scholarly journals Flattening, squeezing and the existence of random attractors

Peter E Kloeden ◽  
José A Langa

The study of qualitative properties of random and stochastic differential equations is now one of the most active fields in the modern theory of dynamical systems. In the deterministic case, the properties of flattening and squeezing in infinite-dimensional autonomous dynamical systems require the existence of a bounded absorbing set and imply the existence of a global attractor. The flattening property involves the behaviour of individual trajectories while the squeezing property involves the difference of trajectories. It is shown here that the flattening property is implied by the squeezing property and is in fact weaker, since the attractor in a system with the flattening property can be infinite-dimensional, whereas it is always finite-dimensional in a system with the squeezing property. The flattening property is then generalized to random dynamical systems, for which it is called the pullback flattening property. It is shown to be weaker than the random squeezing property, but equivalent to pullback asymptotic compactness and pullback limit-set compactness, and thus implies the existence of a random attractor. The results are also valid for deterministic non-autonomous dynamical systems formulated as skew-product flows.

Xiaopeng Chen ◽  
Jinqiao Duan

The decomposition of state spaces into dynamically different components is helpful for understanding dynamics of complex systems. A Conley-type decomposition theorem is proved for non-autonomous dynamical systems defined on a non-compact but separable state space. Specifically, the state space can be decomposed into a chain-recurrent part and a gradient-like part. This result applies to both non-autonomous ordinary differential equations on a Euclidean space (which is only locally compact), and to non-autonomous partial differential equations on an infinite-dimensional function space (which is not even locally compact). This decomposition result is demonstrated by discussing a few concrete examples, such as the Lorenz system and the Navier–Stokes system, under time-dependent forcing.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2019 (15) ◽  
pp. 4822-4844 ◽  
Natalia Iyudu ◽  
Agata Smoktunowicz

Abstract Potential algebras feature in the minimal model program and noncommutative resolution of singularities, and the important cases are when they are finite dimensional, or of linear growth. We develop techniques, involving Gröbner basis theory and generalized Golod–Shafarevich-type theorems for potential algebras, to determine finiteness conditions in terms of the potential. We consider two-generated potential algebras. Using Gröbner bases techniques and arguing in terms of associated truncated algebra we prove that they cannot have dimension smaller than 8. This answers a question of Wemyss [21], related to the geometric argument of Toda [17]. We derive from the improved version of the Golod–Shafarevich theorem, that if the potential has only terms of degree 5 or higher, then the potential algebra is infinite dimensional. We prove that potential algebra for any homogeneous potential of degree $n\geqslant 3$ is infinite dimensional. The proof includes a complete classification of all potentials of degree 3. Then we introduce a certain version of Koszul complex, and prove that in the class $\mathcal {P}_{n}$ of potential algebras with homogeneous potential of degree $n+1\geqslant 4$, the minimal Hilbert series is $H_{n}=\frac {1}{1-2t+2t^{n}-t^{n+1}}$, so they are all infinite dimensional. Moreover, growth could be polynomial (but nonlinear) for the potential of degree 4, and is always exponential for potential of degree starting from 5. For one particular type of potential we prove a conjecture by Wemyss, which relates the difference of dimensions of potential algebra and its abelianization with Gopakumar–Vafa invariants.

2010 ◽  
Vol 24 (24) ◽  
pp. 2485-2509 ◽  

We develop a unified, information theoretic interpretation of the number-phase complementarity that is applicable both to finite-dimensional (atomic) and infinite-dimensional (oscillator) systems, with number treated as a discrete Hermitian observable and phase as a continuous positive operator valued measure (POVM). The relevant uncertainty principle is obtained as a lower bound on entropy excess, X, the difference between the entropy of one variable, typically the number, and the knowledge of its complementary variable, typically the phase, where knowledge of a variable is defined as its relative entropy with respect to the uniform distribution. In the case of finite-dimensional systems, a weighting of phase knowledge by a factor μ (> 1) is necessary in order to make the bound tight, essentially on account of the POVM nature of phase as defined here. Numerical and analytical evidence suggests that μ tends to 1 as the system dimension becomes infinite. We study the effect of non-dissipative and dissipative noise on these complementary variables for an oscillator as well as atomic systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
pp. 0
Thierry Horsin ◽  
Mohamed Ali Jendoubi

<p style='text-indent:20px;'>In the present paper we study the asymptotic behavior of discretized finite dimensional dynamical systems. We prove that under some discrete angle condition and under a Lojasiewicz's inequality condition, the solutions to an implicit scheme converge to equilibrium points. We also present some numerical simulations suggesting that our results may be extended under weaker assumptions or to infinite dimensional dynamical systems.</p>

M. Efendiev ◽  
S. Zelik ◽  
A. Miranville

We suggest in this paper a new explicit algorithm allowing us to construct exponential attractors which are uniformly Hölder continuous with respect to the variation of the dynamical system in some natural large class. Moreover, we extend this construction to non-autonomous dynamical systems (dynamical processes) treating in that case the exponential attractor as a uniformly exponentially attracting, finite-dimensional and time-dependent set in the phase space. In particular, this result shows that, for a wide class of non-autonomous equations of mathematical physics, the limit dynamics remains finite dimensional no matter how complicated the dependence of the external forces on time is. We illustrate the main results of this paper on the model example of a non-autonomous reaction–diffusion system in a bounded domain.

