academic emphasis
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2021 ◽  
pp. 146879412110493
Will Mason

This article examines the complexity and affordances of staying in ‘the field’. Time as a resource for qualitative research is widely experienced as diminishing. Yet increasingly, academic emphasis is also being placed on the merits of time intensive approaches, like participatory scholarship. This tension raises critical questions about the ethics and practices of collaboration within arguably narrowing parameters. Taking a view from the edges of conventional research practice, this article focuses on staying beyond the formal completion of a sociological research project. Drawing on over 10-years of collaboration with youth service providers in an English city, I examine the dynamics and complexities of staying, where temporalities, relationships and practices extend beyond research. In doing so, this article contributes to methodological debates about research exit and participation, by introducing staying as a practice that affords new collaborative freedoms and possibilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-124
Manimaran Armugam ◽  
Ramlee Ismail ◽  
Daljeet Singh Sedhu

The main purpose of this review is to explore the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational health in the context of leadership practices in schools. This review also aims to look at the characteristics of transformational leadership and how transformational leadership is created from various basic leadership theories. The methodology used is a systematic review in which n = 34 articles were selected for review after the filtering process based on a number of pre-determined criteria. This systematic review found that there was a correlation between the transformational leadership aspects introduced by Bass and the organizational health elements introduced by Hoy and Miskel. This is very important because it forms the basis of this research. The four aspects of transformational leadership, namely ideal influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individual consideration are related to organizational health elements, namely, integrity in institutions, collegial leadership, relationships between teachers and academic emphasis.

2021 ◽  
Vol VI (I) ◽  
pp. 376-386
Hina Malik ◽  
Shaista Gauhar ◽  
Ayaz Ali Shah

This study is directed at exploring the relationship between organizational health and teachers' burnout in selected private schools in Lahore city. The health of an organization could be measured through five determinants, including institutional integrity, academic emphasis, collegial leadership, resource influence and teacher affiliation. These five determinants were studied in relation to three dimensions of burnout which consists of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment. Data were collected through the questionnaire method. A total of thirty-seven questions were asked from three hundred and eighty respondents. The data so collected were analyzed through SPSS. The conclusion was that there is a strong negative correlation between organizational health and teachers' burnout in private schools. It means that poor organizational health leads to increased burnout of the teaching community and vice versa. Introduction.

2019 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 297-336
Ava Tasker-Mitchell ◽  
Prince A. Attoh

This study measured the mediating effects of faculty trust on the relationship between servant leadership and organizational health. The context of this research was within the field of education, with a focus on elementary education. Public schools in a district in Maryland participated in the research survey. A cross-sectional survey was utilized that incorporated three validated and reliable published instruments. The results of the study concluded the following: (a) servant leadership does have a significant impact on organizational health, (b) faculty trust does act as a mediator in the causal pathway although it is a partial mediator, and (c) faculty trust attenuates the influence that servant leadership has on organizational health. The results of this study were framed around six research questions related to the study of three variables. The questions were: (1) To what extent is there a relationship between servant leadership and academic emphasis? (2) To what extent is there a relationship between servant leadership and resource influence? (3) To what extent is there a relationship between servant leadership and teacher affiliation? (4) To what extent is there a relationship between servant leadership and institutional integrity? (5) To what extent is there a relationship between servant leadership and collegial leadership? and (6) To what extent is there a relationship between servant leadership and faculty trust mediated by faculty trust? The research data supported findings that two of the five dimensions had a statistically significant relationship, collegial leadership, and institutional integrity. Teacher affiliation, resource influence, and academic emphasis did not have statistically significant relationships. The sixth question specifically stated, “To what extent is there a relationship between servant leadership and organizational health mediated by faculty trust?” The data supported faculty trust as a partial mediator and that the relationship between servant leadership practices and collegial leadership had the strongest relationship. However, when faculty trust was included in the relationships, it attenuated each of them.

Martinette V. Horner ◽  
Derrick D. Jordan ◽  
Kathleen M. Brown

Academic optimism was developed in 2006 as a latent concept that provides insight into the improvement of student outcomes especially for those who, because of socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and other demographics, have historically been labeled as underperforming. The three main components of academic optimism (academic emphasis, collective emphasis, and faculty trust) underscore the reality that the teachers, parents, and students all play a critical role in the education arena when it comes to ensuring that students fully grow and stretch to the fullest extent possible. High academic optimism in a school suggests that academic achievement is valued and supported; the faculty has the capacity to help students achieve; and students and parents can be trusted as partners of the school for student achievement. Each of these can be controlled by the actions and decisions of school leaders and faculty so that schools can overcome the effects of poverty on student achievement.

Leonid L. Nkuba ◽  
Said M. S. Massomo

The study determined the school climate in eight public secondary schools and its relationship to students’ academic achievement. The study employed quantitative approach within ex-post facto research design using three climate questionnaires for secondary schools and a sample of 160 teachers. The study revealed that the general climates of all schools were non-conducive or negative. In determining the relationship, the subtest of intimate teachers’ behaviour indicated a strong positive significant correlation (r = 0.821) with division II and (r = 0.868) with division III. However, the frustrated teachers’ behaviour subtest was significantly negatively correlated (r = - 0.779) with division IV. The subtest of institutional integrity indicated a strong correlation (r = 0.887) with division IV, while initiating structure showed a strong positive correlation (r = 0.824) with division I, lastly, the subtests of headmaster/mistress influence and academic emphasis both indicated a strong significant (r = 0.848 and r = 0.860) correlations with division I and II, respectively. This study confirmed that, students’ academic achievement is influenced by school climate. Therefore, school climates need to be conducive or positive for the survival and well-being of schools.

