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2021 ◽  
Vol 67 (5) ◽  
Silvia Bonardi ◽  
Cesare Tansini ◽  
Antonio Cacchioli ◽  
Laura Soliani ◽  
Luca Poli ◽  

AbstractDuring 2020, a total of 64 wild boar carcasses were tested for Enterobacteriaceae count (EBC), Salmonella and Yersinia enterocolitica in the abdominal region (i) within 5 h after hunting in the game collection point and (ii) before dressing and processing in the game-handling establishment (GHE) (49 carcasses—average time interval between (i) and (ii): 4.3 days). Because of COVID-19 restrictions, 15 carcasses were transported to a near slaughterhouse (average time interval between (i) and (ii): 2.3 days). Mesenteric lymph nodes (MLNs) were collected and tested for Salmonella and Y. enterocolitica. Results are shown in relation to sampling A (49 carcasses—GHE) and sampling B (15 carcasses—slaughterhouse). Sampling A: EBC median values were (i) 2.51 log10 CFU/cm2 and (ii) 2.79 log10 CFU/cm2. EBC increase between (i) and (ii) was statistically significant (p = 0.001). Salmonella prevalence on carcasses varied from (i) 2.0 to (ii) 6.1%. Sampling B: EBC median values were (i) 3.1 log10 CFU/cm2 and (ii) 3.32 log10 CFU/cm2. EBC increase between (i) and (ii) was not statistically significant (p = 0.191). Salmonella prevalence on carcasses varied from (i) 6.7 to (ii) 0.0%. The prevalence (sampling A + B) of lymphatic Salmonella carriers was 7.8% (5/64). From carcasses and/or MNLs, the serovars Enteritidis, Typhimurium, Agama, Zaiman and Diarizonae O:50 (z) were detected. Y. enterocolitica was never isolated. Long chilling periods prior to wild game processing should be avoided, and carcasses should be tested at GHE rather than after shooting to proper reflect the microbial load of wild boar meat entering the food chain.

2021 ◽  
Miguel Blacutt ◽  
Alberto J Filgueiras ◽  
Matthew A Stults-Kolehmainen

Objective: The aim of this study was to measure the prevalence and incidence of stress, depression, and anxiety symptoms in Brazilians during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: We assessed 103 (54 women, 49 men) participants online in three periods of the epidemic curve: time 1 (T1; first cases of community transmission; March 20 to 25, 2020), time 2 (T2; acceleration; April 15 to 20, 2020) and time 3 (T3; continued acceleration; June 25 to 30, 2020). The criteria adopted for calculating prevalence and incidence was identifying participants with scores two standard deviations above the mean compared to normative data. Stress was measured using the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10), depression was measured using the Filgueiras Depression Index (FDI), and anxiety was measured using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory - State Subscale (STAI-S). Results: Initially, 89% of individuals were free of severe stress, anxiety, and depression, which dropped to 35% by T3. Prevalence of stress increased from 1.9% (95% CI [0.5, 6.8]) at T1 to 7.8% (95% CI [4.0, 14.6]) at T2, and 28.2% (95% CI [20.4, 37.5]) at T3. Depression prevalence increased from 0% (95% CI [0, 3.6]) at T1 to 23.3% (95% CI [16.2, 32.3]) at T2 and 25.2% (95% CI [17.8, 34.4]) at T3. The prevalence of severe anxiety-state symptoms increased from 10.7% (95% CI [6.1, 18.1]) at T1 to 11.7% (95% CI [6.8, 19.3]) at T2 and 45.6% (95% CI [36.3, 55.2]) at T3. Stress incidence increased by 7.8% (95% CI = [4, 14.6]) from time 1 to time 2, 23.3% (95% CI [16.2, 32.3]) from time 2 to time 3, and 26.2% (95% CI [18.7, 35.5]) from time 1 to time 3. Depression incidence increased by 23.3% (95% CI [16.2, 32.3]) from T1 to T2, 15.5 (95% CI [9.8, 23.8]) T2 to T3, and 25.2% (95% CI [17.8, 34.4]) from T1 to T3. Anxiety incidence increased by 9.7% (95% CI [5.4, 17]) from T1 to T2, 39.8% (95%CI [30.9, 49.5]) from T2 to T3, and 35.9% (95% CI [27.3, 45.5]) from T1 to T3. The severity of stress significantly increased from 16.1±8.7 at T1 to 23.5±8.4 at T2, and 30.3±6.0 at T3. Depression severity significantly increased from 48.5±20.5 at T1 to 64.7±30.2 at T2, and 75.9±26.1 at T3. Anxiety increased from 49.0±13.4 at T1 to 53.5±12.5 at T2 and 62.3±13.4 at T3. Females and individuals without comorbidities that increased COVID-19 lethality had higher anxiety scores than males and individuals with comorbidities. Age was inversely associated with mental health outcomes at baseline. Conclusion: The prevalence and severity of stress, depression, and anxiety significantly increased throughout the course of the pandemic. Anxiety seems to be sensitive to gender and risk status, where females and individuals without pre-existing comorbidities had higher anxiety by the final collection point. Depression and stress increased throughout time but were not different between genders or risk status.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 952-960
A. Sivert ◽  
S. Carriere ◽  
F. Betin ◽  
Ph. Dondon

