The article examines the creative personality and his parallel construction with the literary hero and the use in Western and Eastern literature. The concept of a creative personality is a literary category, where there are leading the biographical and psychological factors. Nevertheless, the author is one of the factors in the perception of life events, their expression in high poetic and prosaic forms unlike “I”, especially in the choice of images and the formation of artistic heights in their expression. The creative personality is reflected through the artistic image (a character, a hero) and the characteristics of the creative style of the personality are stable. In this regard, emphasizing that a creative person is an artistic image, it is possible to determine the presence of a creative person in different cases of images, portraits and characters, as well as in a series of events in which the character participates.
In English, the concept of a creative person translates as “creative person” and means a more creative, skilled person. This phrase is used more as a psychological term and in literature it is not understood as a writer. The concept of a writer is called “writer” or “author”. A creative person is a representative of a talent capable of creating high artistic patterns, unlike the author and writer in terms of terminology. The terms “writer” and “author” can be applied to any author of a work, but a creative person differs from ordinary authors and writers in terms of worldview, sense of poetic principles and power of expression. The “personality” of the writer, his expression is not only a peculiar view of life, its aesthetic development, but also a certain attitude towards it. These are also ideas, artistic concepts that form an integral part of literary works.
This article also discusses the use of concepts such as creative “I” and biographical “I”. It reflects the problem of the creative personality and the hero in the works of English authors George Byron, Walter Scott and the most prominent representatives of Uzbek jadid literature Cholpon, Kadyri and Fitrat.