reasonable behavior
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2022 ◽  
pp. 233-252
Changbin Hu ◽  
Lisong Bi ◽  
ZhengGuo Piao ◽  
ChunXue Wen ◽  
Lijun Hou

This article describes how basing on the future behavior of microgrid system, forecasting renewable energy power generation, load and real-time electricity price, a model predictive control (MPC) strategy is proposed in this article to optimize microgrid operations, while meeting the time-varying requirements and operation constraints. Considering the problems of unit commitment, energy storage, economic dispatching, sale-purchase of electricity and load reduction schedule, the authors first model a microgrid system with a large number of constraints and variables to model the power generation technology and physical characteristics. Meanwhile the authors use a mixed logic dynamical framework to guarantee a reasonable behavior for grid interaction and storage and consider the influences of battery life and recession. Then for forecasting uncertainties in the microgrid, a feedback mechanism is introduced in MPC to solve the problem by using a receding horizon control. The objective of minimizing the operation costs is achieved by an MPC strategy for scheduling the behaviors of components in the microgrid. Finally, a comparative analysis has been carried out between the MPC and some traditional control methods. The MPC leads to a significant improvement in operating costs and on the computational burden. The economy and efficiency of the MPC are shown by the simulations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 152-172
Ahmad Riyadh Maulidi

Moderation is the attitude of being in the middle that must be owned by a Muslim, especially Muslims in Indonesia who live amid pluralism. Problems in Indonesia related to intolerant behavior are mainly caused by the lack of moderate attitudes, especially Muslims. Islam should be a pioneer in implementing this reasonable behavior as the majority religion. The research describes some moderate behaviors exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) during his life as a role model for Muslims. This research is qualitative descriptive research with a literature study method. The results showed that the moderate behavior of the Prophet Muhammad was reflected in his behavior when Surah al-Kafirun was revealed, his tolerance towards other religions, and his wisdom in solving the problem of laying the Black Stone. He is moderate in doing worship, not excessive. He also sleeps, breaks his fast, gets married, and orders people to pray in a new state that the values of moderate behavior from the exemplary human figure of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) can be applied in overcoming the challenges of a pluralistic life to create a sense of unity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (19) ◽  
pp. 9003
Yan Zhang ◽  
Xun Shen ◽  
Pongsathorn Raksincharoensak

The rapid development of automated driving technology has brought many emerging technologies. The collision avoidance (CA) function by braking and/or steering maneuver of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), which contributes to the improvement of the safety of automated vehicles, has been playing an important role in recent modern passenger cars and commercial vehicles. When an automated vehicle needs to avoid multiple obstacles at the same time, consuming travel time and safety assurance of CA need to be carefully considered especially in the case related to unpredictable motion of obstacles. This paper proposes a feasible solution to this situation by controlling speed and the steering wheel angle. The proposed motion re-planning based on post-encroachment time (PET) provides a judgment of a function which calculates the possibility of unavoidable road accidents. Then the path re-planning layer of a novel two-layer model predictive control (TL-MPC) will re-plan a local trajectory and give a reference acceleration. Finally, the path tracking layer outputs steering wheel angle to follow the trajectory under the premise of ensuring safety constraints. The proposed control system is evaluated by co-simulations of MATLAB/Simulink and CarSim software. The results show that for various conditions of post-encroachment time, the ego vehicle adopting the proposed strategy will conduct reasonable behavior re-planning and consequently successfully avoid obstacles.

2021 ◽  
Aleksandr Lykhin ◽  
Donald Truhlar ◽  
Laura Gagliardi

The dipole moment is the molecular property that most directly indicates molecular polarity. The accuracy of computed dipole moments depends strongly on the quality of the calculated electron density, and the breakdown of single-reference methods for strongly correlated systems can lead to poor predictions of the dipole moments in those cases. Here, we derive the analytical expression for obtaining the electric dipole moment by multiconfiguration pair density functional theory (MC-PDFT), and we assess the accuracy of MC-PDFT for predicting dipole moments at equilibrium and nonequilibrium geometries. We show that MC-PDFT dipole moment curves have reasonable behavior even for stretched geometries, and they significantly improve upon the CASSCF results by capturing more electron correlation. The analysis of a dataset consisting of 18 first-row transition metal diatomics and 6 main-group polyatomic molecules with multireference character suggests that MC-PDFT and its hybrid extension (HMC-PDFT) perform comparably to CASPT2 and MRCISD+Q methods and have a mean unsigned deviation of 0.2–0.3 D with respect to the best available dipole moment reference values. We explored the dependence of the predicted dipole moments upon the choice of the on-top density functional and active space, and we recommend the tPBE and hybrid tPBE0 on-top choices for the functionals combined with the moderate correlated participating orbital scheme for selecting the active space. With these choices, the mean unsigned deviations (in debyes) of the calculated equilibrium dipole moments from the best estimates are 0.77 for CASSCF, 0.29 for MC-PDFT, 0.24 for HMC-PDFT, 0.28 for CASPT2, and 0.25 for MRCISD+Q. These results are encouraging because the computational cost of MC-PDFT or HMC-PDFT is largely reduced compared to the CASPT2 and MRCISD+Q methods.