In France, the annual average purchases per person is 19 primary household batteries and 2 rechargeable batteries. Despite the obligation for each battery seller to have a collection point, only 50% of these domestic accumulators are recycled in France. Among the numerous reasons that users do not use home rechargeable NiMH batteries to their discharge limits, this article will mainly discuss the lack of easy-to-use and inexpensive function testing. An "open source" tester-loader with many possibilities is proposed. In particular, a test by the linear regression method making it possible to reduce the test duration of NiMH batteries from 6 hours to 1.5 hours to check the energy capacity of each accumulator is presented. Since 2019, lithium-ion batteries in domestic cases have been marketed with few characteristics provided by manufacturers on their obsolescence and their capacities. In this article we present performance tests carried out to verify the energy capacity as a function of the output current.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 435-449
Camila F. Moser ◽  
Renata K. Farina ◽  
Márcio Borges-Martins ◽  
Iberê F. Machado ◽  
Patrick Colombo ◽  

The Sinos River encompasses a wide area of natural habitats and, at the same time, supports one of the highest population densities of southern Brazil. Consequently, natural habitats along the Basin present a high degree of habitat disturbance. Despite of the existence of threatened species, information about diversity of amphibians in that area is scarce. Thus, we aimed to catalogue the amphibian species of the Sinos River Basin from records in scientific collections and compilation of published articles. We recorded 52 species, all with geographic coordinates validated at the collection point, indicating that the Sinos River Basin harbours about 50% of the amphibian species of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Three anuran species were classified as having some degree of threat: Melanophryniscus cambaraensis, Melanophryniscus dorsalis and Thoropa saxatilis. We also expected other 18 species with a high probability of occurrence in the Basin. This work shows that, despite the intense human impact, the Sinos River Basin has a relevant role for the maintenance of a considerable fraction of the amphibian biodiversity in southern Brazil.

Elisabeth Johann

Abstract Over thousands of years, man could achieve movement only through muscle power, running water, or with the help of gravity. Transportation was achieved using moving human, animal, or mechanical power. The massive weight of wood and the extensive distances between forest and consumer raised immense problems and were a challenge to the people involved in wood transportation. To facilitate this dangerous and hard labor, wood workers developed various permanent or temporary constructions, which were adapted to their respective local conditions. Over time these have been transformed according to developing technical standards, but they did not change remarkably until the introduction of steam and fossil fuels in the second half of the 19th century. Especially in mountainous regions, forestry was and is dependent on a particularly skilled transportation system. This study examines what locally-adapted technologies were used throughout history to meet the large demand for wood from industry, trade, and the general population, and the kind of organization and planning that was applied. This work focuses on skidding wood out of the forest over short distances, either directly to consumers or to a collection point, from which the transport of large quantities of wood over longer distances started.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 12-26
A. Yu. Talavirya ◽  
M. B. Laskin

The purpose of the article is to assess the risks of a toll road operator arising in the event of traffic congestion at toll collection points. In the Russian Federation, in infrastructure projects, including toll road projects, the organizational and legal form of public-private partnership is often used. State authorities have the right to control the quality of the road management by the operator; the state can charge penalty points for low operational efficiency, leading to traffic congestion. The return on investment in infrastructure projects is of a long-term nature, therefore, the task of assessing the risks of possible losses by the toll road operator is quite relevant.Materials and methods. The main research tool is simulation modeling in the AnyLogic software environment, the analysis of the data obtained as a result of simulation was carried out in the environment of the statistical package R. The choice of tools is determined by a large number of subjective (sometimes technical) factors that significantly affect the road capacity at toll collection points, but do not lend themselves to strict formalization. Such factors include refusals to read electronic tolls, drivers changing lanes in the toll collection points, lack of money at the time of travel through the automatic toll lane, and others. All such factors are modeled in the AnyLogic environment as random variables with a rich choice of distribution functions and their parameters.Results. A simulation model of a toll collection point at an exit from a toll road has been created to analyze the throughput of a toll booth with various configurations of toll lanes, various levels of user behavior errors and the provision of drivers with electronic means of travel registration. Using the example of a toll collection point for the “Western High-Speed Diameter” motorway, the parameters of traffic congestion that occur when the number of operating toll lanes on the toll collection point decreases are estimated. In the event of congestion, for each configuration, estimates of the number of vehicles in the congestion, the length of the congestion, the waiting time in the queue at the entrance to the toll collection point at different times of the day, and the time of congestion are determined.Conclusion. Based on the results obtained, an assessment of the risks of non-compliance by the road operator with the standard for ensuring throughput can be carried out. To assess the risks of a toll road as a whole, it is advisable to use an individual simulation model for each toll collection point, taking into account the peculiarities of its geographical location, the composition of traffic at the facility, the regularity of user correspondence, as well as the impact of the surrounding transport, logistics and social infrastructure. In pronounced industrial and logistics areas of the city, in the border zones between the city and the region, an additional assessment of traffic intensity may be required to analyze the throughput of toll collection points, taking into account the daily, weekly and seasonal unevenness of the traffic flow.