2012 ◽  
Vol 26 (27) ◽  
pp. 1250175 ◽  

In this paper, we consider the chaotic phenomenon and Kolomogorov complexity in computing the environmental interface temperature. First, the environmental interface is defined in the context of the complex system, in particular for autonomous dynamical systems. Then we consider the following issues in modeling procedure: (i) how to replace given differential equations by appropriate difference equations in modeling of phenomena in the environmental world? (ii) whether a mathematically correct solution to the corresponding differential equation or system of equations is always physically possible and (iii) phenomenon of chaos in autonomous dynamical systems in environmental problems, in particular in solving the energy balance equation to calculate environmental interface temperature. The difference form of this equation for computing the environmental interface temperature is discussed and analyzed depending on parameters of equation, using the Lyapunov exponent and sample entropy. Finally, the Kolmogorov complexity of time series obtained from this difference equation is analyzed.

Entropy ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (8) ◽  
pp. 813
Wei Wu ◽  
Jin Wang

Wave–particle duality as the defining characteristic of quantum objects is a typical example of the principle of complementarity. The wave–particle–entanglement (WPE) complementarity, initially developed for two-qubit systems, is an extended form of complementarity that combines wave–particle duality with a previously missing ingredient, quantum entanglement. For two-qubit systems in mixed states, the WPE complementarity was further completed by adding yet another piece that characterizes ignorance, forming the wave–particle–entanglement–ignorance (WPEI) complementarity. A general formulation of the WPEI complementarity can not only shed new light on fundamental problems in quantum mechanics, but can also have a wide range of experimental and practical applications in quantum-mechanical settings. The purpose of this study is to establish the WPEI complementarity for general multi-dimensional bipartite systems in pure or mixed states, and extend its range of applications to incorporate hierarchical and infinite-dimensional bipartite systems. The general formulation is facilitated by well-motivated generalizations of the relevant quantities. When faced with different directions of extensions to take, our guiding principle is that the formulated complementarity should be as simple and powerful as possible. We find that the generalized form of the WPEI complementarity contains unequal-weight averages reflecting the difference in the subsystem dimensions, and that the tangle, instead of the squared concurrence, serves as a more suitable entanglement measure in the general scenario. Two examples, a finite-dimensional bipartite system in mixed states and an infinite-dimensional bipartite system in pure states, are studied in detail to illustrate the general formalism. We also discuss our results in connection with some previous work. The WPEI complementarity for general finite-dimensional bipartite systems may be tested in multi-beam interference experiments, while the second example we studied may facilitate future experimental investigations on complementarity in infinite-dimensional bipartite systems.

2013 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 335-342 ◽  
J. Klamka

Abstract The main objective of this article is to review the major progress that has been made on controllability of dynamical systems over the past number of years. Controllability is one of the fundamental concepts in the mathematical control theory. This is a qualitative property of dynamical control systems and is of particular importance in control theory. A systematic study of controllability was started at the beginning of sixties in the last century, when the theory of controllability based on the description in the form of state space for both time-invariant and time-varying linear control systems was worked out. Roughly speaking, controllability generally means, that it is possible to steer a dynamical control system from an arbitrary initial state to an arbitrary final state using the set of admissible controls. It should be mentioned, that in the literature there are many different definitions of controllability, which strongly depend on a class of dynamical control systems and on the other hand on the form of admissible controls. Controllability problems for different types of dynamical systems require the application of numerous mathematical concepts and methods taken directly from differential geometry, functional analysis, topology, matrix analysis and theory of ordinary and partial differential equations and theory of difference equations. In the paper we use mainly state-space models of dynamical systems, which provide a robust and universal method for studying controllability of various classes of systems. Controllability plays an essential role in the development of modern mathematical control theory. There are various important relationships between controllability, stability and stabilizability of linear both finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional control systems. Controllability is also strongly related to the theory of realization and so called minimal realization and canonical forms for linear time-invariant control systems such as the Kalmam canonical form, the Jordan canonical form or the Luenberger canonical form. It should be mentioned, that for many dynamical systems there exists a formal duality between the concepts of controllability and observability. Moreover, controllability is strongly connected with the minimum energy control problem for many classes of linear finite dimensional, infinite dimensional dynamical systems, and delayed systems both deterministic and stochastic. Finally, it is well known, that controllability concept has many important applications not only in control theory and systems theory, but also in such areas as industrial and chemical process control, reactor control, control of electric bulk power systems, aerospce engineering and recently in quantum systems theory.

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