nonthermal radiation
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Symmetry ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 118
Yu-Xiao Liu ◽  
Yu-Han Ma ◽  
Yong-Qiang Wang ◽  
Shao-Wen Wei ◽  
Chang-Pu Sun

It has been shown that the nonthermal spectrum of Hawking radiation will lead to information-carrying correlations between emitted particles in the radiation. The mutual information carried by such correlations can not be locally observed and hence is dark. With dark information, the black hole information is conserved. In this paper, we look for the spherically symmetric black hole solution in a λφ fluid model and investigate the radiation spectrum and dark information of the black hole. The spacetime structure of this black hole is similar to that of the Schwarzschild one, while its horizon radius is decreased by the λφ fluid. By using the statistical mechanical method, the nonthermal radiation spectrum is calculated. This radiation spectrum is very different from the Schwarzschild case at its last stage because of the effect of the λφ fluid. The λφ fluid reduces the lifetime of the black hole, but increases the dark information of the Hawking radiation.

Universe ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 494
Timur Dzhatdoev ◽  
Vladimir Galkin ◽  
Egor Podlesnyi

Extreme TeV blazars (ETBs) are active galactic nuclei with jets presumably pointing towards the observer having their intrinsic (compensated for the effect of γ-ray absorption on extragalactic background light photons) spectral energy distributions (SEDs) peaked at an energy in excess of 1 TeV. These sources typically reveal relatively weak and slow variability as well as higher frequency of the low-energy SED peak compared to other classes of blazars. It proved to be exceedingly hard to incorporate all these peculiar properties of ETBs into the framework of conventional γ-ray emission models. ETB physics have recently attracted great attention in the astrophysical community, underlying the importance of the development of self-consistent ETB emission model(s). We propose a new scenario for the formation of X-ray and γ-ray spectra of ETBs assuming that electromagnetic cascades develop in the infrared photon field surrounding the central blazar engine. This scenario does not invoke compact fast-moving sources of radiation (so-called “blobs”), in agreement with the apparent absence of fast and strong variability of ETBs. For the case of the extreme TeV blazar 1ES 0229+200 we propose a specific emission model in the framework of the considered scenario. We demonstrate that this model allows to obtain a good fit to the measured SED of 1ES 0229+200.

Georgy S. Bordonskiy

The article discusses a hypothesis put forward by V. A. Tatarchenko and M. E. Perelman. According to it, the first order phase transition during vapour condensation or melt crystallisation (PeTa effect) is accompanied by the appearance of nonthermal radiation of the media. The generally accepted point of view is that the latent heat of phase transformation can only be released in the form of heat. When the authors of the hypothesis tried to prove the existence of the effect of nonthermal radiation and considered the facts confirming it, they did not take into account the peculiarities of the initial and final states of the medium (i.e. their entropy). To clarify the physics of the process of liquid crystallisation and to consider the possibility of nonthermal radiation, we studied the peculiarities of water crystallisation and the formation of ice. This isthe process the authors referred to in order to prove their hypothesis. It was shown that in various experiments, it is necessary to consider both the state (structure) of the initial water samples and the formed ice, which can consist of various crystalline modifications with chaotic packing. These features of initial and final states, i.e. the entropy of water and ice samples in real experiments and under observed natural phenomena, make it more difficult to assess the characteristics of a possible radiation. The entropy of the initial and final states was determined by the procedure of the system preparation and the peculiarities of the phase transition dynamics. Its values depend on macroscopic parameters, as well a s on themicrostructure of the media, the determination of which is a very challenging task in each specific case. In addition, in many cases, we have to deal with metastable media, for which it is necessary to take into account the influence of fluctuations on the process of the phase transition. Therefore, the concepts of equilibrium thermodynamics are not applicable to them. However, these are the media where non-heat radiations may occur in accordance with the laws of self-organisation in nonlinear weakly nonequilibrium objects. This work shows a method for preparing low-entropy medium with its subsequent phase transformation into ice. To do so we conducted an experiment which involved freezing concentrated alcohol in order to obtain deeply supercooled water. It appears that to find the characteristics of the PeTa radiation it is necessary to takeinto account the entropy constraints for each specific case, which will allow assessing the spectrum of possible non-heated radiations and their characteristics.

