individual consideration
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2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 100-109
Hery Sutanto ◽  
Yekti Utami ◽  
Aris Kusumo Diantoro

Idealized Influence, Inspirational Motivation, and intellectual stimulation are transformational leadership's main components. Subordinates are encouraged to elevate their awareness and become committed to their mission and vision due to Inspirational motivation. Idealized Influence is related to the behavior of leaders with a transformational style that is able to generate trust, admiration, comity, and eagerness from subordinates to imitate the leader. Intellectual stimulation is a dimension of transformational leadership styles that encourages human resources to be innovative. The purpose of this study is to empirically know the Influence of idealized Influence, inspirational motivation, and intellectual stimulation on HR performance. This research uses a quantitative research design. The sample in this study was the santri Ponpes Anwar Futuhiyyah. Purposive sampling techniques are used to obtain samples. Multiple regression techniques are used to analyze data by using the software of SPSS.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 171-178
Saipul Wakit ◽  
Indah Yuliana ◽  
Indah Yuliana

The transformational leadership style in higher education has four indicators carried out by the rector. These indicators include exemplary attitudes, inspiring motivation, intellectual stimulation and the rector's consideration for lecturers. Practically, the purpose of this article is to find out how the rector provides examples, inspires motivation and individual considerations in improving the performance of lecturers at Muhammadiyah universities. The operational research method uses a qualitative approach with a phenomenological case study design. Data collection activities were carried out by means of observation, interviews with informants, and extracting information from documents. To ensure the validity of the research data, several methods are used, namely credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability. The results of the study explain that transformative leadership in Muhammadiyah universities objectively has provided an example with several things that are applied in attitudes, ideas, behavior and performance. While motivation is carried out by the Chancellor of the lecturers in several ways, namely through behavior, technical ability, supervision and policy. In stimulating the intellectuals of lecturers in several ways, namely to think modern and relevant, think forward and continue to make changes as well as productive, innovative, creative in carrying out tasks and performance. In individual consideration, the Chancellor is more humane towards lecturers, both in the work environment and in the community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 421-429
Marc Valldeneu ◽  
Xavier Ferràs ◽  
Elisenda Tarrats

Leaders are responsible for empowering and driving employees to succeed in challenging times or changes and, ultimately, achieve the best results. One of the biggest dilemmas in today’s leaders’ agenda is to understand how to manage a diverse multigenerational workforce in which millennials represent a predominant group by far, being completely different from previous generations due to the technology impact. The aim of the paper is to identify which leadership style and behavior affects most positively millennial job satisfaction in a multinational environment, and to understand the differences between millennials and non-millennials. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, known as the MLQ, was answered by 167 representative employees from various multinational corporations, 125 of whom are millennials. Based on the results, transformational style is strongly correlated with and positively affected by millennial job satisfaction. Moreover, transformational style is a significant predictor of increased millennial satisfaction, and more specifically, idealized attributes and intellectual stimulation are behaviors that have been validated to increase it. On the other hand, individual consideration has been proven to have a productive effect by increasing non-millennial job satisfaction. According to the findings, millennial workforce leaders need to move towards a more transformational style, based on more idealized attributes and an intellectual stimulation approach, if they want to increase their satisfaction and avoid unwanted attrition. Basically, millennials are searching for leaders who trust and embrace innovation, creativity, critical thinking and, most importantly, leaders who also question the status quo.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 ◽  
pp. 209-226
Moh. Syamsul Falah ◽  
Mujamil Qomar ◽  
Munardji Munardji

Transformational leadership is part of a very interesting and unique leadership model. This transformational leadership has implemented on four dimensions by Bass and Riggio: ideal influence of transformational leadership, inspirational motivation of transformational leadership, intellectual stimulation of transformational leadership, individual consideration of transformational leadership. This leader is as an agent of change who strengthen his knowledge, experience and ability. Especially if it is associated with the development of prophetic culture. At present, the study of prophetic culture can be categorized as a new trend. Although the nature of this prophetic culture has existed since the Prophets, it highlights more aspects of prophetic values. These prophetic cultural values carry Kuntowijoyo theory which is based on three pillars namely transcendence, humanization, and liberation. The research questions presenter on this dissertation are as follows: How is transformational leadership to build prophetic culture in SDI Makarimul Akhlaq Jombang and SDI Roushon Fikr Jombang? While purpose of the research is to explain the quistions that have been asked. This research is a qualitative research with a naturalistic phenomenological approach with multisite design. Techniques used for collecting the data are observation, interview, and documentation. Data analysis includes single site analysis and cross-site analysis. The techniques for analyzing the data are data reduction, data display and verification and conclusion. The results of this study are made of conclusion the dimension of transformational leadership in building by Bass and Riggio’s theory need to be added, namely partner stimulation because this partner stimulation can produce total leadership in building a professional culture. Likewise in Kuntowijoyo's prophetic culture about theocentric-humanization that the concept of humanism-theocentric that Kuntowijoyo built from the findings of the study also provided additional as an existing development, namely theocentric-humanism-liberation because of the findings of researchers who showed infaq practices not only humanizing humans with based on faith alone, but indeed included in it is to free or free someone from distress. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-124
Manimaran Armugam ◽  
Ramlee Ismail ◽  
Daljeet Singh Sedhu

The main purpose of this review is to explore the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational health in the context of leadership practices in schools. This review also aims to look at the characteristics of transformational leadership and how transformational leadership is created from various basic leadership theories. The methodology used is a systematic review in which n = 34 articles were selected for review after the filtering process based on a number of pre-determined criteria. This systematic review found that there was a correlation between the transformational leadership aspects introduced by Bass and the organizational health elements introduced by Hoy and Miskel. This is very important because it forms the basis of this research. The four aspects of transformational leadership, namely ideal influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individual consideration are related to organizational health elements, namely, integrity in institutions, collegial leadership, relationships between teachers and academic emphasis.

