optimum reaction condition
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2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-29
Rima Daniar ◽  
Nurul Kholidah

Polystyrene is useful product that widely used today.  But when it becomes waste, Polystyrene can cause environmental problem such as air pollution, soil contamination, as well as economical resistence due to the increase of space and disposal costs.  On the other hand Polystyrene can be converted into fuel.  It is expected can be a solution of the problem.  The aim of this research is to convert polystyrene plastic waste into useful fuel with catalytic cracking process.  Zeolit and Al2O3 was used as catalyst in this research as musch as 8 % feed.  Temperature set at 250 oC.  At the optimum reaction condition (catalyst Al2O3 and the length of cracking time is 30 minutes) the liquid yield of catalytic cracking process was 29.40 %.  Physical properties like density, spgr, oAPI gravity and calorific value of fuel samples is determined and compared to gasoline standard. The result showed that density, spgr, oAPI gravity and calorific value was close to the density, spgr, oAPI gravity and calorific value of gasoline standard. 

Catalytic efficiency of the heteropoly 11-tungsto-1-vanadophosphoric acid (HPV) supported on activated natural clay (HPVAC) towards condensation reaction of thiourea with 4-chlorobenzaldehyde to form (1E,3Z)-1,3-bis(4-chlorobenzylidene)thiourea. The purification of organic products from crude products using chromatographic techniques. The product is analysed the nature of the product with the aid of FT-IR, 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR. Further, to estimate the optimum reaction condition for the catalytic ability of the HPV supported on activated clay using condensation reaction of thiourea with 4-chlorobenzaldehyde.

2019 ◽  
Vol 264 ◽  
pp. 03006
Xue-Di Gong ◽  
Lai-Shun Shi ◽  
Tian-Yao Wang ◽  
Xiao-Meng Yu

A new cationic asphalt emulsifier of N,N-dimethyl-N-(3-(N',N'-dimethyl amido)-2-hydroxy propyl)- coconut oil amide propyl-1-ammonium chloride was synthesized by two steps reaction of coconut oil acyl propyl dimethyl tertiary amine (PKO), epoxy chloropropane and dimethylamine. The chemical structure of the key intermediate of N,N-dimethyl-N-(ethylene oxide-2-methylene)-coconut oil amide propyl-1-ammonium chloride was confirmed by FTIR, 1H NMR and elemental analysis. The optimum reaction condition of first step was obtained by single factor analysis: reaction time 5 h, reaction temperature 50 °C, feedstock mole ratio of epoxy chloropropane to PKO 1.05. The reaction yield is 82.15% and the epoxy value is 40.39% at the optimum conditions. The critical micelle concentration (CMC) of the asphalt emulsifier is 7.80×10-2 mol/L. The surface tension at CMC is 24.57 mN/m. The emulsifier showed excellent emulsification effect for the asphalt. The prepared bituminous emulsion had higher storage stability. The emulsifier belongs to medium-set asphalt emulsifier.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 74
Santi Puspitasari ◽  
Eva Lilis Nurgilis ◽  
Zulhan Arif

<p>Manufaktur produk karet diawali oleh pembuatan kompon karet dengan cara mencampurkan karet dengan bahan kimia. Salah satu bahan kimia utama karet adalah bahan bantu olah yang berfungsi untuk mempermudah pencampuran dan distribusi bahan kimia terutama bahan pengisi dalam matriks karet. Faktis cokelat yang dihasilkan dari vulkanisasi minyak nabati dengan sulfur merupakan bahan bantu olah karet yang banyak digunakan dalam industri hilir karet. Dalam reaksi vulkanisasi terjadi pembentukan ikatan silang antar trigliserida dalam minyak nabati yang dijembatani oleh sulfur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menen-tukan kondisi optimum pembentukan faktis cokelat pada skala laboratorium berkapasitas 200 ml/<em>batch</em> dari minyak jarak kepyar sebagai sumber trigliserida yang direaksikan dengan sulfur (23 dan 24 bsm) pada berbagai suhu (150<sup>o</sup>C, 160<sup>o</sup>C, dan 170<sup>o</sup>C). Penentuan kondisi optimum reaksi didasarkan pada hasil karak-terisasi visualisasi fisik dan sifat kimia faktis cokelat yang diperoleh. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa kondisi optimal reaksi vulkanisasi pembentukan faktis cokelat tercapai pada suhu 150<sup>o</sup>C dan penambahan sulfur 24 bsm. Pada kondisi reaksi vulkanisasi tersebut diperoleh faktis cokelat yang memiliki spesifikasi mutu terbaik meliputi kadar ekstrak aseton 52,43%, kadar sulfur bebas sebesar 1,20%, kadar abu 0,11%, dan pH sebesar 6,45 dan derajat ikatan silang 3,2 x 10<sup>-4</sup> mol/mL. Faktis ini berwarna cokelat dan bertekstur kenyal. Mengacu pada sifat tersebut, faktis cokelat yang diperoleh layak dikembangkan pada skala yang lebih tinggi.</p><p> </p><p>Manufacture of rubber goods is began with rubber compounding by mixing the rubber with its chemicals including processing aids. The function of processing aids is to facilitate the compounding process. Brown factice from vulcanization of vegetable oil with sulphur, is the most processing aid being used in downstream rubber industry. During vulcanization, the triglyceride content on vegetable oil form crosslink which is bridged by sulphur. The research was aimed to determine the optimum condition of brown factice formation at laboratory scale (200 ml/batch) from castor oil which was reacted with various sulphur concentration (23 and 24 pho) and themperature of reaction (150<sup>o</sup>C, 160<sup>o</sup>C, dan 170<sup>o</sup>C). The determination of optimum condition was based on brown factice characteristic such physical visualization and chemical properties. The result showed that the optimum reaction condition was gained at themperature reaction of 150<sup>o</sup>C and sulphur concentration of 24 pho. By those condition, the brown factice had 52.43% extract acetone content, 1.20% free sulphur content, 0.11% ash content and pH 6.45 and crosslink density as 3.2 x 10<sup>-4</sup> mol/mL. The brown factice also had good brown color and elastic texture. Based on its properties, the brown factice achieved was feasible to be developed at higher scale.</p>

