biomedical system
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2022 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Ebrahim Balali ◽  
Sara Sandi ◽  
Masoome Sheikhi ◽  
Siyamak Shahab ◽  
Sadegh Kaviani

The adsorption of the Zejula drug on the surface of B12N12 nanocluster has studied using DFT and TD-DFT. The quantum calculations have performed at the M062X/6–311 + + G(d,p) level of theory in the solvent water. The adsorption of the Zejula from N13 atom on the B12N12 leads to the higher electrical conductivity due to the low Eg rather. The change of DM also displays a charge transfer between Zejula and nanocluster. The UV absorption and IR spectra were calculated. The adsorption of Zejula drug over B12N12 nanocluster in the complexes Zejula/B12N12 can be considered as a bathochromic shift. According to QTAIM analysis, -G(r)/V(r) values for B-O and B-N bonds confirming the electrostatic and partial covalent character. The values of LOL and ELF confirm that the interactions are dominated by electrostatic interaction contributions. The calculated data reveal the B12N12 nanocluster can be appropriate as a biomedical system for the delivery of Zejula drug.

Pharmaceutics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 2054
Jeyson Hermosilla ◽  
Edgar Pastene-Navarrete ◽  
Francisca Acevedo

Burns are a major threat to public health and the economy due to their costly and laborious treatment and high susceptibility to infection. Efforts have been made recently to investigate natural bioactive compounds with potential use in wound healing. The importance lies in the capacities that these compounds could possess both in infection control by common and resistant microorganisms, as well as in the regeneration of the affected tissues, having in both cases low adverse effects. However, some bioactive molecules are chemically unstable, poorly soluble, and susceptible to oxidative degradation or have low bioavailability. Therefore, developing new technologies for an efficient treatment of wound healing poses a real challenge. In this context, electrospun nanofibers have gained increasing research interest because bioactive molecules can be easily loaded within the nanofiber, resulting in optimal burst control and enhanced drug stability. Additionally, the nanofibers can mimic the extracellular collagen matrix, providing a suitable highly porous structural support for growing cells that facilitate and accelerate skin burns healing. This review gives an overview of the current state of electrospun fibers loaded with natural bioactive compounds as a biomedical system for skin burn treatment.

Zeena Sh Saleh ◽  
Auns Qusai Al-Neami ◽  
Haider Khaleel Raad

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Sally Graham ◽  
Robbie Davis-Floyd

Certainly there can be no argument against every woman being attended at birth by a skilled birth attendant. Currently, as elsewhere, the Ugandan government favors a biomedical model of care to achieve this aim, even though the logistical realities in certain regions mitigate against its realisation. This article addresses the Indigenous midwives of the Karamojong tribe in Northeastern Uganda and their biosocial model of birth, and describes the need British midwife Sally Graham, who lived and worked with the Karamojong for many years, identified to facilitate “mutual accommodation” between biomedical staff and these midwives, who previously were reluctant to refer women to the hospital that serves their catchment area due to maltreatment by the biomedical practitioners there. This polarisation of service does not meet that society’s needs. We do not argue for the provision of a unilateral, top-down educational service, but rather for one that collaborates between the biosocial model of the Karamojong and the biomedical model supported by government legislation. We show that such a partnership is practical, safer, and harnesses the best and most economical and effective use of resources. In this article, we demonstrate the roles of the Indigenous midwives/traditional birth attendants (TBAs) and show that not only is marriage of the two systems both possible and desirable, but is also essential for meeting the needs of Karamojong women. The TBA is frequently all the skilled assistance available to these women, particularly during the rainy season when roads are impassable in rural South Karamoja. Without this skilled help, the incidence of maternal and infant mortality would undoubtedly increase. Ongoing training and supervision of the TBA/Indigenous midwife in best practices will ensure better care. We offer a way forward via the Partnership Paradigm (PP) that lead author Sally Graham designed in conjunction with the Indigenous midwives and biomedical staff with whom she worked, the development and characteristics of which this article describes.

Manouere Sodetou

The management of obstetric health is a delicate issue in Cameroon where the use of obstetric care takes into consideration several parameters such as socio-cultural, economic, and medical ethical constraints. As a result, populations are divided between the biomedical obstetric care system and the traditional one. This implies a diversification of therapeutic routes. As a result of advances in biomedicine and obstetrics, the biomedical system has taken over the monopoly of expertise in this field. However, through traditional methods, means, and elements of nature, people in developing countries are investing in the quest for health. The field of obstetrics is no exception to this approach whereby Africans, especially the Bamoun, seek solutions to their health problems. However, this approach is, according to the biomedical obstetric system, its prerogative, because it is the only one to hold the secrets and cogs of a sensitive and complex practice. Faced with two «incompatible» medical cultures that still covet the same object that is obstetric health, can we not think of a possible complementarity between these two systems of care? Through a study on the use of modern and/or traditional oxytocics during the gestational period in Bamoun women from West Cameroon, this work aims to analyse the reasons for the «supposed» incompatibility between these two care systems and highlight the failures or limitations and benefits of oxytocics on a case-by-case basis in these care systems. This article is also interested in exploring the possibility of complementarity between these two care systems in terms of gestational period management from modern and traditional oxytocics. For this reason, individual interviews have been used to collect data in certain rural and urban areas of the Bamoun region to enable the objectives to be achieved.

