information transformation
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Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 271
Vasyl V. Kukharchuk ◽  
Sergii V. Pavlov ◽  
Volodymyr S. Holodiuk ◽  
Valery E. Kryvonosov ◽  
Krzysztof Skorupski ◽  

The purpose of this work is the authors’ attempt to identify the main phases of information transformation in measurement channels on the example of an optical measurement channel with microprocessor control. The authors include such phases: hardware implementation and analytical representation of an optical sensor`s converting functions and a current-to-voltage converter; based on the methods of experimental computer science, the converting functions and sensitivity are deduced, analytical dependences for estimation of a range of measurement are obtained. It is shown that the choice of information transmission type in the microprocessor measuring channel significantly affects the speed of the measuring channel. Based on the uncertainty in the form of entropy before and after measurements, the amount of information for measuring channels with optoelectronic sensors is estimated. The application of the results obtained in the work allows even at the design stage of physical and mathematical modeling to assess the basic static metrological characteristics of measuring channels, aimed at reducing the stage of development and debugging of hardware and software and standardization of their metrological characteristics.

D.V. Moiseev ◽  
N.E. Sapozhnikov ◽  

Developing forward-looking and advanced information systems requires the creation of a unified architecture, with unified hardware and software based on comprehensive integration of components of natural and technical information systems not only at the technical, but also at the functional level, The implementation of the above structure leads to a multiple increase in the volume of calculations on large-bit data arrays carried out in real time, as well as to the complexity of computational algorithms. It results in sharp contradictions between hardware costs, speed, accuracy and fault tolerance. The work is concerned with the formation of a methodology for the probabilistic representation and information transformation and the development on its basis of techniques, methods and algorithms for the synthesis of computing devices and components for advanced and existing information systems built on the domestic element base, which becomes an effective and high-tech means of overcoming these contradictions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
David J.-N. Maisson ◽  
Tyler V. Cash-Padgett ◽  
Maya Z. Wang ◽  
Benjamin Y. Hayden ◽  
Sarah R. Heilbronner ◽  

AbstractChoice-relevant brain regions in prefrontal cortex may progressively transform information about options into choices. Here, we examine responses of neurons in four regions of the medial prefrontal cortex as macaques performed two-option risky choices. All four regions encode economic variables in similar proportions and show similar putative signatures of key choice-related computations. We provide evidence to support a gradient of function that proceeds from areas 14 to 25 to 32 to 24. Specifically, we show that decodability of twelve distinct task variables increases along that path, consistent with the idea that regions that are higher in the anatomical hierarchy make choice-relevant variables more separable. We also show progressively longer intrinsic timescales in the same series. Together these results highlight the importance of the medial wall in choice, endorse a specific gradient-based organization, and argue against a modular functional neuroanatomy of choice.

JAMIA Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
David M Miller ◽  
Sophia Z Shalhout

Abstract Objectives Clinico-genomic data (CGD) acquired through routine clinical practice has the potential to improve our understanding of clinical oncology. However, these data often reside in heterogeneous and semistructured data, resulting in prolonged time-to-analyses. Materials and Methods We created GENETEX: an R package and Shiny application for text mining genomic reports from electronic health record (EHR) and direct import into Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap). Results GENETEX facilitates the abstraction of CGD from EHR and streamlines the capture of structured data into REDCap. Its functions include natural language processing of key genomic information, transformation of semistructured data into structured data, and importation into REDCap. When evaluated with manual abstraction, GENETEX had >99% agreement and captured CGD in approximately one-fifth the time. Conclusions GENETEX is freely available under the Massachusetts Institute of Technology license and can be obtained from GitHub ( GENETEX is executed in R and deployed as a Shiny application for non-R users. It produces high-fidelity abstraction of CGD in a fraction of the time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Febrizka Nabilla ◽  
Kiki Dwi Arviani ◽  
Rizka Herlina ◽  
Dini Safitri

One of the important factors in delivering information transformation is the intensity of the followers. With the intensity of the followers that causes the information reported by an information submitted by the Instagram account of BEMP Communication Science, State University of Jakarta. The purpose of this study is to see the information transformation process that occurs on the BEMP Instagram account of the Jakarta State University for communication.  This research uses qualitative research methods with interview and observation data techniques. The results of this study indicate that Instagram of BEMP Communication Science, State University of Jakarta is a place for public spaces in statements of attitudes and arguments. In addition, the information transformation that occurs includes criticism and suggestions from his followers, this can happen because the information conveyed can influence the various opinions and responses of his followers, then what the followers think. The occurrence of this transformation made his followers more generous in visiting the Instagram account of BEMP Communication Science, State University of Jakarta, because they wanted information for themselves that could be obtained by visiting the Instagram account of BEMP Communication Science, State University of Jakarta.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-108
Fabiane Letícia Lizarelli ◽  
Luiza Franco Tonissi ◽  
José Carlos de Toledo

Purpose – Business Intelligence (BI) is the company's ability, through the use of technologies and methods, to transform data from external and internal environments into information to improve performance. Capture, management and transformation can be understood as processes and these can present problems and need for improvement. This article presents a case of applying Lean Office in a BI process in a service large company. The goal is to identify BI process-related waste and propose improvements through Lean Office tools and principles. Methodology – The research was developed through a case study. Three data collection instruments were used: participant observation, document analysis and documented interviews. The analyzes were conducted based on the data collected and tools identified in the literature were applied that helped in conducting the analysis of the information transformation process. Findings - The article presented two main results, the detailed presentation of BI activities that are little explored in the literature, especially in developing countries, and the contribution of Lean Office's philosophy and tools for improving the management of a BI process. Originality/value – It contributes to a better understanding and creation of a common vision about the BI process between researchers and practitioners, and with a case that exemplifies the potential of the Lean Office to identify waste, analyze causes and improve the performance of this process. Keywords - Business intelligence. Business analytics. Process improvement. Lean Office.

Karina Vasilievna Gunzenova ◽  
Aleksandr Evgenievich Yantranov ◽  
Fedor Vladimirovich Khandarov

The modern global civilization is at the stage of the formation of the information society. The scientific and technological revolution, accentuation of the services production sphere, and growing importance of information resources determine the special significance of education as a driving force of social progress. This work is devoted to the analysis of the role of education in achieving the goals of sustainable development, in socio-economic development, its features during the period of information transformation of society, and key principles that contribute to solving the challenges of our time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 287-291
Irina Yunusovna Azizova

In the conditions of an intensive information flow and the expansion of the authors rights, there has been a change in the ways of working with scientific texts, in filling them with meaning. Working on text transformation, in whatever forms it may take place, is the most important activity for mastering the scientific language. Sketching (the method of visual notes) can be successfully used in teaching at a higher school, since it stimulates the cognitive activity of students from understanding the authors intention of the text to its transformation and giving personal meaning. Sketching is a convenient tool for the perception and processing of scientific information. These are polycode texts in which information is transmitted by verbal and non-verbal figurative and pictorial means. It is also a method for rendering the content. These are also techniques for working with texts that make it easier for students to work with complex information (facilitate the perception and understanding of their content). This paper gives recommendations on the use of sketching for students to study texts on the history and methodology of biology. Mastering the basics of in-depth understanding and creative reproduction of the text, their repeated playback provides the basis for the development of the teachers professionalism.

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