slide mass
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2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (25) ◽  
Aida Hrustić ◽  
Jasenko Čomić

Natural disasters during May 2014 caused a flood of water outside the unregulated bed of the river Tinja in the local area of Gornji Hrgovi. The flood effect affected the undermining and destruction of the foot part of the slope, reactivation and regressive development of the landslide, which was manifested by further secondary "breaking" of the sliding body towards the hypsometrically top part of the slope and intersection of the primary water pipeline. Gravitational displacement of the colluvial material resulted in significant degradation of the agricultural land surface in the central part of the unstable slope, while in the accumulation zone the accumulated slide mass destroyed the earth road communication. Based on the conducted geotechnical researches, determined engineering-geological and hydrogeological composition and properties of the terrain, the zoning of the terrain according to the degree of stability was performed, important recommendations and conditions of the landslide remediation method were presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 906 (1) ◽  
pp. 012025
David Neuman ◽  
Shuran Yang ◽  
Erik Sombathy

Abstract The main goal of this article is to analyze the possibility of measuring on cracks. For measuring the distance between points, e.g. crackmeters are used. When measuring cracks in rock masses, very precise instruments are used, which are referred to as dilatometers. These dilatometers are based on a mechanical or electrical principle and measure directly inside the fracture, as opposed to a crackmeter where we measure on both outer sides of the fracture. Measuring on cracks is one of the methods of evaluating the development of slope deformation on the surface. If cracks appear on the slope, we can use the crackmeter to start more frequent and accurate control of the slump movement by measuring the relative changes in position using appropriately selected stabilized points on opposite sides of the crack. If we know the direction of movement, we can use only two points to check debonding cracks. If we are measuring marginal cracks, a three-point system is appropriate. Two points are placed outside the landslide and one is placed directly on the landslide. The principle of the measurement consists in evaluating the change in distance of two points (short anchors) firmly connected to the surrounding environment and located in the simplest case on opposite sides of the crack. Crackmeters are also used to measure movements across open tension cracks and scarps delimiting the boundary of the potential slide mass.

2021 ◽  
pp. jgs2021-032
Clara Abu ◽  
Christopher A-L. Jackson ◽  
Malcolm Francis

Submarine landslides (slides) are some of the most voluminous sediment gravity-flows on Earth and they dominate the stratigraphic record of many sedimentary basins. Their general kinematics and internal structure are relatively well-understood. However, how slides increase in volume and internally deform as they evolve, and how these processes relate, in time and space, to the growth of their basal (shear) zone, are poorly understood. We here use three high-resolution 3D seismic surveys from the Angoche Basin, offshore Mozambique to map strain within a shallowly buried, large, and thus seismically well-imaged slide (c. 530 km3). We document several key kinematic indicators, including broadly NW-trending lateral margins and longitudinal shears bounding and within the slide body, respectively, and broadly NE-trending symmetric pop-up blocks in the slide toe. Approximately 7 km downdip of the slide toe wall, thrusts and related folds also occur within otherwise undeformed slope material, with thrusts detaching downwards onto the downslope continuation of the basal shear zone underlying the slide body. Based on the style, trend, and distribution of these features, and their cross-cutting relationships, we propose an emplacement model involving two distinct phases of deformation: (i) bulk shortening, parallel to the overall SE-directed emplacement direction, with contractional shear strains reaching c. 8%; and (ii) the development of broadly emplacement direction-parallel shear zones that offset the earlier-formed shortening structures. We infer that the contractional strains basinward of the slide body formed due to cryptic basinward propagation of the basal shear zone ahead of and to accommodate updip sliding and shortening associated with, the entire slide mass. Our study demonstrates the value of using 3D seismic reflection data to reveal slide emplacement kinematics, especially the multiphase, non-coaxial nature of deformation, and the dynamics of basal shear zone growth.