BMJ Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. e047810
Stefan Zeh ◽  
Eva Christalle ◽  
Jördis M Zill ◽  
Martin Härter ◽  
Andreas Block ◽  

ObjectiveAlthough there has been much conceptual work on patient-centredness (PC), patients‘ perspectives on PC were neglected. In a previous study, participating patients rated the relevance of 16 dimensions of an integrative model of PC as high to very high. However, it remained unclear which specific behaviours described in the dimensions were considered most relevant. Thus, the aim of the current study was to further explore which of the specific behaviours described in the model are especially relevant for the high ratings in the previous study.Methods and designWe conducted semistructured interviews with 20 patients with chronic diseases (16 females, 4 males, mean age: 52 years). Patients answered questions regarding their experiences in the German healthcare system and how optimal healthcare would look like from their perspective. Furthermore, patients were asked to reflect on the most important aspects which they had mentioned in the interview before. Data were analysed via content analysis.ResultsParticipants addressed many different aspects of PC, but mostly focused on three major themes: (1) time appropriate access to care, (2) competence, empathy and being taken seriously by HCPs, (3) HCPs’ individual consideration of each patient’s situation (eg, wishes and needs). Minor themes were: (1) taking a holistic perspective of the patient, (2) patient-centred communication, (3) integration of multidisciplinary treatment elements, (4) transparency regarding waiting time and (5) reduction of unequal access to care.ConclusionThis study enriches the construct of PC by depicting essential aspects of PC from the patients’ perspective. The results allow prioritising strategies to implement patient-centred care. Thus, this study helps to pursue the ultimate goal of fostering patient-centred healthcare delivery in Germany.

Indah Nurrohmah ◽  
Fitri Wulandari

The concept of leadership is still developing from time to time. Leadership theory also continues to evolve to find the most effective form of leadership in organizational management. In the 1980s, transformative leadership was born and is often referred to as an effective leadership model. In its preparation, this leadership concept uses a leader-follower perspective. Transformative leadership is claimed to be the most effective leadership pattern, which can achieve the main goals. Using a descriptive qualitative approach with library research methods, and analyzed using the theory of "paradigm" by Thomas Kuhn. This research is basically to reveal: 1. What is the transformative leadership paradigm? 2. How is the application of transformative leadership in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah? This study aimed to analyze the transformative leadership paradigm using the theory of Thomas Kuhn and initiating the application of transformative leadership in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah and resulting in the following conclusions: 1. Transformative leadership paradigm in terms of exemplar aspects, subject matter, theory, and method. 2. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, which uses a transformative leadership management paradigm, always develops idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration. Transformative leadership is very relevant to be applied in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah to create Effective and Excellent Madrasahs.

Thomas Packard

Several leadership theories have particular relevance for organizational change leadership. The classic model of Rensis Likert’s participative System 4 style seems especially well-suited for human service organizations, which are typically staffed by professionals with high skill levels and expectations of autonomy and empowerment. Participative decision-making theory is especially valuable in organizational change. Other theories, including exemplary leadership as articulated by Kouzes and Posner, which includes modeling the way, inspiring a shared vision, challenging the process, enabling others, and encouraging the heart, are directly relevant to change leadership. Transformational leadership, using idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration is useful in motivating staff. Adaptive leadership, which involves getting on the balcony, identifying adaptive challenges, regulating distress, maintaining disciplined attention, giving work back to the people, and protecting leadership voices from below, is also particularly relevant to change leadership.

2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 184-190
V. V. Shepelev

The article focuses on the importance of studying the water exchange role of the permafrost, which currently occupies a quarter of the Earth's land and is 1.5 km deep in some regions, as well as assessing the permafrost impact on the formation of surface and ground water resources and regime. First of all, the permafrost water exchange function is associated with the freezing of water-saturated rocks and thawing of ice-saturated ones. The author gives individual consideration to the water exchange role of the active layer and the effect of the permafrost long-term dynamics on water exchange direction and scale. The water exchange function of the active layer appears due to the seasonal phase transitions of groundwater from a liquid to a solid state and back. Thus, the volume of water formed by the thawing of underground ice accumulated in the active layer in winter has been estimated about 4·1012 m3. In this regard, it is proposed to give cryohydrogenic part associated with the seasonal transitions of groundwater from the liquid to solid state and back in the active layer of the cryolithozone independent consideration within the hydrological (climatic) cycle of the natural water circulation. It is most certain that the permafrost water exchange function is more significant being associated with longterm permafrost development dynamics under the influence of periodic dramatic climate fluctuations. Thus, during the Holocene climatic optimum about 4.5·1015 m3 of underground ice was converted to the liquid phase. The intensity of water formed from the melting of this amount of ice inflowing its surface and underground reservoirs has been estimated about 820 km3 per year. This fact considered, the author proposes to consider the cryolithogenic part separately in the geological cycle of the natural water cycle.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Zamira Hyseni Duraku ◽  
Linda Hoxha

The current study aims to identify the impact of transformational and transactional attributes of school principal leadership on teachers’ motivation for work. A sample of 357 Kosovar public middle school teachers was assessed using the Work Tasks Motivation Scale for Teachers (WTMST) and the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ). Results revealed that transformational leadership attributes, idealised influence, and inspirational motivation predict autonomous motivation in teachers; individual consideration predicts motivation for complementary tasks; and contingent reward significantly predicts motivation for student evaluations. The present study findings can serve as a support in improving the quality of education in low- and middle-income countries.

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