notoedres cati
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 45-46
Adik Putri Fatma Hariono ◽  
Ajeng Erika Prihastuti Haskito ◽  
Reza Yessica ◽  
Ida Bagus Gede Rama Wisesa ◽  
M. Fadli

Scabies merupakan penyakit kulit pada ternak maupun hewan kesayangan yang disebabkan oleh tungau Sarcoptes scabiei atau Notoedres cati pada lapisan korneum kulit. Pemilik mengeluhkan kucing jantan mix-persia bernama Simba keluar rumah selama beberapa hari, kemudian pulang dalam kondisi ada luka diwajah, sering terlihat gelisah dan menggaruk bagian wajah, sedangkan makan dan minum kucing normal. Pemeriksaan fisik tampak rambut kusam, alopesia, terdapat lesi dibagian kepala, terdapat hiperkeratosis dibagian kepala dan telinga bagian luar. Pemeriksaan sitologi dilakukan dengan teknik superfisial skin scraping dan terlihat tungau Notoedres cati. Diagnosa kucing tersebut terkena penyakit scabies/scabiosis. Terapi yang diberikan adalah wormectin® (avermectin) dosis 0,05 ml/kg bobot badan injeksi tunggal. Hari ke 9 pasca-terapi menunjukkan pemulihan berupa keropeng mulai hilang, lesi akibat garukan kucing mulai mengering dan beberapa bagian rambut yang rontok mulai tumbuh kembali.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 106
R. D. Coello ◽  
J. F. Chávez

La cheyletielosis es una sarna zoonótica que afecta la piel de algunos mamíferos (perros, gatos y conejos), causada por el ácaro Cheyletiella sp. Es frecuente en lomo, orejas y cabeza, pero puede incluir signos como capas de pelo desaliñado, inflamación, prurito, alopecia, hiperqueratosis y abundante caspa (en forma de polvo). El presente estudio tuvo por objeto comprobar casos de cheyletielosis en gatos domésticos y seres humanos que acudieron a una veterinaria de Guayaquil (Ecuador) en los meses de junio y julio de 2018. La identificación del ectoparásito se realizó por raspado superficial de la piel con aceite mineral. De un total de 70 gatos estudiados, con edades entre 1 mes a 5 años, 10 felinos presentaron casos de dermatitis, 7 de ellos debidos a Cheyletiella sp. Asimismo, de 45 personas encuestadas, dos de ellas presentaron cheyletielosis (4,4%). Mediante encuestas se estableció el riesgo de transmisión de Cheyletiella sp desde gatos domésticos a seres humanos. En los felinos también se descubrieron dos casos de Notoedres cati y uno de Otodectes cynoti. Este estudio revela la presencia de cheyletielosis en gatos domésticos, así como la primera evidencia de tales casos en seres humanos de Ecuador. Las favorables condiciones ambientales de dicha zona son propicias para el ciclo de transmisión de tales parásitos, constituyendo problemas de enfermedad animal y de salud pública.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 344-346

Feline scabies is a disease that is caused by Notoedres cati, a sarcoptic mite that injures the skin tissue. The present clinical case relates a notoedric scabies in a domestic cat, clinical observations, diagnostic test, and treatment. A 4-year-old male neutered domestic short haired cat was brought at a veterinary clinic. Alopecia, erythema, scales, crusts and hyperkeratosis were observed on the head, and pinnae and malodorous from lesions were observed in dermatological examination. Deep skin scrapings were collected. Microscopic examination revealed adult live mites presence. Based on the morphology, the mites isolated were identified as Notoedres cati. Ivermectin oral capsules (300µg/kg), repeat dose at 14 days. Bath with chlorhexidine and Benzoyl peroxide every 5 days for two months were applied. Moreover, multivitamin complexes were supplied daily, orally. An immunostimulant 1mL/10kg. IM, again applied two days. A clinical improvement in the cat was observed after administered this treatment. The present study reports notoedric mange in a domestic short haired cat in Colombia. The application of ivermectin with supportive therapy was useful in the treatment of notoedric scabies in this cat. The application of products other than ivermectin showed positive clinical observations in the recovery of this patient with feline scabies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 70
Aditya Yudhana

