laboratory device
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2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 8-15
Sirojiddin Fayziev ◽  
Nafisa To’raeva ◽  
Sitora Fatullayeva

The article presents information about existing problems and their solutions in the process of drying cotton raw materials at cotton gin plants, patterns of changes in the humidity of cotton raw materials at different values of the warm air velocity are obtained. The influence of the density of cotton raw materials and the relative air velocity on the change in the moisture loss coefficient at different temperatures of the air flow was investigated and it was established using a laboratory device that at a density of 0.5 g/cm3, the moisture loss process in cotton raw materials.

Kryštof Mrózek ◽  
Tomáš Dytrych ◽  
Pavel Moliš ◽  
Vladimír Dániel ◽  
Adam Obrusník

Abstract This work presents a global plasma model of a gridded air-breathing electric propulsion concept based on electron-cyclotron resonance plasma operating in the pressure range of 10-3 Pa to 1 Pa. We illustrate that the global plasma model reproduces the experimental measurements of extracted current over two orders of magnitude in pressure. Consequently, we use the model to investigate the theoretical scalability of the plasma source, finding out that the plasma source performance scales reasonably well with the average absorbed power per molecule, even though this scaling factor has its limits. The global model presented in this work is a model of a specific laboratory device and, in future, it can be adapted to very low Earth orbit conditions by adjusting the boundary conditions. The model was implemented using PlasmaSolve p3s-globalmodel software and the configuration file containing all the equations is provided to the community as supplementary material.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (21) ◽  
pp. 7021
Dalia M. Elsheakh ◽  
Mohamed I. Ahmed ◽  
Gomaa M. Elashry ◽  
Saad M. Moghannem ◽  
Hala A. Elsadek ◽  

This paper presents a rapid diagnostic device for the detection of the pandemic coronavirus (COVID-19) using a micro-immunosensor cavity resonator. Coronavirus has been declared an international public health crisis, so it is important to design quick diagnostic methods for the detection of infected cases, especially in rural areas, to limit the spread of the virus. Herein, a proof-of-concept is presented for a portable laboratory device for the detection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus using electromagnetic biosensors. This device is a microwave cavity resonator (MCR) composed of a sensor operating at industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) 2.45 GHz inserted in 3D housing. The changes of electrical properties of measured serum samples after passing the sensor surface are presented. The three change parameters of the sensor are resonating frequency value, amplitude and phase of the reflection coefficient |S11|. This immune-sensor offers a portable, rapid and accurate diagnostic method for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which can enable on-site diagnosis of infection. Medical validation for the device is performed through biostatistical analysis using the ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) method. The predictive accuracy of the device is 63.3% and 60.6% for reflection and phase, respectively. The device has advantages of low cost, low size and weight and rapid response. It does need a trained technician to operate it since a software program operates automatically. The device can be used at ports’ quarantine units, hospitals, etc.

2021 ◽  
Christopher Bumby ◽  
Rodney Badcock ◽  
HJ Sung ◽  
KM Kim ◽  
Zhenan Jiang ◽  

HTS synchronous generators, in which the rotor coils are wound from high-Tc superconducting wire, are exciting attention due to their potential to deliver very high torque and power densities. However, injection of the large DC currents required by the HTS rotor coils presents a technical challenge. In this paper we discuss the development of a brushless HTS exciter which operates across the cryostat wall to inject a superconducting DC current into the rotor coil circuit. This approach fundamentally alters the thermal load upon the cryogenic system by removing the need for thermally inefficient normal-conducting current leads. We report results from an experimental laboratory device and show that it operates as a constant voltage source with an effective internal resistance. We then discuss the design of a prototype HTS-PM exciter based on our experimental device, and describe its integration with a demonstration HTS generator. This 200 RPM, 10 kW synchronous generator comprises eight double pancake HTS rotor coils which are operated at 30 K, and are energised to 1.5 T field through the injection of 85 A per pole. We show how this excitation can be achieved using an HTS-PM exciter consisting of 12 stator poles of 12 mm YBCO coated-conductor wire and an external permanent magnet rotor. We demonstrate that such an exciter can excite the rotor windings of this generator without forming a thermal-bridge across the cryostat wall. Finally, we provide estimates of the thermal load imposed by our prototype HTS-PM exciter on the rotor cryostat. We show that duty cycle operation of the device ensures that this heat load can be minimised, and that it is substantially lower than that of equivalently-rated conventional current leads.

