professional law
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Vyacheslav Vasiliev ◽  
Aleksandr Suprunov ◽  
Vladimir Gorbachev

Modern conditions of service for graduates of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the territorial bodies of internal Affairs, among the many law enforcement requirements imposed on young professionals, additionally indicate that it is not necessary to form a sufficiently high level of professional legal mobility, the ability to easily start professional law enforcement activities in a different direction from the one in which his training was carried out at the university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In this article, in addition to studying the concept and content of professional mobility, the reasons for its insufficient level among graduates of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, proposals are formulated for its improvement, transformation from a semi-mythical category into the reality of the service of an employee of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (8) ◽  
pp. 11-17
Zotov V.V.

Introduction: the article discusses the features of the activities of children's public organizations focused on attracting children and adolescents to participate in public life of a law enforcement orientation. The purpose of this work is to identify the features of the activities of children's public organizations focused on attracting children and adolescents to participate in public life and professional law enforcement activities. Methods: using the methods of analysis and synthesis, content analysis, the author investigated the issues of vocational guidance work of youth and children's public associations of the Yaroslavl region and their role in the formation of a conscious choice of the future professional activity of adolescents, as well as the prevention of juvenile delinquency and child neglect. Results: today, state bodies and public associations are implementing various measures to ensure a happy and safe childhood, being one of the main priorities of national importance in our country. The most comfortable for a teenager to start social activities is his participation in projects of children's public organizations. At this stage, communicative motivation becomes the main one: the desire to communicate with interesting active peers, to demonstrate their own talents and achievements, to acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities in a democratic form. Children's public organizations contribute to the formation of a socially active personality of a growing citizen and help the professional self-determination of young people. Conclusions: the author concluded that the career guidance work of children's public organizations aimed at attracting children and adolescents to participate in public life and professional law enforcement activities can reduce the number of minors brought to criminal responsibility and helps the social and professional self-determination of young people. In the modern world young people are the most socially active group and strategic resource of society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Loresta Cahyaning Lintang ◽  
Adriano Martufi ◽  
J.W. Ouwerker

<p>This study explores the future implementation of blasphemy law in Indonesia. This research suggests some recommendations for Indonesian blasphemy law by looking at different blasphemy policy options in Ireland and Canada. This research will focus on the principle of legal certainty. Legal certainty is an essential aspect for criminal law to avoid state arbitrariness and to have predictability. The results of this research indicate that some aspects of Indonesian blasphemy law may be reconstructed in five ways: expanding the protected religions to include the minority religions, defining explicit limitations, specifying <em>mens</em><em> </em><em>rea </em>element, measuring the ‘threat to public’ elements, and more professional law enforcement officers.  </p><p><strong><br /></strong></p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Blasphemy; Indonesia; Ireland; Canada; Comparative.</p>

Khlon O.M.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to study the issue of improving the effectiveness of professional and psychological training, providing suggestions for its improvementMethods. The research methodology consisted of a set of such methods as analytical, synthesis method, generalization and analogy, modeling, comparative and classification method.Results. Acquired in the process of preparation of knowledge, quality of skills and abilities should meet the needs of professional law enforcement and correlate with the requirements for the identity of law enforcement officers, which are defined in the professional characteristics of the profiles of the law enforcement officer. At this stage, it is advisable to form a unified system of professional and psychological training, in the context of which certain forms of psychological training could include a test stage, which would determine the level of theoretical knowledge of the employee, as well as the level of readiness of law enforcement officers. profile. During the preparation and direct application of knowledge and skills aimed at performing tasks of increased complexity, the mind of a law enforcement officer should be dominated by the image of a brave, determined, smart and successful law enforcement officer who is able, able and must, using their own physical, psychological and intellectual abilities, perform tasks and responsibilities and succeed. It is also advisable to use the following training techniques: to use models or individual elements of extreme situations, to provide recommendations according to the direction of work in which the employee works, to consolidate the relevant knowledge with special exercises.Conclusions. Psychological training, as an appropriate and necessary stage of becoming a law enforcement officer should include a full range of educational and training activities aimed at improving professional and psychological skills, psychological stability, high moral and psychological level, ensuring compliance with departmental regulations, as well as the formation of internal readiness conscientiously fulfill the requirements of official activity set before the employee.Key words: training, law enforcement officer, efficiency, training, psychological readiness. Мета статті – вивчення питання підвищення ефективності професійно-психологічної підготовки, надання пропозицій щодо її покращення.Методи. Методологію дослідження становить комплекс таких методів, як аналітичний, метод синтезу, узагальнення й аналогії, моделювання, порівняльний, метод класифікації.Результати. Нами визначено, що доцільне формування єдиної системи професійно-психологічної підготовки, у контексті якоїокремі форми психологічної підготовки могли б включати і тестовий етап, який би визначав рівень освоєння теоретичних знань працівником, а також рівень готовності працівника правоохоронних органів на підставі відповідності вимогам професіографічного профілю. Під час підготовки та безпосереднього застосування знань і вмінь, спрямованих на виконання поставлених завдань підвищеної складності, у свідомості працівника правоохоронних органів має переважати образ сміливого, рішучого, кмітливого й успішного правоохоронця, який здатен, уміє та повинен, за допомогою власних фізичних, психологічних та інтелектуальних здібностей, виконати поставлені завдання, обов’язки, досягти успіху. Доцільно також задіювати такі навчальні прийоми: використовувати моделі чи окремі елементи екстремальних ситуацій, надавати рекомендації згідно з напрямом роботи праців-ника, закріплювати відповідні знання спеціальними вправами.Висновки. Доведено, що психологічна підготовка буде ефективною, якщо буде включати у себе весь комплекс навчальних і тренувальних заходів, спрямованих на підвищення професійно-психологічної майстерності, психологічної стійкості, високого морально-психологічного рівня, забезпечення дотри-мання відомчих нормативно-правових приписів, а також формування внутрішньої готовності сумлінно виконувати поставлені перед працівником вимоги службової діяльності.Ключові слова: підготовка, працівник правоохоронних органів, ефективність, тренування, психо-логічна готовність.