Scabiosis merupakan penyakit parasitik yang paling sering terjadi pada kucing peliharaan. Penyebab scabiosis pada kucing palin dominan adalah ektoparasit tungau Notoedres cati. Jumlah kasus scabiosis pada kucing peliharaan di Indonesia masih terbilang tinggi sehingga diperlukan pendekatan diagnosa yang tepat dan pengendalian yang komprehensif. Laporan kasus ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi aspek diagnose dan terapi kasus scabiosis pada kucing peliharaan sekaligus laporan pertama di dari wilayah Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur. Berdasarkan pemeriksaan gejala klinis dan skin scraping dapat dikonfirmasi bahwa diagnosa untuk pasien kucing adalah positif scabiosis akibat infestasi tungau Notoedres cati. Tindakan terapi yang dilakukan adalah dengan obat injeksi ivermektin yang dikombinasikan dengan terapi topical menggunakan sulfur sebagai anti parasitik. Hasil kombinasi terapi yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan injeksi ivermectin dan sulfur secara topikal, dapat dikonfirmasi proses perkembangan yang signifikan, ditandai dengan adanya perbaikan lesi kulit atau terjadi proses keratolisis pada bagian yang mengalami lesi khas scabiosis yaitu hiperkeratosis. Laporan kasus ini dapat bermanfaat bagi para dokter hewan praktisi dalam menentukan diagnosa dan terapi scabiosis pada kucing. Selain itu, informasi ilmiah pada laporan kasus juga berfungsi sebagai edukasi kepada para pemilik hewan peliharaan terkait dengan pentingnya manajemen perawatan dan pencegahan penyakit yang berpotensi zoonosis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Eko Susanto ◽  
Canda Dwi Atma ◽  
Alfiana Laili Dwi Agustin ◽  
Novarina Sulsia Ista'In Ningytas

Skabiosis merupakan penyakit kulit menular yang sering dijumpai pada hewan dan cenderung sulit disembuhkan. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh tungau Sarcoptes scabiei atau Notoedres cati pada kucing. Skabiosis menyerang kucing pada semua tingkat usia. Kucing yang terinfeksi menimbulkan, alopecia,dermatitis, anemia, gangguan hipersensitivitas, dan ketidaknyaman bagi kucing. Selain itu dapat menular kepada manusia (zoonosis) penelitian dengan metode deskriptif ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besar prevalensi skabiosis pada pasien kucing di Klinik Scotty Pet Care Mataram, jumlah sampel yang digunakan adalah 14 ekor kucing yang dipilih secara purposive sampling. Peneguhan diagnosa skabiosis dilakukan dengan 2 tahap : pemeriksaan terhadap gejala klinis dan pemeriksaan laboratoris. Pemeriksaan laboratoris hanya dilakukan pada sampel yang dengan gejala klinis skabiosis. Pemeriksaan sampel dilakukan menggunakan teknik scraping. Teknik scraping dilakukan dengan cara kerokan kulit diambil di area sekitar lesi kemudian diletakan pada object glass dan ditetesi KOH 10% kemudian ditutupi dengan cover glass dan diperiksa dibawah mikroskop dengan pembesaran 400x. Hasil penelitian menunjukan positif 8 dari 14 sampel dengan prevalensi skabiosis pada pasien kucing di klinik scotty pet care mataram adalah 57%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. e10610111417
Thâmara Rossi Martins da Silva ◽  
Micael Siegert Schimmunech ◽  
Priscilla Juliane Kirchhoff Pott ◽  
Ana Vitória Alves-Sobrinho ◽  
Priscila Gomes de Oliveira ◽  

The parasitic skin diseases, specifically mange diseases, are highly relevant in the animal health studies, due to a significant number of cases in the veterinary routine, beyond the importance in public health, due to zoonotic potential. Therefore, this study aimed report the occurrence of mange skin diseases with notes in the zoonotic potential from Jataí, Goiás, by an retrospective survey of mange cases diagnosed in dogs and cats treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Jataí. A total of 612 reports of parasitological tests, comprising cerumen swabs and skin scraping, were analyzed from January 2016 to December 2019. The most common causative mite in dogs was Demodex canis (10.94%), followed by Otodectes cynotis (2.92%), and Sarcoptes scabiei (2.54%). The most common causative mite in cats was Notoedres cati (20%), followed by O. cynotis (10%). These skin diseases are characterized as being highly contagious; therefore, these can be easily transmitted among animals and even humans. In addition, intense itching and skin lesions lead to discomfort, consequently causing stress to the animals. Thus, mite control as well as prompt diagnosis and treatment are relevant to manage these skin diseases and ensure animal welfare.

