fracture apertures
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Geosciences ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 511
Roger Hu ◽  
Stuart D. C. Walsh

The stability of open-pit brown-coal mines is affected by the manner in which water is transmitted or retained within their slopes. This in turn is a function of the in-situ fracture network at those mines. Fracture networks in real mines exhibit significant degrees of heterogeneity; encompassing a wide range of apertures, inter-fracture separations, and orientations. While each of these factors plays a role in determining fluid movement, over the scale of a mine it is often impractical to precisely measure, let alone simulate, the behaviour of each fracture. Accordingly, effective continuum models capable of representing the bulk effects of the fracture network are needed to understand the movement of fluid within these slopes. This article presents an analysis of the fracture distribution within the slopes of a brown coal mine and outlines a model to capture the effects on the bulk permeability. A stress-dependent effective-fracture-permeability model is introduced that captures the effects of the fracture apertures, spacing, and orientation. We discuss how this model captures the fracture heterogeneity and the effects of changing stress conditions on fluid flow. The fracture network data and the results from the effective permeability model demonstrate that in many cases slope permeability is dominated by highly permeable but low-probability fractures. These results highlight the need for models capable of capturing the effects of heterogeneity and uncertainty on the slope behaviour.

Solid Earth ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 1497-1513
Peter-Lasse Giertzuch ◽  
Joseph Doetsch ◽  
Alexis Shakas ◽  
Mohammadreza Jalali ◽  
Bernard Brixel ◽  

Abstract. Two borehole ground-penetrating radar (GPR) surveys were conducted during saline tracer injection experiments in fully saturated crystalline rock at the Grimsel Test Site in Switzerland. The saline tracer is characterized by an increased electrical conductivity in comparison to formation water. It was injected under steady-state flow conditions into the rock mass that features sub-millimeter fracture apertures. The GPR surveys were designed as time-lapse reflection GPR from separate boreholes and a time-lapse transmission survey between the two boreholes. The local increase in conductivity, introduced by the injected tracer, was captured by GPR in terms of reflectivity increase for the reflection surveys, and attenuation increase for the transmission survey. Data processing and difference imaging was used to extract the tracer signal in the reflection surveys, despite the presence of multiple static reflectors that could shadow the tracer reflection. The transmission survey was analyzed by a difference attenuation inversion scheme, targeting conductivity changes in the tomography plane. By combining the time-lapse difference reflection images, it was possible to reconstruct and visualize the tracer propagation in 3D. This was achieved by calculating the potential radially symmetric tracer reflection locations in each survey and determining their intersections, to delineate the possible tracer locations. Localization ambiguity imposed by the lack of a third borehole for a full triangulation was reduced by including the attenuation tomography results in the analysis. The resulting tracer flow reconstruction was found to be in good agreement with data from conductivity sensors in multiple observation locations in the experiment volume and gave a realistic visualization of the hydrological processes during the tracer experiments. Our methodology was demonstrated to be applicable for monitoring tracer flow and transport and characterizing flow paths related to geothermal reservoirs in crystalline rocks, but it can be transferred in a straightforward manner to other applications, such as radioactive repository monitoring or civil engineering projects.

2021 ◽  
Kishen Nanda Kumar ◽  
Luigi Moroni ◽  
Abhijart Kongto ◽  
Bao Tran Thanh ◽  
Nghia Nguyen Hoang ◽  

Abstract There are many challenges while drilling highly inclined and depleted formations offshore Vietnam that result in various wellbore stability issues such as severe losses, stuck pipe, cavings, tight-hole and pack-offs. These issues may be independent of mud type and can occur when drilling with both oil/synthetic-based and water-based muds. These depleted sections typically consist of sandstones interbedded with claystone & siltstones. Traditionally, the wellbore strengthening fluids solution applied to drill through these sections with synthetic and water-based mud in Vietnam faced limited success. Wellbore strengthening (WBS) is a proven and effective solution especially for narrow-drilling margin and depleted formations. The basic concept of WBS relies on the creation and simultaneous plugging of small fractures with appropriate WBS material. The resulting elevated stress around the wellbore strengthens the borehole by creating an increased hoop stress that leads to an increase in near wellbore stresses. Proprietary modelling software can be used to calculate the pressure induced fracture apertures for wellbore strengthening applications and determine the optimum particle size range to bridge these fractures, allowing fluids to be designed to minimise wellbore instability. This design process was used to optimize material additives to effectively bridge fractures, for wellbore strengthening, and pore throat openings in porous/permeable formations for the prevention of seepage losses and differential sticking. A review of the application procedure identified the optimum method to apply the wellbore strengthening material which would minimise product consumption and reduce well costs. After extensive modelling simulations and testing, this fluid design was applied to drill two challenging wells in Vietnam. This paper presents the process of modelling, based on formation geo-mechanics information, customization and laboratory testing of the fluids design coupled with a successful and economical method of application in the field. Application of this process enabled the operator to drill through the depleted challenging sections with a maximum overbalance pressure of 3,200 psi, conduct logging and coring runs and complete the well at a lower cost and with zero fluids related non-productive time compared to previous wells.

