price situation
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María-Alejandra Leiva-Martinez ◽  
María de las Mercedes Anderson-Seminario ◽  
Aldo Alvarez-Risco ◽  
Alfredo Estrada-Merino ◽  
Sabina Mlodzianowska

N. L. Khanyk ◽  
B. P. Hromovyk ◽  
I. L. Chukhrai ◽  
H. I. Bilushchak

Aim. To analyse the availability of nasal corticostyroids (NC) in the regional market (on the example of Lviv region).Results. It was found that the average retail prices (ARP) of 5 international non-proprietary names of NC in the form of 15 trade names were in the range from 127.35 to 440.13 UAH in 2019, from 158.12 to 461.75 UAH in 2020 and from 187.2 to 562.9 UAH in 2021. The prices of one DDD of the analysed NC ranged from 2.88 UAH to 15.76 UAH in 2019, from 3.27 to 19.5 UAH in 2020 and from 6.5 UAH to UAH 18.76 in 2021. Despite the growth of the ARP, the availability rate for the most NC was higher than one. It was found that the competitiveness of the NC was characterized by annual instability.Conclusions. Based on the study of ARP as a separate package and one DDD of 5 international non-proprietary names of NC in the form of 15 trade names, which were presented in the regional market of Lviv region every month from January 2019 to January 2021, it was found that prices for most NC increased. Analysis of the availability index of NC revealed that for more than two thirds of NC it was higher than one. Thus, the average salary for the analysed period grew faster than the ARP of NC. Using graphical and mathematical methods of competitiveness assessment, it was shown that the price situation and the width of the distribution channel in the regional market of NC was quite unstable, which requires constant monitoring. Key words: nasal corticosteroids; average retail prices; DDD; availability; competitiveness

2021 ◽  
pp. 3-12
A. Paptsov ◽  
I. Ushachev ◽  
V. Maslova ◽  
M. Avdeev

Ekonomika APK ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 313 (11) ◽  
pp. 52-59
Nataliia Kopytets

The purpose of the article is to investigate the current price situation in the cattle meat market, taking into account the peculiarities of the beef price chain “production – processing –trade – consumer”. Research methods. The following methods have been used in the research process: abstract and logical, system analysis – for generalize theoretical positions, formulating conclusions; comparative analysis – for compare indicators and identify trends in their change over time; statistical – for assessing the cattle meat market; tabular – for visual representation of the research results; monographic – for detailing the price situation in the beef market; graphic – for identify and illustrate the trends of the research economic phenomena. Research results. An analysis of the price situation in the cattle meat market with details of individual species priced in dif-ferent areas of the country. Trends and regularities of dynamics of prices for cattle and products of processing in wholesale and retail trade are estimated. There is a clear tendency of annual increase in prices for cattle meat market in Ukraine during 2017-2020. It was found that the increase in purchase prices for young cattle causes an increase in wholesale and retail prices for various types of meat. It is justified that the price is important to all cattle meat market participants. The level of prices affects the efficiency of both individual producers and the development of the economy of any country. Prices clearly reflect the processes of production, exchange, distribution and consumption. Scientific novelty. It is specified that under the conditions of low purchasing power of most of the population of Ukraine, the actual retail prices for beef and veal within the trade network are quite high and do not contribute to the growth of demand for this type of meat. Practical significance. The research results can be useful for all participants in the food chain “production – processing – distribution – consumption” of the cattle market. Tabl.: 1. Figs.: 1. Refs.: 23.

N. Kopytets ◽  
S. Pashko ◽  
V. Voloshyn

The article examines the main trends in meat price formation.It is determined that the methodology and tradition of price functioning have evolved historically in terms of understanding the nature and characteristics of the price. The level of product price contains the conflicting interests of different parts (producer and consumer). It is generalized that the formation of livestock products prices is influenced by supply and demand.It is confirmed that price is a factor that creates demand in case of the low consumers’ purchasing power. The process of prices forming on livestock products is based on the general principles of pricing. However, there are certain features of pricing stipulated from the specifics of production and processing of livestock products.Among the main factors influencing the prices formation on livestock products should be noted the following: natural and climatic conditions, price disparity in agriculture, the presence of a large number of households which deal with raising cattle and poultry,high level of production costs, the presence of multiple links in the production chain, a short period of product storage, a large proportion of low-income population.It is proved that the livestock product prices in market conditions must respond quickly to any changes in the production chain. The analysis of the price situation on the meat market was carried out.It was found that in Ukraine during the study period there is a tendency of increasing purchasing, wholesale and consumer prices.In the first half-year of 2020, there were significant changes in the price situation.The results confirm the trends at the world meat market.It is proved that the situation at the domestic meat market depends on the state of the global market. It is noted that in the future the price situation at the meat market will depend on the purchasing power of the population, the proposal of main meat types, the exchange rate of the national currency, production and export volumes. Keywords: price, demand, supply, meat market, purchase prices, wholesale prices, consumer prices, beef, pork, poultry meat.