Annisa Nussaiba Azzahra ◽  
Cama Juli Rianingrum ◽  
Ahadiat Joedawinata

<p>Abstract<br />Human behavior is defined as an effort made by humans because of a need. A human being is said to<br />have reasonable behavior if there is an effort to harmonize the role of humans on their needs as individual<br />beings and also as social beings. Spatial Language Theory explains that human reputation and the way<br />they get along with other humans are the most powerful things that humans feel. Therefore, the way in<br />which a space facilitates or hinders this behavior is the most important thing to consider when observing<br />and designing a space. In line with this theory, the theory of 9 Guiding Elements of Design explains that<br />the ideal design of a space is carried out through a process of analysis of the Needs and Wills of the space<br />user. This study aims to identify the effect of Cohousing Communal Space in Kampung Communities<br />in East Java on the Behavior of Community Members. The qualitative narrative research method was<br />chosen to examine: Primary Data Sources, in the form of direct observations and interviews conducted<br />by research assistants on the research object, and Secondary Data Sources, namely a collection of<br />various literature studies and documentation related to the research object. From the results of the<br />analysis carried out on the elements: User-Maker of Sapce, Content of Space and Shaper of Space, it can<br />be concluded that there are three Cohousing indicators found in the Kampung Community, namely:<br />Sense of Safety, Contractual Character, and Contractual Community. There is a match between the<br />behavior of community members with the physical and social background in the village community.<br />The behavior of the Village Community Members is formed because of the Communal Activities that<br />are carried out repeatedly in the Communal Space within the Village Community. This is due to the<br />Homogeneous Needs of Community Members.</p><p><br /><strong>Keywords: cohousing, communal space, 9 guiding elements of design, the language of space, human</strong><br /><strong>behavior</strong></p><p>Abstrak<br />Perilaku Manusia didefinisikan sebagai sebuah usaha yang dilakukan oleh manusia<br />dikarenakan adanya kebutuhan. Seorang manusia dikatakan memiliki perilaku wajar<br />apabila didalamnya terdapat upaya penyelarasan peran manusia atas kebutuhan mereka<br />sebagai makhluk individu dan juga sebagai makhluk sosial. Teori Bahasa Ruang menjelaskan<br />bahwasanya reputasi manusia dan cara mereka bergaul dengan manusia lain adalah hal<br />paling kuat yang dirasakan oleh manusia. Oleh karena itu, cara bagaimana sebuah ruang<br />memfasilitasi atau menghalangi perilaku ini menjadi sebuah hal yang paling diperhatikan<br />ketika melakukan pengamatan dan perancangan ruang. Sejalan dengan teori tersebut, dalam<br />teori 9 Unsur Pemandu Desain dijelaskan bahwasanya perancangan sebuah ruang secara<br />ideal dilakukan melalui proses analisa terhadap faktor Needs dan Wills dari pengguna ruang.<br />Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh Ruang Komunal Cohousing pada<br />Komunitas Kampung di Jawa Timur terhadap Perilaku Anggota Komunitasnya. Metode<br />penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dipilih untuk mengkaji: Sumber Data Primer, berupa hasil<br />observGasi langsung dan wawancara yang dilakukan oleh asisten peneliti terhadap objek penelitian, serta Sumber Data Sekunder, yaitu kumpulan berbagai studi literatur dan dokumentasi terkait objek penelitian. Dari hasil analisa yang dilakukan terhadap unsur-unsur:</p><p>Pengguna-Pembuat Ruang, Muatan Ruang, dan Pembentuk Ruang dapat disimpulkan bahwa<br />terdapat tiga indikator Cohousing yang ditemukan di dalam Komunitas Kampung, yaitu:<br />Sense of Safety, Contractual Character, dan Contractual Community. Terdapat kesesuaian antara<br />perilaku anggota komunitas dengan latar fisik dan latar sosial di dalam komunitas kampung.<br />Perilaku Anggota Komunitas Kampung terbentuk karena adanya Aktifitas Komunal yang<br />dilakukan secara berulang pada Ruang Komunal di dalam Komunitas Kampung. Hal ini<br />dikarenakan Kebutuhan Anggota Komunitas yang bersifat Homogen.<br /><strong>Kata kunci: cohousing, ruang komunal, 9 unsur pemandu, the language of space, perilaku manusia</strong></p><p><strong><br /></strong></p><p> </p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 118 ◽  
pp. 01011
Valentina Sergeevna Nikitina