Parasite ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  
pp. 27
Martin Knaus ◽  
Balázs Capári ◽  
Mirjam Szabó ◽  
Katrin Kley ◽  
Chris Johnson

The therapeutic efficacy against notoedric mange of a topical combination of esafoxolaner, eprinomectin and praziquantel (Nexgard® Combo, Boehringer Ingelheim) was evaluated in a masked, controlled clinical study including 14 cats with natural or induced Notoedres cati infestation. Cats were allocated randomly to two groups of seven cats each, to be administered either mineral oil (placebo control) or NexGard® Combo. Each treatment was administered once as spot-on at 0.12 mL per kg body weight (representing the minimum label dosage of NexGard® Combo, i.e. 1.44 mg esafoxolaner, 0.48 mg eprinomectin, and 10.0 mg praziquantel per kg body weight). Live mites were counted in skin scrapings collected within seven days prior to and 14, 27/28, 42 and 56 days after treatment to calculate the percentage efficacy of NexGard® Combo based on the comparison of mean live mite counts of the two groups. Concurrently, mange lesions and clinical signs were scored to establish a clinical success valuation. No live mites were recovered from any NexGard® Combo-treated cats post-treatment, indicating 100% therapeutic efficacy following a single spot-on administration of the novel antiparasitic combination. The clinical success valuations in the NexGard® Combo-treated cats were 14.3%, 42.8%, 100% and 100% at 14, 27/28, 42 and 56 days after treatment, respectively. No health problems were observed throughout the study.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 45
Meta Iqomah ◽  
Nuraini Suwarno ◽  
Puji Yuliani

Scabies is a disease caused mites and zoonotic. Scabies in cats can be caused the mites Sarcoptes scabiei and Notoedres cati. This Study aims to investigate the causes of skin disease and treatment of cats that come to the animal health clinic of Salatiga City Agriculture Service with clinical symptoms similar to scabies. Data collection was carried out from August to November 2020. Confirmation of the diagnosis was done by skin scraping the scab of the earlobe and/ or fingers and observed under a microscope with 100x magnification. The sticking of skin scrap uses liquid paraffin. The results of the investigation showed that a number of nine cats were positive for scabies with the cause mite is Sarcoptes scabiei. Treatment is done by administering ivermectin injection at a dose of 400 mcg/kg body weight and diphenhydramine 1 mg/kg body weight. Of the nine cats, there were three cats that received treatment repetitions up to two times. Without repeated skin scraping, the nine cats recovered with relief of clinical symptoms after treatment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 58 (3) ◽  
pp. 315-319
Seongjun Choe ◽  
Sungryong Kim ◽  
Ki-Jeong Na ◽  
Tilak Chandra Nath ◽  
Barakaeli Abdieli Ndosi ◽  

In November 2019 a 5-month-old mixed-breed rabbit presented to Chungbuk National University Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Cheongju-si, Chungbuk, Republic of Korea (Korea) with symptoms comprising pruritus, crusts on skin, poor appetite and reduced defecation. The rabbit was purchased 2 months prior from a pet shop located in a big market, and that the symptoms were first observed about 2 weeks prior to the hospital visit. Physical examination revealed that the patient had crust formation and alopecia on the nose together with lesions on the digits. A skin scraping test was performed using mineral oil and a high density of mites was observed by microscopy. Each mite showed a round, tortoise-like body with 4 comparatively short pairs of legs. The anus was located at the terminal unlike with suspected pathogen, Notoedres cati. Based on morphological characteristics, we identified the mite as Sarcoptes sp. Ivermectin was administered weekly by subcutaneous injection at a dosage of 0.4 mg/kg, and 4 weeks of follow-up study revealed the patient was fully recovered. And no more mites were detected from the case. This is the first case report of sarcoptic mange in a pet rabbit in Korea.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (03) ◽  
pp. 72-73
Neha Rao ◽  
JJ Parmar ◽  
DB Sadhu ◽  
AI Shah ◽  
DM Patel

Rabbits are vulnerable to get variety of parasitic infestations and among them the incidence of mange is quite high (Rajeshwari et al., 2001). Sarcoptes mange infestation is one of the most common and major constraint in commercial rabbit production in India (Darzi et al., 2007). Burrowing mites (Sarcoptes scabiei and Notoedres cati) present a zoonotic danger; affecting dogs, cats and humans causing a transient itching dermatosis. Sarcoptes scabiei is more common mange in rabbits and distinguished by presence or absence of prurites, morphology of mite and distribution of lesions and if left untreated may cause significant morbidity and economic losses (Bhardwaj et al., 2012). Ivermectin is used as broad spectrum parasiticide in domestic animals and is also used for acariosis (Aulakh et al., 2003). The present communication reports successful therapeutic management of Sarcoptic mange in rabbits with ivermectin.

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