2021 ◽  
Christopher Bumby ◽  
Rodney Badcock ◽  
HJ Sung ◽  
KM Kim ◽  
Zhenan Jiang ◽  

HTS synchronous generators, in which the rotor coils are wound from high-Tc superconducting wire, are exciting attention due to their potential to deliver very high torque and power densities. However, injection of the large DC currents required by the HTS rotor coils presents a technical challenge. In this paper we discuss the development of a brushless HTS exciter which operates across the cryostat wall to inject a superconducting DC current into the rotor coil circuit. This approach fundamentally alters the thermal load upon the cryogenic system by removing the need for thermally inefficient normal-conducting current leads. We report results from an experimental laboratory device and show that it operates as a constant voltage source with an effective internal resistance. We then discuss the design of a prototype HTS-PM exciter based on our experimental device, and describe its integration with a demonstration HTS generator. This 200 RPM, 10 kW synchronous generator comprises eight double pancake HTS rotor coils which are operated at 30 K, and are energised to 1.5 T field through the injection of 85 A per pole. We show how this excitation can be achieved using an HTS-PM exciter consisting of 12 stator poles of 12 mm YBCO coated-conductor wire and an external permanent magnet rotor. We demonstrate that such an exciter can excite the rotor windings of this generator without forming a thermal-bridge across the cryostat wall. Finally, we provide estimates of the thermal load imposed by our prototype HTS-PM exciter on the rotor cryostat. We show that duty cycle operation of the device ensures that this heat load can be minimised, and that it is substantially lower than that of equivalently-rated conventional current leads.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-64
Leopold Hrabovsky ◽  
David Borovsky

AbstractThe paper describes the structural design of a laboratory device that allows for presenting operation, simulating work procedures and checking functionality of the elevator “rope sensors” when equalizing different tensile forces in partial ropes of a rope system of traction elevators. The laboratory device is modified for checking operations of commonly used rope sensors. In an overwhelming number of cases, elevator technicians use them for setting up the unequally distributed tensile forces in elevator ropes. The device is equipped with three, mutually attached pulleys, over which the rope is installed. The unknown tensile force in the rope is determined by an “indirect method”, i.e. from the resultant of the forces of the rope bent over the pulleys, which have an effect on the force sensor. The tensile force along the rope axis can be determined numerically, but also experimentally, from the inclination angle of the rope installed on the pulleys, diameter of the pulleys, diameter of the rope and the force detected by the force sensor of the stretched rope. The paper presents experimentally obtained tensile force values at the rope sensor, deduced from stretching the rope. The paper also describes the procedure for determining the measured load in the rope by rope sensors of the SWR, SWK and RMT-1 types based on the variable axial force in the rope.

Materials ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (21) ◽  
pp. 5032 ◽  
Stelian Alaci ◽  
Ilie Muscă ◽  
Ștefan-Gheorghe Pentiuc

The rolling friction phenomenon is encountered in a wide range of applications and when two different materials are involved, quantitative characterization is necessary. The parameter to be determined is the coefficient of rolling friction, for whose estimation a methodology is proposed, based on the damped oscillation of a conical pendulum. The pure rolling contact between a sphere and a plane is obtained when a steel ball is the bob of the pendulum, which rolls on an inclined plate made from a second material from the contacting pair. The mathematical model of the motion of a conical pendulum constructed from a revolution body supported on an inclined plane in the presence of the rolling friction is developed. The dynamic equations of the rigid body with fixed point are applied and the differential equation of motion of the pendulum is obtained together with the expressions of the reaction forces in the contact point. For different pairs of materials, tests are performed on a laboratory device. The damped oscillatory motion of the conical pendulum is video-captured for the estimation of the angular amplitude variation. A program for image processing is developed for measuring the values of angular elongations from the analysis of each frame of the video and, finally, the coefficient of rolling friction is obtained. For all the materials tested, a linear decrease in angular amplitude is detected and the slope of angular amplitude can be considered as a characteristic parameter related to the coefficient of rolling friction between the two materials.

Winwin Wiana ◽  
Cucu Ruhidawati

This study aims to design and create a virtual chemical textile laboratory model as an effort to improve students' understanding of learning Textile Chemistry, especially on the subject of making cellulose-based regenerative textile fibers that have a high level of abstraction and complexity. Theoretical learning in the form of verbal symbols, empirically is not representative enough to explain the concept of the system that is needed, so that the possibility is not affordable (likely to inaccessible) by students which effected to the lessen of learning experiences. These conditions have implications for the lack of student understanding of these processes which is indicated by the acquisition of low learning outcomes. The specific target of this research is to produce a virtual laboratory device as a simulation medium for learning textile chemistry on the subject of making effective cellulose-based regenerative fibers. Furthermore, the model developed is validated to get input from experts related to the technology used, design and process content in the developed model. The validation results show that this model is suitable for use in the study of textile chemistry and can be used to improve students' understanding of the material for making cellulose-based regenerative textile fibers. In the limited trials that have been carried out, there are some features, image choices, and some simulations that need to be refined to avoid students' misinterpretations of the planned chemical process concept. Students involved in the trials are more motivated to continue learning related concepts that have been learned. In subsequent studies this model will be tested on a broader scale to measure its effect on the mastery of concepts and its ability to improve learning outcomes in textile chemistry courses, on the material for making cellulose-based regenerative fibers.

Matej Kucera ◽  
Milan Sebok ◽  
Matej Kubis ◽  
Daniel Korenciak ◽  
Miroslav Gutten

Paper presents diagnostic analysis of automotive ignition system for various working and adverse conditions in laboratory. Description and importance of basic diagnostics of automotive ignition system are examined in the first part of the paper. In the second the focus is placed on the basic principles and solution of the spark plug model. The test laboratory device is proposed in the following and the specialized measurements were executed by the proposed measurement system. The faults were simulated by application of oil and gasoline between the electrodes and failing by the driver to make the ignition contact on the spark plug.

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