Game theory, applied in various fields, including in law, studies conflict game models and searches for their formatted solutions, makes it possible to solve many tasks and problems, predict the behaviour of subjects in various situations, thereby explaining the behavior logic of the individuals in conflict of interests. However, human behavior is not always rational (reasonable), moreover, it can be difficult to predict which strategy the player will choose when making his move in the game. In this regard, it is advisable to consider rational behavior as an accepted and reasonable behavior of game participants and irrational behavior as deviant, unpredictable behavior of players, which relies on the internal regulation of a person (beliefs, intuition, creativity, feelings, emotions, etc.) and which studies one of the developing directions of game theory in modern science – evolutionary game theory. The study aims to determine the types of irrational behavior of players, which puts other players in a difficult position and precludes from determining each other’s optimal strategies for mutual benefit and stability, using the example of legal incidents modeling through games with imperfect rationality. The authors believe, that to achieve this goal using the methods of analysis and modeling, the imperfections of rationality can be considered and studied, the types of irrational behavior of players can be defined using the games with imperfect calculation of the game, imperfect information and changes in goals during the game (with a multipersonal representation of the game) and a complete absence of rationality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 80 (7) ◽  
Sheng-Quan Wang ◽  
Rui-Qing Meng ◽  
Xing-Gang Wu ◽  
Long Chen ◽  
Jian-Ming Shen

Abstract The bottom quark forward–backward asymmetry $$A_\mathrm{{FB}}$$AFB is a key observable in electron–positron collisions at the $$Z^{0}$$Z0 peak. In this paper, we employ the Principle of Maximum Conformality (PMC) to fix the $$\alpha _s$$αs-running behavior of the next-to-next-to-leading order QCD corrections to $$A_\mathrm{{FB}}$$AFB. The resulting PMC scale for this $$A_\mathrm{{FB}}$$AFB is an order of magnitude smaller than the conventional choice $$\mu _r=M_Z$$μr=MZ. This scale has the physically reasonable behavior and reflects the virtuality of its QCD dynamics, which is independent to the choice of renormalization scale. Our analyses show that the effective momentum flow for the bottom quark forward–backward asymmetry should be $$\mu _r\ll M_Z$$μr≪MZ other than the conventionally suggested $$\mu _r=M_Z$$μr=MZ. Moreover, the convergence of perturbative QCD series for $$A_\mathrm{{FB}}$$AFB is greatly improved using the PMC. Our prediction for the bare bottom quark forward–backward asymmetry is refined to be $$A^{0,b}_\mathrm{FB}=0.1004\pm 0.0016$$AFB0,b=0.1004±0.0016, which diminishes the well known tension between the experimental determination for this (pseudo) observable and the respective Standard Model fit to $$2.1\sigma $$2.1σ.

2020 ◽  
Michael Sailer ◽  
Matthias Stadler ◽  
Elouise Botes ◽  
Frank Fischer ◽  
Samuel Greiff

In pandemic crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic, individuals’ behavior has a strong impact on epidemiological processes during critical stages of the outbreak. Engaging in reasonable behavior, such as social distancing, is critical to avoid further spreading an infectious disease or to slow down its spread. However, some individuals also or instead engage in unreasonable behavior, such as panic buying. We investigate why different behavior occurs and how different types of knowledge and trust in medicine can encourage individuals to engage in reasonable behavior and prevent them from engaging in unreasonable behavior. Based on a sample of N = 1,182 adult Americans stratified by age and gender, we conclude that science knowledge has a prophylactic effect: We show that science knowledge helps individuals convert information into knowledge about the coronavirus. This knowledge then helps individuals avoid unreasonable behavior. Individuals lacking coronavirus knowledge and science knowledge still act reasonably when they have a general trust in medicine. Both trust in medicine and knowledge are crucial factors for individuals to act reasonably and avoid unreasonable behavior. Individuals with low knowledge or trust tend to engage in unreasonable behavior. Facilitating science knowledge and reasonable trust in medicine through education and targeted public health messaging are likely to be of fundamental importance for bringing crises such as the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic under control.

2020 ◽  
Matthias Stadler ◽  
Christoph Niepel ◽  
Elouise Botes ◽  
Jan Dörendahl ◽  
Florian Krieger ◽  

Understanding individual difference in psychological responses toward the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) crisis is essential to the adequate handling of the current pandemic. Based on a sample of 1,182 American adult residents (stratified for age and gender; data collection March 13 to 15, 2020), we found three distinct clusters of psychological responses (i.e., informed, panic, and ignorant). Clusters differed regarding their knowledge about the virus, SARS-CoV-2-related anxiety (i.e., worry and emotionality), and evaluation of the SARS-CoV-2 crisis’s severity. Cluster membership was strongly associated with both SARS-CoV-2 risk-reducing, reasonable behavior and unreasonable behavior. Finally, clusters could be linked to systematic differences in broader personality dimensions (i.e., Dark Triad and Big Five). Our study provides and validates a set of clusters of individual psychological responses to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and the resulting behavior. It functions as a pivotal starting point for longitudinal observations on the effectiveness of public health communications in this global challenge.

2020 ◽  
Vol 107 (3) ◽  
pp. 19-26
N. Mytskevych ◽  
D. Mytskevych ◽  

Automation of relations with customers as a tool of management of agricultural enterprises The article considers the use of CRM-system in the business activity of an agricultural enterprise. The application of automated technology as a tool for transparency of the enterprise, customer relationships and the benefits that gives business this innovation, aimed at building a sustainable business strategy. The influence of the CRM-system on the efficiency of work with clients through the mechanism which includes the improved use of the information, reasonable behavior of sale and customer service and allows to optimize activity of the enterprise is defined. Keywords: automation, innovation, CRM-system, customer relations, management, enterprise.

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