2021 ◽  
Peter-Lasse Giertzuch ◽  
Joseph Doetsch ◽  
Alexis Shakas ◽  
Mohammadreza Jalali ◽  
Bernard Brixel ◽  

Abstract. Two borehole ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys were conducted during saline tracer injection experiments in fully-saturated crystalline rock at the Grimsel Test Site in Switzerland. The saline tracer is characterized by an increased electrical conductivity in comparison to formation water. It was injected under steady state flow conditions into the rock mass that features sub-mm fracture apertures. The GPR surveys were designed as time-lapse reflection GPR from separate boreholes and a time-lapse transmission survey between the two boreholes. The local increase in conductivity, introduced by the injected tracer, was captured by GPR in terms of reflectivity increase for the reflection surveys, and attenuation increase for the transmission survey. Data processing and difference imaging was used to extract the tracer signal in the reflection surveys, despite the presence of multiple static reflectors that could shadow the tracer reflection. The transmission survey was analyzed by a difference attenuation inversion scheme, targeting conductivity changes in the tomography plane. By combining the time-lapse difference reflection images, it was possible to reconstruct and visualize the tracer propagation in 3D. This was achieved by calculating the potential radially-symmetric tracer reflection locations in each survey and determining their intersections, to delineate the possible tracer locations. Localization ambiguity imposed by the lack of a third borehole for a full triangulation was reduced by including the attenuation tomography results into the analysis. The resulting tracer flow reconstruction was found to be in good agreement with data from conductivity sensors in multiple observation locations in the experiment volume and gave a realistic visualization of the hydrological processes during the tracer experiments. Our methodology proved to be successful for characterizing flow paths related with geothermal reservoirs in crystalline rocks, but it can be transferred in a straightforward manner to other applications, such as radioactive repository monitoring or civil engineering projects.

Energies ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Bowen Ling ◽  
Hasan J. Khan ◽  
Jennifer L. Druhan ◽  
Ilenia Battiato

We develop a microfluidic experimental platform to study solute transport in multi-scale fracture networks with a disparity of spatial scales ranging between two and five orders of magnitude. Using the experimental scaling relationship observed in Marcellus shales between fracture aperture and frequency, the microfluidic design of the fracture network spans all length scales from the micron (1 μ) to the dm (10 dm). This intentional `tyranny of scales’ in the design, a determining feature of shale fabric, introduces unique complexities during microchip fabrication, microfluidic flow-through experiments, imaging, data acquisition and interpretation. Here, we establish best practices to achieve a reliable experimental protocol, critical for reproducible studies involving multi-scale physical micromodels spanning from the Darcy- to the pore-scale (dm to μm). With this protocol, two fracture networks are created: a macrofracture network with fracture apertures between 5 and 500 μm and a microfracture network with fracture apertures between 1 and 500 μm. The latter includes the addition of 1 μm ‘microfractures’, at a bearing of 55°, to the backbone of the former. Comparative analysis of the breakthrough curves measured at corresponding locations along primary, secondary and tertiary fractures in both models allows one to assess the scale and the conditions at which microfractures may impact passive transport.

Solid Earth ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 2411-2423
Chaojie Cheng ◽  
Sina Hale ◽  
Harald Milsch ◽  
Philipp Blum