2020 ◽  
Vol 641 ◽  
pp. A84
E. Molina ◽  
V. Bosch-Ramon

Context. Gamma-ray binaries are systems that emit nonthermal radiation peaking at energies above 1 MeV. One proposed scenario to explain their emission consists of a pulsar orbiting a massive star, with particle acceleration taking place in shocks produced by the interaction of the stellar and pulsar winds. Aims. We develop a semi-analytical model of the nonthermal emission of the colliding-wind structure, which includes the dynamical effects of orbital motion. We apply the model to a general case and to LS 5039. Methods. The model consists of a one-dimensional emitter, the geometry of which is affected by Coriolis forces owing to orbital motion. Two particle accelerators are considered: one at the two-wind standoff location and the other one at the turnover produced by the Coriolis force. Synchrotron and inverse Compton emission is studied taking into account Doppler boosting and absorption processes associated to the massive star. Results. If both accelerators are provided with the same energy budget, most of the radiation comes from the region of the Coriolis turnover and beyond, up to a few orbital separations from the binary system. Significant orbital changes of the nonthermal emission are predicted in all energy bands. The model allows us to reproduce some of the LS 5039 emission features, but not all of them. In particular, the MeV radiation is probably too high to be explained by our model alone, the GeV flux is recovered but not its modulation, and the radio emission beyond the Coriolis turnover is too low. The predicted system inclination is consistent with the presence of a pulsar in the binary. Conclusions. The model is quite successful in reproducing the overall nonthermal behavior of LS 5039. Some improvements are suggested to better explain the phenomenology observed in this source, such as accounting for particle reacceleration beyond the Coriolis turnover, unshocked pulsar wind emission, and the three-dimensional extension of the emitter.

2019 ◽  
Vol 623 ◽  
pp. L3 ◽  
A. Sanna ◽  
L. Moscadelli ◽  
C. Goddi ◽  
M. Beltrán ◽  
C. L. Brogan ◽  

Centimeter continuum observations of protostellar jets have revealed knots of shocked gas where the flux density decreases with frequency. This spectrum is characteristic of nonthermal synchrotron radiation and implies both magnetic fields and relativistic electrons in protostellar jets. Here, we report on one of the few detections of a nonthermal jet driven by a young massive star in the star-forming region G035.02+0.35. We made use of the NSF’s Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) to observe this region at C, Ku, and K bands with the A- and B-array configurations, and obtained sensitive radio continuum maps down to an rms of 10 μJy beam−1. These observations allow for a detailed spectral index analysis of the radio continuum emission in the region, which we interpret as a protostellar jet with a number of knots aligned with extended 4.5 μm emission. Two knots clearly emit nonthermal radiation and are found at similar distances, of approximately 10 000 au, at each side of the central young star, from which they expand at velocities of several hundred km s−1. We estimate both the mechanical force and the magnetic field associated with the radio jet, and infer a lower limit of 0.4 × 10−4 M⊙ yr−1 km s−1 and values in the range 0.7–1.3 mG.

2018 ◽  
Vol 44 (12) ◽  
pp. 769-776 ◽  
V. N. Zirakashvili ◽  
V. S. Ptuskin

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-9 ◽  
Sourav Haldar ◽  
Christian Corda ◽  
Subenoy Chakraborty

The paper deals with nonthermal radiation spectrum by tunnelling mechanism with correction due to the generalized uncertainty principle (GUP) in the background of noncommutative geometry. Considering the reformulation of the tunnelling mechanism by Banerjee and Majhi, the Hawking radiation spectrum is evaluated through the density matrix for the outgoing modes. The GUP corrected effective temperature and the corresponding GUP corrected effective metric in noncommutative geometry are determined using Hawking’s periodicity arguments. Thus, we obtain further corrections to the nonstrictly thermal black hole (BH) radiation spectrum which give new final distributions. Then, we show that the GUP and the noncommutative geometry modify the Bohr-like BH recently discussed in a series of papers in the literature. In particular, we find the intriguing result that the famous law of Bekenstein on the area quantization is affected neither by noncommutative geometry nor by the GUP. This is a clear indication of the universality of Bekenstein’s result. In addition, we find that both the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy and the total BH entropy to third-order approximation are still functions of the BH quantum level.

2016 ◽  
Vol 54 (4) ◽  
pp. 285-289
Yu. T. Tsap ◽  
A. V. Stepanov ◽  
L. K. Kashapova ◽  
I. N. Myagkova ◽  
A. V. Bogomolov ◽  

2016 ◽  
Vol 25 (05) ◽  
pp. 1650061 ◽  
T. Ibungochouba Singh ◽  
I. Ablu Meitei ◽  
K. Yugindro Singh

Quantum radiation properties of nonstationary Kerr–de Sitter (KdS) black hole is investigated using the method of generalized tortoise coordinate transformation. The locations of horizons and the temperature of the thermal radiation as well as the maximum energy of the nonthermal radiation are derived. It is found that the surface gravity and the Hawking temperature depend on both time and different angles. An extra coupling effect is obtained in the thermal radiation spectrum of Maxwell’s electromagnetic field equations which is absent in the thermal radiation spectrum of scalar particles. Further, the chemical potential derived from the thermal radiation spectrum of scalar particle has been found to be equal to the highest energy of the negative energy state of the scalar particle in the nonthermal radiation for KdS black hole. It is also shown that the generalized tortoise coordinate transformation produces a constant term in the expression of the surface gravity and Hawking temperature.

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