Ning Fan ◽  
Wangcheng Zhang ◽  
Fauzan Sahdi ◽  
Tingkai Nian

There are situations in offshore energy development where potential impact forces between submarine slides and pipelines need to be estimated. The horizontal slide-pipeline impact force, parallel to the main travel direction of the sliding mass and normal to the pipeline axis, is generally dominant compared to other force components, and hence of particular concern. In practice, pipelines may be suspended at varying distances above the seabed (gap) and existing methods do not consider how this will affect the horizontal slide-pipeline forces. This paper investigates the effects of pipeline-seabed gap and pipeline diameter on the horizontal slide-pipeline impact force via 181 computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations at Reynolds numbers of 0.36 - 287. Results show that variation in the pipeline-seabed gap and pipeline diameter alters the slide mass flow behavior as it flows past the pipeline and hence the impact force when the pipeline-seabed gap is below a critical value. A modified hybrid geotechnical-fluid dynamics framework for estimating the horizontal impact force is proposed by considering the effects of the pipeline-seabed gap and pipeline diameter, which is validated with existing experimental datasets.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (15) ◽  
pp. 3048
Davide Donati ◽  
Bernhard Rabus ◽  
Jeanine Engelbrecht ◽  
Doug Stead ◽  
John Clague ◽  

We present a workflow for investigating large, slow-moving landslides which combines the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) technique, GIS post-processing, and airborne laser scanning (ALS), and apply it to Fels landslide in Alaska, US. First, we exploit a speckle tracking (ST) approach to derive the easting, northing, and vertical components of the displacement vectors across the rock slope for two five-year windows, 2010–2015 and 2015–2020. Then, we perform post-processing in a GIS environment to derive displacement magnitude, trend, and plunge maps of the landslide area. Finally, we compare the ST-derived displacement data with structural lineament maps and profiles extracted from the ALS dataset. Relying on remotely sensed data, we estimate that the thickness of the slide mass is more than 100 m and displacements occur through a combination of slumping at the toe and planar sliding in the central and upper slope. Our approach provides information and interpretations that can assist in optimizing and planning fieldwork activities and site investigations at landslides in remote locations.

Water ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (9) ◽  
pp. 2639
Julia Castro ◽  
Maria P. Asta ◽  
Jorge P. Galve ◽  
José Miguel Azañón

Some landslides around the world that have low-angle failure planes show exceptionally poor mechanical properties. In some cases, an extraordinarily pure clay layer has been detected on the rupture surface. In this work, a complex landslide, the so-called Diezma landslide, is investigated in a low- to moderate-relief region of Southeast Spain. In this landslide, movement was concentrated on several surfaces that developed on a centimeter-thick layer of smectite (montmorillonite-beidellite) clay-rich level. Since these clayey levels have a very low permeability, high plasticity, and low friction angle, they control the stability of the entire slide mass. Specifically, the triggering factor of this landslide seems to be linked to the infiltration of water from a karstic aquifer located in the head area. The circulation of water through old failure planes could have promoted the active hydrolysis of marly soils to produce new smectite clay minerals. Here, by using geophysical, mineralogical, and geochemical modelling methods, we reveal that the formation and dissolution of carbonates, sulfates, and clay minerals in the Diezma landslide could explain the elevated concentrations of highly plastic secondary clays in its slip surface. This study may help in the understanding of landslides that show secondary clay layers coinciding to their low-angle failure planes.

Zongxing Zou ◽  
Sha Lu ◽  
Fei Wang ◽  
Huiming Tang ◽  
Xinli Hu ◽  

In the process of rapid drawdown of reservoir water level, the seepage force in the slide mass is an important factor for the stability reduction and deformation increment of many landslides in the reservoir areas. It is feasible to improve the stability of seepage-induced landslide by employing a drainage well to reduce or eliminate the water head difference that generates the seepage force. In this paper, the Shuping landslide, a typical seepage-induced landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir area of China, is taken as an example. A series of numerical simulations were carried out to figure out the seepage field, and the Morgenstein–Price method was adopted to calculate the landslide stability. Then the influence of horizontal location of the drainage well, drainage well depth, drainage mode on the landslide treatment effect, and the applicability of drainage well were analyzed. The results show that: (1) landslide stability increases obviously with the well depth in the slide mass, while the increment of landslide stability with the well depth is limited in the slide bed; (2) the sensitivity of the stability improvement with the depth is greater than that with the horizontal positions of the drainage wells in the slide mass; (3) the drainage well is suggested to be operated when the reservoir water falls rather than operates all the time; and (4) the drainage method is most suitable for landslides with low and medium permeability. These results provide deep insights into the treatment of seepage-induced landslides.