В.Д. Житар

Psychological characteristics of police officers are now thoroughly investigated in legal psychology. At the same time development of the problem was, both in terms of psychological analysis of the structure of professional law enforcement officers, and in terms of the psychological characteristics its inherent set of psychological characteristics. Even the cursory reviews of the basic psychological characteristics and structural elements of the employee’s professional activity shows how complex and multifaceted its activities. It makes them a variety of requirements, among which one of the most important - having developed important professional qualities of the individual.  

2021 ◽  
Christian Katzenmeier ◽  
Stefania Schrag-Slavu

As part of the digitization of the healthcare system, tele emergency doctor systems are being established. The aim of these systems is to improve emergency care. This book analyzes the issues raised by professional law, liability law, medical product law and data protection law. It is based on a legal opinion commissioned by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and is aimed at decision-makers in the healthcare sector. The authors are proven experts in medical law and liability law.

2021 ◽  
Martin Burgi ◽  
Gerhard Igl

In this book, the legal requirements and possibilities for establishing Community Health Nursing (CHN) in Germany are presented for the first time. The legal options that already exist are described as well as the requirements for future legal regulations for the broad establishment of CHN. For this purpose, the health professional law, social security law, the possible basic institutional decisions and organizational design options as well as the constitutional aspects for future regulations are shown.

Mario S. Staller ◽  
Swen Körner

Abstract Professionalism in law enforcement requires the identification and development of expertise of police use of force (PUOF) coaches. Effective PUOF training includes the transfer from the training into the real-world environment of policing. This difference between working in the field and working as a PUOF coach has not been thoroughly investigated. However, research in other professional domains has shown that practical competence in the subject matter itself does not make a coach effective or successful. With this article, we conceptualize expert practice in PUOF instruction on the basis of a conflict management training setting in the security domain. First, by discussing a model of “territories of expertise”, we point out the dynamic and contextual character of expertise within the PUOF domain. Second, by conceptualizing expertise as a process and effect of communication, we provide a framework that describes and examines the interdependency between performance-based and reputation-based expertise. These considerations present two practical challenges, which we recommend professional law enforcement institutions to engage. We close by providing practical orientations and pointers for addressing these issues.

2020 ◽  
Vol V (I) ◽  
pp. 287-295
Anjum Bano Kazimi ◽  
Ghulam Ali Kerio ◽  
Ajab Ali Lashari

To determine reasons and the influence of escaping and noncompliance of laws; data were collected through a mix method approach. Questionnaires and focus group discussion from special needs persons (physically challenged, visually impaired), their parents in case of hearing-impaired and intellectually challenged persons, professional law practitioners and employers of the business organization were taken. The result indicates that most special persons and their parents are unaware of the opportunities and laws related to their special needs. But on the part of employers' willful neglect and avoidance of laws is present because of loopholes available for not complying with these laws. Another reason is non-availability of any motivation for obeying laws, whether obedience of individuals or groups. It was also indicated that employers are not very clear about their roles related to the employment of special need persons.

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