open concept
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2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 1707
Yuvina Ariestanti

AbstractThe large number of prisoners who are elderly and experiencing illness in Indonesia, making the legislators through the Clemency Law add a special reason for granting Clemency. The reasons for Humanity and Justice are added reasons for filing a pardon by the Minister of Justice and Human Rights if the prisoner is in the condition of: 1) children; 2) >70 years old; 3) prolonged illness. Of the several conditions that have been regulated, the condition of "prolonged illness" is a condition that is often abused due to the broad and open concept. So far, there is no clear and definite regulation related to any disease that can be categorized as prolonged illness. Not a few parties who make this condition as a gap to be able to buy their freedom. It is feared that this will overcome the sense of justice that is expected to be realized in granting clemency. Through the normative juridical research method, the author is able to answer the issue of this problem by answering any criteria that can be categorized as prolonged illness. Keywords: Clemency; Humanity and Justice; Prolonged Illness.AbstrakBanyaknya jumlah narapidana yang lanjut usia dan mengalami sakit di Indonesia, membuat para pembentuk undang-undang melalui UU Grasi menambah alasan khusus dalam memberikan Grasi. Alasan Kemanusiaan dan Keadilan merupakan alasan yang ditambahkan untuk mengajukan Grasi oleh Menteri Hukum dan HAM apabila narapidana dalam kondisi : 1) anak dibawah umur; 2) berusia diatas 70 tahun; dan 3) Sakit berkepanjangan. Dari beberapa kondisi yang telah diatur, kondisi “sakit berkepanjangan” merupakan kondisi yang sering disalahgunakan akibat konsepnya yang luas dan terbuka. Sejauh ini, belum ada pengaturan yang jelas dan pasti terkait dengan penyakit apa saja yang dapat dikategoroikan sebagai sakit berkepanjangan. Tidak sedikit pihak yang menjadikanan kondisi ini sebagai celah untuk dapat membeli kebebasannya. Hal ini dikhawatirkan akan mencedaerai rasa keadilan yang diharapkan akan terwujud dalam pemberian grasi. Melalui metode penelitian yuridis normatif, penulis mampu menjawab isu permasalahan ini dengan menjawab kriteria apa saja yang dapat di kategorikan sebagai sakit berkepanjangan.Kata Kunci: Grasi; Kemanusiaan dan Keadilan; Sakit Berkepanjangan.

2021 ◽  
Christian Linke

The thesis investigates the attribution of knowledge in the use of autonomous systems in enterprises. It analyzes the challenges posed by digitization and artificial intelligence to the practical topic in contractual and non-contractual relationships, when information is increasingly processed by algorithms instead of humans. Using an environmentally sensitive legal approach, it develops an innovation-open concept of knowledge attribution for the 21st century. In doing so, the work is practice-oriented and focuses on the areas of application of autonomous systems in enterprises: information acquisition and evaluation, decision making, and decision and decision implementation.

Dialog ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-208
Subhan Hi. Ali Dodego ◽  
Doli Witro

Radical and extremist groups’ actions are totally opposite to the Islamic teachings. In warding off the radical movements and terrorism, an open concept of inclusive religious understandings are needed. This concept is known as religious moderation. This study aims to explore efforts in reducing the massive movement of radicalism and intolerance in the frame of basic religious practices. This qualitative study relies upon the literature research where data reduction, data presentation, and concluding are employed. The results showed that Islamic moderation is reflected in the moderate attitudes. Religious moderation stems from tolerance, peace, and harmony within a multi-religious society. Kelompok radikalisme dan ektrimisme telah melakukan tindakan yang sangat bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam. Oleh karena itu, untuk menangkal gerakan radikal dan terorisme diperlukan sebuah konsep beragama yang bersifat terbuka (inklusif). Konsep beragama yang inklusif ini disebut dengan moderasi beragama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meredam dan meminimalisir masifnya gerakan radikalisme dan intoleransi maka dibutuhkan konsep beragama yang sederhana, tidak kaku dan mudah dipahami oleh masyarakat umum. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat penelitian pustaka. Penulis menggunakan metode analisis data yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan moderasi Islam atau moderasi beragama merupakan sikap hidup yang berada di tengah, tidak condong ke kiri, kanan, ke depan dan ke belakang, tetapi berada di tengah dalam melihat dan menyelesaikan sebuah persoalan. Akhirnya, muara dari moderasi beragama yaitu menciptakan suasana yang toleran, damai dan harmonis di tengah kehidupan yang serba multiagama dan multikultural.