Jurnal Teknik ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-41
Harun Musa ◽  

Garbage collection locations scattered at various points often make it difficult for citizens to find the nearest garbage collection location. Therefore, it is necessary to provide media that could help the public in finding the nearest garbage collection location. This study aims to design a geographic information system of garbage collection locations in the Pohuwato Regency area. This system will utilize tools that could be accessed for free, namely Google Maps so that the locals readily access the information needed. The method used in this research was a descriptive method. The results showed that people in Pohuwato Regency could find garbage collection locations in each sub-district which was detected through the geographic information system and thus made it easier for people to find the nearest garbage collection point.

Martina Kuncova ◽  
Katerina Svitkova ◽  
Alena Vackova ◽  
Milena Vankova

The year 2020 was very challenging for everyone due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many people turn their lives upside down from day to day. Politicians had to impose completely unprecedented measures, and doctors immediately had to adapt to the huge influx of patients and the massive demand for testing. Of course, not all processes could be planned completely efficiently, given that the situation literally changes from minute to minute, but sometimes better planning could improve the real processes. This contribution deals with the application of simulation software SIMUL8 to the analysis of the COVID-19 sample collection process in a drive-in point in a hospital. The main aim is to create a model based on the real data and then to find out the suitable number of other staff (medics) helping a doctor during the process to decrease the number of unattended patients and their waiting times.

V. Smolyar ◽  
K. Postelga ◽  
O. Kovtun ◽  

The purpose of the research – to conduct experimental testing aimed at evaluating of the automatic mobil milk receiving unit of domestic production. Research methods. During the testing of the automatic mobil milk receiving unit of domestic production the quality of the technological process was determined using the methods given in DSTU 7435: 2013 and DSTU 3662: 2018, operational-technological and economic evaluation was carried out according to DSTU 8424: 2015 and DSTU 4397: 2005, safety and ergonomics were determined according to DSTU EN ISO 12100: 2014. Research results. According to the results of experimental testing, it was found that the automatic mobil milk collection unit АППМ-1 at the appropriate level measures the amount of delivered milk with an error of 0,9 %, which meets the requirements of the TU (up to 3,0 %). The water temperature for washing equipment is 58 °C, which meets the requirements of TU (50-60 °C). The system of washing of surfaces of the automatic point which are in contact with milk provides high-quality washing of the equipment, existence of an intestinal stick (coli-titer) makes > 1,0 that meets requirements of TU (not less than 1,0). The period of acceptance, transportation and delivery of milk to the processing plant for one working cycle of procurement is 3,3 hours, which meets the requirements of the TU (not more than 4 hours). Productivity of the automatic point of reception of АППМ-1 milk during performance of technological process on reception, registration and transportation of milk in a radius of 30 km makes 363 l / h, for a radius of transportation in 50 km - 330 l / h, 100 km - 280 l / h, that meets the requirements of TU (275-360 l / h). Specific fuel consumption (liquefied gas) is 7,4 liters per ton of milk collected. Conclusions. The first experimental testing of the domestic automatic milk collection point APPM-1 showed that the equipment satisfactorily performs the specified technological process of acceptance, registration, short-term storage of milk obtained in private farms and transporting it to processing enterprises, according to the quality of the process meets the requirements of technical conditions. The automatic milk collection point АППМ-1 is characterized by a high technical level and can be used in Ukraine.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-3
Katarzyna Person

This chapter describes lawyers, engineers, young yeshiva graduates, and sons of businessmen with connections that came from Warsaw and its suburbs, such as Łódz. It recounts the autumn of 1940 when these men reported by the hundreds to a collection point in the Jewish Council building in order to get a job as ghetto policemen. It also cites one of the inhabitants of the Warsaw Ghetto that recalled how it was considered a success to get into the police since there was not much work to do and food rations were given. The chapter mentions a German propaganda film from the spring of 1942, which shows the ghetto policemen differing very little from German soldiers. It looks deeper into the history of the Jewish Order Service, wherein Jewish policemen are portrayed as dutiful German soldiers, German officials, and traitors to their own people.

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