dm type 2
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2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 156-170
Ali Fendi ◽  
Asih Dwi Suryanti ◽  
Rika Mustika Abriyanti

Latar Belakang Diabetes adalah kondisi jangka panjang yang serius dengan dampak besar pada kehidupan dan kesejahteraan individu, keluarga, dan masyarakat di seluruh dunia. Diabetes mellitus adalah salah satu dari 10 penyebab utama kematian pada orang dewasa dan diperkirakan menyebabkan empat juta kematian di seluruh dunia pada tahun 2019, mengikuti peningkatan signifikan  sebesar 70% sejak tahun 2000 (WHO,2020) Pengeluaran biaya kesehatan global untuk diabetes juga mengalami peningkatan sehingga diperkirakan mencapai USD 727 miliar pada tahun 2017. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh Penerapan Sleep Education After Midnight terhadap peningkatan kualitas tidur pada  penderita diabetes mellitus. Metode : Evidence Base Nursing Practice (EBNP) yaitu penggunaan teori dan informasi yang diperoleh berdasarkan pencarian melalui 3 sumber jurnal yaitu pubmed, cochrane dan proquest dari hasil informasi ini akan diaplikasikan pada kegiatan praktik keperawatan untuk mendapatkan bukti kebenaran dari teori. Hasil : 1). Dilihat dari usia bahwa diabetes mellitus banyak dialami oleh penderita dengan usia >60 tahun dan laki-laki lebih banyak menderita diabetes mellitus daripada perempuan. 2). Ada peningkatan kualitas tidur pasien diabetes mellitus setelah dilakukan intervensi “Sleep Education After Night”. Kesimpulan : Didapatkan nilai pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) sebesar 8,47 sebelum dilakukan intervensi pada kelompok intervensi, kemudian dilakukan pengukuran kembali setelah dilakukan intervensi maka diperoleh nilai PSQI sebesar 2,47 dengan Pvalue 0,00 (atau<0,05) ini artinya Penerapan Sleep Education After Night memiliki hubungan yang signifikan terhadap peningkatan kualitas tidur pasien diabetes mellitus. Kata Kunci : Sleep Education After Night, Kualitas Tidur, Diabetes mellitus Tipe 2.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 119
Isni Hijriana ◽  
Miniharianti Miniharianti

Diabetes mellitus Type 2 (DM Type 2) is the risk factor for the incidence of vascular.  Diabetic neuropathy and/or peripheral arterial disease, are common and represent major causes of morbidity and  mortality in people with diabetes.  Physical  exercises is have been done to prevent from diabetes complication, and one of them is by foot massage and lower extremity joint movement. Measuring the value of ankle brachial index (ABI) is one of non-invasive actions to evaluate the risk for peripheral vascular in primary treatment. The objective of this research was to determine the influence of foot massage and  joint movement exercise on ABI value in DM Type 2 patients. The research used quasi experiment method with pretest-posttest group design and two intervention groups. The samples were 40 DM Type 2 patients, taken by using consecutive sampling technique. Intervention was given by conducting  foot massage and  lower extremity joint movement exercise. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks statistic test showed that there was the difference in pre and post intervention of foot massage and lower extremity joint movement from ABI value, for (p=0.00). The conclusion was that foot massage and lower extremity joint movement exercise could increase ABI value if it was done continuously. It could also increase blood flow to artery. This research could bean input for nursing care to make physical exercises such as foot massage and lower extremity joint movement as prevention from risk of longterm Complications in DM Type 2 patients.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (12) ◽  
pp. 1711-1717
Nazish Waris ◽  
Samina Bano ◽  
Asher Fawwad ◽  
Abdul Basit

