history of social work
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2021 ◽  
pp. 002087282110489
Abhijeet Mishra

This article discusses a brief history of ‘modern’ social work in India before 1936. I present how abstract conceptions of scientifically informed and organized social work practice were brewing in colonial India, along with attempts to assemble or organize it. I use these accounts to further present certain nuances on the modalities of imported social work knowledge that dominated social work education in India after 1936.

2021 ◽  
pp. 191-197
Terry Altilio ◽  
Bridget Sumser ◽  
Nina Laing

Palliative social work is an evolving specialty which continues to be enriched by practitioners globally. Social workers practise in diverse settings and have the opportunity to extend palliative care values and processes beyond hospitals and hospices to home care, nursing homes, prisons, and senior centres. This chapter discusses social work values and core principles as a foundation upon which to integrate palliative care, creating a rich opportunity to serve patients, families, teams, institutions, and communities. It begins with an introduction to the history of social work in palliative care and moves on to discuss the convergence and synergy of social work and palliative care, and the need to create models of care to meet global needs. Assessment and interventions are introduced with attention to confidentiality, culture, family meetings, and the roles and responsibilities within team work. Finally, a patient family narrative is presented.

2021 ◽  
John H. Pierson

Irina Trubavina ◽  
Liudmyla Tsybulko ◽  
Anna Martyniuk

An article describes both a social work and military and social work with servicemen and members of their families. The authors summarize such existing experience of social work in Ukraine and abroad. It is sensitive for the development of effective approaches, forms, methods, technologies and methods of such work in modern Ukraine, for the choice of areas for solving social problems of servicemen and members of their families in a military conflict environment. The purpose of the article is to summarize the experience of such work in the history of social work with servicemen and members of their families. Research methods are generalization, specification, synthesis, theoretical analysis of sources. The results of the study are to determine the types, forms, content of social work of state and non-state social services in the community, military and social work with servicemen and members of their families, their opportunities for use and combination of resources in Ukraine today. The prospects for the use of historical ideas are: an implementation of a such experience at the NGU units’ practice. They are a management of social services in the community; cooperation of community resources and the military; combining of social welfare and guarantees with individual work with clients; involvement of NGOs and social services to interact with professionals conducting military and social work; create jobs for servicemen discharged due to injury; develop state policy in the field of social work for servicemen and members of their families.

Vadim Moldovan ◽  
Eugeniu Rotari ◽  
Vadim Tarna ◽  
Alina Zagorodniuc

The Republic of Moldova is a small post-Soviet country that has been “transitioning” from a socialist to capitalist economy since the 1990s. Once a prosperous region of the Soviet Union, it is now among the poorest countries in Europe, facing many social problems that call for a strong social work profession. However, social work is new to the country and the profession is challenged by low societal status, meager resources, and lack of cohesion. Social work in Moldova is struggling to meet these challenges with the help from the West and the emergence of an indigenous model of professionalization. Child welfare, elder care, mental health, as well as the history of social work in Moldova, current state of social work education with its obstacles to and opportunities for progress will be discussed.

Scott Giacomucci

AbstractThis chapter outlines a brief history of social work with groups including its place within the larger social work field and the landscapes of group work practice and education. Basic theory and concepts in social work with groups are presented including mutual aid, the centrality of relationships, and an introduction to the non-deliberative social work tradition. The presence of group work in social work practice has significantly increased due as research studies have piled up to support its efficacy. Nevertheless, at the same time, the presence of group work in social work education has steadily declined in the past several decades.

Scott Giacomucci

AbstractThis chapter presents the histories of sociometry, psychodrama, and group psychotherapy while also outlining the history of Jacob L. Moreno, their founder. Major events from Moreno’s life are covered as they relate to the development of his philosophy and the practice of his triadic system, sociometry, psychodrama, and group psychotherapy. The popularity and decline of Moreno’s methods throughout their history are highlighted while offering insights into these historical trends in the USA and globally. Connections are drawn between Moreno’s history and the history of social work while also framing him as a social worker due to the nature of his philosophy, theory, and practice. A comprehensive timeline is offered which depicts the parallel timelines of psychodrama, social work, group therapy, psychology, and society.

Antonio Álvarez-Benavides

La historia del trabajo social (TS) en España está condicionada por el papel de la Iglesia y del catolicismo en la concepción epistemológica y práctica de la asistencia social y del TS. Esta historia ha tenido una serie de consecuencias, como la tardía institucionalización de la profesión, las dificultades de su incorporación a las universidades y su equiparación con otras ciencias sociales. Estos procesos, a su vez, han provocado dos fenómenos que tienen una dimensión interna y externa: el asistencialismo y la protocolización. Sin embargo, un nuevo contexto de equiparación del TS con el resto de estudios universitarios a través del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) y las transformaciones sociales durante y después de la crisis económica invitan al replanteamiento de la profesión y de la ciencia. Este texto pretende ser una reflexión sobre las potencialidades de la sociopraxis y de las metodologías participativas en dicha reformulación, como puntos de partida y herramientas para plantear una nueva relación entre trabajadores/ as sociales y destinarios. Además, se analizarán las posibilidades de transformación social que promueven estas epistemologías y metodologías en la práctica profesional, formativa y académica del trabajador/a social en el ámbito local, comunitario y en la sociedad en su conjunto.The history of Social Work in Spain is conditioned by the role of Catholicism in the epistemological and practical conception of social assistance and social work. This history has had several consequences: late institutionalization and professionalization, and difficult incorporation to the universities compared to other social sciences. These processes have caused internal and external results: assistentialism and protocolization. However, a new context in which Social Work has been equated with university studies through the EHEA and social transformations due to the economic crisis invites us to rethink Social Work as a profession and as a science. This text aims to reflect on the potentialities of sociopraxis and participatory methodologies in such reformulation, as the starting points and tools to pose a new relation between social workers and stakeholders. It will also analyze the capacity of social transformation promoted by these epistemologies and methods in the social worker professional, formative, and academic practice in the local and communitarian sphere and the whole society.

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