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2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 255-276
Viktorija Stasytytė ◽  
Aleksandras Vytautas Rutkauskas ◽  
Eglė Celiešienė

Textiles is one of the largest industries in the world, creating significant volumes of trade, export, and jobs. In the European Union, this industry is essential and attempts to retain and increase competitiveness. Most of the textile and clothing sector production is exported; thus, adequate orientation to export markets is essential. The paper’s objective is to determine the countries suitable for exporting the textile production of Lithuania and similar countries using the adequate portfolio model. The adequate portfolio treats the export possibilities according to three parameters: return, reliability, and risk. Clothing annual average index data across countries obtained from the Eurostat database were used for calculations. After performing the research, three portfolio cases were proposed, and the most profitable export countries and their given return were determined. Research results can be applied to the whole country and for individual textile exporting enterprises.

Constantinos Challoumis ◽  

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to apply the theory of cycle of money in the case of Greece. Prior works have determined the economic characteristics of the case of Latvia, Serbia, and Bulgaria, according to the concept of the theory of cycle of money. The index of the cycle of money suggests how an economic system should counteract a monetary and fiscal crisis and studies how well-structured is Greece’s economy. The estimations of the index of the cycle of money of Greece are compared with the global average index of the cycle of money. The results reveal that Greece is above the average global value. Then, Greece’s results reveal that it is a well-structured economy and can face an economic crisis. The current work is important as represents the strength of Greece’s economy with emphasis to the period of 2012 - 2017, of financial and economic crisis. The theory of the cycle of money covers the gap that exists for the structure and functionality of the economy, which formed on the derivative of GDP, giving the cycle of money. Moreover, it is the only theory that enhances the economy, without any negative effect of the fiscal or the monetary policy, as uses the same amount of money of an economy appropriately.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 120-134
Bowo Swasono ◽  
Tri Wahyuning Diah

Primagama is an out-of-school education service business engaged in tutoring, founded in 1982, and registered trademark. To optimize income, several things must be considered, such as service and student satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of the relationship between service and student satisfaction on income optimization. Sources of data are through student respondents and teaching staff at Primagama. The method used is the descriptive method with data collection through questionnaires and observation. Student consulting strategies based on academic services get an average index of 90%. From try out marketing methods, parent seminars, and Smart Solution presentations to schools, the average index is 70%. From the appearance of buildings & services, DMI gets an average index of 75%. Abstrak Primagama adalah usaha jasa pendidikan luar sekolah yang bergerak di bidang bimbingan belajar, didirikan tahun 1982, serta merek terdaftar. Untuk mengoptimalkan pendapatan, beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan seperti pelayanan dan kepuasan siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana hubungan antara pelayanan dan kepuasan siswa terhadap optimalisasi pendapatan. Sumber data adalah melalui responden siswa dan tenaga pengajar di Primagama. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pengumpulan data melalui angket dan observasi. Strategi konsultasi siswa berdasarkan layanan akademik mendapatkan indeks rata-rata 90%. Dari cara pemasaran try out, seminar orang tua dan presentasi Smart Solution ke sekolah sekolah mendapat indeks rata-rata 70%. Dari penampilan gedung &layanan DMI mendapatkan indeks rata-rata 75%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 225-234

This paper seeks to make clear how the concept of the cycle of money works in an actual case scenario like this of the economic system of Bulgaria. The index of the cycle of money suggests how an economic system ought to counteract a monetary crisis and examines how well-structured a country’s economy is. The estimations of the index of the cycle of money of Bulgaria are compared with the global average index of the cycle of money. The estimations reveal that Bulgaria is close to the average global value. Bulgaria’s results show that it is a well-structured economy and can face an economic crisis. The applied methodology stands on the analysis of the theory, mathematical, statistical, and econometrical results. The current work is important as it represents the strength of Bulgaria’s economy to a potential crisis. The results could be achieved by the application of the theory of the cycle of money to a country’s economy. Prior real case scenario conclusions are from Latvia.

2021 ◽  
pp. 59-62
M. A. Avagumyan ◽  
S. N. Gres

In clinical practice, as a rule, patients with involutive changesas well havea photodamage, it should be considered when choosing a method of correction. Microneedling, including the use of PRP and hyaluronic acid, arevery promising methods.Material and methods. There were 50 patients under observation, who were divided into three groups: 1st group – 18 patients received microneedling and PRP, 2nd group – 17 people used microneedling of hyaluronic acid, 3rd group – 15 patients received microneedling. Four procedures were performed with an interval of 4 weeks.Results. According to dermatological status index, PRP microneedlingshowed the effectiveness, the index decreased by 86 % in the group. In group 2, the average index for the group decreased by 56 %, in group 3–41 %.Conclusions.Microneedling is an effective safe method for correcting involutive changes in the skin of the face, combined with signs of photoaging. To increase the effectiveness of microneedling, it is recommended to use autologous plasma with cells directly after the procedure applicationinto the form or the film.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. e21510716495
Livia Feitosa Pereira Ferreira ◽  
Ana Lourdes Gomes Bogéa ◽  
Marcelino Santos do Rosário ◽  
Ana Clara Lima Nunes Silva ◽  
Maria Célia Pires Costa

