standard solar model
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2020 ◽  
Vol 80 (11) ◽  
M. Agostini ◽  
K. Altenmüller ◽  
S. Appel ◽  
V. Atroshchenko ◽  

AbstractNeutrinos emitted in the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen (CNO) fusion cycle in the Sun are a sub-dominant, yet crucial component of solar neutrinos whose flux has not been measured yet. The Borexino experiment at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (Italy) has a unique opportunity to detect them directly thanks to the detector’s radiopurity and the precise understanding of the detector backgrounds. We discuss the sensitivity of Borexino to CNO neutrinos, which is based on the strategies we adopted to constrain the rates of the two most relevant background sources, $$pep$$ pep neutrinos from the solar pp-chain and $$^{210}$$ 210 Bi beta decays originating in the intrinsic contamination of the liquid scintillator with $$^{210}$$ 210 Pb. Assuming the CNO flux predicted by the high-metallicity Standard Solar Model and an exposure of 1000 days $$\times $$ × 71.3 t, Borexino has a median sensitivity to CNO neutrino higher than 3 $$\sigma $$ σ . With the same hypothesis the expected experimental uncertainty on the CNO neutrino flux is 23%, provided the uncertainty on the independent estimate of the $$^{210}\text {Bi}$$ 210 Bi  interaction rate is 1.5 $$\hbox {cpd}/100~\hbox {ton}$$ cpd / 100 ton  . Finally, we evaluated the expected uncertainty of the C and N abundances and the expected discrimination significance between the high and low metallicity Standard Solar Models (HZ and LZ) with future more precise measurement of the CNO solar neutrino flux.

2020 ◽  
Vol 227 ◽  
pp. 01014
Marco Mazzocco

Radioactive nuclei play an important role in many astrophysical scenarios,from the Big-Bang Nucleo-synthesis to the standard solar model, from quiescent burning to the most explosive events that can occur in our universe. A huge effort has been made for more than thirty years to construct facilities able to deliver beams of radioactive nuclei with increasing intensity and better quality. This contribution revises the different mechanisms and the separation techniques employed for the production of Radioactive Ion Beams.

2020 ◽  
Vol 227 ◽  
pp. 01004
Scilla Degl’Innocenti

This contribution is meant as a very brief introduction to the principal concepts of stellar physics. First the main physical processes active in stellar structures will be shortly described, then the most important features during the stellar life-cycle up to the central H exhaustion will be summarized with partic-ular attention to the description of solar models.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (08) ◽  
pp. 1950120 ◽  
Addolorata Marasco ◽  
Antonio Romano

We propose an analytic [Formula: see text] solution of the hydrodynamic equations for a main-sequence star in stationary and spherically symmetric conditions. We reach this result starting from convenient choices of mass density, specific function of the perfect gas, and luminosity function. The theoretical results, when applied to the Sun, are compared with the standard solar model data. A more accurate proof of Schwarzshild’s inequality and equation is given.

2018 ◽  
Vol 481 (1) ◽  
pp. L35-L39 ◽  
Andreas Christ Sølvsten Jørgensen ◽  
Jakob Rørsted Mosumgaard ◽  
Achim Weiss ◽  
Víctor Silva Aguirre ◽  
Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard

2017 ◽  
pp. 4821-4829
Helical Universe

A closer look at the data collected from different detectors, reveal that the so-called solar neutrino problem is far from being solved. And contrary to the assessment of the Nobel Committee, the experimental results from the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory cannot be a confirmation of the Standard Solar Model. In fact, the obsoleteness of the current model has been recently exposed by the crisis of solar abundance. Furthermore, using images obtained by the Solar Dynamics Observatory, researchers found the convective motions (the plasma motions at the Sun's interior) to be nearly 100 times smaller than current theoretical expectations.

William Thomas Ball

Changes in the Sun over the 11-year solar cycle modify the amount of ozone in the atmosphere over the tropics above 20 km. It is thought that the temperature change resulting from the induced variations of ozone may lead to an impact on the surface climate. Knowing by how much the solar ultraviolet light changes over the cycle is key to understanding the size of that influence. We provide a new model dataset of solar irradiance variability and compare it to the standard model used in climate studies, and to solar observations. We have shown that our model agrees better with an older instrument observing solar irradiance than the standard solar model for climate, though the two solar models and the older observations display much lower solar cycle variability than more recent observations. We discuss the differences and the uncertainties in the measurements. We also demonstrate that the true effect of solar ultraviolet changes on ozone is highly uncertain. This is important to be aware of since our understanding of the Sun’s impact on climate depends, in part, on getting the solar cycle changes in the ultraviolet correct.

2016 ◽  
Vol 665 ◽  
pp. 012078 ◽  
S Turck-Chièze

2015 ◽  
Vol 30 (10) ◽  
pp. 1550053 ◽  
Andrea Zanzi ◽  
Barbara Ricci

In this paper, we discuss some aspects of solar physics from the standpoint of the so-called chameleon fields (i.e. quantum fields, typically scalar, where the mass is an increasing function of the matter density of the environment). Firstly, we analyze the effects of a chameleon-induced deviation from standard gravity just below the surface of the Sun. In particular, we develop solar models which take into account the presence of the chameleon and we show that they are inconsistent with the helioseismic data. This inconsistency presents itself not only with the typical chameleon setup discussed in the literature (where the mass scale of the potential is fine-tuned to the meV), but also if we remove the fine-tuning on the scale of the potential. However, if we modify standard gravity only in a shell of thickness 10-6 R⊙ just below the solar surface, the model is basically indistinguishable from a Standard Solar Model. Secondly, we point out that, in a model recently considered in the literature (we call this model "Modified Fujii's Model"), a conceivable interpretation of the solar oscillations is given by quantum vacuum fluctuations of a chameleon.

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