2019 ◽  
Hamzani Wathoni

An array of studies in the literature on educational leadership and school effectiveness have placed school leadership at the center of school effectiveness and school improvement. This research delves into the consensus of the ideal leadership styles of school principals regarding their roles in relation to school leadership and school effectiveness. Taking a qualitative approach, data was aggregated through semi-structured interview with the selected principals of An accredited school located on Lombok Island, Indonesia. The study suggests that the inter-relationship between a principal’s style and their role strongly impacts on the effectiveness of a school. This research is also asserted that attempts go promote school effectiveness have been linked with ideas of democratic leadership, strong academic emphasis, the strong involvement of teachers, staff and students within the school context, and the principals had a shared management style and responsibilities.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 1215
Ercan Yılmaz ◽  
Atila Yıldırım

The aim of this study is investigate  teachers' academic optimism levels by following variables; teachers' education levels, branches, location of their schools, their participation in educational activities. Working group of the study includes total of 329 teachers from 14 schools selected by random sampling. School Academic Optimism Scale to collect data were used in this study. School Academic Optimism Scale has been developed by Çoban and Demirtas (2011). School Academic Optimism Scale consists of three sub-dimensions, self-efficacy, confidence and the academic emphasis and 19 questions. The reliability coefficient of the scale was calculated as 0.82. According to the survey, the average score in the academic teachers emphasize academic optimism and confidence levels differed according to the study, the mean score of self-sufficiency size does not differ. The mean score of self-efficacy and academic emphasis in optimism compared to the size of the academic teacher of the branches differ variable and there is no differentiation in the security dimension. Based on the location of the school they work the teachers do not differ in the size of the average score of academic optimism. Certified teachers perform their social activities and participated in their courses according to the state's academic self-efficacy, optimism, confidence and academic scores in the average size of emphasis differ in a meaningful way. ÖzetBu araştırmanın amacı, çeşitli değişkenlere göre (Öğretmenlerin eğitim düzeyi, branşları, okulun yerleşim yeri) öğretmenlerin akademik iyimserlik düzeylerinin incelenmesidir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu; 2016 yılında Konya ilinde çalışan ve tesadüfî küme örnekleme yoluyla 14 okuldan seçilen toplam 329 öğretmen oluşturmuştur. Örneklemi oluşturan öğretmenlerin, 162’si erkek, 167’si ise kadındır. Veri toplama aracı olarak; Hoy (2006) tarafından geliştirilen ve Çoban ve Demirtaş (2011) tarafından Türkçeye uyarlanan “Okul Akademik İyimserlik Ölçeği”  kullanılmıştır. Ölçek, ortak öz yeterlilik, güven ve akademik vurgu olmak üzere üç alt boyuttan oluşmaktadır. Ölçek 5’li Likert tarzında hazırlanmıştır. Bu araştırmada ölçek için hesaplanan güvenirlik katsayısı 0.872’dir. Öğretmenlerin akademik iyimserlik düzeyleri; öğretmenlerin öğrenim düzeyleri, branşları, okullarda görev yapan öğretmen sayısı ve çalıştıkları okulların bulunduğu yere göre incelenmiştir.  Akademik iyimserliğin ortak öz yeterlik ve güven alt boyutlarının puan ortalamasında öğretmenlerin branşlarına göre anlamlı bir farklılık gözlenmemiştir. Öğretmenlerin branşlarına akademik iyimserliğin toplam puan ortalaması ve akademik vurgu alt boyutu puan ortalaması arasında sınıf öğretmenlerinin lehine anlamlı bir farklılık gözlenmiştir. Öğretmenlerin öğrenim durumu değişkenlerine göre akademik iyimserliğin ortak öz yeterlik alt boyutu puan ortalaması anlamlı bir farklılık göstermezken, akademik iyimserliğin toplam puan ortalaması ve güven, akademik vurgu alt boyutlarının puan ortalamasında anlamlı bir farklılık gözlenmiştir. Okulun bulunduğu yerleşim türüne göre ve okullarda görev yapan öğretmen sayısı değişkenlerine göre, toplam akademik iyimserlik puan ortalaması ve tüm alt boyutlarının (ortak öz yeterlik, güven, akademik vurgu) puan ortalaması anlamlı bir farklılık göstermemiştir.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 18
Hanifi Parlar ◽  
Ramazan Cansoy

The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between school administrators' instructional leadership behaviours, and organizational health of schools. The participants were 538 teachers working in elementary, middle and high schools located in the Umraniye district of Istanbul. The data was gathered through the "School Principals' Instructional Leadership Behaviours Questionnaire" and the "Organizational Health Inventory". In data analysis, the arithmetic mean, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient, and Multilinear Regression Analysis were used. The results showed that the school principals performed the instructional leadership behaviours of determining and sharing the objectives of the school at the highest level. Among the organizational health dimensions of the schools, initiating structure was perceived at the highest level, while resource support and academic emphasis were perceived at lower levels compared to other dimensions. In the study, positive and significant correlations were found between the sub-dimensions of instructional leadership behaviours and those of organizational health of schools. The sub-dimensions of instructional leadership together explained 49% of the variance in organizational health. On the other hand, only determining and sharing the objectives of the school and forming a regular instructional-learning environment and positive school climate among the instructional leadership behaviours were positive and significant predictors of organizational health of schools.

2016 ◽  
Vol 44 (6) ◽  
pp. 875-891 ◽  
Julie Gray ◽  
Sharon Kruse ◽  
C. John Tarter

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