Objective: Association between alanine transaminase (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (AST) with newly diagnosed and known type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) and to estimate association of liver enzymes with lipid profile in type 2 DM subjects. Study Design: Prospective Clinical study. Setting: Karachi University with Collaboration of Baqai Institute of Diabetology and Endocrinology. Period: November 2018 to May 2019. Material & Methods: Total 100 people were divided into four groups; Group I: 25 healthy controls with normal glucose tolerance, Group II: 25 newly diagnosed DM, Group III: 25 known DM type 2 with <5years duration and Group IV: 25 known DM type 2 between 5-10 years duration. Baseline data was collected on predesigned questionnaire. Blood samples for biochemical parameters were analyzed using standardized laboratory techniques. Results: Group I mean age (years) was 50.78±2.34, group II 50.56±1.96, group III 50.37±1.46 and group IV 56±1.36. In Group I, ALT and AST were significantly correlated to each other’s. In group II, ALT was significantly correlated with AST, triglycerides and HDL-C, while AST correlated with ALT and HDL-C. In group III, ALT was significantly correlated with AST, while AST correlated to ALT, triglycerides and HbA1c. However, in group IV, ALT was significantly correlated with AST, LDL-C and HDL-C, and, AST with ALT, total cholesterol, LDL-C and HDL-C. Conclusion: Elevated ALT and AST- the salient markers for disease of non-alcoholic fatty liver with deranged dyslipidemia were found in known type 2 DM as well as in newly diagnosed type 2 DM subjects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 242
Indah Permata Rendi ◽  
Gabriella Josephine Maranata ◽  
Hasna Chaerunisa ◽  
Nurulita Nugrahaeni ◽  
Siti Sarah Alfathonah

Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2 is a metabolic disorder that needs special attention because it can damage several organs if the severity increases. One of the treatments for diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2 is by inhibiting Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-IV) with vildagliptin to prolong the hypoglycemic effect of GLP-1 and GIP. Objective: In the search for candidate compounds as new antidiabetic compounds, an in silico test with molecular docking was carried out to predict the antidiabetic activity of 10 Moringa oleifera Lam (MO) plant compounds at the DPP-IV receptor (PDB ID: 6B1E). Method: The study was conducted using the molecular docking method. Result: Validation of the vildagliptin DPP-IV ligand obtained free energy values of -9.27 kcal/mol and RMSD 1.49 Å (RMSD < 2 Å), then tested with 10 test compounds obtained 8 test compounds that have the potential to be antidiabetic. Conclusion: Serpentine compounds have better potential as an antidiabetic drug than other target compounds because they have the closest Gibbs energy (∆G) value to the natural ligand of Vidaglibtin, which is -7.90 kcal/mol. This value is still lower than the free energy of vildagliptin, which is -9.37 kcal/mol. Therefore further testing is needed to ensure the potential of the compound as a candidate for antidiabetic drugs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 65-72
E. A. Reznikova ◽  
M. A. Gordeeva ◽  
A. R. Babaeva

