ekman pumping
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Abstract Quasi-geostrophic (QG) theory describes the dynamics of synoptic scale flows in the troposphere that are balanced with respect to both acoustic and internal gravity waves. Within this framework, effects of (turbulent) friction near the ground are usually represented by Ekman Layer theory. The troposphere covers roughly the lowest ten kilometers of the atmosphere while Ekman layer heights are typically just a few hundred meters. However, this two-layer asymptotic theory does not explicitly account for substantial changes of the potential temperature stratification due to diabatic heating associated with cloud formation or with radiative and turbulent heat fluxes which can be significant in about the lowest three kilometers and in the middle latitudes. To address this deficiency, this paper extends the classical QG–Ekman layer model by introducing an intermediate dynamically and thermodynamically active layer, called the “diabatic layer” (DL) from here on. The flow in this layer is also in acoustic, hydrostatic, and geostrophic balance but, in contrast to QG flow, variations of potential temperature are not restricted to small deviations from a stable and time independent background stratification. Instead, within the DL diabatic processes are allowed to affect the leading-order stratification. As a consequence, this layer modifies the pressure field at the top of the Ekman layer, and with it the intensity of Ekman pumping seen by the quasi-geostrophic bulk flow. The result is the proposed extended quasi-geostrophic three-layer QG-DL-Ekman model for mid-latitude dynamics.

Abstract The distribution and interannual variation in the winter halocline in the upper layers of the world ocean were investigated via analyses of hydrographic data from the World Ocean Database 2013 using a simple definition of the halocline. A halocline was generally observed in the tropics, equatorward portions of subtropical regions, subarctic North Pacific and Southern Ocean. A strong halocline tended to occur in areas where the sea surface salinity (SSS) was low. The interannual variation in halocline strength was correlated with variation in SSS. The correlation coefficients were usually negative: the halocline was strong when the SSS was low. However, in the Gulf of Alaska in the northeastern North Pacific, the correlation coefficient was positive. There, halocline strength was influenced by interannual variation in Ekman pumping.

2021 ◽  
Vol 919 (1) ◽  
pp. 012026
H Bernades ◽  
A A D Suryoputro ◽  
A Wirasatriya ◽  
G Handoyo ◽  
A Rifai ◽  

Abstract Arafura sea is located between the southern part of Papua Island and Aru Island. Previous studies on Sea Surface Temperature (SST) have described that the SST is strongly affected by the upwelling, but the effect of Ekman Mass Transport (EMT) and Ekman Pumping Velocity (EPV) has not yet been studied. In other areas, it has been shown that EMT and EPV generated by the winds could affect the SST. Thus, further research is needed to better understand the role of the winds on the variability of SST through the mechanism of EMT and EPV in the Arafura Sea. This study used SST data from a high-resolution satellite image (GHRSST) and wind data from a scatterometer satellite image (MetOp A ASCAT). The data were processed using the composite and time-series correlation. This study shows that the higher the wind speed, causes the colder the SST in the Arafura Sea. In contrast, when the wind speed is lower, the SST tends to be warmer. The variabilities of the SST are mostly related to the mixing process associated with the magnitude of EMT. In the shallow water where the calculated Ekman depth is deeper than the actual depth, EMT is more influencing than EPV. On the deeper water at the northeast of the Island of Aru, the negative EPV induces upwelling, bringing the colder water to the sea surface. Statistically, the correlation between EMT (EPV) and the SST in the shallow water of the Arafura Sea is considered strong (weak). On the other hand, at the deep water of the Arafura Sea (northeast of the Island of Aru) offers a strong correlation between the EPV and the SST, whereas the EMT and the SST correlation is considered weak.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Ying Chen ◽  
Haiyi Shi ◽  
Hui Zhao

During summer, phytoplankton blooms occur frequently off the southeast Vietnam coast in the western South China Sea (WSCS). Using multi-source remote sensing data, such as sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface wind (SSW), aerosol optical thickness (AOT), sea level anomalies (SLA), and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) data from 1998 to 2020 and in situ observations of analyzed data, we report the patterns of spatial variation of summer phytoplankton blooms in this region. The partial correlation and multiple stepwise linear regression analyses reveal that Ekman transport (ET) and Ekman pumping velocity (EPV) exert a greater impact on the summer phytoplankton blooms than the other environmental factors, suggesting that the phytoplankton blooms in the region may be mainly triggered by the enhanced nutrients by wind-induced upwelling and vertical mixing. AOT only weakly correlates with Chl-a concentration in the region, probably these prominent abundant nutrients in the region come from upwelling and convective-overturn. A northeastward jet causes the distribution of high Chl-a in the WSCS to be plume-shaped. A new finding in this study is that the northward current in this area may cause the northward deviation of phytoplankton blooms from the areas of upwelling.

