century development
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2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Wenjuan Zhou

Abstract The last 50 years have witnessed ecolinguistics come into bloom as a mature domain. This paper aims to examine the half-century development of ecolinguistics by reviewing its backgrounds, definitions, strands, and approaches, and also briefly previewing its future horizons. The birth of ecolinguistics can be attributed to such ecological necessities as the ecological crisis as an essential root, and an ecological perspective for linguistics as a linguistic necessity, together with six ecolinguistic turns in this domain (Section 2). Since the emergence of ecolinguistics in the 1970s, various definitions for ecolinguistics as an evolving concept have come into being, involving the geographical, conceptual, disciplinary, methodological, and practical sides (Section 3). Figures who have contributed to the development of this domain can be divided into old strands like Haugenian and Hallidayan ecolinguistics, as well as new strands such as strong ecolinguistics and the latest radical embodied ecolinguistics (Section 4). Given the diverse definitions and strands, a set of approaches have taken shape, ranging from the Haugenian approach to ecological discourse analysis (Section 5). Due to major problems found in reviewing four parts of ecolinguistics, it is high time three shifts in perspective be put into effect in ecolinguistics that can promise its future horizons.

2021 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-217
Krystyna Milecka ◽  
Grzegorz Kowalewski ◽  
Agnieszka Lewandowska ◽  
Witold Szczuciński ◽  
Tomasz Goslar

Lobelia dortmanna L. (Lobeliaceae family) is an indicator species that is predominantly found in oligotrophic and acidic lakes. They are mainly distributed in northwestern Europe. Their occurrence in Poland is highly threatened by the increasing grade of human activity and environmental eutrophication; however, new sites of Lobelia were discovered in the last few decades, for example, in Lake Krzywce Wielkie situated in Bory Tucholskie National Park (BTNP), Poland. The existence of Lobelia in this lake was unexpected because Cladium mariscus was also found in the lake. Cladium has different ecological demands and is regarded as a species typical of calcareous habitats where calcium is found in abundance in the substrate. To explain the coexistence of both species in Krzywce Wielkie, pollen analysis of organic sediments was performed for four short cores collected from the littoral zone of the lake and for one long deep-water core. Additionally, macrofossil analysis was done for all the short cores. Pollen analysis revealed the existence of Cladium from the early Holocene period up to the present time. Pollen and seeds of Lobelia were found to be present since the beginning of the 20th century. Development of L. dortmanna and Myriophyllum alterniflorum populations and a decrease in the number of aquatic macrophytes in the eutrophic water indicate oligotrophication of water. This process started following the construction of drainage canal and the consequent water level decrease. This situation can be attributed to the abandonment of the agricultural areas adjoining the lake, which causes a decrease in the inflow of nutrients into the lake. Development of pine forest and establishment of BTNP enabled the protection and conservation of the surrounding catchment areas, thus restricting the potential eutrophication of the habitats.

Entropy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (12) ◽  
pp. 1594
Shuangshuang Fu ◽  
Shunlong Luo

As a direct consequence of the interplay between the superposition principle of quantum mechanics and the dynamics of open systems, decoherence is a recurring theme in both foundational and experimental exploration of the quantum realm. Decoherence is intimately related to information leakage of open systems and is usually formulated in the setup of “system + environment” as information acquisition of the environment (observer) from the system. As such, it has been mainly characterized via correlations (e.g., quantum mutual information, discord, and entanglement). Decoherence combined with redundant proliferation of the system information to multiple fragments of environment yields the scenario of quantum Darwinism, which is now a widely recognized framework for addressing the quantum-to-classical transition: the emergence of the apparent classical reality from the enigmatic quantum substrate. Despite the half-century development of the notion of decoherence, there are still many aspects awaiting investigations. In this work, we introduce two quantifiers of classicality via the Jordan product and uncertainty, respectively, and then employ them to quantify decoherence from an information-theoretic perspective. As a comparison, we also study the influence of the system on the environment.

2021 ◽  
pp. 27-36
Daniel-Joseph MacArthur-Seal

This sub-chapter provides a chronological overview of the nineteenth century development of Istanbul, Alexandria, and Thessaloniki. It summarizes how migration and demographic growth, infrastructural development, the establishment of municipal government, and development of urban planning contributed to the modern cities that British servicemen would encounter during the years under study, despite their insistence on characterising the region as ‘backward’. It then examines the expansion of British power in the eastern Mediterranean over the same period, highlighting how a series of political and economic developments had established a British presence in the region which would form a launchpad for the military campaigns beginning in 1914.