2014 ◽  
Vol 687-691 ◽  
pp. 4265-4268 ◽  
Lai Shun Shi ◽  
Jing Jing Chen ◽  
Mei Jie Sun ◽  
Ying Wang ◽  
Shu Jie Lin ◽  

A novel cationic type asphalt emulsifier of 2-triethylenetetramine methylene-4-nonylphenol was synthesized by the reaction of nonyl phenol, triethylenetetramine and formaldehyde. The optimum reaction condition was obtained. The yield reaches 49.21% at the optimum reaction condition of the feedstock mole ratio of formaldehyde to nonyl phenol 2.8, feedstock mole ratio of triethylenetetramine to nonyl phenol 1.0, reaction temperature 95°C, and reaction time 5 h. The structure of the emulsifier was identified by FTIR. The emulsifier exhibits satisfactory emulsification. The emulsifier belongs to the class of rapid-set asphalt emulsifiers.

2014 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 226-232 ◽  
Harry Budiman ◽  
Oman Zuas

The adsorption capacity of AO-10 from aqueous solution onto CeO2-NPs was investigated under various reaction parameters. Batch mode experiments were conducted to assess the potential of the CeO2-NPs as adsorbent for the removal of AO-10 dye from aqueous solution. Equilibrium isotherm studies were carried out under an optimum reaction condition (i.e., AO-10 dye concentration = 15 mg/L, CeO2-NPS dosage = 2 g/L, pH of dye solution = 2) obtained from this study. The equilibrium data obtained were fitted to Langmuir, Freundlich, and Redlich-Peterson isotherm models. The results shows that, the linear transform model provided the highest regression coefficient (R2 = 0.991) with the Langmuir model. The maximum monolayer adsorption capacity was found to be 33.33 mg/g at 30 °C, which is higher than some data from published literature.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1025-1026 ◽  
pp. 466-469
Qiao Rui ◽  
Yan Hong Wang ◽  
Yong Xiang Li

4-Chloro-3,5-dinitropyrazole(ClDNP) as an insensitive energetic compound has been prepared with 4-Chloropyrazole(4-ClP)via nitrated by mixture of nitric acid and sulfuric acid. The reactionconditions were investigated, such as the molar ratio of 4-chloropyrazole and HNO3, reaction temperature, reaction time. Through the single factor experiment, the optimum reaction condition was determined that the molar ratio of 4-chloropyrazole and HNO3 was 1:4, the reaction time was 4h, the reaction temperature was 100-105°C. The yield of the ClDNP was up to 73.8% under the above conditions.The ClDNP was re-crystallization by methylbenzene.The target product was characterized by IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and Gauss Photography.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1004-1005 ◽  
pp. 885-890 ◽  
Yan Lei Song ◽  
Yong Shui Qu ◽  
Chong Pin Huang ◽  
Li Hai Ge ◽  
Ying Xia Li ◽  

The PIL which were prepared from imidazole and epichlorohydrin were used as catalysts for the conversion of cellobiose to 5-HMF. Effects of the catalyst anion, solvents, reaction temperature, and recycling time were investigated in detail. The optimum reaction conditions for conversion of cellobiose into 5-HMFcatalysed by [IMEP]BF4 were temperature 180 oC, cellobiose 0.5 g, and [IMEP]BF4 0.25 g in DMSO(30 mL). In this condition the yield of 5-HMF can reach 39.2% for 420min. The good positive correlation between the concentration of glucose and the formation rate of 5-HMF was given, and the conversion of glucose into 5-HMF is the key step of formation of 5-HMF from cellobiose. Moreover, [IMEP]BF4 has well cycle performance in the optimum reaction condition.

2014 ◽  
Vol 587-589 ◽  
pp. 663-668 ◽  
Mi Zhou ◽  
Ping Su ◽  
Jian Hua Qi ◽  
Yong Hu ◽  
Zeng Yu Yao

An approach to synthesize melanin-formaldehyde resin has been developed. The pigment extracted from chestnut shells, a bio-waste from food industry, was employed as the melanin. The synthesis implemented by a double-catalyzed process, namely, base-catalysis and then acid catalysis. The process was optimized and its performance was evaluated on the basis of the cation exchange capacity of the obtained resin. The optimum reaction condition was found to be base-catalysis using NaOH at pH 11.2, 70 °C and the formaldehyde (37%, m/v) to melanin ratio of 2.33 mL/g for 4 hours and then acid-catalysis by HCl at pH 1.5 and 80 °C for 4 hours. The resin can be used as an effective and inexpensive sorbent for Cu (II) removal from aqueous solutions.

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