Pedro Bandeira Maia ◽  
Raul Pinto

The following article describes the ongoing interior design project that accommodates a guesthouse in a historical building located in the city of Coimbra in Portugal. It focuses on the importance of generating new narratives to maintain the original nineteenth century building’s essence, when changing the architectural program, from a pharmacy on the ground floor and residences in the upper floors into a single guesthouse. We present the design-led methodology focused on the importance of generating narratives as a foundation to achieve a common goal while working in a cross-disciplinary team. In this context, the designer not only has the role of the form-giver, but also becomes the mediator between matter and form, the team leader, and the forecaster of the user’s emotional experiences. When adapting client’s brief into a tangible outcome within a team that crosses various areas of expertise (in this case: architecture, design, engineering, archaeology, conservation, and restoration), the importance of generating an open concept that can adapt to the evolving context, becomes key to meet client’s expectations. This article intends to contribute to the discussion of the designer’s elastic mindset as a binding tool between actors and contexts, towards an outcome that acknowledges the importance of the contribution of each one when looking for enriched results. Therefore, it questions what is gained and what is lost by setting aside the classic design fundamental principles and by focusing on design as a managing tool between data and the involved actors for an enriched outcome. As a main conclusion, it underlines the importance of generating a strong narrative with an open outcome to bind all stakeholders to a common goal through the designer as a project leader.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-101
Husnul Khotimah

Regarding Pancasila Values ​​in the Islamic View, the first and second precepts constitute the Metaphysical Fundation, the third and fourth precepts constitute the Instrumental Fundation, and the fifth precepts constitute justice. Therefore we must do: mahasabah (evaluation), murakabah (guarding / supervising), and muhawalah (getting around) Islam as a religion that upholds egalitarianism, which is an open concept of solidarity and social dependence (ta`awun). Islam recognizes the right of all humans to live properly in terms of health, clothing, food, housing and social efforts that are needed regardless of differences in background. Islam also emphasizes the right of everyone to social security at the time of unemployment, illness, disability, widow / widower, elderly or disadvantaged. This standard of living is only possible in a healthy social order, where individuals with individuals, individuals with groups, and groups with groups maintain strong social relations. This has become the spirit of Islam in being responsible and sacrificing one another in order to create a community that shares, helps and helps each other. The piety of the faithful as slaves to Allah (‘abd Allah) boils down to a direct impact on piety in social-horizontal relations. These two aspects characterize the balance of Islamic teachings. Therefore, what should be our thoughts together is that the values ​​of Pancasila are substantially not in conflict with or even in accordance with Islam.

2020 ◽  
Navina T. Satish

Western recipients the impression that Hindus, due to their religious traditions, should have an open approach to sexuality. However, this is only possible to a limited extent due to a repressive sexual morality. This empirical study deals with the question of how today's Indians deal with their religious traditions. These have become an integral part of a postmodern Indian contemporary culture. Its main characteristic is religious tolerance. Thus, Hinduism in the 21st century becomes a consciously open concept of life.

Ellen Winner

While philosophers have tried to define art by necessary and sufficient features, this effort has failed. Art is a socially constructed, open concept that eludes formal definition. While art cannot be tightly defined, we can loosely define art by listing possible characteristics of works of art—recognizing that this list must remain an open one. We may not be able define art, but philosophers and psychologists together have revealed the difference between observing something with or without an aesthetic attitude. While any artifact may be used as a work of art, we respond differently to that artifact when we believe it is was created intentionally as a work of art rather than a non-art artifact. We adopt an aesthetic attitude, paying attention to the surface form and the expressive properties of the object. This conclusion is consistent with Kant’s idea of the aesthetic attitude being a form of disinterested contemplation.

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