This work had as objective to proceed sensorial analyses, microbiological physical-chemistries and, of comparative form, the honeys, collected for the producers and researcher, of mellifera Apis bee of the cities of Codó and Itapecuru-Mirim, pertaining to the region of the Cocais, Maranhao State.  It observed in the first, collected in such a way for the producer how much for the researcher, presented a bigger water text (average humidity of 21,05%) when compared with the second (20.98%), making it difficult its storage, therefore the high water text of the product diminishes its useful life of shelf. For total acidity, the value highest was for the honey produced in Codó (79.19% to 91.80% b), when compared with the honey produced in Itapecuru-Mirim (37.78% to 48.36% b), what it can be explained by the temperature difference, being higher in Codó, For the values of pH the honey of Itapecuru_Mirim was gotten presenting lower value (3,2).  For reducing sugars, the honey of Itapecuru - Mirim it presented average of next values (64.14% b - 64.20%) to the demanded minimum as standard. For the values of sacarose the samples of Codó, had presented minors average values of (23.59% b 24.29%); in the parameter you sweeten totals the samples of Itapecuru_Mirim presented greater average index (93,73). For the HMF analyses the samples of Codó had presented average values (67,77a the 76,33b). For the too much studied parameters it did not have significant difference between  treatments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Constantinos Challoumis

This paper sought to make clear how the concept of the cycle of money works in an actual case scenario like this of the economic system of Serbia. The index of the cycle of money suggests how an economic system ought to counteract an economic crisis and studies how well-structured is a country’s economy. The estimations of the index of the cycle of money of Serbia are compared with the global average index of the cycle of money. The estimations reveal that Serbia belongs to medium rate according to the average global value. Serbia results reveal that it is a fine structured economy and can face an economic crisis, with a moderate dynamic. The applied methodology based on the analysis of theory, mathematical, statistical, and econometrical results. Moreover, this is first published work for Serbia according to this theory and is part of a project that examines the cycle of money of multiple countries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 652-658
Sharinatol Akmanida Jamaludin ◽  
Nur Fatma Fadilah Yaacob ◽  
Muhamad Razuhanafi Mat Yazid ◽  
Nik MohdIznan Tuan Yaakub ◽  
Muhamad Nazri Borhan

The Bike-sharing systems are popular in most developed countries worldwide, including France, London, Germany, China, Belgium, Mexico, and Brazil. The system benefits the community because users do not have to purchase their bikes. There are many suppliers providing bicycle rental systems for community use in Malaysia, including Obike and Mobike. However, the implementation of this system was not successful because users prefer to use motorized transport. This study aims to identify the barriers that prevent users from using the bike-sharing system. Ten factors have been identified as the most dominant factors that prevent users from switching motor transport to bike-sharing systems. This study used random sampling research; 178 respondents have given feedback from 200 distributed forms. The data analysis method used is the Average Index. Based on the result, the highest average index recorded at the value of >4.00 is the weather condition (heat and rain) that has dampened the interest for cycling with an average score of 4.71. That is followed by distance from home to town, which is too far for cycling with an average of 4.57 points. Meanwhile, the third-highest value is that it takes too long to reach the destination with bicycles with an average score of 4.43. This result, then, can imply the number and location of bicycle rental should be increased. Besides that, more trees and shrubs should be planted to improve urban greenery so that the city is more shaded and cooler to attract commuters to cycle.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 178-191
Frisca Novia Sukmawati ◽  
Nadia Asandimitra Haryono

This research examines the cointegration of macroeconomic variables and the Dow Jones Industrial Average Index toward IHSG. The Sampling data used is non probability sampling techniques by using historical monthly data from January 2015 to December 2019. The method used in this study are Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test for stationarity test, Johansen Test for Cointegration, and Error Correction Model for short-term relationships with eviews 10. The findings showed that DJIA Index not cointegrated with IHSG because investors are more responsive to global market and domestic sentiment. Exchange rates not cointegrated with the IHSG because exchange rate and IHSG movements do not always had a negative relationship. Interest rates are not cointegrated with IHSG because most of the sectors in the IDX affected by external sentiment than interest rates. Meanwhile, inflation have a cointegration relationship but does not have a short-term relationship with IHSG because inflation is generally known as a continuous increase in the price of goods as a whole. Crude oil have a cointegration relationship but does not have a short-term relationship with IHDG, which implies that an increase or decrease in crude oil in the short term can not affect IHSG.

Putri Yuliastuti

This research was conducted to study the impact of relationship marketing on customer loyalty in a form of service consistency provided by the Plaza Toyota Workshop Bandung to its customers. This research used 4 (four) independent variables (customer’s trust, service commitment, service communication and conflict handling) on to the dependent variable (customer loyalty). This research was conducted on customers of the Plaza Toyota Workshop Bandung who routinely use auto repair services at the workshop. This research used a quantitative approach to understand and define the variables standing that are studied in this research and the influence between one variable and another. The data collecting technique used in this research is by distributing questionnaires to 100 samples. The results showed that customer’s trust gave zero impact in gaining customer loyalty. Meanwhile, service commitment, service communication, and conflict handling are in some ways correlated with customer’s loyalty. According to the results of the analysis which based on the results of the average index calculation, customers have no doubt about the indicators that build their trust to the Plaza Toyota Workshop Bandung, in other word, customers automatically trust Plaza Toyota Workshop Bandung. While the other three variables have influence. And the indicators of these three variables can be used as a prove based on the results of the item ranking questions. Based on these results, Plaza Toyota Workshop Bandung must be more focused on developing these three variables in order to build customer loyalty.

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