2021 ◽  
pp. 009614422110306
Brankica Milojević ◽  
Igor Kuvač

Integrated urban planning is based on the necessity of constantly adapting to complex social processes and applying methodology that supports multidisciplinarity, flexibility, and adaptability. In trying to achieve future visions and to meet trends of urbanization, inherited contextual values are often forgotten. Although the impression that everything was better before is based on nostalgia, the urban development history should still be analyzed. This article analyzes principles of integrated urban planning by reviewing twentieth-century development of Banja Luka. The objective is to recognize, to evaluate, and to adapt those principles to the contemporary context and to reconsider them in the future. The analysis shows the positive and negative values of the development, which reveals that the principles of integrated urban planning were present in each period. As their singularity and fragmentation without the systematic integration was not efficient enough, recommendations for improving integrated urban planning in the specific context are given.

Urban History ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Katalin Szende

Abstract This article revisits the origins of small towns in medieval Hungary from the perspective of their owners and seigneurs. The fourteenth-century development of small towns on the estates of private landowners resulted from the coincidence of several factors. Among these, the article considers the intersection of royal and private interests. The aristocrats’ concern to endow their estate centres with privileges or attract new settlers to their lands was dependent on royal approval; likewise, the right to hold annual fairs had to be granted by the kings, and one had to be a loyal retainer to be worthy of these grants. The royal model of supporting the mendicant orders, which were gaining ground in Hungary from the thirteenth century onwards, added a further dimension to the overlords’ development strategies. This shows that royal influence, directly or indirectly, had a major impact on the development of towns on private lands in the Angevin period (1301–87).

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-103
Kusuma Dewi ◽  
Sumarmi Sumarmi ◽  
Alfyananda Kurnia Putra

The demands and challenges of 21st century development occur in all areas, especially in the learning process and student competence. The achievement of 21st century learning objectives is implemented in the 2013 curriculum, one of which is through the development of Bahan Ajar Digital (BAD). Development of BAD uses STEM approaches and eco-spatial behavior in Population materials. It is expected to produce students who are able to innovate and compete in the digital age while maintaining environmental sustainability. The development research model uses the ADDIE procedure (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The data type consists of qualitative and quantitative. Data collection using interview techniques, questionnaires, and documentation with descriptive percentage analysis techniques. The product development trial was conducted in class XII IIS MA Al-Ittihad Poncokusumo. The feasibility test results obtained 87% of student responses, 95% of teacher responses, 90% of material validators, and 95% of media validators. Thus, BAD is very feasible to be used in the learning of Geography.

Yusrolana Nurilah ◽  
Muslihati Muslihati ◽  
Triyono Triyono

Abstract: The research was intended to produce a website content about career information for students of SMKN 2 Malang. This creative and innovative website content is student-centered. Today’s millennial generation also need to develop 4C’s skills in everyday life to prepare for education and employment in the 21st century. Development research adapted into the five steps of Borg and Gall (1983). Trials consist of an initial product trials and limited field trials. An initial product trials were conducted by BK material experts and media experts, while limited field trials were carried out by counselors. The instrument was validated using logical validity based on the aspects of accuracy, usefulness, convenience and attractiveness. Quantitative data were analyzed using an inter-rater agreement, while qualitative data were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman model input from experts and potential product users. The results of the assessment show that website content products have a very high acceptance so that they are suitable for use in BK services regarding 4C’s based career information for vocational students. It is hoped that the counselor can provide this information service to students by understanding the infographic as a guide to using the website and adjusting it to the activity procedures on the RPL-BK. For future researchers, it is hoped that they can test the effectiveness of the product in order to obtain more accurate results. In addition, it can also combine with new models or theories to make it more complete and interesting. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan konten website tentang informasi karier siswa SMKN 2 Malang. Konten website secara kreatif dan inovatif ini berpusat pada siswa. Generasi millenial zaman sekarang juga perlu mengembangkan keterampilan 4C’s pada kehidupan sehari-hari demi mempersiapkan pendidikan dan pekerjan di abad ke-21. Penelitian pengembangan mengadaptasi menjadi lima langkah Borg and Gall (1983). Uji coba terdiri dari uji coba produk awal dan uji lapangan terbatas. Uji coba produk awal oleh ahli materi BK dan ahli media, sedangkan uji lapangan terbatas dilakukan oleh konselor. Instrumen divalidasi dengan menggunakan validitas logika berdasarkan aspek ketepatan, kegunaan, kemudahan dan kemenarikan. Data kuantitatif dianalisis menggunakan inter-rater agreement, sedangkan data kualitatif dianalisis menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman dari masukan para ahli dan calon pengguna produk. Hasil penilaian menunjukkan bahwa produk konten website memiliki keberterimaan yang sangat tinggi sehingga layak digunakan pada layanan BK tentang informasi karier berbasis 4C’s bagi siswa SMK. Diharapkan kepada konselor dapat memberikan layanan informasi ini kepada siswa dengan memahami infografis sebagai petunjuk penggunaan website dan disesuaikan pada prosedur kegiatan dalam RPL-BK. Bagi peneliti selanjutnya, diharapkan dapat menguji keefektifan produk guna memperoleh hasil yang lebih akurat. Selain itu, dapat juga dengan mengkombinasikan dengan model atau teori baru agar lebih lengkap dan menarik.

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