test for normality
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2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 250-254
Maftuhatur Rizkiyah Putri ◽  
Almira Disya Salsabil ◽  
I Made Agus Dwipayana ◽  
Widati Fatmaningrum

Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has harmed various fields, and people's activities cannot run as usual. Prevention of the transmission of COVID-19 is very important to be applied in everyday life. Washing hands with soap or hand sanitizer is easy and inexpensive prevention to do, but there are still many people who are wrong in practicing it. This needs to be done more counseling and education to the community in order to increase public knowledge about handwashing and hand sanitizer. Method: This research is an analytic study with a research design using a one-group pretest-posttest design. Using 31 respondents from Taro villagers who attended the counseling. Data analysis using Paired Sample T-test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test for Normality Test. Result: The average value of knowledge before counseling is 53.8710 while the value after counseling is 82.9677. Paired Sample T-test and obtained a significance value of 0.000 so that a significant difference was found (<0.005) between the values before and after counseling. Conclusion: There is a significant difference in the level of knowledge before and after handwashing and hand sanitizer counseling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (17) ◽  
pp. e74101724284
Gabriela Cortellini Ferreira Ramos ◽  
Sérgio Diniz Garcia ◽  
Matheus Janeck Araújo ◽  
Márcia Marinho

The use of sensory, physical, cognitive, and alimentary stimuli are varieties of environmental enrichment used to minimize stress caused by the monotonous captive environment. The objective of this study was to verify the impact of environmental enrichment in escape-related behavioral stereotypies. Thirty birds of the species Psittacara leucophthalmus were observed from March to September 2016, received at the Wild Animal Recovery and Screening Center of the São Paulo State University (UNESP), School of the Veterinary Medicine campus Araçatuba. The methodology used for the behavioral observations was the focal animal with observation through filming were made by 18 hours per bird for three consecutive days, while physical, cognitive, food, and sensory enrichment methods were applied, and the assessment was carried out before, during, and after the application of environmental enrichment. The data were analyzed by the Shapiro-Wilk test for normality and by the Friedman test, which showed no significant difference (p >0.05) before, during, and after environmental enrichment. Despite the statistical analyses, the perception of the bird’s welfare improving was visually clear.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 397
Kania Siti Sarah ◽  
Ratih Hurriyati ◽  
Heny Hendrayati

<div><div><p class="1eAbstract-text"><em>This study aims to analyze the effect of social media marketing through instagram on purchasing decisions on clothing linkswear products. </em><em>The result of the study found that all research, namely social media marketing through instagram and purchase decision, were declared valid and reliable. To test for normality that the value of all variables is declared to be normally distributes.</em> <em>The research method used is a quantitative method with explanatory research techniques using a questionnaire. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling method. The sample used is 100 consumers of clothing linkswear products. The data collected was then analyzed using a simple regression technique with SPSS version 25. The results showed that social media marketing through instagram had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. This finding implies that to improve online purchasing decisions, companies need to pay more attention to instagram account quality indicators so that consumers can be more interested in seeing instagram social media accounts which ultimately increase good sales for the company.</em><em></em></p></div><p class="1eAbstract-text"><em><br /></em><em></em></p></div>

IJAcc ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 134-145
Rizka Rizka ◽  
Ethika Ethika ◽  
Resti Yulistia M

This study aims to determine the effect of accounting knowledge and entrepreneurial personality on managerial performance in manufacturing companies located in the province of West Sumatra. List of manufacturing companies was obtained from Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Padang. Data was collected by survey method. Data obtained using a questionnaire distributed to managers. For the selection of samples was done by purposive sampling method. Analysis using testing through test the validity and reliability of the data, the classical assumption test (test for normality, multicollinearity), multiple linear regression hypothesis test. The study concluded the effect of accounting knowledge and entrepreneurial personality simultaneously influence on managerial performance, but partially entrepreneurial personality has no effect on managerial performance.

