a pointwisely convergent sequence of real-valued functions defined on a perfectly normal space. We prove that if X is a perfectly normal space which can be covered by a disjoint sequence of dense subsets and A ⊆ X, then A is the set of points of the uniform convergence for some convergent sequence (fn ) n∈ω of functions fn : X → ℝ if and only if A is Gδ -set which contains all isolated points of X. This result generalizes a theorem of Ján Borsík published in 2019.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 210-229
O. Maslyuchenko ◽  
A. Kushnir

In this paper we continue the study of interconnections between separately continuous function which was started by V. K. Maslyuchenko. A pair (g, h) of functions on a topological space is called a pair of Hahn if g ≤ h, g is an upper semicontinuous function and h is a lower semicontinuous function. We say that a pair of Hahn (g, h) is generated by a function f, which depends on two variables, if the infimum of f and the supremum of f with respect to the second variable equals g and h respectively. We prove that for any perfectly normal space X and non-pseudocompact space Y every pair of Hahn on X is generated by a continuous function on X x Y . We also obtain that for any perfectly normal space X and for any space Y having non-scattered compactification any pair of Hahn on X is generated by a separately continuous function on X x Y .

2020 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-95
Ľubica Holá ◽  
Grażyna Kwiecińska

AbstractUsing the Borel classification of set-valued maps, we present here some new results on set-valued maps which are similar to some of the well known theorems on functions due to Lebesgue and Kuratowski. We consider set-valued maps of two variables in perfectly normal topological spaces. It was proved in [11] that a set-valued map lower semicontinuous (i.e. of lower Borel class 0) in the first and upper semicontinuous (i.e. of upper Borel class 0) in the second variable is of upper Borel class 1 and also (with stronger assumptions) of lower Borel class 1. This result cannot be generalized into higher Borel classes. In this paper we show that a set-valued map of the upper (resp. lower) Borel class α in the first and lower semicontinuous and upper quasicontinuous (upper semicontinuous and lower quasicontinuous) in the second variable is of the lower (resp. upper) Borel class α + 1. Also other cases are considered.

MOVE ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 201-234
Richard Kent Evans

This chapter tells the story of the MOVE Bombing. In the thirty-three years since the MOVE Bombing, writers, artists, and filmmakers have struggled to make sense of what happened on May 13, 1985. Overall, they have failed to do so. This author does not expect to succeed. His main contribution to an understanding of the MOVE Bombing is this: it is not exceptional and it is not inexplicable. Such acts of state violence have happened many times before, and there is no reason to suspect that that they will not happen again. Rather than looking at the MOVE Bombing as an inexplicable event, one should look at it as a perfectly normal behavior of the secular state. The MOVE Bombing, the author argues, makes sense only when one sees it as a logical extension of secularism; as the secular state preempting “illegitimate” religious violence with “legitimate” state violence.

2019 ◽  
Vol 74 (1) ◽  
pp. 145-158
Jaroslav Šupina ◽  
Dávid Uhrik

Abstract We discuss several questions about Borel measurable functions on a topological space. We show that two Lindenbaum composition theorems [Lindenbaum, A. Sur les superpositions des fonctions représentables analytiquement, Fund. Math. 23 (1934), 15–37] proved for the real line hold in perfectly normal topological space as well. As an application, we extend a characterization of a certain class of topological spaces with hereditary Jayne-Rogers property for perfectly normal topological space. Finally, we pose an interesting question about lower and upper Δ02-measurable functions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 379
A. Deb Ray ◽  
Atanu Mondal

<p>This paper explores the duality between ideals of the ring B<sub>1</sub>(X) of all real valued Baire one functions on a topological space X and typical families of zero sets, called Z<sub>B</sub>-filters, on X. As a natural outcome of this study, it is observed that B<sub>1</sub>(X) is a Gelfand ring but non-Noetherian in general. Introducing fixed and free maximal ideals in the context of B<sub>1</sub>(X), complete descriptions of the fixed maximal ideals of both B<sub>1</sub>(X) and B<sub>1</sub><sup>*</sup> (X) are obtained. Though free maximal ideals of B<sub>1</sub>(X) and those of B<sub>1</sub><sup>*</sup> (X) do not show any relationship in general, their counterparts, i.e., the fixed maximal ideals obey natural relations. It is proved here that for a perfectly normal T<sub>1</sub> space X, free maximal ideals of B<sub>1</sub>(X) are determined by a typical class of Baire one functions. In the concluding part of this paper, we study residue class ring of B<sub>1</sub>(X) modulo an ideal, with special emphasize on real and hyper real maximal ideals of B<sub>1</sub>(X).</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 488 (2) ◽  
pp. 130-132
A. V. Osipov ◽  
E. G. Pytkeev

The paper proves (assuming the continuum hypothesis CH) that there exists a perfectly normal compact topological space Z and a countable set E ⊂ Z, such that Z\E is not condensed onto a compact. The existence of such a space answers (in CH) negatively to the question of V.I. Ponomareva: Is every perfectly normal compact an α-space? It is proved that in the class of ordered compacts the property of being an α-space is not multiplicative.

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