2020 ◽  
Vol 109 (8) ◽  
pp. 2659-2677 ◽  
Jens Karstens ◽  
Karim Kelfoun ◽  
Sebastian F. L. Watt ◽  
Christian Berndt

Abstract The 1888 Ritter Island volcanic sector collapse triggered a regionally damaging tsunami. Historic eyewitness accounts allow the reconstruction of the arrival time, phase and height of the tsunami wave at multiple locations around the coast of New Guinea and New Britain. 3D seismic interpretations and sedimentological analyses indicate that the catastrophic collapse of Ritter Island was preceded by a phase of deep-seated gradual spreading within the volcanic edifice and accompanied by a submarine explosive eruption, as the volcanic conduit was cut beneath sea level. However, the potential impact of the deep-seated deformation and the explosive eruption on tsunami genesis is unclear. For the first time, it is possible to parameterise the different components of the Ritter Island collapse with 3D seismic data, and thereby test their relative contributions to the tsunami. The modelled tsunami arrival times and heights are in good agreement with the historic eyewitness accounts. Our simulations reveal that the tsunami was primarily controlled by the displacement of the water column by the collapsing cone at the subaerial-submarine boundary and that the submerged fraction of the slide mass and its mobility had only a minor effect on tsunami genesis. This indicates that the total slide volume, when incorporating the deep-seated deforming mass, is not directly scalable for the resulting tsunami height. Furthermore, the simulations show that the tsunamigenic impact of the explosive eruption energy during the Ritter Island collapse was only minor. However, this relationship may be different for other volcanogenic tsunami events with smaller slide volumes or larger magnitude eruptions, and should not be neglected in tsunami simulations and hazard assessment.

2020 ◽  
Katja Heeschen ◽  
Stefan Schloemer ◽  
Marta Torres ◽  
Ann E Cook ◽  
Liz Screation ◽  

<p>The investigation of the gas hydrate system and hydrocarbon distribution were targets of IODP expeditions 372 and 375 on the Hikurangi Margin offshore New Zealand. Isotopic and molecular signatures clearly indicate a biogenic signature of methane at all sites drilled along a section crossing the accretionary wedge and basin sediments. The gas void and headspace samples from depth of a few meters up to 600 m below the seafloor have varying amounts of light hydrocarbons with high amounts of methane and changing ratios of C<sub>2</sub>:C<sub>3</sub>. The best example is the high-resolution profile gained from gas voids collected at Site U1517. Drilling at U1517 reached through the creeping part of the Tuaheni Landslide Complex (TLC), the base of the slide mass, and the Bottom Simulation Reflector (BSR) just above the base of the hole. Whereas gas hydrates could not be observed macroscopically, the distribution of gas hydrates was determined by logging while drilling (LWD) and pore water data revealing the occurrence of gas hydrates at roughly 105 – 160 mbsf with elevated saturations in thin coarse-grained sediments. The application of cryo-Scanning Electric Microscopy (cryo-SEM) on samples preserved in liquid nitrogen enabled the visualization of gas hydrates.</p><p> </p><p>At Site U1517 the high-resolution void sampling reveals molecular and isotopic fractionation of hydrocarbons in close relation to the gas hydrate occurrences and allows for drawing conclusions on the recent history of the gas hydrate system and absence of free gas transport from below at the site. The molecular and isotopic composition further indicates ongoing propanogenesis.</p>

2020 ◽  
Xiangzhou Xu ◽  
Feilong Xu Xu ◽  
Wenzhao Guo ◽  
Chao Zhao

<p>Gravity erosion is one of the most remarkable natural hazards in mountainous regions, especially on the Loess Plateau of China. Nevertheless, the measurement of failure mass is very difficult because gravity erosion usually occurs randomly and it combines with hydraulic erosion. Here we present a novel testing technique that could quantitatively measure time-variable gravity erosion on the steep loess slopes. A structured light 3D surface measuring apparatus, the Topography Meter, was designed and manufactured in our laboratory. Dynamic variation of the steep slope relief was monitored under rainfall simulation and the slope deforming process was recorded by a computer video technology. With the help of laser marking, plane figures were vectorially transformed into 3D graphs, thus the shape of target surface was accurately computed. By comparing the slope geometries in the moments before and after the erosion incident on the snapshot images at a particular time, we could obtain the volume of gravity erosion and many other erosion data, including the volume of slide mass, the amount of soil loss eroded by overland flow, etc. A series of calibration tests were conducted and the results showed that the accuracy of this technique was high and sufficient for exploring the mechanism of slope erosion. More than 120 rainfall simulation events were subsequently tested with the apparatus, further confirming its feasibility and reliability.</p>

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