Equilibrium ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 429-455
Piotr Sulewski

Research background: Commonly known and used parametric tests e.g. Student, Behrens? Fisher, Snedecor, Bartlett, Cochran, Hartley tests are applicable when there is an evidence that samples come from the Normal general population. What makes things worse is that testers are not fully aware in what degree of abnormality distorts results of parametric tests listed above and suchlike. So, it is no exaggeration to say that testing for normality (goodness-of-fit testing, GoFT) is a gate to proper parametric statistical reasoning. It seems that the gate opens too easily. In other words, most popular goodness-of-fit tests are weaker than statisticians want them to be. Purpose of the article: The main purpose of this paper is to put forward the GoFT that is, in particular circumstances, more powerful than GoFTs used until now. The other goals are to define a similarity measure between an alternative distribution and the normal one and to calculate the power of normality tests for a big set of alternatives. And, of course, to interest statisticians in using the GoFTs in their practice. Method: There are two ways to make GoFT more powerful: extensive and intensive one. The extensive method consists in drawing large samples. The intensive method consists in extracting more information from mall samples. In order to make the test method intensive, the test statistics, as distinct from all existing GoFTs, has two components. The first component (denoted by ?) is a classic Kolmogorov / Lilliefors test statistics i.e. the greatest absolute difference between theoretical and empirical cumulative distribution functions. The second component is the order statistics (r) at which the ?_max^((r) ) locate itself. Of course ?_max^((r) ) is the conditional random variable with (r) being the condition. Large scale Monte Carlo simulations provided data sufficient to in-depth study of properties of distributions of ?_max^((r) ) random variable. Findings & value-added: Simulation study shows that the Two Component Modified Lilliefors test for normality is the most powerful for some type of alternatives, especially for the symmetrical, unimodal and bimodal distributions with positive excess kurtosis, for symmetrical and unimodal distributions with negative excess kurtosis and small sample sizes. Due to the values of skewness and excess kurtosis, and the defined similarity measure between the ND and an alternative, alternative distributions are close to the normal distribution. Numerous examples of real data show the usefulness of the proposed GoFT.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Chioneso Show Marange ◽  
Yongsong Qin

An omnibus test for normality with an adjustment for symmetric alternatives is developed using the empirical likelihood ratio technique. We first transform the raw data via a jackknife transformation technique by deleting one observation at a time. The probability integral transformation was then applied on the transformed data, and under the null hypothesis, the transformed data have a limiting uniform distribution, reducing testing for normality to testing for uniformity. Employing the empirical likelihood technique, we show that the test statistic has a chi-square limiting distribution. We also demonstrated that, under the established symmetric settings, the CUSUM-type and Shiryaev–Roberts test statistics gave comparable properties and power. The proposed test has good control of type I error. Monte Carlo simulations revealed that the proposed test outperformed studied classical existing tests under symmetric short-tailed alternatives. Findings from a real data study further revealed the robustness and applicability of the proposed test in practice.

Abdul Azis ◽  
Sakdiyah Sakdiyah

This study aims: to determine the effect of the application of the Gallery of Learning the learning achievement of students of Universitas Syiah Kuala. This study uses a quantitative approach and the type of experimental research. The population in this study are students of history education, amounting to 46 people. This research data collection techniques using tests and documentation. As for the stage of data analysis techniques in this study were; (1) calculate the average; (2) calculate the variance and standard deviation; (3) test for normality data; (4) test of homogeneity of variance; and t-test. Based on the data analysis stage it is obtained:Final test homogeneity of variance test experiment and control class was 1.53 and 0.49 t-test results. Results of research found is the implementation strategy of lear(gallery of learning) effect on student learning achievement history educationhistory of Universitas Syiah Kuala. Data Distribution final test scores of students in the experimental and control group with normal distribution based on a significant level ≤ X2countX2 tablenamely 7.81 and 4.51 ≤ 4.93 ≤ 7.81, to test the homogeneity of F ≤ 1.53 ≤ 2.03 Ftabel = then the data variance experimental class and control class homogeneous. The results of t-test to analyze the effect of learning outcomes by using strategies learned gallery acquired the t-test is t = 0.49, while table = 1.68. Means that t ≥ 1.68 ≥ table = 0.49.