Abstract. Hydraulic fracture apertures predominantly control fluid transport in fractured rock masses. Hence, the objective of the current study is to investigate and compare three different laboratory-scale methods to determine hydraulic apertures in fractured (Fontainebleau and Flechtinger) sandstone samples with negligible matrix permeability. Direct measurements were performed by using a flow-through apparatus and a transient-airflow permeameter. In addition, a microscope camera permitted measuring the mechanical fracture apertures from which the corresponding hydraulic apertures were indirectly derived by applying various empirical correlations. Single fractures in the sample cores were generated artificially either by axial splitting or by a saw cut resulting in hydraulic apertures that ranged between 8 and 66 µm. Hydraulic apertures, accurately determined by the flow-through apparatus, are used to compare results obtained by the other methods. The transient-airflow permeameter delivers accurate values, particularly when repeated measurements along the full fracture width are performed. In this case, the derived mean hydraulic fracture apertures are in excellent quantitative agreement. When hydraulic apertures are calculated indirectly from optically determined mechanical apertures using empirical equations, they show larger variations that are difficult to compare with the flow-through-derived results. Variations in hydraulic apertures as observed between methods are almost certainly related to differences in sampled fracture volume. Overall, using direct flow-through measurements as a reference, this study demonstrates the applicability of portable methods to determine hydraulic fracture apertures at both the laboratory and outcrop scales.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-37
Patrick Dobson ◽  
Timothy Kneafsey ◽  
Seiji Nakagawa ◽  
Eric Sonnenthal ◽  
Marco Voltolini ◽  

Abstract Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) offer the potential for a much larger energy source than conventional hydrothermal systems. Hot, low-permeability rocks are prevalent at depth around the world, but the challenge of extracting thermal energy depends on the ability to create and sustain open fracture networks. Laboratory experiments were conducted using a suite of selected rock cores (granite, metasediment, rhyolite ash-flow tuff, and silicified rhyolitic tuff) at relevant pressures (uniaxial loading up to 20.7 MPa and fluid pressures up to 10.3 MPa) and temperatures (150-250°C) to evaluate the potential impacts of circulating fluids through fractured rock by monitoring changes in fracture aperture, mineralogy, permeability, and fluid chemistry. Because a fluid in disequilibrium with the rocks (deionized water) was used for these experiments, there was net dissolution of the rock sample: this increased with increasing temperature and experiment duration. Thermal-hydrological-mechanical-chemical (THMC) modeling simulations were performed for the rhyolite ash-flow tuff experiment to test the ability to predict the observed changes. These simulations were performed in two steps: a THM simulation to evaluate the effects of compression of the fracture, and a THC simulation to evaluate the effects of hydrothermal reactions on the fracture mineralogy, porosity, and permeability. These experiments and simulations point out how differences in rock mineralogy, fluid chemistry, and geomechanical properties influence how long asperity-propped fracture apertures may be sustained. Such core-scale experiments and simulations can be used to predict EGS reservoir behavior on the field scale.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Jianfeng Yang ◽  
Haojie Lian ◽  
Li Li

Abstract The present work conducted laboratory experiments of fracturing in fat coals, anthracites, and mudstones. Three different fluids were selected as the fracturing fluids, including water, liquid CO2 (L-CO2), and supercritical CO2 (Sc-CO2). The resulting fracture morphologies and fracture apertures of the coal specimens were investigated using 3D morphological scanning, and the permeabilities of the samples were measured before and after fracturing. The experimental results showed that the breakdown pressures of Sc-CO2 fracturing were the lowest among the three fracturing fluids, and the average single fracture apertures of the ScCO2-induced cracks were the smallest amongst the three fracturing fluids. In addition, the number of cracks and the roughness coefficients induced by Sc-CO2 fracturing were larger than those caused by water and liquid CO2. The viscosity of the fracturing fluid and the capillary effect are key factors that affect the crack propagation path and fracture surface topography. The results suggest that Sc-CO2 has the largest diffusion length, and thus is capable of permeating the coal matrix through small pores and causing more extensive fractures. Additionally, the effective hydraulic apertures of coal specimens produced by Sc-CO2 fracturing were wider than those induced by water and liquid CO2. The experimental results indicate that Sc-CO2 fracturing has huge potential to enhance coalbed methane recovery.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte ◽  
William Braverman ◽  
Nicholas J. Nolte ◽  
Alan J. Wright ◽  
David D. Nolte

Abstract The modern energy economy and environmental infrastructure rely on the flow of fluids through fractures in rock. Yet this flow cannot be imaged directly because rocks are opaque to most probes. Here we apply chattering dust, or chemically reactive grains of sucrose containing pockets of pressurized carbon dioxide, to study rock fractures. As a dust grain dissolves, the pockets burst and emit acoustic signals that are detected by distributed sets of external ultrasonic sensors that track the dust movement through fracture systems. The dust particles travel through locally varying fracture apertures with varying speeds and provide information about internal fracture geometry, flow paths and bottlenecks. Chattering dust particles have an advantage over chemical sensors because they do not need to be collected, and over passive tracers because the chattering dust delineates the transport path. The current laboratory work has potential to scale up to near-borehole applications in the field.

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