Objective: to determine the level of circulating markers of endothelial dysfunction (endothelin‑1, von Willebrand factor (vfV), endothelial NO-synthase (e‑NOS)) in the blood serum of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM), as well as to assess the pathogenetic significance endothelial dysfunction in the development of diabetic nephropathy.Materials and methods: the study included 93 patients with type 2 DM, including 28 men (30.1%) and 65 women (69.9%), aged 30 to 79 years, the average age of patients was 59.7±8.4 of the year. The main group included patients with both newly diagnosed type 2 DM and a long-term diabetic history. The duration of the disease averaged 9.5±7.5 years. The majority of patients with DM type 2 (92.5%) at the time of inclusion in the study had various variants of microvascular complications of diabetes, only a small number of patientsin this group (7.5%) had no signs of diabetic angiopathy. Signs of various stages of diabetic nephropathy were observed in 60 patients (69.2%). The comparison group consisted of 30 patients with essential arterial hypertension, including 12 men (40%) and 18 women (60%), aged 34 to 70 years, on average 56.1 ± 8.1 years. The control group consisted of 32 apparently healthy individuals. In all patients, along with routine methods of clinical, laboratory and instrumental examination, the level of circulating markers of endothelial dysfunction (endothelin‑1, von Willebrand factor (vWF), endothelial NO-synthase (e‑NOS)) in blood serum was measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).Results: in patients with DM type 2 and diabetic nephropathy, a statistically significant increase in the concentration of circulating markers of endothelial dysfunction was revealed in comparison with hypertensive patients and healthy individuals. An increase in the level of endothelin‑1 relative to the borderline reference value was found in 73 (78.5±4.1%), vfV in 63 (67.7±4.8%) and e‑NOS in 65 (69.9±4.7%) of patients with DM type 2. In the groups of participants with hypertension and healthy individuals, endothelial imbalance was noted by us significantly less often than in patients with DM type 2, the levels of endothelin‑1 and vfV in people with hypertension were increased in more cases than in healthy individuals. It was noted that the levels of circulating markers of endothelial dysfunction increase with an increase in the duration of DM type 2, and also significantly increase under conditions of carbohydrate decompensation.Conclusion: the results obtained confirm the pathogenetic role of endothelial dysfunction in the development of diabetic nephropathy in patients with type 2 diabetes, increasing endothelial imbalance in persons with a long diabetic history and lack of compensation for carbohydrate metabolism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (14) ◽  
pp. e181101422087
Aline Joelma de Almeida Grota ◽  
Daniele Cordovil da Silva ◽  
Geusabina Trindade de Oliveira Figueiredo ◽  
Rosângela da Silva Castro

Introdução: Diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM 2) se desenvolve quando a secreção de insulina é inadequada para atender às necessidades crescentes que surgem com a resistência à insulina. Objetivo: Destacar a importância do farmacêutico no acompanhamento de tratamento do paciente com Diabetes Mellitus do tipo 2. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática em bancos de dados on line e impressos, em livros, teses, dissertações e artigos por meio dos descritores combinados entre si ou não: “Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2”, “consulta farmacêutica”, “tratamento farmacêutico de DM tipo 2”, “acompanhamento farmacoterapêutico” e “Diabetes Mellitus type 2”, “pharma consulting”, “pharmacological treatment of DM type 2”, “pharmacotherapeutic pharmacopoeia” realizado em bibliotecas virtuais Medline, Lilacs, Pubmed, Scielo e BVS. Resultados: Foram selecionados 32 artigos para compor a revisão sistemática e a bibliografia aqui utilizadas. Identificou-se que o tratamento e gerenciamento adequados de doenças crônicas (hipertensão, Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2, dislipidemia, etc.) em instituições médicas primárias é a principal causa do aumento nas despesas médicas. No Brasil, de acordo com dados recentes, verifica-se que o número de adultos aumentou rapidamente na qual em tese destaca-se que a Diabetes Mellitus é uma doença crônica com maior probabilidade de ocorrer durante a transição da pobreza para a abundância. Conclusões: Espera-se que o diabetes se torne uma das principais doenças dos adultos no Brasil e continue sendo um problema de saúde pública no mundo por um período considerável no futuro.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (10) ◽  
pp. 327-331
Dr.Mustafa Saleam Khalaf ◽  
Ali Hussein Mohammed Ali Al-Tameemi ◽  
Bahaa Burhanuldeen Kargule ◽  

Subject :Diabetes Mellitus (DM) type 2 is most common disease characterized by elevation of serum glucose level due to impair insulin production or impair cell response to insulin .Serotonin is hormonal neurotransmitter commonly found in brain cell but it also present in beta cells of pancreas . It is key hormone that stabilizes mood, feelings of well-being, and happiness . Objective of the Study: Role of serotonin in development of DM type 2 disease . Materials and Methods: This study was done on 30 patients with un-control DM type2 patients and 30 control DM type 2 patients , the all subjects age within this study were more than 50 years of both genders .After obtained serum , immediately used quantity method for measured level of serum serotonin concentration . Results: This study shows reduce of serum serotonin concentration level in un-control DM type 2 group compare with control group . Conclusion: This study confirms that decreased serum serotonin concentration level can act as support development of DM type 2 disease .