O.S. Sobolev ◽  

The article compares purchase prices for grain, milk, and meat in Russia, Europe, and the United States in the 2nd quarter of 2020. The influence of weather anomalies in Russia in the 2nd quarter on the crop yield was noted, which had an impact on the price situation in the food market.

Ekonomika APK ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 42-48
Nataliia Kopytets ◽  
Volodymyr Voloshyn

L. Volontyr ◽  
L. Mykhalchyshyna

A significant part of the output of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine is exported. Therefore, it is desirable to determine the optimal volume of products to be implemented each month. Prices for grain are formed depending on demand and supply, costs for production and sale, market fees, etc. The analysis of the price situation on the Ukrainian cities shows a large variation. The average price of 1 kg of grain crops does not give a full opportunity to characterize the price situation of the Ukrainian grain market. There is seasonal price cyclicality: their growth with the decrease of stocks and the reduction after harvesting, when mass sales of grain are carried out by producers who are not able to store the grown crops, and consumers make grain crops. In the article the solution of the economic-mathematical model of optimization of the calendar plan for the sale of agricultural products is developed and found. The model is considered from the standpoint of deterministic product prices and under the probabilistic nature of future market prices. The system of restrictions consists of two constraints: to determine the optimal size of grain crop harvesting of each type and the capacity of the warehouse. If future market prices are considered not deterministic, then the commodity producer always has the risk of receiving in the future revenue from the sale of products smaller than expected. A risk-averse person will be guided by two criteria when deciding to: maximize the expected total net income and minimize the dispersion of total net income. In this case, the model will be two-criterial and nonlinear. The method of supporting the process of determining the predominance of multi-criteria optimization is that the owner first of all has received information about the limits of the variation of the expected total net income and the standard deviation of income on the set of effective options for the calendar plan. The peculiarities of the individual attitude to risk are calculated by drawing information on the permissible levels of the indicated criterion. Further among all effective variants of the calendar plan of realization is calculated precisely the one that best reflects the individual predominance of the owner of the product. The following information is needed to construct a numerical model for grain sales: sales prices and the cost of storing 1 ton of grain crops to a certain month. The predicted values are based on a simple linear econometric model based on statistical sampling. The reliability of the econometric model is determined by the determination coefficient or on the basis of Fisher's F-criterion according to the theory of statistical hypotheses. Econometric models have weak extropolitic properties, so the forecast can be formed only short-term. The solution of the model showed: all kinds of grain crops, except for barley, are economically unprofitable to be implemented in such months as January, May, June, July and August. Wheat grades 3 and 6, corn is also unprofitable to be sold in September. Unlike other crops, barley is beneficial throughout the year. In February, the maximum sales of wheat is 2, 3 and 6 classes, in March the maximum sale of barley, and the minimum is in May. Maize has the maximum sales in May, and the minimum in September. The minimum sale of wheat depends on its class – September, April and December respectively 2, 3 and 6 classes. With such incomplete loading of warehouses, the profit from storage of grain crops will be 743 thousand. UAH. Thus, PJSC “Gnivan Grain Reciprocal Enterprise” is more likely to load its warehouses to improve its financial position. One of the ways of solving the problem of seasonal grain sales is to create a network of modern certified grain elevators, taking into account the logistically rational location, which will allow to keep enough grain in addition and of the proper quality. This will allow an increase in the efficiency of grain producers through the sale of grain at favorable market conditions in a wider range of time. Independent operators should also be encouraged to ensure that the quality of the grain is objectively measured. At present, the analysis of the work of the grain storage system shows that the high cost of services of active elevators is also a problem.

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