Indra Prasetia ◽  
Akrim Akrim ◽  
Sulhati Sulhati ◽  
Burhanuddin Burhanuddin

The purpose of this study were : (1) to learn pedagogical strategies teachers who follow the guidance of teacher with lesson study and coaching strategies with MGMP convensional teacher,  (2) to determine the interaction between teacher coaching strategies with lesson study and strategies with teacher guidance MGMP conventional and subjects the teachers’ pedagogic competence, (3) to find pedagogical english teacher who followed a strategy with teacher guidance conventional MGMP, (4) to learn pedagogical math teacher who followed a strategy of coaching teachers with pedagogical lesson study and mathematics teachers who follow the strategy with teacher guidance conventional MGMP. This study is quasi-experimental research. The number of samples were 60 teachers. The tecnique of determining the sample is done by random sampling. Research hypptheses were tested using Anova 2 ways used before Anova first tested the data analysis requirements of the test for normality of data using Lillieofors test, and homogeneity of variance using the test Bartlet. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Sueli Mukai ◽  
Eduardo Mukai ◽  
José Arnaldo Santos-Junior ◽  
Jamil Awad Shibli ◽  
Marcelo Faveri ◽  

Abstract Background Technology advancement has rising in the past decade and brought several innovations and improvements. In dentistry, this advances provided more comfortable and quick procedures to both the patient and the dental surgeon, generating less predictability in the final result. Several techniques has been developed for the preparation of surgical guides aiming at the optimization of surgical procedures. The present study aimed to evaluate the reproducibility and precision of two types of surgical guides obtained using 3D printing and milling methods. Methods A virtual model was developed that allowed the virtual design of milled (n = 10) or 3D printed (n = 10) surgical guides. The surgical guides were digitally oriented and overlapped on the virtual model. For the milling guides, the Sirona Dentsply system was used, while the 3D printing guides were produced using EnvisionTEC’s Perfactory P4K Life Series 3D printer and E-Guide Tint, a biocompatible Class I certified material. The precision and trueness of each group during overlap were assessed. The data were analyzed with GraphPad software using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test for normality and Student’s t test for the variables. Results The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test showed a normal distribution of the data. Comparisons between groups showed no statistically significant differences for trueness (p = 0.529) or precision (p = 0.3021). However, a significant difference was observed in the standard deviation of mismatches regarding accuracy from the master model (p < 0.0001). Conclusions Within the limits of this study, surgical guides fabricated by milling or prototyped processes achieved similar results.

PSYCHE 165 ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 147-153
C Christover ◽  
Rianda Elvinawanty

The study aims to determine the relationship between adversity quotient and academic procrastination. The hypothesisproposed in this study stated that there was a negative relationship between adversity quotient and academic procrastination,assuming the higher quality of adversity quotient and the lower academic procrastination, and conversely the lower quality ofadversity quotient and the higher academic procrastination. Subjects used in this study were Student of STIE Eka PrasetyaMedan consisting of 105 people who were selected by using total sampling technique. Data were obtained from a scale tomeasure quality of adversity quotient and academic procrastination. The calculation was performed by means of testingrequirements analysis (assumption test) that consists of a test for normality and linearity. Analysis of the data used wasperformed by Product Moment Analysis through SPSS 20 for Windows. The results of data analysis showed that r = -0,844and p = 0.000 (p <0.05), indicating that there was a negative relationship between adversity quotient and academicprocrastination. The results of this study indicated that the contribution (R 2) given to the quality of adversity quotient toacademic procrastination was 71.2 %, the remaining 28.8 % were affected by other factors not examined. From these resultsit can be concluded that the hypothesis is acceptable.

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