Peiran Yang ◽  
Zhao Jing ◽  
Bingrong Sun ◽  
Lixin Wu ◽  
Bo Qiu ◽  

AbstractEncountering of energetic ocean eddies and atmosphere storms makes the winter Kuroshio extension a hotspot for air-sea interactions. This second part investigates the regulation of vertical eddy heat transport QT in the winter Kuroshio extension mixed layer by different types of air-sea interactions, including the atmosphere synoptic forcing, eddy thermal feedback resulting from eddy-induced surface heat flux anomalies, and eddy current feedback from eddy current’s imprint on wind stress.Atmosphere synoptic forcing modulates intra-seasonal variation of QT by boosting its component contributed by the turbulent thermal wind balance during strong cooling events associated with intense winds. In addition, the magnitude of QT is influenced by the direction of synoptic wind stress primarily via , with the latter exhibiting enhancement both in the downfront- and upfront-wind forcing. Enhanced by the downfront-wind forcing is attributed to increased turbulent vertical viscosity and front intensity caused by the destabilizing wind-driven Ekman buoyancy flux, whereas interaction of uniform wind stress with smaller turbulent vertical viscosity at the front center than periphery (a so-called internal Ekman pumping) accounts for the increased in the upfront-wind forcing. The eddy thermal feedback reduces QT significantly through weakening the fronts. In contrast, the eddy current feedback exerts negligible influences on QT, although it weakens eddy kinetic energy (EKE) evidently. This is due to the much reduced effect of eddy current feedback in damping the fronts compared to EKE and also due to the compensation from Ekman pumping induced by the eddy current feedback.

Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (8) ◽  
pp. 1027
Yuqian Niu ◽  
Biyun Guo ◽  
Mantravadi Venkata Subrahmanyam ◽  
Bin Xue ◽  
Yun Ye

Typhoon “MITAG” was generated at the end of September 2019 and landed briefly in Zhoushan on October 1. Based on reanalysis data provided by ERA5 and NCEP, this paper analyzes the characteristics of wave and current during “MITAG”. The variation rule of waves and currents in different periods during the influence of “MITAG” was found. The results are as follows: The variation of significant wave height and mean wave period is related to its waveform. The single waveform has a long wave period and the correlation between wave height and wave period reaches 0.87 during the wind wave period. The wave period of the mixed waveform is shorter. The Ekman pumping of the ocean by “MITAG” is concentrated on the right side of the typhoon path when it is away from land; however, Ekman pumping is on the land side when the typhoon is close to the land. The sea surface height of the coastal sea area changes regularly with the distance of “MITAG”. The area which has a strong current is consistent with higher wave height.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (14) ◽  
pp. 2817
Tengfei Xu ◽  
Zexun Wei ◽  
Shujiang Li ◽  
Raden Dwi Susanto ◽  
Nyoman Radiarta ◽  

The southern coast of Java is known as one of the most productive fishing grounds for tuna, feeding by nutrient-rich water along the coast caused by the subsurface water upwelling. This primary productivity can be evidenced by the high sea surface chlorophyll-a concentration (SSC). Based on satellite remote sensing products, we investigate the multi-scale variability in SSC along the Sumatra-Java coast. The results show that seasonal variability of SSCs is primarily due to monsoon-driven upwelling and rainfall in the Indian Ocean and Indonesian seas sides of the Sumatra and Java Islands, respectively. Local Ekman pumping plays a secondary role, while rainfall input to the ocean has little effect. Coastally trapped Kelvin waves and mesoscale eddies are responsible for the intraseasonal SSC anomalies in regions along the south coast of Java and off the Sunda and Lombok Straits, respectively. The interannual variability in SSC is caused by the anomalous upwelling related to the Indian Ocean Dipole. There was a weak increasing trend of ~0.1–0.2 mg/m3 per decade, above the global averaged trend, which may be related to enhanced local Ekman pumping. These analyses provide an overall description of SSC variations based on satellite observations; however, further investigations based on in situ observations are needed to achieve better quantification.

E. Karimi-Sibaki ◽  
A. Kharicha ◽  
M. Abdi ◽  
A. Vakhrushev ◽  
M. Wu ◽  

AbstractA comprehensive numerical model is proposed to study the influence of an axial magnetic field (AMF) on the solidification behavior of a Titanium-based (Ti–6Al–4V) vacuum arc remelting (VAR) ingot. Both static and time-varying AMF are examined. The proposed 2D axisymmetric swirl model includes calculating electromagnetic and thermal fields in the entire system composed of the electrode, vacuum plasma, ingot, and mold. A combination of vector potential formulation and induction equation is proposed to model the electromagnetic field accurately. Calculations of the flow in the melt pool and solidification of the ingot are also carried out. All governing equations are presented in cylindrical coordinate. The presence of a weak AMF, such as the earth magnetic field, can dramatically influence the flow pattern in the melt pool. The “Electro-vortex flow” is predicted ignoring AMF or in the presence of a time-varying AMF. However, the flow pattern is “Ekman pumping” in the presence of a static AMF. The amount of side-arcing has no influence on the pool depth in the presence of an AMF. Modeling results are validated against experiments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Sen Jan ◽  
Ming-Huei Chang ◽  
Yiing Jang Yang ◽  
Chung-Hsiung Sui ◽  
Yu-Hsin Cheng ◽  

AbstractThe South China Sea (SCS) is a high biodiversity region in the world ocean, supports abundant marine resources to the peripheral nations, and affects weather/climate in southeast Asia. A better understanding of its circulation is important to better prediction and management of the SCS. Here we reveal sizable intraseasonal oscillations at period ~ 50 days between May and November 2017 in the acoustic Doppler current profiler observed velocity in the central SCS. Satellite observed wind and sea level data together with a process-oriented numerical experiment suggest that the oscillations were caused by locally-generated and remotely-penetrated westward-propagating Rossby waves. The summer southwesterly monsoon strengthening/weakening and the resultant Ekman pumping velocity and shoreward Ekman transport increase/decrease and consequent coastal sea level rise/fall off the west coast of Palawan create westward-propagating Rossby waves causing velocity oscillations in the central SCS. Besides the local generation, Rossby waves with sea level anomaly > 0.2 m propagating from the Pacific through the Sulu Sea into the SCS could contribute to the intraseasonal velocity oscillations in the central SCS.

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