2021 ◽  
Vol 102 ◽  
pp. 04019
Okada Yuuki ◽  
Jiangkun Wang ◽  
Ogbodo Mark Ikechukwu ◽  
Abderazek Ben Abdallah

COVID-19 is currently on the rage all over the world and has become a pandemic. To efficiently handle it, accurate diagnosis and prompt reporting are essential. The AI-Enabled Real-time Biomedical System (AIRBiS) research project aims to develop a system that handles diagnosis using chest X-ray images. The project is divided into UI, network, software and hardware. This work focuses on the hardware, which uses CNN technology to create a model that determines the presence of pneumonia. This CNN model is designed on an FPGA to speed up diagnostic results. The FPGA increases the flexibility of circuit design, allowing us to optimize the computational processing during data transfer and CNN implementation, reducing the diagnostic measurement time for a single image.

2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (1) ◽  
Antonio Jorge Silva Correa Júnior ◽  
Helena Megumi Sonobe ◽  
André Aparecido da Silva Teles ◽  
Wagner Felipe dos Santos Neves ◽  
Mary Elizabeth de Santana

ABSTRACT Objectives: to interpret the socio-cultural, religious, and spiritual aspects of the experience of people who have colorectal cancer and were submitted to surgical treatment with ostomy. Methods: ethnographic study under the perspective of the Sociology of Health, in the comprehensive aspect, in a surgical unit of an oncologic hospital of the state of Pará, Brazil. Eighteen deponents participated, eleven patients, and seven caregivers, between December 2018 and March 2019. Data were obtained with non-participant observation, field diary records, and semi-structured interviews with subsequent inductive content analysis. Results: religious attachment and socio-cultural aspects of the illness were interpreted, emphasizing the social fact of the Immediate Dream, emotional shock, modern totemism, toxic food as taboo, and medicalization in the sphere of common sense and biomedical system. Final Considerations: microsocial and macrosocial factors of the participants’ experiences contribute to the qualification of oncologic assistance in the public system, assuming the need for specialized interprofessional assistance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 102 ◽  
pp. 04017
Sinchhean Phea ◽  
Zhishang Wang ◽  
Jiangkun Wang ◽  
Abderazek Ben Abdallah

Recent years have witnessed a rapid growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in biomedical fields. However, an accurate and secure system for pneumonia detection and diagnosis is urgently needed. We present the optimization and implementation of a collaborative learning algorithm for an AI-Enabled Real-time Biomedical System (AIRBiS), where a convolution neural network is deployed for pneumonia (i.e., COVID-19) image classification. With augmentation optimization, the federated learning (FL) approach achieves a high accuracy of 95.66%, which outperforms the conventional learning approach with an accuracy of 94.08%. Using multiple edge devices also reduces overall training time.

A. Palumbo ◽  
B. Calabrese ◽  
N. Ielpo ◽  
A. Demeco ◽  
A. Ammendolia ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol p4 (06) ◽  
pp. 2494-2497
Meenakshi Shukla ◽  
Bipin Kumar Mishra

India is known for its traditional medicinal systems—Ayurveda, Siddha, and Unani. Medical systems are mentioned even in the ancient Vedas and other scriptures. The Ayurvedic concept appeared and developed between 2500 and 500 BC in India. The literal meaning of Ayurveda is “science of life,” because ancient Indian system of health care focused on views of man and his illness. It has been pointed out that the posi-tive health means metabolically well-balanced human beings. Ayurveda is also called the “science of lon-gevity” because it offers a holistic approach to live healthy and long life. It offers programs to rejuvenate the body through diet and nutrition. It offers treatment methods to cure many common diseases along with newer form of viral pandemics. Despite of worldwide efforts, trials of many drugs and in path of inventing vaccine. The COVID-19 requires an urgent harnessing of all knowledge/system of medicine which can bring proven prophylaxis & therapeutic strategy. Ayurveda can serve the humanity, but it requires a prag-matic plan for intervention in this time of crisis along with immediate implementation. It is pertinent to reit-erate that participation of Ayurveda in addressing COVID-19 challenge should be seen as extension of health care services and support to biomedical system.

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