2021 ◽  
Vol 77 (3) ◽  
pp. 24-30
Tetiana Bohdan ◽  
Viktor Lizogub ◽  
Viktoriia Sobol ◽  
Viktor Bohdan

The purpose of the study: to study the effect of bisoprolol and nebivolol on the spectrum of essential blood plasma AK in patients with concomitant diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2 in order to optimize drug treatment of this pathology in the future.Material and methods. The study involved 70 patients with NA with concomitant DM type 2, which was divided into two groups: group I (37 patients) as part of basic antianginal therapy received bisoprolol, group II (33 patients) received nebivolol. The control group (CG) consisted of 18 healthy individuals. All patients were tested for irreplaceable blood plasma AA by ion exchange liquid chromatography on an automatic analyzer AK T-339 produced by «Microtechna» (Czech Republic, Prague) at the Institute of Biochemistry named after OV Palladin NAMS of Ukraine. The following essential AAs were identified: arginine, valine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, phenylalanine. Examination of patients was performed at the beginning of treatment and after 20 days. Results. It was determined that in patients with NA with concomitant DM type 2 under the influence of antianginal therapy in both groups significantly decreased the total amount of irreplaceable AA compared with control group, indicating an increase in intracellular metabolism as a compensatory response in coronary circulation. It should be noted that in patients of group II, in contrast to patients of group I, under the influence of treatment the level of histidine remained normal. The level of threonine significantly decreased compared to CG and the rate of patients in group I, the level of valine significantly increased compared to pre-treatment, the level of isoleucine significantly decreased compared with CG and with the rate of patients of group I. Importantly, ammonia levels returned to normal under the influence of basic therapy, which included nebivolol.Conclusion. The dynamics of changes in the levels of individual irreplaceable AA blood plasma, due to the mechanisms of their metabolic transformations in patients with NA with concomitant DM type 2 indicates greater effectiveness of nebivolol and the feasibility of its prescription іn complex of a basic antianginal therapy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 11
Siska Puji Lestari ◽  
Titin Andri Wihastuti ◽  
Dina Dewi Sartika Lestari Ismail

<p>Diabetes mellitus is a health problem that will affect the health status of patients. Motivational interviewing a counseling technique focusing on clients and it is designed for helping individuals explore and accomplish ambivalence in behavior. This systematic review aimed at describing effectiveness motivationaI interviewing on self-management of diabetes mellitus type 2 patients. There are 1359 articles of 526 ScienceDirect articles, 422 ProQuest, 290 PubMed, and 121 Ebsco articles. The systematic review method began by identifying 20 articles from four electronic databases for previous studies that were published during 2011-2021. The results of the systematic review obtained that motivational interviewing can provide improved self-management and control blood glucose DM type 2 patients. The conclusion motivational interviewing can affect the patient's self-management especially on blood glucose profile, dietary compliance, quality of life, self-efficacy, HbA1c levels of DM type 2 patients.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (08) ◽  
pp. 738-742
Dr . Dina Ayed Mohammed ◽  

Subject :Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is most common disease characterized by elevation of serum glucose level due to impair insulin production called type 1 DM or impair cell response to insulin called type 2 DM .Cortisol is the steroid hormone that secretion by adrenal gland and it’s consider as stress hormone , act many important role in humane body such as regulation of immune system and metabolic process . Objective of the Study: Role of cortisol in development of DM type 2 disease. Materials and Methods: This study was done on 30 patients with un-control DM type2 patients and 30 control DM type 2 patients , the all subjects age within this study were more than 50 years of both genders .After obtained serum , immediately used quantity method for measured level of serum cortisol concentration . Results: This study shows elevation of serum cortisol concentration level in uncontrol DM type 2 group compare with control DM type 2 group. Conclusion: This study confirms that serum cortisol concentration level can act as support DM type 2 disease .

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